
Two Bound Souls(A Douluo Dalu Fanfic)

Two unfortunate souls. Given a new life, bound to one another. Cursed to feel one anothers feelings. Cursed to always be togheter. 4 pathways decend onto Combat Continent ------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer. All copyrighted characters and works belong to their respective owners

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4 Chs

CH1. Death and new beginnings

"I hate to be the bringer of bad news. But frankly. I think we are dead".

"No shit mister obvious. Because the last thing I remember was that you shot me"

"Yes, but you stabbed me first".

"Well, you deserved it! "

Inn the endless void two different souls could be seen floating around, squabbling with each other for all that its worth. Anything and everything, from how it was the others fault for being the reason for everything that's wrong with the world.

It didn't take long before the two of them started brawling. It truly wasn't a pretty sight to see two souls brawling while hurling profanities at one another. They were at it for a long time, maybe a day, a millennium or maybe but a minute. Its truly hard keeping track of time in the void.

The sight of two souls that somehow got lost in the void while squabbling like children, was the first thing Ata Goddess of life & death, bonds & marriage, saw after feeling her divinity calling out for her.

First, she was speechless at the sight before her, thinking maybe her divinity was wrong. Before doing a double check. But no, to her dismay. The souls that had summoned her here through her divinity were the souls squabbling before her. Dark thought started to swirl in her mind before her divinity had to stop her from smiting them. Because when you have a chance to take a jump up in the hierarchy, what is two squabbling souls against the chance of becoming a grand Goddess? Truly nothing.

So, taking a deep breath, and pushing her smiting thought down, because why smite when you can curse. When she was ready, she did a simple thing. She clapped her hands. The void quacked and the two souls stopped what they were doing and shifted their attention towards her.

Noticing that she had their attention, she did her best 'Holier than thou' façade before she started to speak. "Greetings mortals. I have been summoned here by your strong bond and feeling for each other, even after your tragic demise. So I have come to give the two of you an offer you can't refuse."

Silence reigned after she spoke. She was starting to wonder if these two were normal. Normally when she greets mortals, they have a competition about who can bow before her first. That or they would break down, begging for the opportunity to go back. But nay, were these to shocked to death? They are standing completely still. But she was broken out of her thought by the very souls before her.

"The godfather" The soul on the right whispered to himself. She classified him as male by his distinctly deeper voice.

The souls on the left gave him a quick smack on the head and whispered to him. "No you dofuss, it's the godmother". And so, they were at it again. Squabbling like how two grandmas' squabble about whose pasta is better.

'Not dead. Worse. Insane' Ata thought too herself. Thinking about how wonderful the promotion has to be. Restraining herself with all she got so she doesn't 'Accidentally' smite them to oblivion and back.

One again she claps her hands to stop them from fighting. Bringing their attention back to her again. «Now now mortals, what you call me matters not. What matters is why we are here right now. I'm sure you have figured out that both of you are dead. So, my offer to you is simple. A new start. A new beginning. A new life."

Both souls were quiet and listened to her speak. It was a tempting offer. A new chance sounded so tempting, compared to the afterlife. But what was the catch. The offer is truly too good to be true.

Glancing at each other the male steps forth. Trying to gather his determination to speak, he takes a deep breath before he starts talking. "Your offer sounds wonderful. But what is the cost? I don't have much, but I can give you the souls beside me."

After listening to his words, the female soul pounces on him like an enraged lion. "You piece of absolute shit". And starts tearing into him.

Looking at them Ata feels her façade crack. 'If this is how it is to have children. Then I am glad I have none'. Throwing her façade away. She lets out her aura. The void shiver. Distant stars lose their shine. Galaxies looks like small marbles compared to her might presence. The souls hug each other tightly, scared of disappearing if they were to let go.

Raising her voice, she starts to speak with unparalleled majesty. "Listen closely for I will not repeat myself. Originally, I was planning on sending the two of you to different world. But I have changed my mind. So instead, you will be sent to the same world. But three rules will be applied to the two of you. The first rule is: Forever bound. You two will forever be bound together. You will never be able to escape one another.10 meters apart and you will feel pain, 20 meters apart and you will fall into a coma. 50 meters apart and you will fall dead."

She stopped talking and gazed at them. Waiting for them to understand the consequences. None of these rules needed to be done. But she is a spiteful woman. And being ignored again and again by two mortals didn't sit right with her pride. Gazing deeply at them she could feel their fear, they wanted nothing but to shout at har. Cursing her for the rules and her tyranny. But they can only blame themselves.

After having seen them go through all the stages of grief. Their rage, the hope for a bargain, but nay one look into her eyes and their hope was snuffed out. And the silent acceptance that yes, in the next life they will be forever bound.

"The second rule is simple: Unable to live alone. This rule is simple. If one of you were to die. The other will follow the same fate". She spoke with a sombre voice. "And the third and final rule is simple. You will share emotions. If one feels pleasure both will feel pleasure. If one feels anger, both of you will feel each other's anger".

Looking down at them she can clearly see them struggling at the though. As a Goddess of bonds, she can clearly see all the bonds between the two of them. How they care for each other, how they want nothing but to be with one another. Yet the pain, pride and anger make them unable to act on their feelings. 'Maybe I should be a matchmaker' Ata mutters to herself as she watches their feeling swirl and shift from one extreme to another.

"Now that the bonds have been established, and the rules set. It's time to get back to what we originally were here for. I hope the two of you have learned that actions have consequences". With a strong tone she spits each word out.

"The two of you will be sent to Soul land, otherwise known as combat continent. As you both have been subject to a punishment. Following the law of Equivalent Exchange. The two of you will be able to make two wishes. The Wishes cannot be to big or else you need to make more rules to bind you with. Since you are going to the combat continent. Your wishes can only be regarding your spirits".

