
An Awkward Return

Several days had passed since Berengar, and his host had begun their journey. Throughout the entire trip from Bohemia to Austria, Veronika had sat in front of Berengar on his horse. She had personally witnessed the vast difference in agricultural technology and military fortifications between her former Kingdom and Berengar's.

Star forts were constructed on Berengar's borders, allowing for good defense; these forts were staffed by many cannons and small garrisons of a couple of hundred men each. Regular patrols were sent out between the various fortresses to ensure safe borders. 

Upon entry into Austria, the young princess noticed the vast fields operated by very few men. However, these men utilized advanced horse-powered machines the likes she had never seen before to tend to their crops. Strange metal pipes existed throughout the fields that provided water to the plants that grew in abundance. So much so that Veronika truly believed that God had blessed Austria.