

(Ayanokoji POV)

Thanks to the combined efforts of Horikita, Kei and Yosuke, the class's doubts on me have decreased.Of course, there were still some who harbored them.

Kushida took advantage of this opportunity to paint me as another Koenji, and instilled the idea into their heads.Many would continue to second guess me as their classmate, seeing as they were skeptical of whether or not I was following Horikita's instructions in holding back my math abilities.For Kushida, this would be a good opportunity to make me the target in another voting exam, especially with her influence.

However, thanks to Horikita, Kei, Yosuke, and the Ayanokoji group, my classmates are willing to let me continue as I please, so as long as I contribute to the class more.I can't argue with that.In the eyes of my classmates, minus Horikita, Kei, Yosuke, Sudo, and most definitely Koenji, I have been nothing but a total recluse.I don't bring harm to the class, but I don't contribute much either.

I'm going to have to continue to live my days where some of my classmates would doubt me, other classes would most definitely become wary of me, as well as being targeted by Tsukishiro and the White Room students.

As I contemplate all the things that have happened these past couple of days, such as my confrontation with Housen, the revelation of the bounty on my head, my perfect math score, my talk with Tsukishiro, and being baptized under the eyes of my classmates, I suddenly recall Horikita Manabu's parting gift to me.

'Carve your existence in the minds of the students.Let them know that the student known as Ayanokoji Kiyotaka was truly great.'

A cruel parting gift, that made me go against my original wish of living a peaceful life, but at the same time, for some reason, it's gotten me riled up.I wonder, how else would I proceed with leaving behind such a legacy?

The events these past few days have certainly started to put me on that path, but I kind of wanted to spice it up a bit.Maybe throw in a little chaos.Certainly the opposite of my original wish, but at the same time....

If he was here, perhaps we could have fun mixing it up with the school.Between me and him, he is the one on the more wild side.I wonder what would happen if he were by my side as both my partner, and my rival.Actually I wonder...

'Where you are right now, and what, and how are you doing?'

As I was lost in my thoughts, mumbling to myself, I started to feel hungry.I got up from my bed and started boiling some water.I took out the instant ramen that I got from shopping with the Ayanokoji Group.

Seriously, I think Haruka wants to kill us with all these extra spicy ramen.While I waited for my water to finish boiling, my phone rang.It was Chairman Sakayanagi.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Good evening Kiyotaka-kun.I'm sorry for calling you late this evening.I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"No, not at all.I was just boiling some water.Is there something you need from me?"

"Don't worry, it isn't a problem.Rather I have some news for you, and I'm sure you would be delighted to hear it."

News?Could it be something to do with Tsukishiro or my father?Maybe Chairman Sakayanagi's allegations have finally cleared up, and he could return back to his post.That would sure put me at ease if that were the case.

"Okay, what it is?" I asked.

"I'll get straight to the point.There will be a new transfer student transferring to your class."

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"Transfer student?Is that even possible?"

"Normally not, but there are a few special circumstances where it could happen.I can't tell you the details, since you're still a student.Just know that this transfer student will be joining your class tomorrow."

In our class tomorrow?Were they sent by that man?Judging by the Chairman's words, they don't appear to be.Maybe the Chairman arranged for someone to help aid me during these times.If that's the case, I can't imagine who they would send out.

The Chairman continued, "The identity of the transfer student will remain a secret for now.You will know who they are by tomorrow.That's all the news I have for you."

"Is it okay for you to tell me this?"

"Don't worry.I just want to.... give you a heads up, that's all."

"I see.Well I appreciate you letting me know.May I also ask one thing?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"This transfer student, did you send them to help me out?"

"About that, it was their desire to transfer here.I checked their records, and they are, in fact suitable to be placed in your class, so I say it works out.Furthermore, they came to me for help.That's all I have to say.I'll leave the rest for you to figure out tomorrow. "

"Oh.I see.Thank you very much.I'll look forward to it tomorrow then."

"Very well, I'll hang up now.Have a good evening."

With that, the Chairman ends the call.After thinking it over for a few minutes, one thing sprung to mind.Could it be that the transfer student is.....

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sounds of the kettle.Guess I'll see if my hunch is right tomorrow.If it is, I'm looking forward to it.

(Ayanokoji POV)

The next day finally came.I entered my classroom, only to be greeted by numerous noises from chatter around me.If I had to guess, they all probably heard of it as well.I make my way to my seat, when my neighbor Horikita greeted me.

"You sure took your time getting here.Homeroom's starting soon." said Horikita.

