
Uchiha Giyu

[Naruto] × [Demon Slayer] fanfiction. Two years after the elimination of Kibutsuji Muzan, Tomioka Giyu died. He thought he would be reunited with his family and comrades in the afterlife. Unexpectedly, when he opened his eyes, he became a newborn in the ninja world and the twin brother of Uchiha Sasuke. . With no enemies or goals, Giyuu slowly grew up. He had no intention of becoming a ninja, and he didn’t like fighting. He decided to take care of Itachi and Sasuke as his responsibility in this life, and lived his life peacefully. Until his fifth birthday, a voice came into his mind and changed everything. [1 hour of close contact with Itachi Uchiha, Flame Breathing +0.02%. ] [After the Flame Breathing reaches the normal level, you can resurrect Flame Hashira Kyojuro Rengoku. ] Ever since, in order to resurrect his former comrades, Giyu forced himself to embark on the road of making friends. In short, this is the story of the sacrificed Hashira's who started a new life after being resurrected in the ninja world. [Note 1] This book practices daily essays and makes writing fun. [Note 2] Single female protagonist Insect Hashira. Cancel the setting of Tomioka Giyu having descendants in the original work. [Note 3] Shinazugawa Sanemi and Kochō Kanae are important supporting characters in the author’s previous book, so they will not be resurrected. [Note 4] The author states that the breathing method can directly mobilize natural energy in the ninja world, which is senjutsu, so it is very powerful. Readers who cannot accept the above points should not read. ------- This fanfiction doesn't belong to me I am just translating it. real name ↓ I, Giyuu Uchiha, am not hated! _______ If you want to read join my Patreon ↓ https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01

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170 Chs

Chapter 120 Wood Style (Part 1)

I like to express my gratitude to "Ty32" for his support and becoming a patron on my patreon.

Patreon - patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01


Chapter 120 Wood Style (Part 1)

[Note: The previous time calculation was wrong. When Giyu starts school (if he goes to school), it should be the second half of the 4th grade. From now on, this will prevail...]

When Haku woke up, the sky was already bright, and there was even the gentle sound of birdsong coming from outside the house.

He turned over and sat up, and surprisingly found that there was no psychological resistance at all when he got up today.

This time, Haku didn't have the anxiety of "How will I get through this day again?" Instead, he was looking forward to what interesting things would happen in this new day.

[Is it because I met new friends or because I cried a lot yesterday? ]

Haku felt a little embarrassed when he thought of what happened yesterday.

Fortunately, Zabuza-sama didn't catch him crying, otherwise he would have been so ashamed.

At this time, the sound of turning pages of paper came from the room, which attracted Haku's attention.

He turned around and saw Kocho Shinobu sitting at the table, flipping through Giyu's fourth-grade textbook in front of the oil lamp.

Sometimes she frowned and turned the pages quickly and impatiently, mumbling something silently on her lips; sometimes her eyes stayed on a page for a long time and wandered repeatedly, nodding approvingly, as if she was the one whose studies would be checked after school started. She didn't even realize that Haku had woken up from his sleep.

Haku glanced at the sleeping bag on the ground without any signs of stirring, and immediately deduce what happened last night.

He asked softly: "Miss Shinobu, didn't you rest all night?"

Giyu bought the sleeping bag and put it in the scroll before setting off from Konoha.

He originally thought that the thing would be very commonly used when he was on the road, but now that the trip to the Kingdom of Water is almost over, the sleeping bag is still brand new, and even the label has not been removed. He doesn't know if he can return it at full price when he returns.

"Miss Shinobu, can you hear me?"

Seeing that there was no response, Haku called again, but his voice was louder.


This time, Kocho Shinobu finally woke up from her state of concentration, and then noticed that it was already bright outside.

"Oh, oh, oh," she pretended to stretch and extinguished the oil lamp. "It's because the content in this book is so interesting that I was so absorbed in reading it that I didn't even know it was dawn. Thank you for waking me up, Haku."

Although Giyu's teaching materials have a strong stance, and tendencies, but still added a lot of common sense to her about the ninja world.

