
Boosting own power

Everyone gathers at their respective place with their instructor to return back their respective branch. They are just waiting for the gate to open.

Yan chan looks around but he doesn't sees xin xiao anywhere. This man troubled him two times here. He should take care of this matter.

Now the times is up and the gate open for return everyone who makes friends here with each says goodbyes to each other. Fian shen comes to yan chan and others and says goodbyes and tell :" he will surely meets with them in main branch."

All of them nooded and bow to each other. When fian shen returning his place he sees his sister also comes here to say goodbye to yan chan .yan chan looks at her says goodbye and tell :" do exactly what i told you till we meet next time. Then i will take care of everything. Till that time be a good girl."

Xu shen nooded her head. This time everyone gets surprise even fian shen looking at his sister. He never sees his sister like that . He is thinking how his sister is listening to yan chan . His sister is a prideful and stubborn woman who never listen other but this yan chan . He doesn't tell anything and now moving forward. Xu shen looks at yan chan's eyes and bow to him then also moves towards her place.

This time yang li shout everyone follow behinds me. Now everyone goes through the gate and after sometime they reach their respective sect. From their sect probably 2500 of the disciple goes to the realm but returns only 1000 of them . This shows how misfortune of them who face some fierce monster there. Yan chan sees everyone waiting there for their return to see how many of them alive after coming from the realm.

Yang li goes near the headmaster and tell him something then hands over the mirror image to him and looks at yan chan . Yan chan sees all this and standing there as if nothing happened.

Headmasters looks through the mirror and his face becomes hard . He never like this kind of cheating. He goes forward to other official and show them this thing and discuss with them something.

Then he returns and tell everyone :" welcome back those who returns will get the opportunity to reach main branch after next month. So go now and prepare yourself and take good rest now."

Yan chan and his friends returns to their respective place and in that time he hand over another mirror replica to fatty and tells :"makes unlimited copy of this mirror and distribute it every corner of this world. I think with your business channel you can do it easily."

Fatty takes the mirror and sees through it then jumps excitedly. He now understand what is yan chan up to. Yan chan wants to reveal han family's secret tragedy event where betrayal, cheating, everything can be found by xin xiao's voice.

Fatty tell :" don't worry about it."

This time yan chan looks at yo han and tell :" you now go and cultivate don't come out till i call you. "

Yo han nooded and goes. Yan chan now takes yu shu with him and make his future plan.

Now all of them goes to their own room now to cultivate. Yan chan needs to cultivate more . His level is very low between all of them and he gets wind spirit and fire soul which he needs to cultivate very much.

Yan chan goes to close door cultivation before that he concote some phill which he needs to break through, he then brings out a red fire lotus (he now only has three folwers left in his red lotus flower tree) and some spirit stones. Then he goes to cultivate. Before that he again check on xiobei this time he also gives some spirit stones to xiobei to absorb it's power.

First he try to stable his wind spirit and fire soul. After sometime both of this power become unstable and forcefully comes out and attack yan chan. Yan chan control his soul and unleash his third stage dragon bloodline power. This time he completely absorb this two power into his respective attributes. Now yan chan release fire soul and sees it's looks like human shape little doll type girl and it comes closer and hug yan chan's neck and lick his neck. Yan chan look at this and sees it's behave like a child so yan chan rub it's head gently . Then he names it little ling. It's now starts dancing into yan chan's room. Yan chan now feels his wind spirit and try to practice with it he now fully control of that and his wind attack now becomes even fierce from before.

Now he starts to cultivate to increase his level.

He absorb all the essence of spirits stones and starts to cultivate suddenly his body become light and burst if energy comes out from his body with boom sound. After sometimes it stops but still it not enough to break into higher realm. So he grabs red lotus flower and starts to absorb it's essence and starts to cultivate . After sometime he sees huge energy brust through from yan chan's body. He feels he is flying in the sky. Yan chan open his eyes and sees he really flying in air.

Finally he enters into qi refining level . It's the opening level of reaching a master level. In that level one can travel through air.

His body muscle become stronger and his soul becomes even more sensible. His power now become even more greater than before. From this level if yan chan breaks through higher realm he has to go through heaven tribulation. That means no one can guarantee that one must break through this or die in there. It's totally depend upon them.

Now yan chan stands upon the ground and looks around then looks at xiobei and brings out xiobei . Then he sees some changes in xiobei. He now grows bigger . His fang also become little big . He has long tail. A black stripe can be seen across his head. It's making him looks like a king amoung the team.

Yan chan looking at xiobei very well at this time he hears some one tell him :" hello boss. "

Yan chan looking everywhere to see who is calling him. That time xiobei again tells:" boss it's me xiobei ."

Yan chan jump from his place and looks at xiobei and ask :" you can talk."

Xiobei :" sure. Why not ? I am a heavenly wolf why can't i talk ?"

Yan chan :" then why didn't you speak before ?"

Xiobei :" i have to mature to this state so that i can do anything. Now my power is also increase very greatly. I have become a 5th stage heavenly wolf."

Yan chan :" what 5th stage ? Then how much you can evolve in further ?"

Xiobei :" you can see it in future."

Yan chan :" ok . Now lets go outside to see what is happening outside. "

Xiobei then follows behind yan chan and come outside area.