
Training & Reunion

Two weeks later, Luffy and Zeus were panting on the ground on Rusukaina Island. Rayleigh watched them and said "Alright breaks over let's go." Zeus and Luffy got up from the ground and slowly walked over to Rayleigh, Zeus said "A thousand dodges until we eat?" Rayleigh grinned and nodded "You want the power to protect? You want to be stronger?" Zeus and Luffy nodded, Rayleigh smiled widely and started smacking them with a wooden stick, while they were standing still, Rayleigh smacked Luffy and Zeus giving them both big bumps, he said "A very good choice to use seastone cuffs." Zeus rubbed his head and said "I will keep them on until we work on my devil fruit." Rayleigh kept swinging at them and said "I was watching you demonstrate, and listening to your explanation it seems that the high speed surges more lightning than you can handle, so you just need to work on your body right? We'll hit two birds with one stone on your armament Haki." Zeus nodded and continued to try and dodge, he and Luffy were both wearing Seastone cuffs and had blindfolds on.

Night rolled around and Zeus and Luffy grabbed the blindfolds and walked into the forest, Luffy called out "Come out and help us!" several animals came out and licked Luffy and Zeus, they laughed and put the blindfolds on as Luffy said "Same thing as last night." the animals nodded and all started swinging, lunging, and stabbing at the duo, Zeus and Luffy had befriended some of the animals on the island and yesterday Luffy asked them to help him and Zeus train.

Days passed and Hancock's monthly visit rolled around. Hancock came every month to bring Luffy food, she scoffed at Zeus but still blushed when she looked at him, Zeus chuckled and shook his head, he walked over to Rayleigh and said "We want extra." Rayleigh took a sip from his flask and said "You both want extra on top of the night training you do with the animals?" Zeus said "You knew?" Rayleigh nodded and said seriously "I would give you extra but you will burn out, you already have near impossible amounts. 1000 dodges until you eat, 100 laps around the island, climbing up the cliffs 10 times adding the night training with the animals anymore and you'll hurt yourselves." Zeus sighed and Rayleigh spoke again "You won't get extremely strong in one night, just Haki should take normal people more than 2 years to learn, I'm hoping you two can learn the basics in two years, not master it." Zeus chuckled and said "We already bumped it up to 1000 dodges instead of 100, so I think our observation will be fine, but what about the other two?" Rayleigh stroked his chin and said "All Haki is a manifestation of your will, Observation is spreading it out, Armament is focusing it on yourself, and Conquerors is forcing it on others, we just have to train your will and they all get stronger." Rayleigh paused and said "Your gauntlets are the same concept but instead of your devil fruit, you're using your will." Zeus nodded and looked at Luffy, who was eating with Hancock, and sighed "She does know that he has no idea that she likes him doesn't she?" Rayleigh laughed and said "You know I don't think she does." Zeus said "That's what happens when you live with mountain bandits, nobody ever taught him about girls" he shook his head, and Rayleigh laughed.

"999.. 1000" Rayleigh smiled and said "Looks like you two finally did it. It only took a year." Luffy and Zeus collapsed to the ground and panted, Rayleigh smiled and said "Not only did you finally make improvements on Observation, but you both can control Conquerors and Armament too, impressive." Zeus and Luffy grinned and both raised their hands up, and they turned black. Zeus' arm was black until half way up his forearm and had black cracks spreading out to the rest of his arm, while Luffy's arm was the same, except he had flame-like patterns spreading instead. Rayleigh nodded and said "Now, I want you two to work on your devil fruits, Zeus you said Lightning islands are better for you because they cause no backlash right?" Zeus nodded and Rayleigh smiled and said we're in luck then, the island right next to this one is has constant lightning on it." Rayleigh paused and said "Luffy you're coming too, since lightning has no effect and I want you both to spar frequently." the duo nodded and got up, Zeus said "Do you want me to fly you guys there?" Rayleigh nodded and un-cuffed them both, Zeus whistled and put the cuffs in his cloud before hopping on, Rayleigh and Luffy did the same, Zeus was confused and Rayleigh said "It's still an extension of your devil fruit I just put Haki on my feet." Luffy said "I though anyone could stand on it?" Zeus sighed and said "I think it's only you because you're rubber." he controlled the cloud and flew off with Rayleigh's directions.

