
Type Moon Greece, I really don't want to be a hero! [Fan-Translation]

My, translator's synopsis is just below the one by the original author, which I don't want to change much, so read it once for a better... synopsis?! I got transmigrated to the Greece Age of Gods and that too as Jason. Wait, Jason? Do you mean that Jason, the one who has provoked the Witch of Betrayal Medea? Jason? You mean the same Jason who seems to be a great hero, but is actually just a toy of the Gods? Jason? The very same Jason who supposedly lived a glorious life and eventually became a great hero, popular in future generations, but in fact, had a difficult life and eventually didn't even get a natural death? No, such a fate... I do not want it! Therefore ...... "Teacher Chiron, I want to drop out of this school; this kind of hero business, I don't want to do it!" ***** Translator's Synopsis First of all, this is not fanfic and not related to Nasuverse; but I kept the title same due to the author's original choice. Next, this is a story about a modern person trying to change his destiny in the Greek mythological period. And lastly, this has a lot of slice-of-life parts that might touch your heart. ***** It is a fan translation that I am doing just because of interest and nothing more. And just to be clear, I don't have the author's permission because I was unable to contact him and I didn't find a translation anywhere else; so if the author wishes for this to be taken down then just tell me. As for how good am I at English... then let's just say it is not even my fourth language but still, I believe myself to be fluent enough in both speaking and writing.

GlaiveIris · Derivasi dari karya
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103 Chs

Jason: I'm still struggling!

Jason feels that he needs to change his mentality.

'If a person is running around alone, then it is indeed very easy to meet Gods.'

'But if there are more than one people, then wouldn't that reduce the probability of winning the lottery, that I seem to have the luck of pulling out the first price every time?'

'After all, even if at least one more God is waiting for me, I would like to keep it at just one.'

Except for avoiding Gods, there is one more reason for doing this, Jason is not familiar with the place and people around here.

Because even if he has obtained a guiding compass from Athena to lead the way and has now obtained Apollo's sword which can help him enter into all kinds of no man's land, it will be better to simply not encounter troubles such as swamps, beasts, and monsters.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a few local guides that know the land around here and can help him in avoiding these troubles.

With this idea in mind, a few days after Jason has left the God of Light Apollo, when he passed through a small town on the way, he didn't leave like usual after resupplying.

Instead, he decided to stay in this small town, and in the early morning, he began preparing to call outstanding hunters.

"This money is yours, and as long as the hunters you bring are good enough, I swear in the name of the Gods on Olympus that I will give you double rewards!"

This morning, Jason had found some children playing around and a few people passing by, then used a very straightforward way to help him find companions.

So, after spreading out the people, he sat in one place and began waiting.

Due to the oath taken in the name of gods, everyone naturally believed that Jason would give money, and Jason also looks like a noble youngster from a rich family, so they quickly brought the famous hunters in the town to him.

Obviously, Jason doesn't have any shortage of money; after all, as a former prince, he has brought quite a bit with him when he came to Chiron, not to mention when he had separated from Meleager, as a prince, he has also given Jason a lot of money.

When a significant number of hunters had gathered around Jason, he first expressed that as long as a hunter has arrived here they won't return empty-handed, then asked who are the better ones among them; and true to his words, by the end of it, he did give money to every hunter who has come to him.

Under such an explicit money offensive, although it took some time, by the time of mid-noon, Jason had finally built a hunter team for himself.

But at this time...

"I also want to go."

A little girl, who does not look like she belongs to this painting of big and strong hunters, suddenly came forward.

Seeing the girl walking toward him and not older than him, Jason couldn't help but be stunned. Even though he had seen several goddesses by this moment, he still felt a little surprised by the disposition and temperament of the one in front of him.

Although she is young, she is already a beauty in making. And even after wearing a rough hunter costume, it only makes her appear as a very good-looking but capable huntress.

While at the same time it also makes one wonder that if she had dressed up a little, she might even look like a princess loved by all.

Some might even feel that it's a pity, she is carrying a black bow and arrows at the moment, with her eyes sharp!

But, in fact, it is exactly because of this wildness that Jason couldn't help but take a few more glances at her.

"Atalanta, stop fooling around."

And at this moment, when it is confirmed that he is going to accompany Jason, a middle-aged hunter frowned and said to her, "Quickly go back!"

"Uncle, why are you not letting me go?!" Atalanta frowned and said while being unconvinced: "I already know, this time only the best hunters can travel, and I'm definitely not worse than anyone present here!"