"Yeah, guess I had trouble sleeping, but here I am.It sure is lively this morning."

"Haven't you heard?Apparently there's a new transfer student coming today."

"Did Chabashira-sensei say who it is?"

"No.She just came by and said we have a new student transfer form a different school.It's honestly surprising, considering how this school operates."

"Maybe they come from an influential family or something."

Clout probably plays an important factor in this.

"Maybe.Something like this probably isn't easy to pull off.Hopefully they will cooperate with us though."

"Yeah, hopefully." I say apprehensively.

Sorry, but if my hunch is right, you may need to start preparing for some negotiations.

"By the way, how's your hand?"

"It's healing, though I'm having a hard time gripping with.It shouldn't be too much of an issue since it's my non-dominant hand."

Her concern was understandable, but unnecessary.I can't put her at fault for it though.Both her and Sudo were witnesses, and they probably feel bad for not being able to do much against Hosen.

"Being stabbed with a knife is no joke.Honestly, I wish there was a better way for you to deal with that situation."

"Trust me there wasn't."

Horikita paused for a moment, then continued.

"I'm sorry. "

"For what?"

"For being useless back then.I couldn't even completely clear up the doubts surrounding you."

Knowing Kushida's influence, it was understandable.

"Don't worry about it.I made that choice to get my hand stabbed.I made that choice to agree to your bet.It's no big deal."

"Still though...."

"Like I said, it's fine."

"About the bet-"

As she was talking, Chabashira-sensei entered the classroom, and everyone settled down.They were all undoubtedly excited at the prospect of a new classmate.

"As you all may have heard, we have a new transfer student.Normally this kind of thing is difficult to pull off, but under certain circumstances, transferring to this school is possible."

Chabashira spoke up, letting everyone know what's going on.

Ike, without hesitation, spoke up.

"Sensei, are they a boy or a girl?"

"If they're a girl, are they pretty?" said Miyamoto.

Various questions of the sort were being thrown out there by a lot of the boys.Even some of the girls were wondering the same thing.

"Sorry to crush your fantasies, but I'm not a girl."

A voice, familiar to me, but unfamiliar to everyone else, spoke up from the other side in response to Ike's and Miyamoto's questions.

"You weren't suppose to say anything yet.Well anyway, please enter." said Chabashira-sensei.

My eyes widened at the site in front of me.From my peripheral view, I can see that Horikita has taken notice of my reaction with a puzzling look on her face.This was probably the first time she'd seen my poker face change a bit.

The boy in front of the class had red hair, golden eyes, and sported a grin on his face.He stood at 175 cm, and has, what many would consider to be, handsome features.

"I was right." I mumbled under my breath.Horikita heard me though, and turned to me.

"Ayanokoji-kun?" she asked in response to my reaction.I ignored her.

Chabashira then asked the boy to introduce himself.With that, the boy spoke:

"My name is Akabane Karma, but feel free to call me Karma.Seeing as how I'm part of this class now, I do hope we get along.Or not.Depends on you really.As for my hobbies, I like reading, collecting spices, among other things."

It's like I've seen a ghost, or the devil himself appeared in front of me.

I can hear the voices of some of the girls whispering to each other about the new guy in front of us.They all probably saw him as a new ikemen.

Meanwhile I could faintly hear some of the guys are saying 'damn not another one', 'we already have Hirata here'.Honestly I don't what on earth they're blaming Yosuke and Karma for.Maybe those other guys wouldn't be so hated if they weren't perverts.

"You will be seated at the back." Chabashira-sensei said to Karma, pointing out the vacant seat next to me.

Honestly, other than my girlfriend Kei, I couldn't ask for a better seat.Still, I can't help but feel akward.I haven't spoken to that guy in 4 years now.I heard that he was taken away as his transfer to a different White Room facility at a different site was intercepted by an assassin.

I thought he was dead.Still, I'm glad he appears to be alright.

He walks over to his desk, not losing his grin for a second.He stopped at my desk and looked at me for a good couple of seconds, and I gave him a look back.

Everyone, except Koenji, who was busy looking at himself in the mirror, was looking at us right now, wondering what was going on.He then broke the tension, and said something that caught everybody, even Chabashira-sensei by surprise.

"To think we'd be in the same class.What?I came a long way and you're not even gonna say hi to me, Kiyotaka.It's been a while you know?"

"Karma.I haven't heard from you in a while.How'd you even get in here?" I replied.