A few months later Zeus and Luffy were sparring, and Rayleigh looked in a certain direction and said "We have company." Zeus and Luffy stopped and looked towards the direction Rayleigh and looking in. Zeus saw a giant boat covered in gold and red lightning started crackling around him, Luffy looked at Zeus and was a bit worried, he remembered what happened last time, Rayleigh saw Zeus' reaction and was curious, meanwhile the giant boat landed right in front of them and a man with a ring of drums on his back and long ears jumped off the boat and landed in front of the trio.

"After looking for you for so long I finally found you, my weapon." the man said and Zeus growled through his teeth "Enel." Enel laughed and said "Now that I found you let's go." he tried to control Zeus and found that he couldn't, Enel frowned and Zeus said "Fuck off." as a wave of Conquerors Haki pushed Enel back a few steps, he really did not want to see this guy again. Enel was confused and turned into his Raijin form and said "I will take you with me this time whether you like it or not." Luffy stepped forward, but Zeus held him back and said "This time let me do it." Zeus' arms turned black and he charged at Enel, punching him in the face sending him flying back, and he chased after him. Rayleigh walked to Luffy and said "Who was that?" Luffy explained what happened on Skypeia and Rayleigh said "No wonder, so that's why." Luffy looked at Rayleigh confused and Rayleigh explained "Zeus' armament was not improving since we came to this island, sometimes a mental block will stagnate your improvement because it limits your will. I think after this he will become much stronger I suggest you train harder or he might leave you behind." Luffy turned serious as he nodded and went back to training, not worried about Zeus at all.

Zeus chased after Enel and flashed under him kicking him with his Armament on his legs, sending Enel into the air. Zeus flashed above him and smashed both his fists into Enel's stomach, before following him down and kicking him the head, sending him in a different direction. Zeus was getting angrier and angrier, he spat as he punched Enel and said "You're the bastard who made me hurt my friends!" Zeus grabbed his neck and slammed him on the ground, he continued "You made me into a slave!" He grabbed Enel's leg and kicked him at the back of his knee hard enough to rip his leg off, from the knee down, he threw the leg away and slammed Enel on the ground again on his stomach. Zeus stepped on Enel's back and grabbed his arms and said "YOU HURT ROBIN!" and he ripped his arms clean off. He dragged Enel to the edge of the island by his remaining leg and said "Die." and he threw Enel into the air, before jumping above him and spin kicking him, sending him careening into the water, he watched as he drown and walked back to Rayleigh and Luffy.

Rayleigh looked at Zeus and said "That was something." Zeus nodded, and Rayleigh continued "How do you feel now?" Zeus looked at his body and made his arms black and said "I feel a lot better, also it feels like my Haki got a lot stronger too." Rayleigh smiled and said "You fixed the block in your psyche, the incident with that guy was limiting your Haki usage, it's only normal that you Haki gets stronger after removing the limiter." Zeus was happy, he never felt so good, Rayleigh said "Good news is I think you're a natural at Armament, but I wouldn't be too happy" Zeus was confused, Rayleigh chuckled and pointed to Luffy "You just gave him more motivation to be stronger than you." Zeus smirked and said "In his dreams" as he ran off to train too, Rayleigh watched the two and smiled.

A few more months later

Zeus and Luffy finished sparring and were sitting on the ground panting. Sometimes they would wear seastone cuffs, sometime they would use their devil fruits, sometimes Rayleigh had to stop them before they destroyed the island, needless to say they were extremely powerful. Zeus and Luffy were even on wins and losses, Zeus said in between breaths "I'm pretty sure I won that time so that makes 176-175 for me. Shishishishi" Luffy pouted and said "No fair, this island has lightning on it all the time, you basically don't get tired!" Zeus sneered and said "Deal with it, all I know is that you lost." Luffy lunged at Zeus and started a dustbrawl, the dust settled and Zeus sighed "I miss dragging Zoro into our fights." Luffy nodded and said "I hope they're doing okay" They were, extremely well. Zeus and Luffy got up and Rayleigh said "Alright since we're about a month away from the meeting time, we're going back to Rusukaina." Zeus nodded and called a cloud flying back to Ruskaina, on the way there Rayleigh said "Zeus, I think your package is ready." Zeus got excited and said "That's great we have time to go anyway!" Luffy complained "You're leaving again? Last time you were gone for a week!" Rayleigh laughed and said "Just train on the island and we'll be back soon." they dropped Luffy off on the island and Zeus waved at Luffy, who waved back, and took off with Rayleigh.

