

a orphan on the verge of dying finds out he has powers, fueled by his hatred for demons he fight them but later finds out he's not human but a hybrid of angel and demon now with this confusion and happenings of events around him he must find the secret behind he's powers and the truth about his parents, join Zeke in discovering if his an angel, demon or human

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasi
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36 Chs


Zeke stood there not moving at all

Zeke thank you said Mr and Mrs seeker

Zeke I know we never really got along but thanks for that said damion

Zeke is my brother now Minnie said

good job said Derek

Zeke however didn't reply and just stood there motion less, his blood boiling as he was so angry he couldn't move and was visibly shaking

Zeke, are you ok? said Mrs seeker, if it's about what she said don't worry about it she'll come around just follow what we tell you and you'll be fine

the next second Zeke disappeared running at blinding speeds, to where? no one knew not even zeke himself all he new was he was he couldn't be near anyone right now as for the first time today, ever since last night grimm finally talked to him

hehehehe I know this would happen, your life has been shit from the very beginning so I didn't need to persuade you or do anything, all I needed to do was relaxed and sooner or later you'll lose control and I'll take over

Grimm was right, Zeke was angry, so angry and the worse part was he's anger was at lisa. He knew what could happen as last time he almost killed a demon slayer so there was no doubt he would kill Lisa if he lost control,

zeke ran to the middle of the forest and stood in front of a steam of water looking at his reflection

push them back, control your negative emotions, he kept repeating this to himself taking deep breaths but then his reflection changed to that of grimm

hehehe, you can't control your emotions forever, that's exactly the reason why I'm here, don't worry, when you loose control I'll be happy to express your feelings to does who hold dearly, I'll make sure the ones on the list experience the most painful death they've ever seen

what list zeke asked

the list of curse, list of people you hate and want dead

Zeke was shocked, he didn't even know he had feelings like that, to kill someone, could he really do that. At that moment a fire fly flew by blinking it's light and caught zeke's attention, he stood up and followed it only to see a magnificent view of nature, fire flies filled the air as a mirror reflection of the clear night sky reflected on a lake, it felt so peaceful and calm that zeke laid on the smooth grass watching as the fire flies and starry night sky made a beautiful seen slowly calming him down and the cool breeze made him feel even more relaxed. when zeke was finally calm he stood up and realized something

it's night time, wait, what! how the hell is it night time, how long was I running and where exactly am I exactly, zeke didn't realize bit but he had been running for 3hrs straight, running at a top speed of 200miles per hr faster than demi humans his age who could run at most 180 or 150. He looked around but couldn't recognize the forest, the forest wasn't like the one in the city, it didn't have a nice view like so where exactly was he, he checked his phone it's was 7:30 pm

ok not much time has past maybe I.....


Zeke heard someone scream in the distance, he immediately started running towards the scream, he was so shocked to see what was before him, two 6 foot wolvs, black fur glowing purple eyes with lines that drew from there eyes to there mouth.

w...what the fuck are does grimm yelled

the wolves stopped eating and turned towards Zeke

shit, Zeke immediately closed he's eyes and when opening then they immediately turned red as red energy covered him, the anger he controlled before came flooding in and he couldn't help but drown in the feeling of anger and hatred

Grimm stood there looking at the dogs and they flinched for a moment but immediately started growling at him, he's clothes materialized and his masked cover over his face leaving only his eyes and floating hair

you know once I'm done with them I'll go for Lisa right he sad smiling

and I'll stop you before you hurt her

why are you defending her, I can tell you hate hee you know

of course I hate her but I owe the seekers, they where the only people who where nice and caring to me so I'll do whatever they want even if it means helping her and trust me I hate every moment of it

The wolves looked up into the night sky and howled but it didn't sound like a howl rather it sounds like screams of souls, it was an excruciating sound like people where being attacked and killed

what the hell are these things grimm said as he summoned his scythe but immediately he noticed something else, far of I'm the distance more dogs where running towards there direction, he could feel it, these things where challenging him with an entire pack of dogs or wolves or whatever they were. The next moment they erupted in flames and send lines of flames towards him with there claws

these things can use flames too? Grimm said swinging his scythe cancelling the attacks but it pushed him backwards

those attacks are strong, hehehe this will be fun Grimm said with a smile

Back at the city at the demon slayer HQ

commander we have a huge problem

I know, sound the alarm, send every slayer available and send the rookies to help evacuate the citizens

yes sir

this isn't a random attack anymore, it's a planned one, with these numbers appearing all in one night it makes sense while the demons didn't really make any moves, they where waiting for this the commander said

commander we have reports that the same thing are happening at near by cities

send sound the alarm the commander shouted

the demons weren't just attacking one city but multiple, three cities where under serious attack and now one knew where they had come from.

damn those things are strong, and quit whining already I'm going as fast as I can

you know I can tell your lying right

while fighting the demons, Grimm sensed that demons where appearing all over the place and that made zeke think of lisa, he asked grimm to head back but grimm refused saying would never run away from a fight but zeke kept whining and complaining that he couldn't concentrate anymore and after killing a couple more demons he ran off, zeke didn't know the direction back but grimm knew. on getting back home he noticed the city was also under a massive attack and by the same set of demons

what the hell is going on, it's like someone opens a portal to the underworld letting these demons in

forget that we need to make sure lisa is ok

you sound so enthusiastic for someone you hate

I'm only doing this cus her parents want me too, once she's calm and her parents have fully past on then I'll find a way and get out of her life.

it didn't take long for zeke to track lisa, see was home but she was shivering Infront of the tv

the news showed people being attacked by the demons

as you can see these hell hounds are numbering in the thousands and are not showing any signs of slowing down, the demons slayers and doing everything they can buy are overwhelmed by the number of demons which begs the question where are they coming from

Zeke transformed back and sat next to lisa as she was frozen shaking on the couch while her ghostly family all hugged her, Mr seeker gave Zeke a sign to hug lisa, at first he was reluctant but she kept persuading so he gave in and hugged lisa to comfort her. At that moment she burst out crying and screaming in fear and horror

Get away from me! it's all your fault, what happened back then will happen again, am I going to die, get away from me! leave me alone!

she kept screaming and ranting on like a mad woman trying to push Zeke off her but he stayed firm and hugged her tightly, he began repeating what Mrs seeker told him to repeat

it's going to be fine, as long as I'm here nothing will happen to you

get away from me, you want what happened to my parents to happen to me, get away get away she screamed trying to push him but he wouldn't budge

He started singing a song her mother use to sing, aldo not very well or as good as Mrs seeker sang it but he was just repeating what she sang. It seemed to be working as lisa cried even more and slowly stopped all the rubbish she was saying but still kept saying

I hate you, bring my parents back

I want them back, why did you take them away

Zeke just held her tight and said

I didn't take your parents away the demons did and now they're here again, I won't loose another family member again, as long as I'm here I'll protect you no matter what, if your ever in trouble just call my name and I'll be right there to help

no matter what I'll always protect you he said slowly close to her ears

This made her cry even more and finally stop resisting and help onto him shaking in fear as her flash backs started again.