
Two Hearts & One Soul

They both couldn't clearly remember what happened between them the previous night at the club where they met. In the morning... Emma couldn't explain why she willingly had sex with the strange man she just met while Leo thought it was just a hook-up between two adults... Then they learned they had to get married even though they hated each other. Will their marriage end before it begins? ****************************** “Excuse me! Are you saying I planned to get pregnant and trapped you into marriage!?” Emma asked angrily “Well, nothing could be further from the truth, when you just happened to show up at a private lounge that was only meant for my friends and I that night...” He replied “And out of all the rich men inside that lounge that I could get pregnant by and trapped into marriage, how did I have the misfortune of being stuck with you!?... The one with the puny dick!?” “What!?...” Leo asked with his mouth half-opened. "Puny!?"

Biola_Johnson1207 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
85 Chs


Author's note

I've been a bit under the weather hence my absence. I don't have the contract yet but I'll start uploading this book from Monday. I'll give you guys for free if I have to. I don't mind.

The Billionaire's Fiery Redhead

Mi Corazon... Will also continue

thank you all for your patience


No longer afraid of what Leo might do to her, Emma angrily pushed herself away from the wall towards Leo, while making eye contact with him in the process. Even though she wasn't saying anything, her attitude towards him was now defiant.

She glared at him. Daring him with her eyes to make good his threat of killing her. When he did nothing after some seconds, she raised a brow and laughed derisively.

"Fuck man, do it! We don't have all day, kill me!... Kill me now if you have the guts, you son of a bitch!" She said emphatically"

Looking at her, Leo was surprised and lost for words. 'Does she have a dual personality disorder?' He wondered to himself because it was as if there was a crazy switch in her brain that suddenly got switched on.

She was no longer cowering in fear, no longer begging for her life. She was now standing toe to toe with him, daring him with her attitude to do his worst. No woman has ever disrespected him this much, not even his crazy sister.

Leo hated her! He hated what she stood for but strangely her defiant attitude stirred up a kind of passion in him. Her jacket had gone askew and the top two buttons of her shirt had come undone.

Looking down at her, he could see the soft swell of her boobs, and the urge to undo the rest of her buttons so he would be able to cradle her two molds suddenly came over him.

He immediately let go of her and turned his back when his dick stirred in response to his dirty thoughts. It would be shameful if she saw him like that so he briskly walked towards his favorite place by the window to hide his desire from her.

Leo felt like banging his head on the wall in frustration. How could he hate her and still desire her body at the same time!? What kind of power does she hold over him that he couldn't control his desires for her whenever they are near each other.

Now he's sure she's evil! All he wanted right then was for her to leave his office immediately. He needed to distance himself from her, otherwise, his threat to kill her might become real. He was afraid that he might mistakenly wring her neck for real out of annoyance.

Since he now knew about her family, he would tell his grandfather to approached her parents and handle the rest however he wants to.

Any normal girl would have quietly slipped out when Leo turned his back to hide his bulging dick. Not Emma though. Especially not when her element is going haywire. It was as if she had a death wish when she followed closely behind and continually taunted him...

"Ohh!... He's a pussy after all... Just a toothless bulldog, all bark and no bite! Whoever named you Leo must not have realized you're such a chicken shit!" She said and laughed mockingly at him.

"I'm talking to you so don't turn your back on me! You looked into my eyes when you threatened me so it's fair if I also look into your eyes, Mr. Billionaire CEO!... I knew you tried to use me for money ritual... Well, guess what!? Your plan failed fool!"

Her last statement made Leo to whirled around immediately, almost bumping into her

"What did you say!?..." Leo asked with a deadly look on his face

"I said you are a ritualist and a rapist! Guys like you should have a special place provided for them in hell! And I'll make sure I ruin you for what you did to me, just you wait and see..."

Leo just laughed like he found what she said funny.

