
Two Worlds from a Million Alternate Universe

Nicholas Carson lives an ordinary life, aspiring to be noticed, to be someone strong or famous, to get the girl of his dreams but he got none of them even after he was mugged and killed. Surviving the accident, he finds himself living a life of fame, has many girls and basically everything he ever wanted. But soon he realizes that he woke up in an alternate universe. How does he cope up with this life and go back to the one he came from? #WSA2022 ~~~ First world: Cultivation universe Has an RPG system, open world, free exploration, PvP, walking simulation, RTS, Bishoujo, dating simulation and Choose Your Own Story features. You as a reader have the power to direct Nicholas' future. Note/Warning: Story might change to R18 depending on reader's choice. Please read A/N for more info. ~~~ I update daily. Double chapter updates come at random dates, I haven't established my schedule yet but am working on it.

_jessitayylor · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Can I add you as a Friend?

Oh no. Now what?

What is this new pop-up now?

A new skill?

I tap the icon mentally so Freja does not notice that my attention is borrowed elsewhere.

< Your [[INBOX]] Tab is now available! >

Dang! Now things just got really serious.

I now have access to private messages. Which means…

I hurry to check my inbox just so I know what my history is.

< Your Inbox is empty. >

Huh, that is odd. Why is my Inbox empty? Does it mean I don't use this?

I check my [[Notification]] Tab where all the red icons show up.

There is a small note below the latest update.

< We apologize for the inconvenience but we are unable to retrieve lost messages and files. >

I see. So there really is no way to recover some parts of my past.

Looks like we have [[INBOX]], [[FRIENDS]], [[GUILD]], [[PARTY]] and [[WORLD CHAT]].

5 new ways to communicate with other people.

That kind of means that cellphones are unnecessary in this life. We literally have Panels that has access to all sorts of inbox.

Social media platforms are useless too because the Panel is an all-in-one already.

I mentally check the [[FRIENDS]] Tab just so I'm aware who my friends are.

< You have no friends. >


I am offended.

I have no friends? I'm a billionaire with no friends?

Not even Freja and Humphrey are in the list. No man is an island. I can't live like this.

I look up at Freja and I try to muster the courage to ask her if I can send her a friend request.

Freja stopped her ramblings on the list of PvP Modes and stares at me.

"What is with that look, Ivan?"

"I… can you…?"

I don't know how I am going to tell her about it.

But I think Freja had invested in her perception skills so much that she can tell what's wrong.

She grinned at me, that suspiciously mischievous grin I really hated.

"Hey Ivan."

"Y- Yes?"

"Were you fiddling with your Panel while I was explaining about the Modes?"


I don't know if my cheeks are red or pink but I know they are warm.

Her grin just got more crooked like she caught me peeping on her red-handed.

I couldn't answer her. My heart is racing. For some reason even if I hired her, I feel afraid.

"You were, weren't you?" she asked again.

She pressed her question and leans closer to intimidate me.

It's super effective!

I gulp but I try to force a smile to act composed but I failed miserably.

"Alright, come on tell me what the fuzz is about."

"You're not mad?"

She crosses her arms. "Just ask me before I change my mind."

What is with this reaction? It's like I found favor in her eyes.

A pop-up from my Panel appeared.

It's Artemis speaking to me through the dialogue box.

I bet she doesn't want Freja to hear of our conversation then.

< Her reaction could be caused or influenced by your investment to your Dating Stats with her. >

Of course. My dating stats with her. I earned her [Trust] and [Loyalty].

< Her [Social] stats are relatively high enough for her to want to keep a conversation with you. >

Artemis adds.

Huh, that actually makes more sense than my assumption.

No change in her stats though, so I didn't offend her enough to lose any points.


< You just unlocked a [New Discovery] with [Freja Caison]! >

If this were a thing in real life, I would have dated so many girls already.

Alright, let's see what this new discovery is.

I let the new dialogue box enter my vision.

< With enough [Social] stats, [Freja Caison] is willing to look passed your wrongs. >

Is this supposed to be some sort of new skill?

Or just mentally noting to self about this?

Coincidentally, Artemis knows me enough that this is what I'm thinking.

A new dialogue box pops up to the side with red arrows for guidance.

< These [New Discoveries] can help you keep making good decisions to win the heart of the partner you want to date. >

Oh, a mental note it is.

I better respond to Freja or I might lose any points with her.

"Well, I was hoping… wondering…"

What is the right way to begin this sentence?

"Can I send you a friend request?"

That is probably the lamest question I have ever asked anyone.

Although I wish I could have asked Jensen this in the previous world.

We could have been friends in my FaceNote account.

Freja was silent, her eyes staring blankly at me.

Did I offend her now?

Nope, don't jinx it Nicholas! There's no notif yet of any change of stats.

She is still staring at me and not saying a word.

It's freaky that she is not blinking even.

"What's wrong?" I ask boldly.

"Did you forget that too? It's in our [Contract]. We cannot add each other as friends."


Well that is shocking news.

She is staring at me with round eyes because 'I' was the one who set the rules.

And now I am also the one offering to break it.

Why though? Why wouldn't I want to be friends with her and Humphrey?

"It's possible to revise the terms of the [Contract], right?"

"It is. Creating and Revising a contract is not free though."

"What is it going to cost me?"

"You need an [Empty Scroll] to Create a contract and you need a [Law Pen] to revise its terms."

I see, so I need items to do this. I take it these are no mere Common items either.

"Unless of course you are in the presence of a [Lawyer]. Then they will be the one to Revise the contract." She adds.

"But this [Lawyer] won't be doing this for free?"

"You know how this world works. You pay the [Lawyer] with agreed [Attributes]."

With the amount I have, I can imagine how little it is to me to pay a [Lawyer].

"Why though?"


"Why do you want to change it so suddenly?"

To be honest, I am confused with the terms Ivan gave you. I would prefer friends than contracted bodyguards.

"I think there was a mistake with the terms. We need to change it."

There was no need to explain it to her.

All that matters is that I will have my first friend in this world and it's still Kate.

"Is there a penalty for breaking the contract?"

"Of course."

What is the whole point of it anyway? I don't need protection. I don't need to enslave her.

I materialize my Panel and she can visibly see me accessing the [[CONTRACTS]] Tab.

"What are you doing?"

My finger hovers over the [End Contract] button.