

Billionaire Mathew's quest for an heir leads him to a fateful encounter with Clara, a young woman unaware of the life-altering mistake that will bind them together. As Clara navigates the challenges of an unexpected pregnancy, she finds herself drawn into Mathew's world of wealth, power, and secrets. With the truth hanging in the balance and emotions running high, Mathew and Clara must confront their pasts and forge a path forward together, navigating love, betrayal, and the ultimate quest for family.

Daoist3U1VZn · perkotaan
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11 Chs


Set aside some plates on the kitchen counter while watching TRUE LIES a Telemundo series, Mrs. Jennifer's favorite watch series after work, while she was prepping dinner. 

While back at the office, it was almost close time for the day, Clara had thought about the situation of her life, she had ran to the bathroom when she left Mr. Matthew's office, to look at herself in the mirror if she was truly pregnant, it was relieving as she didn't have any bumps. 

Mr.Matthew said in 2 weeks she was to return so a confirmation scan could be done. she left the bathroom walking to her office post lost in a sea of thoughts, if she was confirmed pregnant, 

How would she break the news to her mother that she accidentally became pregnant?

"OPEN GOOGLE" EARLY SIGNS OF PREGNANCY. Waiting out the time Clara decided to ask google a question, her eyes kept popping in shock as she saw the discomforting signs of pregnancy and they would be hard to hide from her mother. 

Is this a plot by Mr. Matthew to entrap her like the many women in his life that Sarah spoke about, she had to talk to someone about it, her bestfriend Sarah she always tells everything. 

Work time was over, Clara dials a number on her phone with a red heart emoji, 

Hey my girl, where are you at? "Clara asked"

girl I'm close by our spot, took a walk to McDonald's grab a bite, want some? "Sarah asked on the other side of the call "

Yes please get me some i'll meet you up on there, as i really need to see you. Work just closed i'm on my way. " Clara responded sounding so down with her tone"

You sound off C, is everything okay with work? " Sarah knowing how Clara sounds"

I will see you soon ! " Clara wanting to avoid the question in the work environment responsed hestily". 


The word echoed in her mind, a constant reminder of how drastically her life was about to change. Packing up her belongings, taking out everything from her bag and trying to arrange them before she lives. "Rattling .. notepad, pen, powered, lipsticks, purses, key,

Her thoughts drifted to Mr. Matthew's request to keep the pregnancy a secret. The idea of hiding something so monumental felt wrong, but she understood his reasoning. His reputation was at stake, and the scandal could ruin them both. Still, the secrecy added to her confusion and fear.

Needing someone to talk to, Clara decided to confide in her best friend, Sarah. She hoped Sarah would provide the comfort and advice she desperately needed. 

Clara keep poundering on questions in her mind, gnawing sense of dread lingered. How would Sarah react to the news? Would she understand, or would she judge Clara for the situation she had found herself in?

 Clara made her way to the café, her heart pounding with anxiety.

When Clara arrived the cafe, Sarah was already there, she sighted Clara walking in as she sat at the coner booth, she waved enthusiastically, Clara's forced a smile as she walked over, though her stomach sank with nervousness. Sarah stood up and gave her a warm hug, as she sid into the booth opposite Sarah.

"Hey, girl! You look like you've seen a ghost. What's going on?" Sarah asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Clara took a deep breath, trying to steady her trembling hands. "I, I feel like a ghost and I have something really important to tell you, Sarah. And it's… it's huge."

Sarah's eyes widened, and she leaned in closer, warming Clara's hands in hers. "Oh my god, Clara. Spill the tea! What happened?"

Clara hesitated for a moment, stumbling on her words she then says it.

 "I'm pregnant."

The words hung in the air between them, and for a moment, Sarah looked confused like she's been slapped. She kept trying to utter something, she was blinking rapidly … trying to process what clara had just said ... 

"Pregnant?" Sarah echoed, her voice barely above a whisper. "But… how?"

Clara bit her lip, with tears dropping from the corners of her eyes, "I don't know, it was an accident, I am not sure myself. Mr. Matthew is responsible, it happened the day i resumed working for him".

Sarah listening to Clara confusively rumble in explanation, on hearing Mr.Matthew suddenly gives a darker expression, "Your boss?" she asked, her voice strained. "The same boss I met in his office?"

Clara nodded affirmatively, her heart sinking as she saw the change in her friend's facial expression "Yes. something about the hospital I went to for a mid-check-up, He said something about a doctor"

 He asked me not to tell anyone, but I had to tell you. I don't know what to do, Sarah. I'm so scared."

For a moment, Sarah didn't say anything. She just stared blankly at Clara, her eyes narrowing. Then she leans into her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. "Clara, you can't trust him."

Sarah sounded so sure, making Clara frow having a mixture of confusion and her anxiety. " What do you mean"?

Sarah sits up and leans forward , with a straight face and an intense tone "I mean, this sounds like a setup. What if he planned this to trap you? To control you? He's your boss, Clara. He has a lot of power."

Clara shook her head, trying to make sense of what Sarah was saying. "But… he seemed genuinely concerned, he suggested An Arranged Marriage till the child is born to help both our reputation . He's been nothing but kind to me."

"Of course he has," Sarah snapped, her voice tinged with bitterness. "That's how he manipulates you. Makes you think he's on your side, Think Clara why would a Man like him be interested in you if his agenda were innocent? it doesn't add up".

Clara's mind was reeling. "Could Sarah be right? Was Mr. Matthew really trying to manipulate her? Had he planned all these and is there a bigger plan she doesn't know about. "her thoughts made her stomach curl with feaer and doubt. 

Seeing Clara's uncertainty, Sarah contiued to fed her fears and create a false impression of Mr.Matthew to he, "You need to be careful, Clara, Don't let him control your life. You have to think about your future. Men like him only pry on innocent women like you