
small cottage


Lute was seated in the sitting room having time to relax, suddenly the phone plangented with a louder sound, when she gazed on the phone it was Akafuna.

" I hope something good has transpired. "

She quickly answered the phone, with the insurance of something tremendous happening.

" Hello Akafuna, what do you have for me today ?"

" I'm sorry Ma'am Lute, everything is in a distorted state now."

Lute's temper grew in tones, the face of happiness threw itself on the dust whirlwind.

" What have you probably done this time ?"

" The captives have escaped in dispute." Akafuna uttered.

While on Phone, Lute commanded they find them at any cost.

" You should find my daughter, I don't care whether that good for nothing Larry is dead, make sure you find my child."

Lute hang up on phone, started imagining how she took care of Lindsay, when she was a child and failed to accept losing her;

" I swear to myself that if she dies in that horrible forest called Kalilele, I will not forgive myself."

Lute jumped from the couch and turned her heel straight, to sleep with languishing thoughts in her mind.

When Larry was busy looking for a stream to drink water, he stepped on a slide stone loses balance, felt down and screamed loudly.

" Help !" Help me !"

Unfortunately he reached safe and sound in the ground; he picked himself up

" Oh my goodness, I have survived."

Larry started rubbing off the dust, he was carrying on the clothes while doing that, he gazed to the left couldn't believe what was happening.

" Am I believing, what am seeing or dreaming."

Larry saw a bigger stream of water flowing east to west with a serenely sound cool air breeze waving around.

" I have to get Lindsay, do that she drinks water all her thirst will be eradicated."

Larry stretched his both hands wide and started circling around beside the stream .

" Whoa, whoa, I feel wonderful enjoying the nature."

Larry remembered that Lindsay needed water urgent, he put his t- shirt properly and went off.

Akafuna and his colleagues were whooping around the forest, to find tgem immediately but to no avail never found anything. Akafuna git tired searching, he said feeling wistifully.

" These people. Disappeared in disguise, i think we should be at the entrance of the forest beside the tar road."

They all agreed to go there in a hurry without looking back.

Lindsay and Larry were busy looking on how to get out of Kalilele forest, Larry gazed upfront seeing a small cottage house roofed with dry grass.

" Whoa!, Whoa!, I can't believe what am seeing right now. "

Lindsay tapped on the shoulders of Larry continuously asking him.

" What has transpired, tell me?" Lindsay asked in a rush.

Larry stretched his right hand pointing upfront, when Lindsay gazed focusly, she saw a cottage house.

" Whoa!, we have been redempted, thanks be to God."

Lindsay grabbed the hand of Larry and hurried to the small cottage house, when they reached within the premise. Larry refused to knock on the door.

" Why are you hesitating to knock on the door?"Lindsay asked Larry.

Larry gazed carefully on the premise and said.

" This house looks weird to me."

" So not judge, just because the place looks scant. " Lindsay said serenely.

Larry built the courage within himself, gazed towards Lindsay raising one eye blow.

" It's fine am sorry, I will knock on the door."

Lindsay started clapping while jumping, she was so happy.

" Yes!, you should be a man mmm."

Larry beamed at Lindsay as she was acting dramatic, he shook his head and angered by the attitude.

" You should stop making noise!"

Lindsay stopped jumping and started drawing near to knock on the door, Larry picked a stone from the ground and hit on the door continuously. Larry got upset since no one was coming out.

" Maybe no one is around, I guess."

When Lindsay saw that the boyfriend is giving up, she had to revamp him immediately.

" Just keep knocking, someone will come out."

Upon Larry knocking on the door, the owner of the house finally opened, he gazed at Larry and asked him.

" What do you want stranger?"

Lindsay stepped up, backing the boyfriend cause she knew that Larry is in an angry state.

" We are very sorry for bothering you at this time of the evening, We are running from the armed robbers who kidnapped us. They depoted us in the Kalilele forest but we managed to escape from there bondage. "

After hearing this, the owner of the cottage house calmed down and felt remorse for them, narrowed his eyes and introduced himself.

" My name is Mutwa, I have been living in this place for 20 years now! "

When Lindsay and Larry pricked there ears to this, they gazed at each other with a agreed face. Larry gazed at Mr. Mutwa he was looking old and asked.

