
Cruel and Unusual Punishment Part I

Berengar sat within the confines of the penthouse suite that stood at the very top of his palace. He commonly referred to these areas as his "harem room" as it was the location he most frequently spent engaging in all forms of debauchery with his women. Having finally gotten his two foremost brides to come to terms, Berengar intended to take full advantage of it, and sleep with both of them tonight. 

Throughout the entirety of their marriage, there was only one instance where Berengar had managed to sleep with Adela alongside his other women, and that was when the other girls drugged her. Since then, she had been incredibly reluctant to do so, but tonight was different. Tonight, he had finally broken down the boundaries between Adela and Linde, and he would not let this perfect opportunity to bond together as a family pass him by.