On the way Rayleigh said and "Alright you know the drill." he sat down and sipped from his flask, Zeus groaned and jumped off the cloud summoning his wings and flying, while controlling the cloud, and sped off. Rayleigh had the idea to train Zeus' control by making him focus on flying and controlling the cloud at the same time, the first few times Zeus nearly fell into the water before Rayleigh caught him but he slowly got the hang of it and his control increased greatly.

A week later

Zeus and Rayleigh, landed back on Ruskaina and found Luffy fighting the giant animals, covered in smoke. Zeus came up and said "Bounceman eh? How about a real challenge?" he smashed his fists together and his gauntlets appeared, but this time he had boots and a chest plate along with his horns and ring, Luffy said "Only half? You think i'm an easy target?" Luffy appeared in front of Zeus and sent him flying. Zeus got up and said "Oh you got stronger in a week." Zeus shook his arms and said.

"Fallen Angel."

Lighting armor appeared on his whole body except his face, and his arms turned black with cracks spreading on to the chest plate, his legs were also black and spread up to his chest plate as well. Black cracks spread along his neck and a little bit up his face and he said "Then let's go." he shot toward Luffy like a bullet and punched Luffy, who dodged and threw a punch at Zeus' ribs. Zeus blocked the attack and threw a kick at Luffys side, sendling Luffy flying through a few trees, Luffy got up and his arms cocked back into themselves and shot forward at an extremly fast speed.

"Gum-Gum Kong Gun!"

Zeus opened his hands and enlarged his gauntlets and threw his fists back.

"Heaven's Ring, Angel's Strike"

His hands caught fire and he shot them forward towards Luffy's incoming fists.

"Hell's furnace!"

Zeus and Luffy's fists collided and created sparks, while cracks started spreading from their impact, causing the animals to quickly run away, their collision created a huge shockwave and sent some animals flying away. They both flew backwards and Zeus' gauntlets went back to normal, as he said "Pretty good, but seems like your time ran out." he released his armor and returned to normal. Luffy laid on the ground in his normal form and said "Yea I was fighting before you got here." Zeus chuckled and walked over to him and stretched his hand out, Luffy grabbed it and Zeus pulled him up, Rayleigh clapped on the side and said "You got stronger since we've been gone, you're about even now." Luffy mumbled "If I was fresh I would've won." Zeus laughed and said "Hmph, I wouldn't bet on it." Rayleigh laughed and said "Alright only two more weeks, we should get going to Sabaody in a few days so we make it on time." Zeus and Luffy were excited to see the crew again and nodded.

A few days later

Zeus and Luffy were on a Kuja ship heading for Sabaody, Sandersonia came up to Zeus with something wrapped in cloth and said "It's finished, I hope you like it" he took the cloth from her and smiled "Thank you Sandersonia" She smiled and walked back to the rest of the Kuja waved at them as Hancock said "Luffy everything you want is on the ship, just shows how amazing a wife I would be!" she blushed and Luffy said "I'm not marrying you." She swooned and said "So bitter!" Zeus chuckled and shook his head, as the ship set sail.

A week later, they finally landed on Sabaody. Zeus said "Finally get to see them again." he looked at Luffy and said "Do you really need that huge bag?" Luffy nodded and said seriously "Yeah, it has all of our meat! There's even beef skewers." Zeus' eyebrows shot up and said "Beef skewers!" Luffy nodded and said "Yeah but they're mine." Zeus growled and said "I'm sure Sandersonia put those in there for me!" Luffy snapped and said "No Hancock put it in for me!" they were about to fight when they heard a voice "Oi you over there! What are you doing?" Zeus took a deep breath and said "Visiting." as he jumped off the boat with Luffy, who was wearing Blackglasses with a fake nose and mustache, and Zeus was wearing his new mask, it was half black Hannya and half white Kitsune, the black side had a broken tooth and the white side had a scratch over the eyehole, they were perfectly put together, you couldn't even tell they were separate masks before, on the sides of the mask were little ropes hanging down and at the end of them were little snake heads. The duo walked into town and disappeared.

They were walking on the street and Luffy bumped into a man with yellow hair and a curly eyebrow, the man was walking with a short woman, who had black hair and a fox that had a hat on. Luffy said "Oh, sorry." the man snapped and said "Don't you know who I am?! I'm 'Black Leg' Sanji!" the woman also spoke up and said "And i'm Nico Robin." Zeus and Luffy looked at each other and Zeus looked back and said "You certainly DO look like the shit cook, but Robin you don't recognize me? I thought you loved me!" he fake sobbed and Luffy said "That's not very nice Robin." the fake Robin was stunned and Zeus fake cried and said "Robin you don't love me anymore?!" everyone on the street was stunned, the fakes were speechless. Zeus wiped his non-existent tears away and said "I can't believe you would do this to me!" before he said to Luffy "I can't handle this!" and pretended to pass out, falling on Luffy, who was upset, Luffy shook his head and said "I expected better from you guys." and walked away now carrying Zeus. The fakes were frozen and confused.