" How do you manage surviving here all by yourself?"

Mr. Mutwa chuckled picked his walking stick and answered them looking towards them:

" I manage, it's simple because the market is near from this place. "

Larry and Lindsay were stunned, now they knew it's time to go home.

" What!" Lindsay and Larry simultaneously uttered.

Mr. Mutwa got confused with what was apparently happening, he tried to think over it but got no clue.

" Why are you puzzled over the things I said earlier?"

" We thought if you could help us find the way out of the forest?" Lindsay said in a rush.

Mr. Mutwa held his left hand on the chin, while gazing at both of them and whispered.

" I think I can help you, but on one condition."

" What could that be ?" Larry interrupted.

Mr. Mutwa held his mouth hanging for a while, he was puzzled what was happening.

" The condition is that, you should take care good of me."

Lindsay raised her hand with full of confidence been portrayed and enthusiasm.

" Something you cannot touch but can be broken what's that Mr. Mutwa?"

When Mr. Mutwa pricked his ears to this, he shrugged.

" I got it, it's a promise!"

" You have gotten it correct,"Lindsay said in a rush. Larry beamed at Mr. Mutwa, he murmured while shaking his head continuously.

" How did you know the answer?"

Mr. Mutwa sighed with satisfaction towards Larry, he tapped on his shoulder while glancing at him.

" It takes everything to know it my child."

Lindsay interrupted Mr. Mutwa with the intention knowing where the old man had learned that riddle.

" So Mr, where did you learn that riddle, I had asked earlier?"

" I had learned it from my father when I was younger not to break a promise." Mr. Mutwa said serenely.

When Larry saw that Lindsay was eager to ask more question, he stepped up to save the day.

" Let's hurry fast, otherwise the armed robbers will come here!"

Larry, Lindsay and Mr. Mutwa turned there heel to go to the entrance of the forest.

It was Sunday morning, Chanda woke up around 8' AM, she jumped off from bed and went direct to the kitchen to have a tip of morning water, she grabbed a cup and opened the tap, when she was done drinking. The glass cup slipped from her hands and broke in pieces.

" Oh my goodness, what have I done?"

When she tried picking up those broken pieces , mistakenly stepped on it and screamed loudly such that even the neighbors can hear.

" I have wounded myself, it's paining a lot Ah! Ah!"

Chikondi arrived in the kitchen puzzled what was transpiring, Chanda sat down while blood ran out from both the legs without clotting. She fastly asked.

Ma'am Chanda, what has happened? "

" Call the Doctor now!" Chanda said in a rush.

Chikondi failed where to go? Cause she knew that Chanda was the Doctor.

" Ma'am, you are confusing me, you are a Doctor then telling me to call a Doctor. "

" Do not worry about it, then bring my phone fast, hurry!" Chanda said in anger.

Chikondi turned her heel quickly then went off in a hurry.

Chikondi brought the phone to Chanda, she made a call to Doctor Chilufya.

" I need you at my house, I mistakenly tipped on broken glasses."

" Do not worry Dr Chanda, I will be there in few minutes, make sure you stop the bleeding." Dr Chilufya convinced Chanda.

When she hang up the phone, she told Chikondi to bring a cloth, to rub off blood from the bottom of the legs.

" Bring some bandages now?!" Chanda shouted at Chikondi.

Chikondi in a rush, went to the bedroom and brought the bandages.

" Do not worry ma'am, everything will be fine. "

Chikondi wrapped the legs of Chanda with bandages softly.

" I will carry you to bed."

Chikondi grabbed Chanda with both hands and dropped her on bed, when Chanda beamed at this, she chuckled.

" You are strong Chikondi, how did you manage to carry my heavy body. "

" I used to learn and train judo, when I was a younger girl." Chikondi said very confident.

Upon attending to Chanda, she heard a knock on the door, hurried and opened, it was Dr Chilufya.

" Hello Dr Chilufya, you can come in?"

Chikondi took Dr Chilufya to Chanda's bed, when he entered the room, he saw Chanda in bandages and asked.

" How do you feel now ?"

I feel a bit better." Chanda said serenely.

Dr Chilufya dropped his bag removed an instrument called stethoscope and the thermometer andstarted; measuringtge temperature and heart beat. When Dr Chilufya was done with everything, he gazed at Chanda and whispered.