"Oh, I just wanted a change of scenery, so I asked around for some help."

While he said that, he widened his grin, and through eye contact, he's basically telling me:

'I'm aware of your circumstance.I'm not letting that man have you expelled on my watch.Not when you and this school can entertain my boredom.Besides, I'm never gonns get another opportunity like this one.'

I nodded in response.Seeing as how he he understood that I got his message, he sat down on his chair with his back leaned against the back rest, and his chin tilted slightly upwards.

The rest were surprised, not only that we knew each other, but that we were on a first name basis.Everyone probably thought that I, a recluse, was never capable of talking to people.

They weren't completely wrong.To be honest, he was the one who always initiates the conversation.Actually, it's probably more accurate to say he pesters me all the time.

"You know each other?" whispered Horikita to me, though I'm pretty sure Karma heard it.

Perfectly understandable of her to ask this of me, seeing as there's finally someone, who isn't Sakayanagi, who knew me from back then.This time on personal level too.I didn't respond, seeing as how us calling each other by our first names and having a rather brief, but casual conversation with each other should answer that.

Chabashira-sensei snaps everyone out of their confused state, and proceeds with class.Karma and I eyed each other for a bit, basically me telling him I want answers, to which he obliges to tell me later.He then pulled out his phone and discretely showed me his number.

Seems he has noticed the presence of security cameras.As expected of him.I saved his number in my head and proceeded to also discreetly show him mine.He too saves it in his head.

Horikita was noticed us though.Pretty sure she was gonna ask this of me later.I'm not looking forward to it.

Lunch time finally came and some of the class was preparing to head out to the cafeteria.I was waiting for Karma to say something.He finally turned to me and broke the silence.

"Seeing as how we can finally talk, I'm guessing you have questions for me." says Karma.

"Funny you should point that out.Did you bring your own lunch?" I replied.

"Of course I did.Though I would like for you to show me around the cafeteria."

"Next time.For now, join me somewhere."

"Hmm.Well I don't mind.I would like to enjoy our little reunion together."

I texted the Ayanokoji group saying I would be eating lunch with Karma.They gave me the okay and I begin to get up, when Horikita chimed in.

"Mind if I take a bit of your time later Ayanokoji-kun?It's about our agreement."

"After afternoon classes, but please make it quick."

"Sure.You probably want to spend time with your friend here.I also have some questions."

"Save them for later."

I was about to leave when the devil reared his head.

"Mmm?And who's this girl Kiyo?Your girlfriend?" said Karma in a not so inconspicuous volume.I imagine him as the devil saying this.

A few people heard it.Two them being Kei and Sudo, who were glaring at us upon hearing that question.

"Absolutely not." said Horikita.

"She's just a friend and neighbor.Nothing more, nothing less." I responded to him, not hiding my displeasure to his comment."If you say so" he said with a smug expression.

As we were walking out for our lunch, I suddenly feel the urge to duck.Following my instincts, I dodged the roundhouse kick he aimed at my head.

He followed this up by spinning around and launching another kick with his other leg, not even considering to at least hold back.I dodged that as well.

Using the momentum of the spin, he launched another kick with his other foot.This time I grabbed it.

Great.Now people are gonna be even more suspicious of me.

"What do you think you're doing, you delinquent?"

"Hmm?Just seeing if you've dulled after all this time.Glad to know you haven't." says the devil with a smug look.

The room was quiet.It was, just us two talking.I can feel the confusion emanating from a lot of people, among them being the Ayanokoji group.

"If you noticed the cameras, you should've known not to do that."

"Come on, I just want to have a little fun.Besides, it's just light kick."

"Yeah, a kick with enough force, that could have given me a concussion."

"You're exaggerating yourself.Now, please let go.You're gripping my foot a bit too hard there." he says with an innocent look on his face.

This whole time I had been holding on to his foot tightly, my way of blocking his kick.I thought about what he'd do the moment I let go, but I could tell he won't do anything more, seeing as how there were many people present, as well as the presence of cameras.

Reluctantly, I let go, and he, quite literally, puts his foot down.

"Thank you.Now let's go."

He then grabs my shoulders, turns me to face the door and pushes me out.I could feel our other classmates staring at us.Seems I've attracted even more attention for myself.On second thought, I take everything I said back last night.Maybe it's best if I think this through.

Part 4


Everyone watched as the pair of boys leave the classroom via the back door.Seeing the bizzare scene that had just unfolded in front of them, people started asking questions.

Ike: "Hey hey hey.What the hell was that just now?!"