"First of all... The entire members of your Da-Silva family don't have the capability to ruin me, so get that into your stupid head! Secondly... What I did to you!?... Guys like me!?..." Leo asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I can see you're not normal. You are so delusional, your family needs to commit you to a mental institution!"

"It is you they will commit to a mental institution, you animal! I was a virgin!... And I have a boyfriend! Why would I do what I've never done with my boyfriend with your ugly ass!? You drugged me somehow, so you could have your wicked way with me! You took away my innocent..."

"Bitch, there was nothing innocent about you!" Leo cut her off mid-sentence. "Nobody took advantage of you, you're a fucking prostitute for crying out loud"

Emma slapped him hard across the face then. She was furious! To think that she once thought this bastard was the man for her and fantasized about him! It was embarrassing enough that he sent a hundred thousand naira through room service with a message that says...

'Hope it's enough to cover what you charge per night.'

How could he took her innocence and still called her a prostitute to her face!? No, she won't take the insult lying down!

The strength behind her slap tilted Leo's head to one side. He saw red! He looked at Emma with blazing eyes and almost wring her neck right there. Nobody has ever raised their hands against him, not even his parents, and this bitch just did, after she falsely accused him of something he didn't do.

He balled his hands into a tight fist to hold himself back. He has never hit a woman before but this girl was really asking for a good beating. He closed his eyes, counting numbers one to ten to calm himself down. When he opened his eyes, he was shocked and nearly screamed like a child because of what he saw.

"What the fuck!" He swore loudly

She was no longer standing before him. In her place was a repulsive, frightful, and awful creature. Leo had only watched something of this sort in scary movies. How it suddenly appeared before him was beyond his imaginations. Or did she transformed into that? He wondered with disgust to himself.

The creature she transformed into was horrifying. Its eyes were enormous and bulging. Its greenish, slippery skin was warty like a toad's and its forked tongue darted out between tiny, sharp needle-like teeth.

It stretched out its webbed, stunted hands with sharp, curved nails towards Leo and he immediately stepped back.

"Kill it!" A voice shouted inside his head. It was his dad's voice. Leo would never forget that voice even if he lives to be a million years.

"Kill it right now before it suddenly disappears as it appeared. Kill it and be rid of this evil once and for all! Think of your mother, sisters... What do you think would happen to them if you're dead? What will happen to my legacy?"

"Yes, I have to kill it!'' Leo whispered to himself. He must kill it to keep his family safe, and to show the whole nation how evil the Da-Silva family is. He didn't need any more persuasion before he summoned enough courage to grab the creature by the neck, squeezing with all his might.

"Die scum!... Die!" Leo kept shouting to the creature as he squeezed the life out of it.

'Aren't monsters supposed to be strong?' He wondered as he watched the creature's sharp nails clawed and dug into his hands in a fruitless bid to pry open his strong grip and free itself.

Right then Leo started hearing voices like some people were calling him from a far distance. He couldn't make out what the voices were trying to tell him but he could tell they were panic-stricken.

The voices started coming nearer and nearer till he could hear them clearly.

"Leo!... Stop! Leonard let go! You will kill her, let go..." They were all shouting to him collectively.

'What are they all shouting about?...' Leo wondered with irritation. He's not killing anybody, he's killing a monster! Can't they see that!? Instead of them joining hands and kill the monster with him, they were all shouting like he's doing something bad.

Then everything gradually started to become clear. Leo became more aware of his surrounding like he was just waking up from a deep slumber. There were people inside his office... Chris, Ladi, and Paul to be precise. They all knelt on the floor, trying to resuscitate Emma who was lying unconscious on the floor.

Leo was in shock! He felt cold and was also sweating profusely at the same time. Emma was lying on the floor with visible angry red marks around her jaw and neck. He looked around frantically with wild eyes. Nothing!

"Where is it!?" He asked no one in particular. "Where is the monster!?... I strangled a monster, where did it go!?"

"God! She's not responding! What are we going to do!?"