
A Wife's Worry

While the Reich was at war, almost all of its neighbors, the Royal Family was at ease, knowing that it was virtually impossible for the enemy to penetrate their borders. Because of this, Henrietta was relaxing in the Harem room naked while Adela applied oil to her body. The two cousins were enjoying each other's company while their husband was away at war.

At the moment, Henrietta was pregnant, but not noticeably so. It was still too early for her belly to be bulging. However, the fact remained that she was carrying Berengar's child, and because of this Adela spent her free time looking after the girl, making sure she had a healthy pregnancy.

Ever since Adela had undergone Linde's special training, she and Henrietta had grown exceptionally close, they bathed together, ate together, slept in the same bed every night, even if Berengar wasn't there to be with them, and they helped raise each other's kids.