Hondo: "I know right.That Akabane guy just launched kicks right at Ayanokoji's head, and Ayanokoji dodged, and blocked them like they were nothing!"

Sudo: "Those kicks weren't nothing at all either.It looked like he launched them with a lot of force."

Matsushita: "Ayanokoji-kun didn't even looked fazed by them a bit.He didn't even seemed panicked by it."

Sato: "Yeah.It's amazing that he could keep himself calm like that."

Matsushita whispering to Sato: "Sato-san, are you still not over him?Your face is turning red."

Sato: "H-Huh?!Wha-what?!No!I'm definitely over him." 'besides, he's with Kei-chan now.'

Matsushita: "Whatever you say."

While everyone else was discussing the scene played out before them, the Ayanokoji group had their own discussion.

Yukimura: "Akito, can I just ask something?"

Miyake: "What is it?"

Yukimura: "You're the expert here.What do you make of their scuffle?"

Miyake: "Well, to add on to what Sudo said, Akabane launched those kicks with good form too.From what I could tell, he's probably well trained in martial arts.The same could probably be said for Kiyotaka."

Hasabe: "How so?That he dodged and blocked them, despite having his back turned at first? "

Miyake: "Not only that, he didn't look panicked.I get the feeling he's used to this type of thing.He dodged, and blocked them without hesitation, and knew that they were coming.From my understanding, they've sparred before, and probably received similar training.They're no amateurs no doubt about it."

Sakura: "W-wow.Kiyotaka-kun is amazing."

Yukimura: "Hold on a second!So you're telling me not only is Kiyotaka smarter than he let on, but also good at fighting?How much is he hiding from us?!"

Hasabe: "Yukimuu, please calm down.Kiyopon may not have told us, but it's not like he's just come up to us and suddenly demands a fight."

Yukimura: *sigh* "You're right.I lost my cool.I guess it would be weird if he suddenly just came up to us and told us he's good at fighting and wants to show it off."

Sakura: "Yeah, but it also makes me curious to what else he can do."

Akito: "He'll come forward when he's comfortable.Besides, I'm pretty sure he doesn't like fighting since he doesn't like getting involved in conflicts.Akabane probably just did that to him as a form of reunion gift seeing as how close they are."

Karuizawa: 'Mou.... Kiyotaka!You better tell me about this later!I already knew he was strong and good at fighting, but having everyone see it for themselves isn't good for him.What was that Akabane guy thinking?'

Sudo: 'I'm not even surprised.The way he dealt with Housen.... Even if those kicks were launched at him at full force, they wouldn't really faze him.Akabane even said that he wanted to make sure he hadn't dulled.Those two probably received similar training.I can't let these guys start doubting them, especially Ayanokoji.Suzune and Hirata are probably gonna speak up for him.I'll have to support them on that.'

Kushida: "Hey, Horikita-san, did you know about that?"

Everyone turned to look at Horikita.

Horikita: 'She's not even waiting around the bush to instill more doubt.' "I've only seen him spar twice, both times out of self defense."

Kushida: "Does this mean he's good at fighting?Why didn't he say anything to us?"

Everyone becamw quiet for a moment, wondering if Ayanokoji Kiyotaka was hiding more than just his academic abilities.

Hirata: "I think it's best not to touch upon this topic.He's probably not comfortable with this."

Kushida: "But, Hirata-kun!"

Kushida and her supporters protested, demanding for answers.

Karuizawa: "Oh just leave it be.It's not like he has to tell us everything.Besides, wouldn't it be weird if suddenly came forward and said he's good at fighting?At the very least, he's not picking any fights and causing trouble."

Sudo: "Karuizawa's right.Once, I was also there with Suzune when Ayanokoji fought.Well he didn't fight back, but he at least defended to stop the attacks at Suzune, when I hadn't arrived yet.Don't you think it's best not to judge him too much?He at least acted in order to protect someone."

'Not a complete lie, but if people were to suddenly find out that he' s stronger than me, let alone Hosen, they'd get even more suspicious.I wish I could tell them how strong he is, but it's best if I keep what happened to myself.'

Onodera: "Wait, what do you mean in order to protect Horikita-san?"

Horikita: "We ran in to some trouble.It was a personal matter.Don't worry about it.The second time it happened, Sudo-kun just happened to spot us.He arrived when it was over."