Zeus 'woke up' when they were farther away and Luffy said "I can't belive Robin would do that, you were even going to propose." he shook his head, Zeus turned green and said "Shut up idiot! That wasn't the real Robin and Sanji they were fakes! Didn't you notice they had a fox with them, did you think that was Chopper too?" Luffy said "What they were fakes?!" his mouth was wide open, Zeus slapped himself and said "Yes. There's probably a fake you and me too! Also don't go saying i'm gonna propose out loud, it's supposed to be a surprise!" a voice was heard "Oh for who?" Zeus and Luffy turned around and saw a woman walk out of a bar with a man, Zeus said "Not for you Nemo." Luffy said "Are they real?" Nami punched him in the head and Luffy said "Yup." Zeus chuckled and looked at Ussop doing a few circles around him and said "Oh? The coward buffed up? What kind of protein you usin' bro?" Ussop said "What?" Zeus sighed and said "Nevermind, How strong are you guys now? Me and Luffy were going to start a new crew if you weren't up to snuff." Ussop paled and Luffy said "We never said that!" Zeus sighed and grumbled "Can't even tell a joke nowadays.." Ussop let out a breath of relief and Nami giggled, she said "Nice to see you again too. I heard you guys make quite the show at Marineford." Luffy said "Yeah! Zeus let number 1 loose! It was a huge monster and it came down with a huge boom! It was awesome!" Nami raised a brow and said "Number 1 eh?" Zeus choked and said "Oi, my beautiful sister! You look so good! I bet you're even stronger than me now! Please don't tell Robin." he started sweating and Nami giggled and said "Only if you take this sister shopping!" Zeus sighed and was about to strangle Luffy, when the doors to the bar opened up and a group of people walked out.

Leading the group was a fat man with a straw hat, walking out with him was a man with blue hair, a man with a Sogeking mask, a man with a black demon mask, and a short fat woman with orange hair. Zeus almost burst out laughing he smirked at Nami and walked up to the group, he coughed and said "Hey Nami! Did you change your hairstyle? You look great!" behind him the real Nami was seething and Ussop was trying his hardest not to laugh, Zeus continued "I just saw Robin and Sanji, do you know where Zoro is?" the fake Nami blushed and said "I don't know you ask Luffy." Zeus turned to the fat man with a straw hat and said "Do you know where Zoro is Captain?" the fake Luffy blinked and said "Who are you?" Zeus said "I'm the new recruit!" he fake teared up and said "You don't remember me?" he sobbed and ran back to Luffy, Nami, and Ussop and said "Guys they don't remember us!" and 'fainted' landing on Nami's chest, she said "So the flirt is back? I guess I might just spill the beans after all." Zeus froze and got up and said "I will literally eat all your oranges." Nami snapped and said "THEY'RE TANGERINES!" Zeus waved and said "Yeah Yeah, Apples, what ever you say Nemo." Ussop burst out laughing and Luffy smiled, the fake Luffy said "It's you!" he pointed at Nami and Ussop. Zeus sighed and released his Conquerors Haki and they fakes fainted and foamed at the mouth as Zeus said "I'm making fun of you, you're not supposed to talk back." he shook his head and walked over to the fake Zeus and took off his mask revealing a man with an extremely ugly face, Zeus fell back in fear and said "That's not handsome at all!" Nami came over and looked and laughed "HAHAHAHAHAH NOW WE KNOW WHY YOU WEAR A MASK!" Zeus snapped "I AM NOT UGLY, YOU WITCH!" Zeus and Nami argued for a bit before Zeus said "Where's Robin by the way." Nami rolled her eyes and said "I was wondering when you'd ask. I don't know though." she moved closer and whispered in his ear and said "I heard you're proposing? Where's the ring?" Zeus said "In my cloud, It took almost 4 months to make and a shit ton of money." Nami's eyes turned to beri signs and she said "Where is it show me!" Zeus said "You'll see it later, she'll notice if I take it out and it's supposed to be a surprise!" Nami rolled her eyes again and said "Let's go shopping and you can show me on the way, she's not here anyway." Nami dragged Zeus' arm and he turned and said to Luffy "Lu, don't get into trouble! Ussop watch him." Ussop nodded and Luffy waved at Zeus and said to Ussop "Let's go find the rest of the crew!" Ussop followed Luffy and said to himself "Why do I feel like something's gonna happen?"

