
Ultimate Cypher (Marvel)

I always dreamed of battle and adventure for my life to be full of magic, science, and the mysteries of the universe. Finally, I get the chance to achieve this in the body of one of the most underrated and thought to be useless Superhero. Follow me as I take Marvel by storm and become a Supreme being using magic, science, and a whole lot of Marvel bullshit. . . I Will become Ultimate Cypher. Marvel SI as one of the least powerful Superheroes. #wish fulfillment #Marvel #Spider #Magic #Bullshit Science Check out my Pat-reon on Pat-reon.com/AnubisCreationz If you want to read ahead +10 chapters. P. S:- Updates rate is twice a week or more on Saturdays and Sundays. Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel Cinematic Universe all rights reserved to creators and writers, except for my original ideas.

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I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


Enjoy ;)


I woke up the next day and got ready to leave. I asked to be escorted out, and unsurprisingly they were happy to oblige. It seemed they were still wary of having outsiders in their country.

I was also told to never speak of this place to anyone, or I'd be hunted down and trialed for treason.

I didn't really take their threats to heart and waved them off. They'll be exposed in a few years anyway, so it didn't really matter to me that much. Plus, I already marked several places I could open a portal to without being detected.

Wakanda was practically my backyard. I could come and go as I pleased.

They left me outside the barrier and told me to walk the rest of my way back. I asked about the King and was told that he had more important matters to attend to.

I knew they were still monitoring me and had people following me, so I went to the closest village and got a hotel room.

I spent the next few days doing mundane things like sleeping or reading in my room. After I made sure I wasn't still being watched. I opened a portal that led straight away to the palace.

I quickly found the location of the gardens and snuck in past the two guards tasked with guarding it. As I gazed upon the Royal Garden, the glowing flowers swinging softly in a peaceful little breeze. Tens of hundreds of these mystic plants filled the garden.

The herbs themselves had this soft purple glow to them, that seemed quite odd. Like they were radioactive.

To the Wakandans, it represents a link to their earliest history, the land they currently live in and the land they will end up after they die. In legend, it was said to have been a gift from the Panther God, the local deity they worshiped, but in reality, the plant had been mutated by a giant meteorite of Vibranium crashing into the Earth.

What I found most interesting about them is their ability to allow the user to temporarily commune with the dead in the Ancestral Plane. I wanted to study them and find out, if they were simply hallucinations or if there was a more mystical aspect to it.

I discretely took a few bushes and put them in a pouch. I prepared beforehand. I made sure everything was properly secured and promptly left the garden and headed to my lab. After a quick trip to my lab. I returned to my hotel room.

Doug: "Sophie, have you found the whereabouts of Ulysses Klaw?"


" More stealing?" She said.

Doug:" Hey! He stole them first. I am just getting back what he stole."

Sophie: " So you're going to give the Vibranium back to Wakanda?"

* Silence *

Sophie:" I thought so too. He was last seen in Richards Bay. It's a city in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Here's a holographic recreation of the closest location."

She then displayed a holographic representation of the harbor using high-quality images rendered into a 3-dimensional recreation.

I visualized my destination and opened a portal to the Harbour. Luckily it was midnight and there weren't any people around to see me.

I eventually found Klaw's hideout after searching a few warehouses and ships. I was guessing he probably hadn't bought his ship Churchill yet. As I found him hiding in an old abandoned warehouse. He was probably using it as a temporary base of operations for him and his men.

I activated my camouflage ability and snuck in. I found a couple of dozen men armed with automatic and semiautomatic guns, guarding the warehouse. Klaw was an international criminal and underground black-market arms dealer. So he was always on the move.

He has been escaping Wakanda's pursuit for almost twenty-three years. Which is quite impressive if you ask me.

I found Klaw on his phone talking to someone and as I got closer; I heard him say.

Klaw: "Now, don't tell me your man swindled you. I sent you six short-range heat seekers and got a boat full of rusted parts. Now, you will make it right, or the next missile I send you will come very much faster."

After Klaw threatened the man's life, he hung up and pulled out a bottle of scotch and started drinking. A few moments later his phone rang and he starting talking on the phone once more.

Just as Klaw was continuing another conversation with another one of his clients, I started searching the warehouse and found a few storage metal containers at the back of the warehouse.

One of the storage metal containers had a safe hidden inside it. I guessed that's where he kept the Vibranium he had stolen from Wakanda.

I entered the mirror dimension and easily broke down the safe's door. I exited the mirror dimension after I entered the safe.

It was all there, neatly packed in tubes, right in front of me, a quarter-ton of the precious metal. It was valued at ten thousand dollars per ounce; just over two billion dollars' worth.

"Sophie, it looks like we're all getting upgrades." I said.

" Dips on a new processing unit." she said.

