Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.
" You know for a traitor; I have some respects for you" Princess Adunni said swimming around her room as Amanda dumbfoundedly stare at her
" You are going to do something for me" Vashi said
" First of all, you are going to free my friend or else you won't get to see your daughter Erica" Princess Adunni threatened back surprising the both of them
" You have a lot of disadvantages here you know, first the queen is looking for you, secondly; your daughter is out there and thirdly... You have twenty-five days to live, a whole lot of disadvantages" Princess Adunni said to her making a pitiful look
" Do you think I am afraid of threats? I can kill the both of you here and still get what I want" Vashi told her
" I know, but..." Princess Adunni paused to look at her " You won't go out of Riveria because the queen will definitely find you, I can tell you they are already waiting for your arrival and you would need legs to get out of Riveria so... do you still plan on killing us as we are your only help right now?" Princess Adunni questioned looking at her
" You are just like your mother; always manipulative " Vashi said letting go of Amanda" so why are you backstabbing your mother to help me?" She asked
" I am not, I am totally not on anyone's side; I just go with the flow and do what will favor the sirens in future, if I help you; something good will definitely come out of it" Princess Adunni said
" The pearl" she said
" You mean I should find Olga and ask for a pearl? won't that even be suicide cause they are no fool?" Princess Adunni curiously asked
" I heard from the Sirens that one of the Princes brought a shiny pearl to the queen, I just need it" Vashi said
" That's easy" she responded
" What's in for you?" Vashi asked
" None of you will stand against my reign in Riveria" she said
" It's a promise if you don't join hands with your mother" Vashi questioned
" In the future; Erica would need my help to fight my mother " Princess Adunni said smiling
" Queen Ola would wish she was barren if she knew what you have done" Vashi said to her.
" Well, my mother started this war between us" the Princess told her
* * *
(The school Party day)
" You look beautiful my darling" Oma's mum said once Oma had come downstairs from her room
" Thank you, mum," she said smiling
" Turn around let me take a good look at you" her mother said dropping the fruit jar on her hand
Oma turned around flexing her beautiful red gown and her high heels
" That's my girl, everyone is going to love you" she complemented her
" Thank you mummy" she said
" Remember, no alcohol or any strong drink tonight; don't even think about losing your virginity" she told her
" Noted" she said smiling nervously " can I go now mum, it's almost 7:00pm "she said
" Yes, sorry that I can't drive you there, I have a lot on my hand" she apologized
" It's okay mum, I shouldn't be a princess all the time" she teased making her mum smile. She picked her handbag before kissing her mum goodbye. Her mother repeated the same as she watches her leave the door.
" You forgot your phone" her mum said when she had sighted Oma's phone on the table. She quickly opened the door to call out Oma who was already outside the gate but was surprised when she saw someone else sneaking out of the gate to join Oma, she could tell that the lady was not Lilian who was the only friend Oma has.
" There was a stranger in my house" she said dumbfoundedly
Princess Adunni approached Vashi on her hiding place
" Here is the pearl" Princess Adunni said showing Vashi the shiny pearl
" Just what I need" Vashi said collecting the pearl from her
" You should leave now before my mum catches you, I wouldn't want my effort to be a waste" Princess Adunni told her.
Princess Adunni had sneaked into the queen's room when she was absent to take it while pretending to keep something on the queen's room.
Vashi bowed before her before quickly swimming out.
It didn't take up to thirty minutes before the queen returned back to her room to rest. When she removed her jewelries to drop them on her safe box, she was surprised to see that the pearl was missing. She would never expect anyone to steal the pearl on her own watch.
