
Bring the Boy to me

Gisela immediately felt her heart shatter as she heard Berengar's dire words. She immediately knew what the young man intended to do and was beside herself with the information. Berengar intended to endure Lambert's attempts on his life until he came to power so that he may spare his father the guilt of sentencing his own son to death for the crimes he had committed. She knew Lambert was guilty of heinous crimes, but she could not bear to see him executed as a common criminal. As such, she pleaded with Berengar to spare his brother's life.

"Berengar... please... He's your brother!"

Berengar shook his head as he rejected his wounded mother's pleas of mercy.

"If I allow him to live, he will only make more attempts on my life. He has powerful allies, and they will continue in their efforts to put him on the seat of power in Kufstein. As long as he lives, I am not safe in this world."