
Chapter 5. The palace of ‘wonders’


I can't believe this is happening to me...

My thoughts were racing like a bunch of wild horses. Just think about it I was teleported or rather 'summoned' to some magical world without any reason. Besides I've met some crazy royal weirdo with dissociative identity disorder, discovered some long-lost magical force in my body, violated some local rules, got myself some mysterious magical contract and traded my life for some indefinite amount of time... Some, some, some! Too many of these 'some'-things!!!

What was I thinking about? Ohh, poor Aunty, who will explain her that from now on Christmas and other holidays she should celebrate by her own... And Martha... What will she think about me? I know she won't stop until she finds me...

That was only yesterday when I foolishly blamed everyone else, anyone else but not me. A dream that became my reality...I shouldn't have wished for the other life… Only I am responsible for this mess. I gotta do something! I need to get out of here!

I was in the middle of 'some'- where in my thoughts when timid voice of the maid broke through the chaos of my mind: 'Miss Ann, Miss Ann!'

'Eh? Yes?'

'Pardon me my lady, but you can't stay here all day. I was ordered to accompany you to your room. So, please, follow me.'

'Oh, okey…'- What? My room? I didn't misheard, did I?

All the way to my room the maid was silent. Passing through a great number of long halls, stairs and corridors seemed so long to me that I thought this palace would never end! I guess we were going to the left wing of the castle which stood out above the sea.

As soon as we reached the entrance to my room the maid without saying a word pulled me a letter from the pocket then curtsied and left.

'What is this?' - I opened the envelope at a loss, but couldn't understand a word... Another ancient script...How dissapointing. Seriously?! Ohhh… I need to find somebody who can read it for me. Maybe, that will take me closer to that person who dragged me here. Right, let's come in. I sighed and opened the door.

'Oh my God! Is this really my chambers?!!!'

Another spectacular view appeared before my eyes. Magnificent hall of white and golden colors was connected to the same majestic bedroom. The bunches of tender flowers, crystal vases, light curtains embroidered with a rose emblem were the first things to come in my sight. I walked around.

'And what is this door? A bathroom!? Ahhh!!! I even have my own pool!'

'Since when does my room look like a king's chambers???'- I flopped between fluffy blankets of my king's bed. Fine! No time to rest! I need to investigate this place! I should start by searching the library. Maybe by any chance I could find tutorials or some child's book with alphabet of this country... There is no way I'm staying illiterate any longer!

And at the moment I was going to escape and accomplish my plans somebody knocked at the doors.

'Who is that?'

'Pardon my interruption, Miss Ann, may I distract your attention for a while?'

'Yes, come in.'

The door opened and I saw a snow-white haired guy who wore a uniform similar to Eathon's.

'I'm sorry if I scared you. I had no choice but to come and say 'Hi' to my best friend's fianceé!'


'I'm his who? Fiancee??' - I chocked.

'Oh, I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself yet! My name is Samuel Emerald, or just Sam. And you are ... Ann?'

'Yeahhh. I'm Annabelle Jones. It's nice to meet you.'

'What a peculiar name you have! Never heard of such family? You aren't from Four Kingdoms, aren't you?' - The stranger had likable appearance and his manner of speaking was pleasant. Typically you can't say 'no' to such kind of person cause all his existence makes you want to be friends with him.

'Oh yes! I lived very-very far away from here!..' - You probably can't even imagine how far...!

'So that is the reason why he kept you a secret from me. And now when he returns back from his business trip to the North you guys are getting married, right?'

From the North? Huh? Did Eathon tell lies about him coming to the Earth as well? I can't stand that guy! Such a liar!

'Well, the thing is...'- I tried to explain everything but Sam was persistent:

'Oh, don't be shy, the whole Kingdom knows about it already! Your pictures are everywhere! It will be the most famous wedding of the century! The next heir of Four Kingdoms is getting married! Knowing Eathon, this is a great sensation! Even I am quite surprised you see.'

I was getting angry again: alright Eathon! Have it your way, then! You can fool the whole Kingdom but you can't fool me! Since I got into this thing already I'll play along!