Kushida: "Still though-"

Hirata: "Look, I understand your confused, but it's not like he has to tell us everything.From what we've heard from both Sudo-kun and Horikita-san, Kiyotaka-kun would still go on to protect someone if need be.Besides, I get the feeling that they just like to mess with each other.Kiyotaka-kun probably just expected something like that from Akabane-kun, since he knows him well."

Kushida: "But if he were honest with us, then perhaps he could've done more for-"

Karuizawa: "Oh just leave it Kushida-san!What?Do you want him to just go up to you and demand a fight?Why are you even probing him so much?It's like you're intentionally painting him to be the bad guy when he hasn't even done anything to you."

Kushida: "He should've at least told us.I mean were friends right?"

Miyamoto: "We ended up losing Yamauchi in exchange for saving someone who doesn't even show what he can do.It's like having another Koenji."

Various students proclaimed theue displeasure towards Ayanokoji, most of them being supporters of Kushida.Their leaders were trying to calm them down, when Yukimura snapped.

Yukimura: "Enough!I hate to admit it, but I agree with Karuizawa.Yeah he keeps secrets, but so does everyone else.I admit, I was furious, when he hid his smarts and fighting skills, but I also agree with what Hirata said that Kiyotaka would still protect his friends, seeing as how he protected Horikita.Also, if we're talking about Yamauchi, need I remind you that he was willing to betray the class just to date Sakayanagi?Do you really want a traitor in place of someone who would protect their classmates and friends?"

Karuizawa: "Exactly what Yukimura-kun said!Also Kushida-san, if I remember, you and Ayanokoji-kun were pretty friendly with each other at the beginning of last year.You spent a bit of time together, but you still agreed to help Yamauchi-kun in having him be expelled.You said you wanted to help a friend, but wasn't Ayanokoji-kun also your friend?I can tell you've grown distant, but has he ever done anything to you?"

Kushida: "Well..... no he hasn't..."

Karuizawa: "If that's the case you shouldn't be talking about friends if you were willing to throw one under the bus like that."

With that, Kushida back down.She didn't want to argue with Karuizawa either, since it would just make her seem like a hypocrite in the eyes of her other classmates.She scowled internally not being able to rebute.

Hirata: "Come on guys, let's not get heated here.Yes, Kushida-san made a mistake, but let's give her a chance.Kushida-san, I understand if you're conflicted with Kiyotaka-kun's abilities right now, but please don't doubt him."

Horikita: "Hirata-kun's right.Ayanokoji-kun always has the class's best interest in mind, and has helped me and Hirata-kun a nunber of times.Please don't doubt him."

Matsushita: "Now that I think about it, Hirata-kun, when did you start calling Ayanokoji-kun by his first name?"

Sato: "Yeah, and I think I remember hearing Ayanokoji-kun call you by your given name."

Onodera: "Yeah, when did you became so close?"

Hirata: "It's.... a long story.After speaking with him for some time, I have come to rely on him a lot."

Shinohara: "Wait seriously?That guy?"

Mii-chan: "It's true though.Even.though I've only spoken to him quite a few times, he's actually helped me out quite a bit.I now know why Hirata-kun calls him the most reliable one here in class."

Matsushita: "I did remember him saying that.Just how reliable is he Hirata-kun?"

Hirata: "Like I said, I've come to rely on him a number of times.I've asked him for advice a lot, and he always delivers.He's not the best at casual conversations, but he's good at giving out advice."

Okitani: "Wait seriously?The guy barely even speaks."

Sato: "Hey!Just because he doesn't speak to you, doesn't mean he doesn't speak at all!"

The room was heated with everyone arguing with one another.Just then, an unexpected person voiced his displeasure of the situation.

Koenji: "My, my.You ugly creatures are polluting their air with your stupidity."

Miyamoto: "What did you say Koenji?!"

Koenji: "It seems that you still don't understand Ayanokoji-boy at all, and his value in this class."

Hondo: "What do you mean Koenji?"

Miyamoto: "This guy's just messing with us.He doesn't even help out the class.Why would he take interest in Ayanokoji, who hasn't even done much at all?"

Koenji: "You misunderstand.Being interested, and participating are two different things altogether.When people catch my interest, I keep a close eye on them."

Kushida: "And Ayanokoji-kun caught your interest?How so?"

Koenji: "Hmmm.Alright I'll give one example.Riddle me this.Who do you think healed Hirata-boy's heart when he became an annoying fly back when Yamauchi-kun got expelled?Who do you think was responsible for his return for the commanding towers exam?Also, who do you think is responsible for Horikita-girl's change in attitude?Back then she was someone with a superiority complex, and you couldn't deny that.Someone changed her, and it's because of that that she's become the person she is now."