Among them, the knowledge related to medicine and biology that she was most concerned about, such as chakra meridians and genetic research, were something she had never heard of on earth, so Kocho Shinobu was full of enthusiasm and interest in inquiry.

In this aspect, she and Orochimaru are somewhat similar.

For Kocho Shinobu who was driven by curiosity, the whole night of reading experience last night had undoubtedly brought her to the door of a new world. She can't wait to learn more systematically now, but this requires a necessary foundation - mastering and understanding chakra.

Without this foundation, most knowledge is just castles in the air.

However, Haku couldn't understand the thoughts of a scientist from another world.

"Did you stay up all night because you were too worried about his injury?"

Haku glanced at Giyu, who still showed no sign of waking up. "Actually, you can wake me up when you are tired and take turns taking care of him. Weren't you still angry yesterday because he worked too hard on the way?"

"You have already helped me a lot, why should I trouble you again?"

Kocho Shinobu closed the book, with the smile still on her face, with no sign of fatigue.

"Besides, it's not your responsibility to take care of him. You are not a doctor. If something happens to him, it will be difficult for you to make a correct judgment. Wouldn't you have to wake me up then? Being woken up from sleep is worse than not sleeping at all. It's really Annoying, isn't it?"

She paused, put her index finger on her chin, and glanced down.

"But it's strange to say that after staying up all night, I don't feel tired at all."

Kocho Shinobu closed her eyes, moved her body widely, and carefully felt the state of all the muscles and skin on her body. Indeed, there was no sour and heavy feeling of nervousness that she would have after working the night shift in the past life.

"It's not just that I don't feel tired, I don't even feel thirsty or hungry. It's really strange."

[Is it because I 'slept' for too long before? ]

She guessed in her mind, [Or is there something special about this body besides being strong? ]

"You didn't even drink water all night?"

Haku glanced at the water glass on the table, and sure enough it was still full.

"Miss Shinobu," he couldn't help but frown worriedly: "Is it because you have gone through too much, so your feelings have become dull?"

"No. I have experienced this situation many times on the night shift. I also know this very well - if a doctor wants to take good care of his patients, they must first take care of themselves, otherwise if they make a treatment error due to poor condition, it will kill people, and I never joke with the patient's life."

Kocho Shinobu shook her head and said seriously: "Besides, my feeling of energy is very obvious, and it doesn't seem to be a psychological reason. Haku, I'm really not tired at all. I'm definitely not trying to be brave. Don't worry. "

At the same time, Haku's look of worrying about other people's health also activated Kocho Shinobu's memories.

"Looking at your expression, sometimes I feel that you are more of a careful girl than me."

[This child really has the talent to take care of others, very similar to Kanzaki Aoi and others. ]

Haku's face turned red and he quickly changed the topic.

"So you just read the textbook all night?"

"Not entirely."

Kocho Shinobu opened Giyu's notes on Senju Tobirama Ninjutsu and shook the paper full of words towards Haku.

"The ninjutsu here seems to involve the method of refining chakra, so I tried it as mentioned above."

"Hmm? What was the result?"

Haku's eyes lit up. Whether there is chakra or not is a qualitative difference for humans.

Kocho Shinobu is already so powerful without chakra. What would it be like if she mastered this power?

"The above content is still a bit vague."

Kocho Shinobu sighed with regret: "I tried for half a night, but I only have a little clue."

She has not mastered the "Transparent World". So she naturally cannot control the energy inside her body like Giyu, so she can only refine chakra by feeling like most ninjas.

Unfortunately, she has never had much talent in terms of intuition.

"Speaking of which, Haku, how long did it take you to learn to extract chakra? Do you still remember how you felt at that time? Maybe you can give me some reference." Kocho Shinobu looked at Haku curiously.

Haku didn't answer immediately, as if remembering some long-lost past event, his eyes dropped slightly and then returned to normal.

"Hey. Do you have any concerns? For example, the village requires confidentiality..."

Kocho Shinobu saw that something was not right about him, stood up, took two steps closer, and comforted him in a gentle voice: "It's okay, If you can't tell me. Don't force yourself, I'm not in a hurry at this moment."