'Yeah, we kept it a secret from everyone. I just wasn't expecting him to announce it so soon!'- Goshhh… I need to read this contract as soon as possible otherwise I am getting used to this lie or even worse… What if he really determined to marry me? That crazy psycho! Calm down Ann! First things first! To the Library:


'Yes, Miss Ann?'

'Do you mind showing me the passage to the library? I will really appreciate that!'

'With a great pleasure! I even can take you to a tour around the castle if you want. This castle has lots of unique places that you probably won't find anywhere in Four Kingdoms! Have you heard about the crystal chamber or maybe spring's waterfall? They are worth to see! Are you acquainted with the history of Four Kingdoms already?'

'Mmm, unfortunately, not yet…'

'That's perfect! I'll be the first to tell you that!'

And as we walked by the long passes of the castle I was deeply involved in listening to heartbreaking stories of the past time of the Four Kingdoms.

I've learned about the Great War between Royal families, the death of the Red Rose Family, the tragedy of losing all Mirioki powers, Unification of the Four Kingdoms, the magic wall which was created to protect the nation from the appalling creatures...

I liked that easygoing feature of Sam's character which made me feel so relaxed.

'Wow, I never knew somebody who lived beyond the wall! I thought everybody died there...'

'Emmm, Sam… What was the reason of the war started?'

'Difficult to say. Authority and power possessed people's hearts and it all led to massive destruction. The God decided to punish us by taking away our Mirioki energy... We can't fight the shadows without it. Thanks to The Greatest King William, Eathon's father, who saved us all by creating the wall.'

'Wait, but you said the war happened three hundred years ago!'

'Nothing to be surprised. We can live hundreds of years. I am 119 years old, Miss Ann. Eathon is 221 years old. And The Greatest King will celebrate his 500 anniversary this year.'

'Whaaat? I am just 17 years old!'

'That explains why you know little about this world! You are just so young! I wonder how Eathon will take such a kid as his wife.'


But Sam, have you ever thought, how can a king without any magical powers create a magical force field? Don't you think it's weird?'

'Maybe it is a little bit strange. And since all things concerned to magic are forbidden to mention I can't really say why or how. It is what it is. We are all grateful to The Greatest King for it and so you are as well!'

I stopped walking: 'Why all magic is forbidden? I've heard some people can still use it...'

Suddenly, someone's rigorous speech from behind made me shiver of fright: 'You are asking a lot of unnecessary questions!'

I looked at Sam's thrilled face and turned around.

Another man standing next to the King menacingly appealed to me: 'You should show some respect before the King, young lady!' But I was occupied by the king's gaze. I saw how he kept staring at my left wrist.

Sam tried to make me tilt my head: 'I'm sorry Your Majesty! Ann, what are you doing! Bow immediately!'

Can't tell if it's from sudden shock or from unexpected feeling of indignation, however, I was firm in defense of my position. And I wasn't going to bow. I looked directly into the eyes of that mighty king who was standing in all that glory of his wealth and power. His look that supposed to scare people and stop them from further movements wasn't effecting me at all. I stood straight silently watching his gestures. Some distant offense, grudge and hate were boiling inside my soul.

What is this? Why suddenly I am feeling these emotions?

The king looked at my wrist once again and then said: 'I can see your heart doesn't know the meaning of fear! Eathon has got himself a bold bride. Well-well. The future will show how courageous and stubborn you really are.' He told me these words and then he and the other man left us.

Until their shadows finally disappeared in the lobby Sam and I couldn't find courage to talk. I was the first to break our silence: 'Like father like son.'

'Yes. Eathon can be that scary as well. But he is a good guy. Trust me, someday he will be a good husband and a good king.'


'So how far are we from the library?'

'Right just around this next corner!'

As we came to the doors of the Royal library Sam stopped and said: 'For now, excuse me, I have to leave you. I'll send you a servant who will accompany you back to your chambers. It was a pleasure to know you, Miss Ann!' - The overtones of Sam's voice became more restrained and cautious. I could definitely tell that his sudden change of thoughts was somehow connected to our meeting with his majesty.

'Thank you Sam! See you around!'

'Goodbye, Miss Ann. Have a nice day!'- He bowed to me and thoughtfully went away.

What a strange place...