Nami and Zeus were going from store to store, Nami said "Just put them all in your cloud" Zeus said "Does it look like a super storage?! Do you know how many things you just bought!?" Nami waved him off and Zeus snapped his fingers and said "Oh yeah! I ran into someone while we were training, we need to get to a gold exchange." Nami grabbed him excitedly and ran to the nearest gold exchange building, Zeus called his cloud and brought it in with him, Nami went up to the counter and said "Private room please." the lady brought them to a private room, there was a man sitting at a table inside, the lady closed the door and Zeus started pulling big gold cubes one after the other from his cloud pilling them up, Nami nearly fainted and the man was shocked, when Zeus finished nearly the whole room was filled and that was saying something, the private room was as big as a house. The man started counting all the gold and said "2.5 billion beri." Nami said "Are you sure?" She pointed at Zeus and said "This guy has a huge 300 million bounty and if you're lying to us, i'm pretty sure this place will lose a teller." the man stuttered and said "3 b-billion." Nami narrowed her eyes and the man started sweating "Fine it's 3.5 billion please don't kill me! I'm sorry!" Nami smiled and the man went to collect the money, Zeus blinked and said "How do you do that, we got an extra billion" Nami winked and said "Intimidation big bro! You're a pretty scary guy, ya know." Zeus said "Is it the mask?" as he touched his mask and Nami nodded and said "It's exactly the mask, how did you get that by the way, the gold and the mask." Zeus said "One of Hancock's sisters put both of my old broken masks together" he pointed to the little snakes and sighed "She was pretty in love with me, even after I told her I already have someone else, she fixed it and put the snakes so I would think about her, as for the gold.." Nami nodded and Zeus' face grew serious as he said "I met a certain someone who flew a giant golden boat, ring any bells?" Nami frowned and said "What happened" Zeus chuckled and said "To make a long story short, he's sleeping at the bottom of the calm belt with no arms and one leg left." Nami smiled and Zeus said "All the gold if from his boat, gotta say at least he was useful, I forgot to take his drum ring as a souvenir though" Nami laughed and said "Good. Glad you got over it." Zeus smiled and said "How about you?" Nami explained where she landed and all the training she went through, and showed her fist, while turning it slightly black, Zeus nodded and grinned "I always thought you had Haki before, you can't hit me if you don't have it" Nami was thoughtful and said "I only learned it during the two years." Zeus was about to say something, but the man came back with a bunch of briefcases full of money, Zeus put them in his cloud and he and Nami left.

Zeus and Nami were walking back to the Sunny, when Zeus heard a noise, he said to Nami "Go back to the Sunny, Ussop and the rest except Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji are there. I think Luffy just did something. Oh right tell them I said 'Hi'" before he disappeared.

He showed up standing next to the real Sanji and Zoro and said "Can't we just reunite in peace?" Zoro and Sanji turned to Zeus and said "What's up Mask freak, got a new one I see?" Zeus said "Yeah, want to hear something else? While you were in hell, me and Luffy were on Amazon Lily, an Island entirely made of women." Zeus chuckled and Sanji flared up, Zoro spoke "How was your training?" Sanji stopped and Zeus said "I can probably kill the entire crew two years ago, myself included, with a single punch." Zoro and Sanji grinned, and Zeus continued "So can Luffy. Shishishishi I hope you guys trained extra hard, otherwise the monster four is going to become the monster duo." Zoro and Sanji chuckled and said "Well we've got some good targets here." Zeus looked and saw Sentomaru, he sighed and said "This fucking guy, why is he everywhere?" Zoro and Sanji were confused, Sentomaru screamed in the middle of the crowd of people "You're all idiots! Those aren't the real Straw hats! The only real one is the guy with the huge backpack." he pointed to Luffy and Luffy chuckled and took off his cloak and glasses revealing himself. The crowd said "That's the real Straw hat!" Sentomaru sneered and said "And if he's here the rest are! Come out Red devil?!" Zoro and Sanji looked at Zeus, he sighed and said "You see his arm? I cut off his real one and another robotic one two years ago, I don't know how many times I have to cut it off before he leaves me alone" he walked out and flashed on stage.