Haku waved his hands palely: "There is no such thing. It's just that the way I learned to extract chakra is different from ordinary people, so I may not be able to help you..."

"Different method?" The thirst for knowledge in Kocho Shinobu's eyes became even more intense, "What's the difference? Do you have a better way?"

"This... Zabuza-sama said that people like me, the Humans with Bloodline limit, even if they cannot extract chakra, their bodies will burst out with the Bloodline Limit and produce chakra independently."

Haku paused, seeming to be ashamed of his special situation. His expression changed when he spoke a bit confusingly.

"As long as we can stay awake after awakening in the Bloodline Limit, we will firmly remember the feeling of the body producing chakra independently for the first time. The ninjas in Kirigakure Village said that I took a shortcut, so this can't be counted. What's a better way..."

If possible, he hoped he would never take this shortcut.

"The Bloodline Limit refers to your ability to make ice cubes yesterday?"

"Well, my Bloodline Limit is called Ice Style, and I inherited it from my mother." Haku lowered his head.

Kocho Shinobu stroked her chin with her index finger and began to think.

She remembered that the history textbook said that the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama, mastered a Bloodline Limit called Wood Style.

Since she was resurrected using the cells of the first Hokage, her genetic similarity should be closer to Senju Hashirama himself than to the real Senju clan members. As the name suggests, the Bloodline Limit is a special ability that is passed down from generation to generation based on blood.

According to this reasoning, she should also have this Bloodline Limit called "Wood Release".

If she could learn to extract chakra by relying on the Bloodline Limit awakening like Haku, she would definitely save a lot of trouble, otherwise she would have to wait for Giyu to wake up and rely on his guidance.

Kocho Shinobu did not resist accepting help, but she was in late adolescence (at the time of her death), the age when she wanted to prove that she was not inferior to others. As the same Hashira, she didn't want to rely on the help of Giyu to master even the abilities that everyone knew as a ninja.

"So Haku," Kocho Shinobu asked: "What on earth does a person have to do to awaken their Bloodline limit?"


Haku was silent for a while, and finally said slowly, word by word: "Although as you get older, some signs will gradually appear. For example, when I was a child, I was not afraid of the cold, and the tea in my hand would cool down quickly…"

"But only when encountering a life-or-death crisis, or a strong stimulus, and when you need strength to protect yourself or vent, the Bloodline limit will awaken. "

This sentence reminds Kocho Shinobu of what Kaguya Kamochi once said - in order for the Kaguya clan to awaken their children to the ability called the Corpse Vein, they would fight each other until they broke each other's bones to stimulate their bodies. The potential for self-healing.

It can be seen that to a certain extent, gaining this kind of power that is different from ordinary people usually means that something bad has happened.

Although she doesn't know what happened when Haku's bloodline limit was awakened, Kocho Shinobu understood that by asking like that, she was undoubtedly rubbing salt into the child's wounds.

"I'm sorry for bringing up your sadness."

Kocho Shinobu apologized sincerely: "I have crossed the line. " Then she added: "However, my sister used to say that if you keep bad memories in your heart, sooner or later they will get moldy. Share your pain with someone and the weight in your heart will be reduced by half. If you want to talk about the past, I'd love to be your listener."

She pointed at Giyu on the small bed on the other side: "Take a look. One has already been suppressed over there, and I don't want to see the second one. Besides, you should have experienced it. After dumping those bad emotions, people will sleep more peacefully. "

"Thanks for saying that." Haku nodded, "But it's been a long time since it happened, and I can't remember it clearly, so..."

Kocho Shinobu didn't expose Haku's cover, but nodded in understanding: "Then let's talk about it when you remember it. "

To resolve a person's knot in one's mind, forcing it forward can only be counterproductive. This is her personal experience.

Kocho Shinobu walked to the door, looked at the banyan tree, and suddenly changed the topic.

"Although I don't know that I like the moist and hot banyan tree. Why does it grow in the north where the four seasons are distinct? But I remember that the sap of the banyan tree is a good medicinal material. Especially for patients with eye injuries..."

