
Haruko's Night 1

I prefer spring nights. The calmness along with chilly air makes me feel at peace. As a result sometimes I end up staying awake for long time in the night. Which obviously causes me oversleeping in the morning and getting a good whack from Hime.

"Wake up you idiot!"

I can hear Hime shouting to wake me up.

"I'm Haru. I'm allowed to do what I want in spring."

"No you don't. If you are wake enough to joke around, go get yourself ready."

There's no way to win against her. I drag my sleepy body to the washroom.

Btw I think you've already noticed, I'm Haruko. Though everyone say I'm the younger one, it was just some few seconds difference. There's no way I'm accepting Himeko as the older. Since Hime already did introduction before, I'm not gonna do it anymore. I'm really bad at it anyway. So thanks, Hime, though I'm not gonna say it out loud.

As usual, we go to class together. I take my seat which is beside the window. This place sometimes make me feel like an anime protagonist. The one sitting in front of me is Mi-chan. Beside me is Hime. I'm really grateful for this seating position since I can be with two of them all the time. The time I spent with them is the most precious for me. I don't really care that I don't have any other friend.

But things have been a bit different lately. Hime's friend Natsuya has been talking with me lately. Since his seat is behind Hime's, our seats are quite close. He is popular guy so I found it a bit strange when he suddenly started talking with me. But Hime said he is a good guy. And I guess it's true since he started talking with someone like me. Even though I said I don't care, I'm kinda happy that I got the chance to make a new friend. It might even help me to change.

The classroom is being as noisy as ever. The bell have already rang. Suddenly the door opens with force. The appearance of the homeroom teacher silences the whole classroom. He looks really annoyed.

"How long are you people gonna make me wait!"

What is he so angry about? The other student are also confused.

"You are the only class which still haven't chosen the class representive yet! Why are you making things more harder for me. You are gonna chose someone right now."

Our homeroom teacher was sick for more than a week. We decided to do it after he came back and then naturally forgot. But it's still his fault to begin with. He doesn't need to shout at us. I'm pretty sure everyone is thinking the same. But a class representive, huh. I'm pretty curious to see who volunteers.

But nobody did. Which made teacher more angry. He angrily told us to recommend others.

"Sensei pick Natsuya."

Someone shouts from the back. Like some kinda signal, everyone starts to suggest him.

"Yup Natsuya is perfect for this."



Teacher askes Natsuya if it's okay for him to become the CR. Its amazing to see how much people trusts him. He also doesn't betray their expectation and agrees to take the position. I wish I had that much courage.

As Natsuya goes to stand behind the teacher, teacher shouts once again but without the rage.

"Now chose a girl."

Like before, nobody volunteers.

'Should I do it?'

Suddenly an unexpected thought comes to my mind. Maybe I should give it a try. It sounds quiet fun and doesn't seem that hard.

Nah no way. There's no way I can be someone dependable. I can't even talk with others properly. I'm not amazing like Natsuya. I will just cause others trouble. Also its troublesome. I rather watch anime at home in peace. Why did I even think something stupid like that.

But is it okay to remain like this? If I don't take the first step, I won't be able to change. I can't advance while staying in my comfort zone.

Waves of confusion keeps flooding my mind. Though I have been looking for an opportunity to change myself, I don't have enough courage. I hate it when I become like this. Why can't I reach any decision.

As I keep hating my weak self, they still keep searching for female CR. Those who are recommended don't want to do it. Uncertainty prevails both in my mind and in the class.

In that moment my eyes suddenly meet with Natsuya's. He is looking intently towards me for few seconds then turns his head. What was that? Does he have something to tell me? But he doesn't look at me again and turns towards the teacher. As he has something to say, he opens his mouth,

"Sensei. I recommend Haruko-chan to be the other class representive."

Did my ears play trick on me? There's no way what I just heard can be true. There's no way someone would pick me to be a CR.

"Haruko? You mean the younger twin," Teacher takes his suggestion seriously. "Haruko, do you have any problem?"

I stand up with bewilderment. I know that I am not good enough for this. But a part of me also want to do it. I look up towards the teacher but my gaze again met with Natsuya's. For some reason an unknown tiny confidence blooms in me.

'Natsuya chose me. He must believe in me.'

In that moment of I answer without thinking anymore,

"No sensei, I don't have any problem. I will do it."

Just like that I was chosen to be class representive with Natsuya. I thought nobody would be as surprised as me but I was clearly wrong. Mi-chan's eyes are as big as soccer ball as she stare at me.

"Are you gonna be okay?"

"Yup. don't worry."

Hime cuts in, "Mi-chan don't talk like that. Haru decided it herself. Of course she can do it."

"Alright then," Mi-chan says relentlessly. "But tell us if things get hard."


I'm gonna use this opportunity in the best way. But I should thank Natsuya before that.