Zeus landed on the stage and took off his cloak, revealing his unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt and his star scar, and redone dragon tattoo, it's head and a bit of it's neck was black and it had red eyes, with white horns. Zeus moved his mask over to the side of his head and said "How many times to I have to tell you I don't like fat women! And I already have a wife!" Sentomaru seethed "I'M A MAN!!" he called dozens of Pacifistas and Zeus said "Jeez you never learn huh?" he flashed and punched through a Pacisfista sending it flying through a group of them, causing them all to explode, he said "Do you guys want snacks, while you're watching?" Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy laughed and started destroying the Paifistas, Zeus chuckled and flashed in front of Sentomaru, he grabbed a thunder spear and said "I guess third times the charm?" before he cut Sentomaru's robotic arm off again and turned around to walk away, Sentomaru grit his teeth and said "You won't escape this time! Kizaru's already been notified." Zeus stopped dead in his tracks and said in a chilling voice "When does he get here." Sentomaru shivered and said "30 minutes." Zeus said "Tell him to meet me at Grove 1" he turned around, and his mask was on his face and his eyes were red "Tell him to bring a coffin." before he flashed away.

The rest made short work of the Pacifistas and Marines and got back to Grove 1, Zeus was quiet and didn't step on the Sunny, he said to Luffy "Lu, Kizaru's coming here. Right now." Luffy's face turned serious and he said "Alright." before he told Zoro and Sanji to get on the Sunny and get ready to set sail, as he stood next to Zeus in silence. Zeus was standing still with a thunder spear on his shoulder, the tip turning white to red to pink. They didn't have to wait for long before there was a flash of yellow light, that landed in front of them.

Kizaru revealed himself and said "Oh, I forgot to bring your coffin, forgive me." Zeus took the spear off his back, and it turned black as black lightning crackled around it, Zeus said "The coffin.." he lunged at Kizaru extremely fast and finished "Was yours!" Kizaru flashed away and Zeus' spear smashed into the ground, Zeus looked up and threw the black spear at him, Kizaru dodged but the spear cut his face, Zeus sneered and said "Almost put a hole through your head, don't worry next time i'll be faster." Luffy jumped off of Zeus back and shot his hand back and it turned black as flames surrounded it before he shot it forward towards Kizaru.

"Gum-Gum Red Hawk!"

Luffy's flaming fist collided with a stunned Kizaru, sending him flying. Zeus and Luffy chased after Kizaru, as he tried to evade them Zeus shook his arms while chasing him and half of him armor came out.


His gauntlets turned black as well as his horns, but the rest was red. He caught up to Kizaru and punched him sending him flying up, Luffy jumped above him and his arm swelled up and turned black before shooting towards Kizaru.

"Gum-Gum Elephant Gun!"

Luffy's giant fist smashed Kizaru towards the ground, Zeus was under him and smashed him with both fists, sending him into several buildings. Zeus grabbed Luffy and spun him around before whipping him towards Kizaru, Luffy's head turned black as he was flying through the air.

"Gum-Gum Rocket Slingshot!"

He collided head first with Kizaru, and Kizaru smashed into a mangrove tree. Zeus flashed above Kizaru, and slashed down on him with a black thunder spear, Kizaru dodged out of the way, but the spear cut through his shoulder and sliced his arm off. Kizaru flashed a distance away, while holding his shoulder. Luffy stood next to Zeus, and Kizaru said "You fucking brats!" Zeus sneered and threw his spear at him, causing him to flash away. Zeus said "You should've fucking though of that when you gave Ace a cheap shot! You stupid light monkey!" Kizaru spat "You'll regret this!" and turned into light before shooting off into the distance. Zeus grabbed a black thunder spear and his gauntlet expanded as he threw it in the direction Kizaru ran.

The spear flew by Kizaru and smashed into a building on New Marineford, revealing Sakazuki, who looked over confused.

Zeus returned to normal and said "Fucking bastard got away." Luffy said "We'll meet him again, let's go back to the crew and leave this place." Zeus nodded and followed Luffy back to the Sunny.

