
Tractors, Potatoes, and Revenge

Honoria sat within the confines of the King's office within the Royal Palace. The byzantine princess rested her chin on her palm, with her legs crossed as she gazed across the desk to see the handsome visage of her husband, the king of Austria. 

She was visiting the man as he was hard at work to report some information she had received from her family that she believed to be of dire importance to the national security of her husband's kingdom. 

"Palladius says that Decentius has found the book you gifted to my father and copied its contents. Supposedly, he is responsible for its leak to the papacy. I'm curious how you intend to respond to these actions."

Berengar merely smirked as he heard these words. In his hands was a golden letter opener, which he was twirling on the top of his desk. He responded to his third wife with a coy tone in his voice.