
TWO SIDE; light & dark

Born with gifted power but with dark personality. Without any reason he will always think of hurting other in any possible way. But since childhood he had only seen the good side of the world, which started to hide his dark personality with thin wall within, gradually he did not want to hurt anyone in any way. But what will happen when he sees the true face of his belove world, when the power he was so proud of is taken away from by one of his close one? Taking all this from him was not enough. What would happen when he was thrown away to die miserably by the same people he did not want to hurt?

MagicalWorld · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Kaito Inside The Burning Room

At night while Kaito was going to his house, one of Duke Tao's men was following him. When Kaito noticed the man following, he acted normally. He stopped to see if the man had come to him or not. But when he stopped the man also stopped, it didn't take him long to know that the man's intentions were not good. Without increasing his speed or turning back he kept going toward his house.

His house was isolated from the rest of the houses in Rifor Town. One nearest house to his house is about a hundred meters away. Entering inside his room he quickly locked the door.

There was a thick wooden stick beside the door, he quickly grabbed it and stood beside the door. Thinking he will attack the back of the man when he enters his house. As he doesn't have any magical power like others, that was the only way for him to save himself.

Soon he hears the man's footsteps outside his room. It stopped when the man stood in front of his locked door. He tightened his grip waiting for the door to open and enter inside. But instead of opening the door, the man uses his magical power to put the door on fire.

From the bottom, the door slowly started to light up in fire. Kaito stepped away from there and made some distance between himself and the door. In ten seconds, the door burned down, and Kaito was standing face to face with the man.

"Weren't you the man who came to our restaurant with Duke Tao?" Kaito asked as if he didn't know that the man had been following him since he left the restaurant.

"What can I do for you? Does Duke Tao want to pre-order some food for tomorrow?"

"It looks like only your hands are good at making food, while your brain doesn't work properly." The man continued, "Can't you tell I'm not here for anyway by the way I knocked at your door, oh! Sorry I mean the way I burned down your door?"

"Hmm.. but as you are holding that wooden stick in your hand. You are not that stupid. I see, all this sweet talking to make your way out."

The man made a circle in the air with his wand, and a small fireball appeared from the place where he made the circle. He moved his wand forward and touched the fireball with the tip of his wand and with high speed the fireball collided with the wooden stick in Kaito's hand.

Kaito had to drop the wooden stick as it started to burn after coming into contact with the fireball. Without saying anything, he was slowly moving his leg backward toward the window.

"Now, what?"

"At least let me get my weapon, then we will fight," Kaito said with a smile on his face.

"Oo.. stop it. Duke Tao said to me that you are an outcast. And you know this was one of the reasons why he told me to kill you." The man continued, "The first reason that you rejected his offer. Well, that is not enough to kill you but when he thought his offer got rejected by an outcast. He sent me to kill you."

[OUTCAST = Person who doesn't possess any magical power. They are seen as the worms of the Southern Empire. Many outcasts live their lives working some random jobs. Few of them work hard and work in the government officials' position doing work that doesn't required use of magical power. but still, they don't get status like person who possess magical power in same government official position. Also little of them tried to learn martial art to overcome the little amount of weakness. Most of the people who learns martial arts works as solider in the royal army of the Southern Empire.]

As they were talking, Kaito reached near the window. Moving his hand behind his back he tried to open the window. The man noticed that he quickly summoned a new fireball and sent it toward Kaito. In order to avoid the fireball Kaito moved away from the window.

"Not too fast kid, I can't let you escape like that."

"You can't kill me, if the law enforcement official finds out about this then it will end for you and Duke Tao."

"Yes, you are right. But only they know that we killed you, there are many ways we can make it look like we don't have any connection to it." He continued, "Also, you can think, why would Duke Tao kill someone who he gifted his golden ring as a reward?"

"Can you take the golden ring and let me go?" He continued, "I will vanish from your and Duke Tao's life, you can tell him that you killed me. What do you say?"

"Hmm.. That sounds good, okay give me the ring I will let you live."

Kaito throws the ring toward the man, and the man catches the golden ring. "On other thought, why would I take the risk, what if you tell this to others?"

"No, I promise I won't tell anyone about this. Tonight, I will leave the town and live the rest of my life in any corner of the Southern Empire."

Without listening to him the man sent two more fireballs toward Kaito, for some reason he didn't dodge the fireball. Both fireballs struck at both of his knees, and Kaito fell down on the ground. Fireball was not powerful enough to burn whole knees, it only damaged him so that he wasn't able to stand up.

After that the man took some steps back and sent ten fireballs at the wall of his house, and the fire completely spread throughout his house. As his knees were injured, he couldn't stand to run away, he had no way out of it. But for some reason, there was no fear on his face.

"What do you say? Now, no one is going to suspect me that I killed you right? Thanks for the golden rings, I will pray that your soul rests in peace." The man said as he was walking away.

"Killing an outcast is such an easy job. On top of that I got two golden rings worth ten gold coins each, what a day for me." He murmurs after leaving Kaito's house.

With his happy face he was returning to Duke Tao, after getting the golden ring and knowing he would get extra pay from Duke Tao he was happy.

"For someone who just killed someone, you sure look so happy." He heard a deep voice from behind.

He quickly took out his wand and turned back, he saw a man wearing a black robe and wielding a sword in his left hand. His face was covered with a smiling face mask, and there was a red eagle on his right shoulder.

"Who are you?" The man said while preparing to attack the masked man.

"You don't need to know." With his deep voice, the masked man replied.

Before the man uses his wand to summon the fireball, the masked man cuts his wand into two pieces. A small amount of fire energy came out of the wand, and the man with the wand went twenty meters flying back. It was not because of the sword force of the masked man, but from the fire energy that came out of the wand.