
Uchiha - Another Path

What if while playing a Naruto game, a person from real life goes into the Naruto World as Sasuke Uchiha. How will he live in the world of Shinobi. Read to find out. DISCLAIMER: This is a SI Sasuke Uchiha fic. I don’t own Naruto or any such manga/comic related characters. This is just a short Fanfiction with many liberties taken. Hope you like and Enjoy!!

Uchiha_Kai_Exino · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


And so the next Day arrived, and we were ready at the Training Grounds. Naruto was still not speaking with me, but that was not much of a problem for me. Hinata was speaking to Naruto but she could sense the awkward Tension in the air.


Before, Tsunade arrived, I looked at both Naruto and Hinata, "Look Guys, whatever Personal differences we have, we are now a Team. It doesn't mean that we will have to become friends, but at least we should work together and try to pass instead of jeopardizing each other's chances to Pass in case we are individually not able to defeat her or get Knocked out".


Naruto was still irritated but he agreed with a grunt. I guess that must have been because of Hinata's influence as I could see that they were becoming fast friends. Tsunade arrived in a Puff of Smoke, and we were ready to start.


The Fight Started with each of us using our signature attacks against Tsunade. 

"Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu", Naruto roared and surrounded Tsunade with a Swarm of Narutos ready to attack. She didn't even budge and broke the Entire ground with a single punch. Her monstrous Strength destroyed every single Naruto Clone and the real Naruto was sent flying. 


"Naruto, watch out", Hinata expressed her concern and saw that Tsunade was coming to attack her. Steeling her resolve, she immediately started her Clan's Gentle Fist to attack Tsunade. But it was no use, as Tsunade could react very fast and before she knew it, Hinata was hurt badly and could not even stand properly.


I started making my move and released the Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu on her. She was not expecting it, but she easily sidestepped and tried to punch me with her strength. I immediately activated the Lightning Cloak Nintaijutsu and swatted her attack back at her. She was visibly shocked that someone could counter her in Strength. We stopped holding back and started matching blow to blow.


"Well this is news, never expected an Uchiha to be physically strong given how your Clan mostly replies on Sharingan for different Ninjutsu. Show me all the Strength you possess".


I decided to kick it up a Notch and Activated my Sharingan. I formed a Rasengan in my Hand and tried to hit her. And to my shock, she blocked it with a Wood Style Jutsu.


I yelled, "How can you have the Wood Style, I thought only Hashirama Senju had it".


"What? did you think only my Grandfather had it. I awakened Mokuton just before my fight with Kirigakure". She started using further Wood Style jutsus and was getting serious seeing I could handle it.


I didn't understand how this was possible and it was getting hard to handle her. I then had a sudden realization, my Assist Character Tsunade Senju was modded to have Mokuton and was from Second Shinobi World war. Could this version of Tsunade be like this because of her? 


I got serious and started destroying all her Wood Release Techniques with my Chidori and Lightning Cloak. Naruto seeing all the action, decided he would also get serious and started summoning hordes of Shadow Clones to fight Tsunade. Hinata also started using her Gentle Fist Air Strikes to defeat Tsunade.



But Tsunade was not a Sannin just for Namesake. She was either evading or blocking our attacks easily every time with Mokuton and then retaliating with her Brute Strength.


I knew that I could take her Head on if I use the full scope of my abilities, but I would come under great suspicion from the Village. I already showed her Rasengan and Chidori, and that should be enough for the Hokage to be on my back.


I spoke to Naruto and Hinata, "Alright guys, I will take her head on since I am strong enough, while you guys make a plan to defeat her together". Naruto nodded in Approval while I started fighting Tsunade one on one.


Naruto and Hinata went a little back from us and then they started throwing multiple Kunai at Tsunade. Tsunade easily evaded the Kunai, but then they transformed into multiple Naruto Clones and fought her at close range. She was surprised at the tactic but defeated most of the clones when suddenly one of the Clones threw a Kunai at her Face which then transformed into Hinata and disabled her arm with Gentle Fist. 


Tsunade then moved a little back and she then saw that the Original Hinata who was with Naruto transformed into Naruto and went off with a Pop indicating a Clone. 


Tsunade started healing her arm, "I am impressed with your Strategy Naruto and Hinata. Nice work on disabling my arm. And Sasuke, I can see that you are already at my Level physically. Therefore, you all pass this Survival exercise as Team 7".


Naruto and Hinata were happy and crying in Joy while Tsunade was smiling at us. And, so we became a Genin Team 7 of Konoha.