
Hail to Thee German South Africa

Berengar left the mountain with a leopard cub in his hands. He gazed down at the little creature and smiled. Though it was taken away from its parents, he did not seem to mind. Instead, the beast seemed excited to be leaving the mountain for the first time in its life. 

It playfully nibbled on Berengar's finger as he walked down the mountain. Berengar found this to be adorable, as it did not break his skin. Had it done so, he would have disciplined it. Instead, it was acting like a little kitten, while sizing the kaiser up with its golden eyes.

Berengar decided in that moment on a name for the creature. He wanted a strong name, one of Germanic origin, and thus he was forced to think of great heroes of the ancient world. Ultimately, he thought of a name that was perfect for the little male leopard cub and smiled as he announced it to the creature.