
TWO SIDE; light & dark

Born with gifted power but with dark personality. Without any reason he will always think of hurting other in any possible way. But since childhood he had only seen the good side of the world, which started to hide his dark personality with thin wall within, gradually he did not want to hurt anyone in any way. But what will happen when he sees the true face of his belove world, when the power he was so proud of is taken away from by one of his close one? Taking all this from him was not enough. What would happen when he was thrown away to die miserably by the same people he did not want to hurt?

MagicalWorld · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Daughter Older Than Me

"Move your hand forward." Listening to Kaito, Camie moved her hand forward with an open palm.

"It will hurt a little but try to bear it." Quickly he made a small horizontal cut on her palm. Soon he moved her palm vertically so blood drops started to fall down, he moved his right hand forward and took her blood drop on his hand before it could fall on the ground.

After containing a few drops of blood in his hand, he dropped the knife he was holding in his left hand and took a green pill out of his pocket. "Here quickly, eat it. It will quickly heal this little cut."

"Don't worry, Father. I can heal this amount of injury with my magical energy." She uses her magical energy and a white wave form around her palm and slowly it starts to close the horizontal cut caused by the knife. Within a second her palm got healed afterward she said, "What are you planning to do with my blood?"

"Nothing, with this even though I don't know you are now officially my daughter. You can go and look around the view of the backyard of the house, I will be out in a minute."

After Camie left, Kaito went inside a dark room.

The backyard of the house was filled with many types of colorful flower plants. There was a small lake filled with different kinds of fishes and beside it, there was a big twenty-foot-tall Cherry Blossom tree. A long wooden swing chair was connected to the one its horizontal branch located opposite the lake. With a smile on her face, she went near the Cherry Blossom tree and sat on the swing chair.

Nine minutes later he came out and saw a young lady in her twenties sitting on the swing in the backyard. He took out a sword from the house and slowly went to the young lady. Putting the sword on the back of her neck he asked, "Where is the little girl?"

Slowly turning her head back she said, "What happened, Father?"

When Kaito looked at her eyes it was the same as Camie, but he didn't understand what was going on. 'How can a little girl become young like this?' He thought for a while then slowly he removed the sword from her neck and said, "You are, Camie?"

"Yes Father, but do you forget me this soon?"

"No, but how come you become young? You were a little girl a while ago and now you are young."

'How can this be? I didn't change my appearance to my normal form so why can father see my original form?' To confirm her appearance, she looked into the lake, her reflection was the same as a little girl. After confirming there was only one-way Kaito could see her original form only if her magical power didn't have any effect on him.

Knowing her magical power was no longer working on Kaito, she changed her appearance back to her original form. She didn't ask Kaito anything, after changing her appearance back to normal she said, "It is my original appearance, father. To hide myself I had to change to make myself a little girl. But you have to believe me father, I'm your daughter Camie."

'What the hell? How can I get myself a daughter who is older than me?' While he was still thinking, Camie said, "Now that I found you, I don't think I have to hide myself by changing my appearance."

"No… You should change your back to a little girl. You know it would be weird when you call me father while you look older than me."

"But when I'm in a little girl state my power also gets reduced to half, I still don't know the reason behind it." She continued, "What if my enemy attacks us while I'm a little girl? I won't be able to save you and myself."

"Well, didn't you say you became a little girl in order to hide? They don't know about you being a little girl do they?"

She thought for a while then replied, "No, they don't. But few people saw me in a little girl state while I was escaping." She continued, "Don't worry father, I think I already dealt with them."

"Then it's all good, right?"


Soon she changed her appearance back to a little girl state. "You said after you become a little girl your power reduces, I think I have a way to increase your power while you are a little girl."

"Really! How?"

"Let me prepare something for you." After saying that Kaito went inside the house.

At the same time, Inside the house near Duke Tao's burned house. One of his men woke up while holding his head. "Aa! Why does my head feel heavy?"

Around him the remaining Duke Tao's men were sleeping, as he looked outside the window and saw the bright sky. He went to the rest of the men to wake them up. One by one all of them woke up while holding their heads. "Why are we sleeping in the afternoon?"

"Don't you remember after searching for Duke Tao, we all got tired and then slept?"

"Oh, yes."

"So, now that we didn't find Duke Tao, what should we do?"

"Don't you think it is a great opportunity for us to enjoy the freedom before Duke Tao comes back?"

"But what if something happened to him and he never retired?"

"Still, we have the time before the new Duke comes here."

"I will send the letter to the higher up about the missing report of Duke Tao, after that we don't have to do anything till, we get any reply back."

"Yes, you are right. It would have been great if our ground leader was not killed by Duke Tao."

"Yes." All said with a sad face.

One of them started to write a letter to the higher-ranking officials. For some reason they seem to have forgotten some part of their memory, they don't remember about anything going to the tower with the head of their group leader. It also looks as if their memories were rewritten as they think that their group leader was killed by Duke Tao.