Letting the two of them discuss with each other about what should be about. She can't help but raise her lips in a smile. Mortals all seem to have endless imagination and creativity. Wondering what they will chose, she summons forth her throne and sit down.

After a while, the female soul step forward. Glaring at the male soul about the stunt he pulled earlier, while also reminding herself to not do something stupid. "Is it possible to have two pathways from Lord of the Mysteries as our two spirits instead? And if that is possible can you make it so that there will be no madness or no 'Original' from said path that will try to takeover?".

Letting her smile show Ata uses her divinity to check. Finding out that its possible, but only after some slight adjustments she opens her mouth to speak. "The answer to both of your questions is Yes. But.". The two souls look absolutely thrilled at the answer. But the glee dwindles down with a simple but. A but can never mean something good. "Since Soul land and Lord of the mysteries are two different worlds. I will have to edit them slightly. Nothing much, but you will never be able to hunt for soul beasts since you will automatically make the last 'Step' condense into a soul ring. So you will only get your first soul rings after you have completely digested the step you are on. Also, if you are a prisoner from the chained pathway. You will only get your soul ring after digesting and taking the next step forward. And lastly when you get a soul ring, they will always be white. The only way for your soul rings to take a step forward is to continue to act."

"These are the conditions. You are free to decline". Looking at each other and giving it some thought. They both nodded at each other and in unison answered with a strong "Yes. We accept"

Ata looked at the souls with a small smile on her lips. 'Mortals and their ability to jump to conclusions. They didn't ask about the madness or the spirit power from combat continent. But instead jumped straight in'. Now the rest was simple. Have them pick their poison, send them away and then sweet, sweet promotion. With a swing of her hand and 22 different symbols began to float around the void. Before she could even open her mouth again to ask them to choose, the female opened har mouth. "Demoness. I pick the demoness." Enthusiastically she shouted out.

The male soul looked mortified, and Ata could swear that if ha had a body that the soul would fly out. He could already see his fate. Like the scrolls foretold. Young master after young master. Lusting after beauty. And given that he can't be too far away from her, they would all target him. But worst of all. The emotion sharing bond. He would be damned if he allowed her to have sex, nay that can't be allowed to happen. "I pick the Black Emperor." Looking at the female soul in dismay "You can't seduce anyone if there are no one to seduce. Or if it just so happens that all who are seduced are gay". Muttering the last part to himself.

Gears turning and looking from symbol to symbol the female souls thinks to herself. 'Seer? no can't afford to wait 400 years. Moon? No, vampire wouldn't be worth it. Abyss? Maybe, would at least have great synergy with Demoness'. Unable to find a clear-cut answer she glances from group to group. Until her eyes rests on the different symbols. A golden symbol of swords in a stone, a pale skull with a crown and a purple halfmoon. Her gaze stops at the halfmoon. 'Darkness, a great synergy. Spreading misfortune, bringer of nightmares and an ability to hide from anything and everyone. Almost a perfect synergy with Demoness'. Having made her choice, she speaks clearly "Darkness is my second choice".

Ata looking at her, thinking about the synergy of the two pathways can't help but nod at the choice. While abyss also would be a great choice for Demoness. Gaining an extra boost to 'it's' seduction abilities, plus other types of magic that complement the Demoness. But it would be a risky start. Step 7, the Serial Killer who kills to please devils would be the go-to target for the church to get promoted. It would be a terrifying thing to go up against. But Darkness and Demoness almost go hand in hand. The Demoness hiding in the night would be a far more dangerous target than the Mad Devil brining forth blight onto the land.

Ata and the female soul both look over to the male soul. Wondering what he will chose. The Black Emperor that relish in chaos.

Looking around at the 19 remaining symbols he immediately removes the Moon and Mother. 'No thank you. I'm not at the level where I'm willing to give up my dick for power. Tyrant? No, to few chances to go to sea. Hanged man, Sun, Visionary, all great not what I truly want. Seer, I could use Black Emperor's ability to distort time so those 400 years would be possible. But ruling and Empire of puppets'. Unable to really chose he swipes his hand, and 5 symbols dance around him. A blood red cross that hangs upside down, a blazing ball of light, a purple closed eye where the eyelashes control puppets, a shining door of stars and lastly a dim yellow dragon.

Swiping his hand again two symbols disappear, namely Seer and Visionary. Chuckling to himself 'For what fun is it to rule an empire that just plays to one's whims.' A Foolish decision? Maybe, but unknown variables are those who makes chaos and change.

Looking at the three floating symbols he reaches out with determination and grab the floating door. Raising his voice, he speaks out. "I choose Door as my second spirit."

Ata having looked at his inner turmoil lets a smirk out. Both Visionary and Seer would make ruling so much easier, but it would also be playing empire like how a young girl might playhouse with her dolls. Both the Hanged man and Sun would be powerful choices, but at the same time they are one extreme. Where the Hanged man is extreme darkness, with twisted desires. Sun is the brightest light that can't accept a speck of shadow under 'it's' rule. Door on the other hand is the true ruler of Space.

Looking at the two souls. Demoness and Darkness. Black Emperor and Door. Truly some interesting combinations. At least these two were smart enough not to ask for systems or magic eyeballs. She truly has lost track over how many souls that have come to her demanding systems and ocular abilities. Throwing them into the sun was the best choice she ever made, and maybe she should start giving out more rules. It worked wonders to shut these two up. Whit a wave of her hand. She sends them away. No time for goodbyes. She got a promotion waiting.

"Promotion, promotion. My lovely promotion. Here I come~ ~ ~". Is all that's heard in the empty void.