

Patricia found Rio sitting on top his desk holding Tiffany's waist while kissing her.When she opened the door, she felt heartbroken and they stopped when they saw her.Rio was shocked to see her.

Tears started flowing from her eyes and she ran away.

Tiffany....Whats with her?? Lets ignore her and mind our business.

Rio....No, you should go to class now.

Tiffany....So sudden? Why? Because she saw us?

Rio....Just go.

Tiffany....Okay, i will come back later.

She left and Rio felt bad for what he did.

Rio....Sh*t! What went into me to kiss her? Its all because her face and i couldnt myself.Patricia is now angry at me and i dont think she will ever forgive me.I need to talk to her.

He asked a teacher to call her.The teacher went to her though her eyes were all red and swollen from the crying.

Teacher....Patricia come out, i told you to clean the doctors but you left evrything to him.This is the last time, if you dont clean it then dont come back to school tomorrow.

She angrily stood up and went Rio's office.She didnt say anything and started cleaning.Rio locked the door and went to her.

Rio....Am really sorry Tiffany, i mean Patricia.

She still kept quiet.He pulled her leaned her on his cheat, she tried to push him but he was strong.

Patricia....Let go of me!!!

Rio....Its okay, just stay still.

Patricia....What do you want from me??

Rio....I want you.

Patricia....I dont, whats wrong with men? You kiss someone else then you tell the other that you want them.

Rio....So your hurt? Are you jelous?

Patricia....I dont get or feel jelous for a man who is not mine.

Rio....Am i not yours?

Patricia....Your not.Just let me go.

Rio....I dont want to because i feel safe, warm, happy and all sorts of nice stuff when i have you here in my chest.

Patricia....Am going to scream....

Rio....Go on.

She wanted to scream and he let go her.She turned to continue cleaning and he pushed her on the wall then kissed her sweetly.He kissed her non stop and heard a knock on the door.Patricia pushed him away and he opened the door.It was Tiffany.


Tiffany....Are you busy?

Rio.....Not really but Patricia is cleaning my office, what do you want anyway?

Tiffany....I want to spend much time with you.You ugly brat, get out of here!

Patricia....Only if your going to clean the rest coz the teacher will scold me not you the mayors daughter.

Tiffany....What??? Do you want me to beat you again?

Rio...So you are the one who beat her last time?

Tiffany....No.....its just that....

Rio....Just leave and dont come back to me unless your sick.

Tiffany....What?? It was just....she also beat me.....i was even bruised....

Rio shut the door in her face and locked it.

Tiffany....Rio....Rio...Rio....Fuck! Its all because of that ugly cockroach.She has to be rewarded.

Tiffany left angrily.Rio went back to Patricia and held her waist from the back gently.

Patricia.....Hey, thats enough!

Rio....Really? It doesnt seem like its enough coz you enjoyed the kiss, or it wasnt that?

Patricia....You.....forced me....

Rio....Hahahaha....you really are my sweet Tiffany.

Patricia.....Seriously??? You chased her pretending to care about me, and now she is not here, your mentioning her name?!

Rio....You wont understand me.But just know that i love you.

Patricia....I dont.

Rio....You do, why did you cry when me and her kissed? Your eyes dont lie.

Patricia....Will you let me be???

He turned her to face him and carried her, he put her on top of his desk and kissed her again.After she went back to class.After lessons, she went back home having mixed feelings.

The next day, she walked to go to school and was stopped by Tiffany's car.She went out and went to her.

Patricia....What do you want?

Tiffany didnt say a word and slapped her twice.She tried to fight back but Tiffany had a bodyguard.After beating her, she left.Patricia cried and decided to go back home.Her mum got very furious.

Mum....This is too much, the next time she does this, i will be her mother and you will be the mayors daughter.Now i dont need your permission to do it coz this is beyond.

Patricia....This is all because am ugly.Even in class, no one wants to sit next to me and no one wants to be my friend.

Mum....Now, consider that a solved problem.

She went to school the next day with bruises.Rio saw her but she ignored him and went to class.She sat down and then a handsome guy sat next to her.It was the real Jameson before Dave switched his body with him.Patricia was suprised.


Patricia....Hy, you seriously are going to sit here?

Jameson....Yes, why?

Patricia....Its because one wants to sit next to me.

Jameson...Really?? Why is that?

Patricia.....Because am ugly and i disgust them.

Jameson....But i find you attractive coz you've attracted me to sit here.


Jameson....Ofcourse, why is your face bruised?

Patricia....Its just that....

Jameson pulled out a plastor and he gently put it on her bruise.Rio decided to go to her class to call her and he saw Jameson putting a plastor on her face.He felt angry and jelous.


He loudly called her name and everyone turned to look at him.Tiffany saw him and ran to him but he walked straight to Patricia and grabbed hand then dragged her out passing by Tiffany like as if she is invisible.Jameson was left in suprise so was the whole class.

Tiffany....Eve...did...you see that??...He just walked away on me when i called him and took that ugly cockroach's hand.

Eve....If he really likes her then he has bad taste in women.

Tiffany....I cant allow someone ugly to take my man.

Eve....Good luck on that.Let me go and have a word with our new handsome classmate.

Eve went to Jameson.

Eve....Hy hottie.


Eve....Am Eve by the way.


Eve....Why do you sit with an outcast like her?

Jameson....You wanna know why?

Eve....Yeah, why?

Jameson....Because i like her.

Eve....Your not serious right?

Jameson....Am very serious and i dont need you to confirm it.

Eve....But why her? Am pretty unlike her.

Jameson....Girl, i dont care about you so please let me be.

Eve left angrily and went back Tiffany.

Eve....We really need to do something about that ugly pest.

Dave saw Jameson and admired his handsomeness and wished to be him.Rio took Patricia to his office and locked it.

Patricia....Whats wrong with you??

Rio....Why didnt you come to school yesterday?

Patricia...Why? Do you i need to explain to you?

Rio....So you got beaten up? Why didnt you tell me?

Patricia....What were you going to do about it?

Rio....You know that i love you and am hurt when your hurt too.

Patricia....Why do keep on saying those words as if we've known eachother before? Let me be, dont add up to my misery coz its also a heavy burden.

Rio....I will never let you be because i love you and i cant stay away from you.

Patricia....But you love Tiffany already, i dont want to suffer.

Rio....You will never believe me.

He kissed her and later treated her bruises while kissing her whole face.

Patricia....HEY! Stop it coz its gross.

Rio....Am treating your wounds as you treat my heart.


Rio.....Like this.Who was that guy anyway? Why did he touch you and put these dirty plastors on your face?

Patricia.....I also dont know him.

Rio....Thats good, dont bother even knowing coz his not a good person.

Rio was badmouthing Jameson because he was jelous.He kissed Patricia again and again and she was also happy because she still loved him.