Meanwhile I entered the Royal library. Sooner I learn how to read sooner I leave this place for good!

Strange, I expected a crowd of people like in our school's library. But there was not a single soul around. I was all alone lost in these millions of ancient books in beautiful gold covers. I felt lonely and homesick. My Aunty probably is baking a cake again... Christmas is the day after tomorrow already! And I am stuck in this world...I want to go home!... Somebody.. Please…Small tear rolled down my cheek and fell on the floor.

At this state of things nobody is going to help me. I will get out of here by myself! I promise Aunty, I will see you again! What Eathon told me? I can use Mirioki, right? Then why can't I learn it and escape back home! I just need to understand this stupid language!!! I took the first book from the shelf and open it: 'Ahhh...useless, I can't understand anything!!!'

It is too difficult to me...It looks like I am going to learn the dead language all by myself... What should I do? I put the book back on shelve. I decided to walk around the long row of bookcases when one peculiar little book caught my eye. No way! The cover is written in English: 'For Mirioki users only!'

I took the book and began to read: 'Here, in this guide you will find simple explanations in step by step magic.' - Oh my God... How can something like this exist in the palace? And I opened the first page:

'Our world consists of 4 types specific energy which constantly undergoes changes and turns from one form to another. This energy is called Mirioki or Miracles. The energy can't be destroyed; it only can change its form. Therefore use it wisely! Energy directed with a goal of destruction can shift and become a shadow. The shadow with possessed human soul becomes a demon - strong and powerful creature who craves for murder and elimination of all living things. How to deal with shadows and demons you can read further in transformation section. The 4 main types of Mirioki energy are Ina, Wai, Maa and Eau.

Ina stands for fire. Besides the handling of fire ability it gives you the ability of one type of transformation and ability to influence someone's emotions.

Wai means water and healing abilities.

Maa is earth, stands for the ability to control the weather and understanding the whole creation (the ability of talking to animals)

Eau is air, invisibility and flight option.

Every person is given only one of those four abilities by birth. The ability to use two different Mirioki is very rare. Those who can have two or more abilities called Idara. Attention, avoid meeting with Idara, they are very powerful and very dangerous! In addition to that, there are 3 levels of skill mastery: green - from 0 to 1, yellow - from 1 to 2, red is from 2 to 3 ability levels. Zero level means none given Mirioki abilities, 3 and higher are the most powerful and skilled users.

To distinguish your Mirioki ability you can have a look at your left wrist. The sign of Mirioki will reveal itself after the first Mirioki usage. This mark will remain the whole life and can't be deleted.'

I looked up from the book and instantly examined my left hand: But there is nothing in here!! Was it me who used Mirioki from the start? That wicked king knowingly stared at my wrist! He is definitely not that simple! He knows something! I knew it! From now on, I should keep this book and all things concerned to Mirioki to myself only! Who knows, maybe the walls have ears too! It's good to know that this book was written in English. They probably couldn't understand a single world.

So now, how do you learn how to understand unknown language? Transformations of Ina.. That's interesting! You can transform things and be transformed. Can I transform a language? Use magic carefully.. Yes, yes I know... bla bla bla... oh yes, right here! Transformation of language skills depends on whom you want to understand. Mermaids, elves, flower fairies, dragons, goblins… Oh my god this list is endless! Is there the way to understand everything and everyone at once? Found it! That what I need - the ability to speak and read any known language! Unique skill, for red levels only. Attention to lower levels: it will drain out your life energy which can lead to death! Don't try to use it if your level isn't high enough! Alright I hope I am a higher level... All you need to do is to direct your left hand to this graphics and read the words, easy. I walked into the very corner of the room, squatted and hided so that nobody could see me playing with magic and I've read loudly:

'The earth and the sun,

the spell should be done,

make me feel, make me see,

how true colors can be!

My wish is my fate,

you will see I'll will wait!

Take my force, take my pride,

the knowledge will guide.

To the earth to the sun the fire will run!'

All around me suddenly became so light. I could see how different shadows came out my body. Blue, yellow, red, purple, pink, green shine...I was like a Christmas tree, illuminating the whole space around me. And then in one moment everything has stopped and I felt dizzy and I lost my consciousness…