" Your blood pressure is high, the body temperature is over 37° degrees Celsius."

Chanda pulled herself together, she gazed towards Dr Chilufya raising one eye blow.

" But am just doing fine and the wound wasn't much deep; am telling you the truth." Chanda defended herself.

Dr Chilufya nodded while glancing at Chanda, he picked a note book from his bag and wrote prescription, when he was done handed it over to Chanda.

" You are overthinking things, that is what lead to high blood pressure and temperature increase. "

When Chanda pricked her ears to this, she got furious even though, the wrong was on her side. She gazed downward feeling remorse for herself.

" Yes, I'm overthinking things, my boyfriend Larry is cheating on me."

Chikondi got stunned very impulsive, she felt like it was her been cheated.

" Are you talking about the Larry I know?" Chikondi asked.

Dr Chilufya advised Chanda not to be stressed a lot but, to have a mind of relentless when calamities fall upon her.

" You should stop overthinking things starting today cause, it will distort your health. You dropped the glass cup, when your mind was traumatized by force pressure. "

Chanda complained to Dr Chilufya that she was having difficulties to eradicate it.

" I have tried couple of times, escaping it but to no avail."

Dr Chilufya never gave up convincing Chanda , he knew that she wanted to kill herself with the fact of the boyfriend cheating.

" You should not take things personally, am telling you. Lean to accept the situation please !"

After putting so much energy Dr Chilufya, saw Chanda slowly cooling her temper, she smiled with satisfaction.

" I will take your perspective personally, to vanish this issue of depression."

Dr Chilufya when he was done convincing Chanda, he turned his heel and went off.

Chanda was on bed lying with her legs spread wide, she could not walk or do things on her own.

Chikondi was besides her, assisting her out with everything she needs.

" Ma'am, if you need anything, I will be at your service." Chikondi breathlessly said.

Chikondi knew that she had to work overtime, when time kicked it's course, something clicked in her mind.

" I have forgotten to phone my family at home, what a mess." Chikondi said in a rush.

She quickly grabbed the phone and made a call way back home; when she heard that everything is in good state, the heart calmed down feeling relaxed.

Chanda was busy gazing at how Chikondi was over reacting earlier, she felt like the ocean has dried up. When the thirsty for water got more amplified.

" Sorry for disturbing Chikondi, I need water to drink."

Chikondi jumped from where she was seated, hurried to get a glass of water and handed it over to Chanda;

" Thank you so much, am obliged by you." Chanda serenely said. After hours passed Chanda slept feeling relaxed, even though the pain from the wound was opting up. While Chikondi was busy looking after Chanda, when she had slept.

Lindsay, Larry and the old man we're along the way going to the market, the journey was just exceeding more and more; Lindsay stopped and gazed towards the old man and said.

" I feel Mr. Mutwa, you are frabergasted lying to us. "

Mr. Mutwa felled into laughter, when done doing that he looked serious. All and Sundry, feeling the tear cannot drop but still angered.

" So you mean, I intend to lie to you."

Larry tried to stop Lindsay from uttering more hilarious words, but to no avail she insisted being more stubborn.

" Stop interrupting me Larry!, I think this old man is up to something despicable."

Mr. Mutwa gazed downward looking distorted, he wanted to utter something which could hurt but the conscious stopped him.

" Why are you over reacting ?"

When he was done speaking, turned the heel and started Walk step by step slowly.

Larry was stunned with what was happening, he hurried upfront the old man and stretched his both hands wide.

" Hey, but you assured us that the market is just near."

The old man was just walking not saying any word, he bypassed Larry.

" If you don't want to talk to me, it's fine old man !" Larry said in anger.

The old man tilt back, he beamed at Larry looking trembled with languishing thoughts in his mind.

" You children of nowadays do not respect elderly people."

When Larry pricked his ears to this, he knew deep down the heart, he was wrong answering the old man in a disrespective way.

We are sorry Mr. Mutwa in behalf of my girlfriend and i, we are very regrettable."

The old man narrowed his eyes, the mood brightened up feeling more happier and relaxed.

" Yes am very obliged, you recognizing me as an elderly, learn to respect people, even though you don't know them."

