
Opening secret realm

It's the final day for the opening . Everyone gather around here. Yan cgan also comes here with his all friends.

All of them waiting for opening of the gate.

Headmaster comes in front and shout :" welcome everyone here. It's a secret realm for making all of you stronger. But all of you must be carefull as in every step you have to face there different problem. So i will give all of you best luck. And also one thing, more of the sect's branch also participate here. So if you sees other candidates like you don't act ruthlessly. That's why from every branch decide to send some instructor with their desciple. So we are here also sending some instructor and their leader will be yang li. But reminder they will not interfere any matter with in the realm they will be only involve external matter. "

Everyone nooded.

Then headmaster tell :" ok, lets open the gate."

Then the gate open slowly and everyone sees there is black whole.

Headmaste declare :" now everyone go there and take care ."

Everyone start to jump there one by one . This time also yan chan and his all friends jump there.

Seeing the disappearance of yan chan the phill lord, old li, two old man and also the headmaster looking at him with very cautiously and thinking :" what yan chan will get from there ?"

Yan chan open his eyes and he sees he reach at a bottom of hill. Then he tries to sees around through his soul. He finds many desciple there but can't find any his friends there. So he brings out xiobei out and tell :" lets go for the adventure. "

Both of them moves . He sees many desciples that he even doesn't know . He understands they are from other branch. Hearing some gossip he understands there will be strong candidates from different branch for inheritance. Yan chan moves out and start to go forward. At a place he sees some desciple fighting with level 4th stage animals. He also not involve with them after walking more he finds a cave .he decide to go there . Both xiobei and yan chan enter there. Xiobei become serious as he sense something. Seeing xiobei's expression yan chan search through his soul but can't detect anything. Both of them move forward watching every footsteps. After sometime they sees some skeleton lying their in front of a door and with the soldier there are many dead bodies with them. Yan chan understand there must be something unusual happening.

He observe carefully but can't find anything. So he steps forward but when he reach near about the door an axe directly thrown towards him aiming his head. Yan chan move aside and look back. There he sees all the skeleton lying there now standing and looking at yan chan furiously. They are holding axe, sword and many different types weapon and their eyes glowing red. Now they start to attack yan chan and xiobei. Both of starts to fighting with them but after some time yan chan understand everytime they destroy one skeleton they just revive again.

This is to much for yan chan . He use all his attributes power but it still not enough. Then yan chan sees in the middle of this skeleton there stand a big headed skeleton and in his waist there is a key . Yan chan make a plan he can't defeat these skeleton so he must get through this door. So he signal xiobei and jumps in skeleton's group and start to fight that time xiobei goes near to that big skeleton and attack him. That big skeleton thrown away by sudden attack of xiobei but that skeleton again stand up and all his broken bone automatically fixed . It roared and attack xiobei. Xiobei also fights with him very hardly but xiobei's level till now is very low so he gets some injury in that fight but he still fighting with that skeleton. Xiobei attack's include wind , sound and ice attack.

Yan chan sees this and think his plan now reach final stage he has to move now.

Yan chan makes quick move and reach in front of that big skeleton and attack it with his nine dragon head second move when that skeleton hit by yan chan's attack it again break into some parts and again it starts to reconnect itself. That time yan chan move and take the key and reach beside xiobei. Then both of them move towards the door. Yan chan know he doesn't have many time in his hand as all the skeleton now starts to attack him. He picks the key and put it into the keyhole at the last moment when he will be hit by those skeleton . But after putting the key in that door all the skeleton disappeared from there like nothing was there before only the dead bodies who died before in their hand remain there.yan chan then take some recovery phill and gives it to xiobei to recover his injury.

Now Yan chan opens the door. His luck has been good he takes the bet and it goes off.

He steps inside a room but he sees nothing there. All full empty room. All the trouble he faced just for nothing.

Yan chan sit down the ground to take rest . Xiobei also recover his injury now he starts to jump there.

At that time xiobei's leg fall upon something like hidden switch on the wall and a door appear opposite of that wall. Yan chan look at that and thinking what the hack !!

He takes xiobei and entets into that door. There is a long tunnel ahead of him . He takes the lead and tell xiobei to follow him. He slowly walks through there after some time he steps on a switch like xiobei did before and many swords from wall thowing towards them to cut them. Yan chan uses his jinxu temple to move and both he and xiobei goes inside it to avoid that. Yan chan understand this whole tunnel is made of such trap.

He comes out now and thinks for a plam to his next move.