
Marvels of Industry II

After showing the Byzantine noblemen and merchants the armory, Berengar quickly walked into the next area of the industrial sector which housed the arms factory; there were two of such facilities in Kufstein, much like the armories they had been split into production for local forces, and production of arms for export.

The export arms factory was also manned by many workers, who utilized trip hammers and other water-powered machinery to pound the steel ingots into the shapes of swords, spears, war hammers, polearms, arrowheads, etc. 

Arethas witnessed the final process of creating a halberd in the hands of one of the workers, it was stacked neatly onto a pallet filled with hundreds of other halberds which would later be inspected for quality control, and only after the shipment was fully inspected, and tested would they be shipped out to their customers.