Lindsay wanted to kneel down but the old man stopped her doing that, she got up regretting all her endeavours. Suddenly the robbers arrived in numerous number very equiped and armed.

Lindsay, Larry and the old man tried to escape but unfortunate they were surrounded in a circle. The elder Akafuna stepped up walking slowly with a candle stick tapping it in his hands,

" You guys had escaped from us anyway, it's fine no more going further. Bring the boy now !" Akafuna commanded.

The robbers hurried, grabbed Larry when he started hesitating, Lindsay went quickly and held the hands of the boyfriend.

" You are not taking him anywhere."

Lindsay patched one robber knocked down on the ground with a sound produced. She was eagered to see the boyfriend to be taken captive.

" I won't let you take my Larry from me !"

When the other robber Katwishi happen to slap Lindsay, but suddenly stopped by Akafuna.

" Do not slap the girl please, that's not our plan."

Katwishi gazed at the girl while holding the hand wanting to slap her, he slowly let it down feeling angered by the situation.

Two robbers came from behind and grabbed Lindsay by force, she tried to hesitate by to no avail.

" Larry!" " Larry?!"

The robbers started beating Larry, when he was on ground. Blood spilled from his mouth, he screamed aloud so much in intense pain.

" Please!, please!" Don't kill me." Larry said sadly.

Lindsay burst into tears, when she witnessed the incidence happening. The only thing which was triggering in her mind, was the feeling to loose Larry in her life.

The old man walked slowly towards the robber, he raised the walking stick striked the robbers while saying.

" You monsters, stop this!"

Katwishi hurried, grabbed the walking still from the old man, and threw it down.

" You old man stop disturbing is. Otherwise we will eradicate you for sure."

When the old man pricked his ears to this, he frowned feeling mildness. He had no choice but to back down.

Larry was brutally beaten to the extent that he fainted. Akafuna made a call to Lute.

" Hello ma'am Lute, we have found the captives."

" Good job, well done, bring them home today, I will sent a car right away to pick you up." Lute said in a rush.

When she hang up the call, Akafuna was catalysed with happiness, he knew that the big boom cash was about to be happered.

" Everyone!, may I have your attention, I have talked to our supreme, she said that a car is on the way to pick us up."

Lindsay was tied with a lope; she cried immensely and could not stop poking, the languishing was too much disturbing for her to handle.

" Larry, please wake up, I can't withstand loosing you."Lindsay firmly said while sobbing.

The old man was pushed further away from the incidence, he went home slowly pushing himself while he was going tilt back, and something clicked in his mind.

" I wish I could help them but, I am old now and my youth strength has faded."

After a long time of waiting, finally the car arrived, which Lute promised to send. Lindsay and Larry where dropped inside the car.

" Hey, you guys can get in."

The car turned the heel, and went off in dispute.

Chanda woke up, besides her bed was Chikondi sleeping, she gazed in the legs, felt that coming hearted rhyme.

" I don't know for how long I have been napping?"

She hopped to move but the pain grew in tones, suddenly she just sat and started tapping on the shoulders of Chikondi.

" Chikondi !, Chikondi !, get up"

Chikondi slowly got up, she was not seeing clearly, she focused and saw Chanda talking but she was not hearing the words, she pricked her ears and heard everything.

" Wake up !, wake up !"

Chikondi built the energy within herself, stood up and gazed towards Chanda and asked her what she required.

" You were calling me, Chanda ?"

" Yes, I was calling you indeed, can you get me some food to eat ?" Chanda sent Chikondi.

Chikondi hurried and brought the food she requested immediately.

" Here is the food ?"

Chanda felt extremely wonderful with enthusiasm, she ate the food like no man's business and the hunger started to fade away.

" Thank you so much, what could I have done without you." Chanda gave credit to Chikondi.

When Chikondi pricked her ears to what the boss was elaborating about, she grabbed her right hand and whispered serenely.

" I'm the one who is suppose to be giving credit to you instead."

" No !, no !, don't say that, you have done so much for me, my Dad will reward you spartacularly."

Chikondi gazed downward feeling extremely anxious to thank Chanda.

" When you do that, I will forever be indented to you, I promise." Chikondi said in a rush.

Chanda chuckled continuously, then something bumped in her head that Larry and the sister have not been found yet.

" Oh, I remember something ridiculous, which has felt on my head."