
Tyrants ( Love &War)

Anna is a spoilt child, she is a black American and half korean, she wasn't supposed to be born according to her mother, she was force to go stay with her mother in Korea, she hate her mother so much for abandoning her. But when she got there she happened to like it there and she found someone who stole her heart it was no other person than the handsome Kim hyun Joon also know as Alex. Alex hate Anna alot and he also have a fiancee jang hee Jin who is brutal and deadly and over possessive of him but Anna doesn't care because she is used to getting whatever she wants. Seo ri is Anna older sister from another dad a full Korean girl, the two sisters hate each other, and seo ri is dating Kim woo bin Alex older brother. seo ri doesn't know that Kim woo bin only engaged her because of her wealth and power. What will Kim woo bin do when he finds out that seo ri is not the only heir?. Kim woo bin and Alex is fighting to be the suitable heir to their fathers company. Therefore they need influence and powerful heiress to become unbeatable only the strongest will become the heir. This play talk about how the heirs will fight and defend themselves through the game of love. Will Anna be able to make Alex fall for her? Will Anna be able to escape Jang hee Jin death traps? Will the sisters hatred turn to love ? And will the brothers hatred turn to love or revenge? Will seo ri and Kim woo bin last for ever? Who will get the throne?. The play consist of love, hatred, betrayal, lust,pain, revenge and especially war. Read more to know what really happened.

cassiezzlx · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs

chapter 16 What the fuck!!!

          I  was dumbfounded but after some minute I regained myself I asked feeling frustrated" next tomorrow? Are you kidding me? Am not going" 'It too early for me to go to school now, which is going to be so so boring' I thought inwardly.

           But my mom continued as if I didn't say anything" the white Benz is yours and the red for seo ri and please behave yourself in school" .

             Now I was happy even though I hated school but I have a new car now and I didn't bother to protest" okay next tomorrow it is, I will surely behave myself" I said smiling to myself.

               I left happily. Seo ri just scoff and ask her mom annoyingly " do you really have to get her a car?". Yoon so ah said nothing and just ignored her.

               After some minutes Yoon so ah said in calm and commanding tone" when you get to school, report everything about her to me and try to amends things with woo bin, their company is the largest in korea, do anything to get married to him and stop crying like a baby".

              After Yoon so ah finished her statement she got up and left, leaving seo ri disoriented ' now have been turn into a spy? And I should do anything to win woo bin who doesn't love me for you? Damn it' seo ri thought to herself.

            Then she got up and went to Anna's room and didn't even knock she just banged inside.

             " What the fuck!!!" I screamed, I was half naked, I was looking at my body when seo ri entered inside my room and I quickly covered myself with my blanket.

               Seo ri just acted as if nothing happened and she sat on my couch looking at me which only got me upset.

             " What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you knock? And who gives you the audacity to barge inside my room as you like? I yelled angrily.

             She just smiled at me" are you trying to seduce yourself?" She ask me suppressing her laugh.

              My face was now burning red and I scream angrily" no of course not! And by the way get out" I screamed.

              I was nervous and seo ri burst into laughter and I was embarrassed" I hate you get out" I yelled in anger.

               But she didn't budge" hey calm down have brought you good tidings" she said smiling. " Mom wants me to spy on you and I think that is too boring for me" she added filing her nails with my nails filer.

              " Mom wants you to spy on me? Why?" I asked.

             " It clear she doesn't trust you but promise me you'll do something for me and I will give fake report" she smiled mischievously.

             And I smelled something fishy" oh really what is that? And have you recovered from your pain or rather did you get it fixed as the minute went by?" I asked sarcastically.

            Seo ri just smiled at me seeing how I was not bothered " don't worry you don't have to know now"  and then she whispered" it going to be a secret" she said to me as she got up and left, leaving me totally curious.