Atalanta's words made many hunters frown, but no one stood up to refute her because she is indeed telling the truth.

Even though she is only a little older than ten years old, she is already an excellent hunter!

So when everyone was silent...

"I don't agree." Jason said suddenly: "Don't joke with me, I'm hiring them to protect me, not for going on an outing!"

'What a joke, a beautiful girl, that too with such a temperament, she is just screaming troubles, that I already have way more than enough for now, how could I let her follow me!'

'Speaking of the name Atalanta... Who is she, this name does sound a bit familiar, but I am not able to immediately remember it.'

Recently, Jason, who has been reciting the names and deeds of various gods, really can't immediately think of where he has heard the name Atalanta, after all, since transmigrating here he has been cautious against only the Gods, so didn't immediately direct his thoughts in the direction of heroes.

But that didn't stop him from making a decision because Jason knows she is troublesome and... dangerous!

'I can feel it, even with my undying body this girl is giving me a sense of danger!'

On the other side, after hearing Jason's words, the man whom Atalante has called uncle was stunned for a while.

The real reason why he was disagreeing with Atalante's decision of accompanying them is that he felt Jason is a rich noble, so with Atalanta's appearance, he will surely cause trouble!

Generally speaking, what he thought was not wrong; because although Jason is only twelve years old, in this era, there are many people who have already gone to bed by the age of twelve.

So, immediately, under the persuasion of the middle-aged hunter, Atalanta, who is currently taking care of her, finally had to grit her teeth and leave.

And before leaving, she glared at Jason.

'Hmm... I somehow feel like this girl will cause me trouble.'

Watching Atalante leave unwillingly, Jason felt like he has made a wrong decision today.

But at this point, Jason could only lightly grit his teeth and continue, because, after Apollo's incident, Jason feels that he really need some tour guides.

Then, Jason and his party left the town.

The team has walked for a day and although not as fast as Jason alone, net efficiency is much higher.

These hunters who have been traveling in the ancient forest all year round and rely on hunting for a living, naturally know all about where are dead ends, where are dangers, where are traps, and other similar important information.

This has made Jason very satisfied, and he felt that the money spent was not in vain... although, he is still feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Then, after the end of the day's trip, everyone began setting up the camp, ready to rest for the night, Jason finally understood where his uneasiness was coming from.

"Uncle, now, you can't drive me away!"

Atalanta, who had been quietly following behind the team, relying on her excellent skills, and had not been discovered by anyone, proudly walked out at this moment.

At the same time, she glared fiercely at Jason who didn't want her to accompany him.

But after Jason saw her, black lines appeared on his forehead.

Of course, this is the end of this matter, and Jason couldn't drive her back, after all, they are deep in the woods now.

Before the hunters went to rest, while eating, Jason quietly followed the hunters to inquire about Atalanta.

And he learned that Atalanta is an abandoned child who is currently taken care of by the middle-aged hunter in the mountains who has also joined Jason on this trip.

Moreover, this child has survived only by being nurtured by the milk of the mother bear. Also, she is a girl who is favored by a great goddess, and the bow and arrows she carries are the proof!

'Nurtured by a mother bear, blessed by a goddess, her weapons are bow and arrows, and her name is Atalanta... Ah, I remember now who she is!'

'One of the famous Greek heroines, the future member of the Argo, is favored by the Moon Goddess Artemis!'

'She is really worthy of being called a trouble!'

Jason, who finally remembered it, turned green as he looked at Atalanta, a walking beacon to another Goddess.

'Just how is this possible, I just wanted to find a few people at random but I still ran into trouble... If it's not a god, then it's a hero, isn't my luck just too good that I pull out a lottery prize every time?!'

'No, I can't go on like this otherwise I will be meeting another Goddess; I have to run away... Yes, I have to run away!'

While being extremely decisive, after thinking for a while, Jason made a quick decision with a blank face!

So, late that night, when the hunters have quieted down, Jason, who is protected by everyone in the tent, quietly slipped out.

After carefully avoiding the hunters on night-watch, he tiptoed into the dark night forest and left.

It's just that when Jason left, he didn't notice Atalanta was resting on the big tree not far away.

But she did notice him, and at the moment is tilting her head, blinking her emerald eyes and watching in doubt as Jason is leaving...

Do you know, there are two versions of Atalanta in the mythology, one good at foot-race and the other good at bow and arrows, but FGO has combined both of these.

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