The only Siren that needed the pearl was Vashi which made her feel like an idiot for not thinking that the pearl was more valuable and of stronger use than any other pearl. She got really angry as she rushes out of her room to meet her guards who were standing guard on her door
" How did a Mer person get into the room you were guarding to steal something?" She angrily asked still in shock and not calling out Vashi's name
" No Mer person entered your room your majesty" one of the guards said bowing to her
" So, you mean I am lying?" She asked giving him a death stare
The Merguards shivered as they lowered their eye " we will never think such thing your majesty" another said
" The princess was the only one to enter inside your majesty. She went in to drop something for you" another guard said
" The princess did what?" She asked looking dazed.
(The Finalist Sendoff Party)
" Oh my God" Lava said in excitement when his eye met with Erica. She was so stunning than ever on her peach gown and flat heels
" Hi" Oma said waving her hand at him as he smiled back in response.
" How do I look?" Erica asked lava
" Words can't express it" he said smiling showing off his handsome look. " Can I hug you at least?" He asked
" Hug while you can" Erica said and Lava quickly hugged her giving her a slight kiss
" Let's party" Oma shouted and some of the students raised their hand in excitement while the DJ gave them a hot shot to party with.
Oma didn't invite Mk because he was out of town so she danced with Lilian. Erica forced herself to dance as she couldn't move the way humans do and the flat heels were not comfortable for her. Lava felt on top of the world having a beautiful girl dance beside him.
During the dance, Erica noticed some strange men starring at her suspiciously why avoiding her eye contact.
(Back at the Riveria Kingdom)
" Where have you been?" The queen curiously asked Princess Adunni when she had arrived back into her room
" Do I need your permission to move around my future Kingdom mother?" She asked her mother
" Where is the pearl you took from me?" She asked her
" You mean the pearl I gave to Vashi like an hour ago?" She asked her mother.
The queen's expression went blank as she angrily looked at the princess
" You did what?" She asked
" Yes mother, you heard me and I will continue to do as I please" she told her without feeling any remorse
" You are going to regret this" The queen told her
" I wonder what the Sirens would say if they find out you killed my father and have been holding Vashi who every Mer person thought to be dead hostage?" She asked her mum
The queen grinned drawing close to her " I wonder if Prince Luca will live to see his wedding? I am just saying so don't see it as a threat. If I don't find Vashi and that pearl, everyone in your life will pay for it with blood" the queen said angrily at her.
(9pm at the party)
" Can I excuse myself for some minutes dear?" Erica asked
" Sure, be back soon because I will be called out any moment from now to make a speech; I want you to be here when I do that " Lava said smiling.
Erica kissed his cheeks and then excused herself. Oma saw Erica leave as she wondered where she was heading to, she excused herself to follow her.
Erica walked as fast as she could heading at the back of the school building until she was out of sight, the two men who were stalking her lost her that moment.
" Fuck! She can't be far, find her" One of the men ordered.
They continued looking for her. When one of the men bypassed where Erica was hiding, Erica quickly knocked him down and went for his neck almost strangling him.
" Why are you following me? who are you?" She curiously asked silently to the man who was already choking to death
" Why don't you ask me?" She heard a masculine voice say from behind
Before she could raise her head, she felt a hard punch on her face causing her to bleed from the force of the fist. There were five of them holding weapons. She tried to run but the men were quick to grab her, as she was forcing herself to be free from them, her necklace broke loose from her neck scattering on the ground.
The men stood there confused when Erica had groaned in pain as if she was attacked from inside of her
" What the hell!" One of the men shouted when they saw Erica's leg grew into a fish tail under a minute. Some of the men stepped back from her in fear.
" She is a freaking mermaid" another said
" Quickly, take her into the car, Mr. Hansel will know what to do" Their leader said.
" Hell no, she is a freaking mermaid and dangerous" another said in fear
"I said, take the f-u-c-k-i-n-g m-o-n-s-t-e-r into the car!!" Their leader shouted in anger scaring them
Erica was very weak and afraid to fight on land with them in her state. The men were able to cover her up and force her into the car's booth even though they were afraid of her and felt disgusted by her.
Oma stood at her hiding place in total shock as she was unable to move an inch at what she saw, her whole body went numb from the shock.