"Is that so?" Haku's expression brightened, "Then let's collect some now?" "

"It's not that simple. This banyan tree doesn't even have solid aerial roots, so it's obviously too young. The soil on this cliff is already poor. If you rush to collect its sap, it will be equivalent to taking away the precious nutrients in their bodies. "

Kocho Shinobu smiled slightly, "The reason why you like this place is not only the memories contained here, but the banyan tree is also one of the key points. If it dies, this house will be the only one left on this bare cliff, so we can't attack it. Speaking of which, are there other banyan trees around here? "

"I remember..."

Haku thought for a while and pointed in a direction, his voice as lively as singing.

"Behind the mountain over there, there is a large banyan tree that has become a forest. It has dozens of trunks alone. Its crown is connected together. From the top of the mountain, this banyan tree takes up more space than Kirigakure village's training ground. If we collect its sap, there shouldn't be any problem, right?"

"That's great, it will save you a lot of worries."

Kocho Shinobu clapped her hands excitedly and took a kunai, picked up the water glass and got ready to go.

With this kind of medicine for eye diseases, Giyu can open his eyes and see again earlier.

"It's better for me to go, no one is more familiar with the terrain here than me."

Haku blocked the door and looked at Giyu.

"Although the Fourth Mizukage did not die in his hands, Orochimaru killed many people in this country and captured many children like me, which also caused a lot of trouble. He helped the people of the Water Kingdom and got hurt like this. but no one has ever thanked him for this..."

Haku paused and said sincerely, "So, I want to do something with my own hands to express my feelings. Otherwise, there will always be trouble. I feel a little sorry."

After hearing this, Kocho Shinobu no longer had any reason to stop Haku.

She didn't like the feeling of being indebted to others, and she could understand why Haku said that.

"Well, I'll leave you with this matter."

Kocho Shinobu took out a piece of paper and started writing.

"In addition to banyan tree sap, I also need several other common herbs. It shouldn't be difficult to find. I'll write down their characteristics for you first..."

After giving some instructions, Haku simply washed up and set off.

But he didn't notice that not long after he left, Kocho Shinobu's crow En chased after him, followed him over the back mountain, and entered a banyan forest that blocked the sky and the sun.

Konoha Village.

Uchiha Clan, the underground secret room of Naka Shrine.

Obito Uchiha took off his mask, and the Sharingan on his wrinkled face was in the shape of a pinwheel. He glanced back and forth on the ancient stone tablet, reading the words on it.

Uchiha's stone monuments are very special, and people with different Sharingan power levels will see very different contents. Therefore, what Uchiha Obito is reading at this time, apart from him, only the clan leader Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Shisui can see it.

The latter is most likely dead, while the former is being processed.

"Your food."

Zetsu emerged from the ground wrapped in a Venus flytrap. Black Zetsu handed him the paper bag that smelled of takoyaki, and White Zetsu laughed and said: "Hey little Obito, can't you not eat or drink after implanting that kind of cell? Why do you come back to this village every time? Do you want to eat like a normal human being? Or do you just want to experience the pleasure of defecating after the food is digested?"

"What are you talking about, in such a serious place"

Black Zetsu smiled, "This is the underground of a shrine dedicated to the souls of Uchiha. Don't talk about those dirty things. It is very disrespectful to the deceased."

Of course, his tone sounded equally disrespectful.

"There's nothing I can't say."

Obito took the paper bag, took out a bunch of fried Takoyaki, and ate it without any inhibitions.

"It's just a cemetery for a group of blind people. They were blind when they were alive and couldn't see anything except honor. What can they see when they die? Just like the words on this stone tablet, how many pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan have read it over the years? But they turn a blind eye to it. They will only allow themselves to be coerced by this twisted world and continue this ridiculous ninja clan..."

"Speaking of which, thanks to that brat named Rengoku Kyojuro, Uchiha has become more popular in the past few years. It seems that the young tribesmen no longer look at people with their nostrils."

Black Zetsu said tentatively: "When these tribesmen grow up and become powerful, they may really be able to change the world."

"How long will it take? It's just a matter of time. Maybe, I can't wait that long... The world they transformed will never be what I want."

