
First Contact Part III

Adrian Lemm was a young man in his early twenties, born and raised as an Austrian living in the province of Krain who came from a long line of anglers and hunters. He was too young to take part in Berengar's early conquests; however, when the Austrian Navy was founded, this young man was more than eager to sign up. 

If you were to tell Adrian that in a few years, he would be among the few hundred marines dispatched to the mysterious land of Vinland on a top-secret mission alongside his King, he would scoff at you and insult your intelligence. Yet this was the reality he now faced.

Adrian was the squad leader of the Marine Reconnaissance Unit that had been dispatched as a part of the company of soldiers who accompanied King Berengar to the new world. Currently, he was in the field, away from the outpost established for Austrian occupation.