I didn't waste time and opened a portal underneath all the Vibranium, which lead directly to a storage unit located in my base.

The sound of an alarm started blaring in the facility as soon as I was finished moving the Vibranium. I guessed that, I set off some kind of alarm when I took it.

I could hear shouting right outside the door. I readied myself for a fight and turned invisible again.

A few moments later. I heard the metal storage unit being opened, not long after that, the safe was being opened too.

I found Klaw with a half-dozen men standing in front of the empty safe, dumbfounded by what they were seeing. A few moments of silence pass before Klaw shouts.

" Where the fuck is my Vibranium !!! "

He then started giving orders to his men, telling them to surround the building. In the meantime, I told Sophie to cut the lights.

" Stay Alert boys, keep your backs to each other, and if you see anything move. I want it full of bullets." Klaw said.

" It won't do you any good " I said.

They all turned their guns towards where they heard my voice and started shooting. They kept shooting for a few seconds until they suddenly stopped.

One of them said" Did we get him?"

"No, you didn't " I said.

My stingers came out and I started moving.

Screams could be heard every few seconds. The sound of gunfire and grown-ass men begging for mercy could be heard all around the warehouse. I was methodically taking down every single mercenary.

Most of these men here were murders, rapists, or both. I made sure to only paralyze the ones who didn't commit too serious of a crime as some of the men hired, were local and were only trying to feed their families. Sophie was a great help in that regard.

Some people might argue. That I wasn't any better for killing these men, and honestly, they had a point, but I at least didn't go around hurting innocent people. I had already strengthened my resolve and drawn my own line.

As long as I didn't cross it. I won't turn into a monster.

Flashes of gunfire and the occasional portal being opened were the only things visible in the darkness. Luckily I had enhanced night vision, a perk of my Spider-physiology.

Klaw finally having enough said, " Whoever you are we can talk. I am a businessman. We can talk business."

I didn't say anything in response and started getting closer to him.

"I can hear you trying to sneak up on me, so you might as well answer." He said.

" I am not much for talk Klaw, but if you really think I'm letting you go. You're sorely mistaken." I said.

"Come on, you're doing it for the money too. You already have the vibranium. Let bygones be bygones. I could even get you more if you want" he said.

By this point, most of Klaw's men were injured or dead. Klaw had a gun in one hand and a knife in the other. He kept trying to find me, which was useless since I was invisible.

Only two men were left beside him.

" Drop the weapons or die? The choice is yours."I said.

[They Drop their weapons]

"You have chosen wisely." I said, before quickly knocking them out.

I step up to Klaw and disarm him from both of his weapons. I hold him up by his neck, using only one hand. I was still invisible, so all Klaw could see was an invisible force holding him in mid-air.

"What... are.. you? " He wheezes out, already starting to pass out from lack of oxygen.

" I am Cypher." I answered.

After I knocked him out, I opened a portal to Wakanda.

I dropped him in front of the barrier where the border patrol found me last time. I also left a note with him that said.

' This is my Gift for Wakanda, the wanted criminal Ulysses Klaw.' I signed the note Cypher.

It could be useful when I ask a favor of them in the future, but for now, I had no use for Klaw.

I couldn't be bothered to keep him alive until I needed that favor. The way I saw it, I had nothing to lose by giving him to them and maybe something to gain in the future.

I finally left Africa, satisfied with what I obtained. It was definitely a fruitful trip. I went back to my lab and immersed myself in research.

I took a sample of the 'Enigma ' I created and decided to observe what kind of effects the radiation produced by the Vibranium could have on a Symbiote. It would probably take a while before I could see any results.

In the meantime. I decided to build a Nano-tech suit from Vibranium, to boost my defense. Hopefully, I could fuse it with ' the Symbiote ' after it mutates.

And to power it all up. I spent the next few days building a Gravitonium/Vibranium based arc reactor to provide unlimited energy.

I based it on the designs I took from Wakanda. It was designed based upon the spikes of gravity given by the liquid magnet. It will energize the Vibranium shell, which can then convert that energy into any kind of energy using converters.

It was a better and more powerful version of Tony's arc reactor.

It would also be more compatible with the suit, I was building, and since, I was using a Gravitonium core.

The suit will naturally have the ability to fly and maybe some minor gravity manipulation.

Essentially, I'll be able to make myself light enough to fly or heavy enough to not be easily knocked back. Things were coming along quite nicely.

(Chapter End )


Hey guys, tell me what you think of the chapter. I hope you're enjoying the story and as always. Thank you guys for your support.


" If the nations of the Earth cannot stop squabbling like spoiled children long enough to control the forces they have so foolishly unleashed -- then Doom shall take their deadly toys away from them!"

--Victor Von Doom (Earth-616)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my