Zeus and Luffy, got to the Sunny and walked on board, Zoro and Sanji looked at them and smirked, the rest smiled and Robin jumped into Zeus' arms. Zeus moved his mask over and smiled at Robin before hugging her. The rest of the crew coughed and Robin pushed Zeus away before Merry jumped onto Zeus and said "Daddy!" Zeus smiled and put Merry on his shoulders, he got a lot bigger he was nearly 6'5, and he said "You're really committed to that huh?" Merry pouted and said "You basically gave me a new life so you're basically my father, and I went through some traumatic experiences by the way!" Zeus laughed and smiled warmly, before he turned to the crew of the crew and heard their stories and what they did during the two year break. Merry said "I was in Davy Jone's locker" The rest of the group gasped and Merry said "It wasn't that bad, I talked to the rest of the ships and they gave me training so i'm a lot stronger now!" Luffy said "You can talk to ships?!" Merry nodded and Luffy said "What's the Sunny saying?!" Merry said "Big bro Sunny said he missed you guys and that there were a lot of people trying to sell him while we were gone, he was pretty scared." Zeus handed Merry over to Luffy before turning to Robin.

He finally took a good look at her, and held his nose, she was absolutely stunning, her skin was whiter and she lost her tan, she had long black hair that fell past her shoulders, and Zeus noticed she was wearing the same turtle neck that she had in the Zou arc, and sandals. Zeus said "Hello? If I didn't already have someone I would take you for sure." Robin giggled and said "Are you sure? She won't find out." Zeus almost nodded, but caught himself and said "Heh, you're not tricking me that easily Robin." She smiled and jumped on him again, the rest of the crew, minus Sanji, was secretly paying attention to them while Merry was talking to Sunny.

Nami whispered to the group "I heard Luffy say that Zeus was going to propose, and Zeus told me the ring is super special." Luffy nodded and said "Yea he had to travel for a week to get to where it was made. I heard him and Rayleigh went super far." the crew all nodded and Sanji said "Damn mask freak! Taking my sweet Robin-chwan." before he snapped and said to Luffy "I heard you two were on an island with only women?!" Luffy nodded "Yeah, there was the Warlord Hancock on there too, and she kept asking me to marry her, but I denied." Sanji's heart nearly stopped as he mumbled "He denied.." over and over again, Luffy was confused and Nami sighed.

"You were on an Island of women?" Robin said with a raised brow, causing Zeus to sweat as he said "Yea, but I didn't do anything!" Robin looked at his mask and saw the little snakes and said "What are those snakes?" Zeus sighed and took off the mask and said "Hancock's sister is in love with me and she fixed my mask, but I told her before that I have you. She fixed it anyway and put the snakes so that I would think of her, she was very nice. I never did anything with her and I kinda feel bad." Robin smiled and said "I'm sure you didn't flirt with her and if she likes you, she likes you, it's not your fault." Zeus smiled and pulled her in as he whispered in her ear "I was think about you the whole time, let's go to your room I want to give you something." Robin blushed and nodded, Zeus grinned and said "You guys done talking?" the rest of the crew nodded, Zeus called down his cloud and took out all the money, and while nobody was looking slipped a little box into his pocket, Nami noticed but didn't say anything. The crew said "Where did you get all this money?!" Zeus sighed and explained what happened during the break. The mood turned somber at the mention of the name but lightened up when they heard he was gone forever, and Luffy said "Alright! On to Fishman Island!!" Zeus smiled and slipped into the cabins heading for Robin's room.

He watched in and saw her sitting on the bed, smiling at him, he smiled and tackled her on to the bed, causing her to yelp. He laughed and kissed her and rolled over she she was on top of him, their lips separated and she blushed, he coughed and sat up saying "There's plenty of time for that later but I really did want to give you something." he pulled her up and got on one knee, as he pulled out the little box, she gasped and he said "So really, after Marineford it was pretty clear that we could die at anytime, so I guess this is a bit early." Robin shook her head and teared up, Zeus took a deep breath and opened the box, revealing a red ring with engravings on it and a sparkling diamond that was shaped like a flower and said "Robin will you marry me?" Robin nodded and hugged him, causing him to fall to the floor as she said "Yes!" Zeus laughed and got up and sat on the bed with her and showed her the ring, she looked at it and thought the engravings were familiar, Zeus said "So extremely hard to get these by the way and i'm pretty sure that it is the only one in the world. I flew with Rayleigh to Wano and met two of Rayleigh's friends, one of them knew how to make Poneglyphs and the other knew how to engrave on them, they said it was passed down by their families for generations. Rayleigh did me a huge favor and got them to make this for me, I got another guy in Wano to make the diamond shaped like a flower and it took nearly a year to make it."he sighed and continued "Honestly I didn't think it was possible but when I asked Rayleigh he said he might know a guy so that's how we ended up in Wano, I hope you like it." She was absolutely shocked and read the engravings, Zeus said "It should say 'I love you.' with our initials, but I can't read it so they could've literally put anything on it." Robin giggled and said "It does say that." Zeus let out a breath of relief and said "Thank god, because if it said something cheesy I would've went back to Wano and beat the shit out of that old pervert myself." Robin turned to him and silently looked at his face before saying "You did all that, for me?" Zeus smiled and said "Of course.." Robin hugged him tightly and whispered "I really love it thank you." Zeus took back what he was about to say and hugged her back and said "Anything for you." She broke off the hug and looked at the ring again, while putting it on and said "I thought you were gonna say something cheesy like, 'it's the color of a road Poneglyph because it's our road' or something like that." Zeus turned green and said weakly "Yea I would never say that Hahaaa" She looked at him before rubbing her forehead and saying "Seriously?" Zeus was embarrassed and turned his head away, she sighed and giggled "Thank god you didn't." Zeus laughed and quickly changed the topic "So should we let our crowd see it?" Robin chuckled and opened the door causing the rest of the crew to fall in.

