
Two Sides of The Same Coin

Nexus and Ontari are friends, at least, according to their therapists they are. Harboring a shared dark secret they both try to just make it through society undetected wanting nothing more than to be left alone.

ChimkinNuggie · Masa Muda
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Did you know that psychiatrists don't diagnose children with Anti-Social Personality Disorder. No, for those of us under 18 we get diagnosed with Childhood Conduct Disorder. Cute right? It's like they think that with enough therapy or drugs they can fix us, make us act they way we are supposed to, and that it's not a problem they majority of children like me are born with. Don't get me wrong, with drugs and therapy most children with CCD can and do become functioning, proper members of society. We don't all become serial killers like Norman Bates or John Wayne-Gacey. Oh, by the way, ASPD is what Psychopaths and Sociopaths are now diagnosed with. They were combined into one diagnosis. Kind of like Asperger's and Autism were combined to just be Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Anyway, like is said, most of us don't become serial killers or mass murders. Statistics show that there are only about 50 active serial killers at a time in the USA, but 4% of the US population has ASPD. That's 13,156,000 people who are either a Psychopath or a Sociopath, but only 50 serial killers at any given time, and not all of those serial killers have ASPD.

Now, what's the difference? Well, they both lack empathy and tend to be narcissistic. Both will observe and mimic other people so they are less likely to be found out and can fit into society better. However, where Sociopaths have a conscience, albeit a very, very weak one, Psychopaths have no conscience. A Sociopath may need to reason slightly with themselves when they do something bad, but a Psychopath simply does not care. Sociopaths are hot-head, prone to emotional outbursts, impulsiveness, and have poor planning skills. They have a hard time keeping relationships because of those traits. Psychopaths' on the other hand are cold-hearted. They have great planning skills, logical thinking, patience, and a deep understanding of how others work. They camouflage themselves into society with ease. However, they also tend to be more violent once they decide to strike.

If they so chose.

OK, Ok. I know that was a very long prolouge, and it was mostly just a bunch of facts about ASPD, but it has a point to it. Most people don't know what ASPD really is, and their understanding of it comes only from the media, so I wanted to give a better defintion of what it really is. Also, I know that depending on who you talk to, some professionals don't consider Psychopathy as a paer of ASPD since Psychopaths tend to be more cold-hearted and brutal (to keep it simply put). But, for the sake of the story, that are considered two parts of the same disorder. Bear with me please, and I hope you enjoy this book.

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