Several yellow-haired figures flashed through Obito's mind, and he curled his lips dissatisfied, "Besides, What expressions would these juniors have on their faces when they know that the brat has probably died at the hands of Pain? Unfortunately, they can't wait until that day, and I can't see it either."

"Black Zetsu." He turned his head and asked sternly: "Is there really no problem with Danzo's plan?"

Black Zetsu nodded: "Well, it doesn't seem to be a big problem. Soon, the youngest son of the Fire Nation's daimyo will be assassinated. If something like this happens, Hiruzen, as the Hokage, had to go to the City of Fire to meet with the Daimyo. Konoha Village would naturally fall into the hands of Danzo. Even if the two advisers objected, they would have to change their minds by the afternoon. "

That afternoon, The envoys from the Iwagakure village and Kumogakure village will enter Konoha and ask them to hand over Uchiha Shisui. These few people will attract most people's attention. When the news spreads, the Uchiha will definitely hold a clan meeting, and the root ninjas, as well as the forty elite Iwa ninjas and Kumo ninjas, will set traps here, wait and catch all the three tomoe Uchiha in one go, After that, what awaits the other Uchiha is a bloody massacre.

"Is he so sure of solving Uchiha Fugaku? "

Obito frowned, "Although the patriarch has gained a lot of weight in the past two years, no one knows his Mangekyo ability."

"White Zetsu's transformation technique can be hidden from Uchiha Itachi, but it may not be hidden from him. "

White Zetsu explained without any surprise: "Danzo prepared two plans. If White Zetsu's assassination disguised as Uchiha Itachi fails, then he will convene a Konoha Jonin Conference when the two countries' missions arrive. Uchiha Fugaku, as the captain of the guard, must attend. But as long as he comes, it is equivalent to being surrounded by Konoha elites alone, with no way to escape."

White Zetsu chuckled: "After that day, little Obito, you will be the only Uchiha. I'm very happy for you, congratulations little obito."

Obito snorted coldly: "It seems that Danzo tried his best to seize this opportunity. But he also didn't want to think that no matter what the reason was, secretly colluding with foreign ninjas against his own people, he would completely lose the qualification to become Hokage. "

"This is all for safety reasons." Black Zetsu retorted: "Besides, aren't there so many Sharingan as compensation? What is he dissatisfied with? Besides, there is a mediocre old man like Sarutobi Hiruzen as Hokage. It will only be more convenient to collect tailed beasts in the future. For us, this is a good thing."

"Speaking of tailed beasts, I don't know what happened to Orochimaru in the Kingdom of Water..."

Obito ate all the Takoyaki and crumpled the paper bag into a ball and said, "At this time, it's almost time to leave there."

"I can't help it. The one named Rengoku Kyojuro has captured most of our kind. We didn't send any Zetsu to the Water Kingdom."

White Zetsu said dissatisfied: "But judging by the time, that shark face should have almost crossed the sea. In a few days, he will arrive in the Kingdom of Rain to meet Pain."

"Then we won't have to rush to return to the Land of Rain, let's wait for the end of this good show in Konoha. If there are any omissions in Danzo, we will be the ones to check for them. Just like the last time Iwa Ninja dealt with Uchiha Shisui... "

After saying this, Obito's figure disappeared without a trace.

Zetsu sneaked up from the ceiling of the secret room, and soon arrived at the deserted shrine courtyard. Sure enough, Obito is already here.

"It's time for Little Obito to be sentimental again." White Zetsu smiled eccentrically.

"After all, there will be no chance in the future." Black Zetsu said, and escaped into the ground again, "Let's leave him alone for a while."

In the courtyard, Uchiha Obito put on tabby mask.

He walked to the tree closest to the main hall of the shrine and picked up a flat pebble.

Then, Obito stretched out a sharp branch from his cuff and carved a deep tomoe on the cobblestone.

"This is the last time I have come to see you, grandma."

Uchiha Obito knelt down and placed this special tribute in the gap of the stone fence.

There were already a lot of similar looking stones stacked there. It was obvious that this was not his first time here.

"The souls of clan members who have not opened their eyes cannot enter the shrine, but you are proud of being a member of Uchiha, so I chose to worship in this place. But a few days later, there will no longer be such Uchiha in the world. "