Zeus said "Welcome to my room, at least this time I wasn't naked." the crew nervously chuckled, remembering the beating they got for that. Nami said "Let me see it!" Robin showed them the ring, Nami said "WOW." Zoro said "You went to Wano?" Zeus nodded and said "Yea I even got some clothes from there. They have really nice stuff there, unfortunately no named swords." he turned to Sanji and whispered "The bath houses there are mixed!" Sanji had another nosebleed and he fell to the floor, Zeus chuckled and said "And they have ninjas!" Ussop and Chopper were amazed.

Nami said "How much did that cost?" Zeus chuckled nervously and said "Well, doubled what we got for Enel's gold and I might be famous as an assassin 'Masked Ghost' there now. Heh heh." Nami's eyes went wide and she said "Double?!" Robin said "Masked Ghost?" Zeus nodded both times and said "They wanted some people dead there, so I killed them, a whole story for another time, most of them were part of Kaido's crew." he waved the crew of as if it was no big deal, they were wide eyed and said "YOU WERE ASSASSINATING KAIDO'S CREW?!"

Zeus said "Yeah, as a ghost, they don't know who I am or why I was killing them, plus I was using a scythe so nobody even knows it was me, we're fine." Nami let out a sigh of relief, Zoro was disappointed and Luffy said "We should tell Kaido, I really wanna fight him." Nami snapped "You want to fight a Yonko?!" Luffy nodded and said "Yea, fighting Zeus hundreds of times gets boring." Zoro said "Who won?" Zeus and Luffy said at the same time "Me." they looked at each other and said "NO ME!" Zeus growled and said "The final score was 187-186 for me!" Luffy crossed his arms and grumbled "Most of those were on the lightning Island" Zeus sneered "Whatever you say, loooooserrrrr." Luffy snapped and they started a dustbrawl, when they stopped Zoro was in between them and said "I didn't miss this." Zeus and Luffy laughed and said "We did!"

Zeus got up and said "Alright, alright, who's driving? get out of my room you bastards, especially you rust bucket! How did you even get in here?!" Franky snapped "Oi, watch it electro-boy! Nevermind how I got in!" Franky turned around stopped before he reached the door and said "I missed you, ya bastard." and left. Zeus was left in the room and smiled as he closed the door, he turned around and was immediately pinned on the wall by Robin, she said "Now we won't have any interruptions." Zeus smiled and bit her earlobe and said "My, my, Robin did you miss me?" Robin moaned and said "Yes, I really did. I thought about you all the time." Zeus picked her up and brought her to the bed and laid her down and said "Me too."

Hey guys! Extremely long chapter, It really had to be because the Training wasn't that long and had to put the reunion in it and I'm not going to cut the reunion in half for a word count damnit! Hope you liked what happened with Enel, I tried to redeem it but that was a HUGE trainwreck chapter, anyways I tried. also don't you perverts complain you'll get your long awaited lemon next chapter lol.

Btw I don't know if anybody in Wano still knows how to make and engrave Poneglyphs or if its possible to make a ring but i did it, so please dont get technical with me.

ALSO the crew is su- AHEM* SUUUUPERRRR strong compared to canon so the story will change a bit, who knows I might just make the enemies stronger too! (well the important ones anyway)

And if anybody wants to know I cringed during the proposal too, but it was necessary! Anything for Robin-chan!

Also i feel like im forgetting something, here... ask me in the comments and i'll try to answer.

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