Ike: "That's-"

Koenji: "I'll leave that up for you to think about.At the very least, he's much more valuable than you."

With that, Koenji got up and left the room.Everyone was left pondering with what he said.Seeing how close their leaders are with Ayanokoji left everyone wondering just how much has he really done for the class.

Shinohara: "Is what Koenji-kun said true Hirata-kun?"

Hirata: "*sigh* Yeah.It's true.After I pushed everyone away, he came to me and we talked.I tried to push him away too, but he was persistent.He was able to get through to me, and I realized that no matter what, I have to keep pushing forward.I can't protect everyone, but that doesn't mean I can turn my back on the class either.He gave me the determination to keep going, and I was able to release all my pent out emotions thanks to him."

Horikita: "The same goes for me as well."

Inogashira: "You too Horikita-san?"

Horikita: "Yes.Both some of my personal problems, and problems for the class.I once had discord with my brother for a long time.Ayanokoji-kun helped me patch things up with him, and I've finally made peace with my brother.

During the sports festival last year, I was ready to give up on Sudo-kun, but he helped me get back on my feet, and gave me the determination to bring Sudo-kun back.Even as far back as our first exam last year, he was the one who gave me the reason to start the study group, and made me change my distasteful attitude.

I may have made decisions for this class's direction, and Hirata-kun may be the class's mediator, but we wouldn't be where we are now if it weren't for him.We owe him a lot."

Mastushita: 'I knew it.I've always had a feeling that Ayanokoji-kun has been involved with the class from the start.He has a relationship with not just our class's leaders, but also from other classes.If my hunch is right, Ayanokoji-kun might be "X", the person pulling the strings behind the scenes, who Ryuenn-kun was looking for.'

Horikita: "So please everyone, don't push him away.He's already done a lot for us.Whether he chooses to come forward or not is completely up to him, but please don't doubt him."

Everyone stayed silent as they ponder the words of their leaders.Thanks to both Horikita and Hirata, the tension died down, and everyone started to leave for their lunches.

(Ayanokoji POV)

We left the classroom and made our way to the rooftop.I would have opted for the special building, but I didn't want to deal with heat.Besides, seeing as how there were now cameras there, it's only right of me to be wary of Tsukushiro eavesdropping in on our conversation.

Between the rooftop and special building, the rooftop is at least not an enclosed area.Sound would be more difficult to pick up due to the open space, as long as we keep our distance from the camera, and not speak too loud.

Tsukishiro would most definitely become very vigilant at the site of the two of us together, but at the very least, he won't hear our conversation.

Arriving at the rooftop, we picked a spot far enough for the camera.We sat down and brought out our lunches, and started eating.The fresh, open air honestly made it better.As we were eating, Karma broke the silence.

"So, you must be wondering about some things right?"

"Took the words right out of my mouth." I replied.

"Hahaha well it was obvious.Anyway I don't mind talking, but it's a very long story."

"I don't mind as long as you go over what happened."

"Right then.Let's see.Where do I begin?"

Karma paused for a moment, before resuming.

"I suppose I'll begin with how I got out of the White Room in the first place."

"I heard that the transport vehicle and the escorts were intercepted by an assassin."

"Two assassins actually.Despite having the advantage in numbers, the escorts were overwhelmed.They didn't even see them coming.From my understanding, those guys were highly trained professionals, and are used to doing dangerous assassination jobs like that one.

From what I could tell, the one who sent them must have some sort of agenda against the White Room, most especially your father.Other than that, I have no other information on our assailants, and I honestly didn't care all too much.They left me alone, because I was a child, and because I'm not on the hit list.

By the time they left, the Japanese Military arrived.An anonymous source tipped them off, and I was taken in.I refused to tell them any further about the White Room, since I don't necessarily hold any grudges against it, though I at least told them what just happened.

I was then put under a protection program, and was taken in to a family with close ties to the government.Some time after, I got to enroll in Kunugigaoka Junior High.

From what I'm gonna tell you here onwards probably sound like something out of a manga or anime, but trust me, everything I'll tell you is the truth.

Although, I do have one condition if I'm gonna keep talking, since a lot of what I'm gonna say is highly classified, and not many people know about it.The government even had to cover up the whole truth."

This was unexpected.From what he's saying, it seems he got involved in something big.

"Alright.What are your conditions?" I asked him.

"First, please keep quiet about this.What's been seen on the media is just a cover up.The only ones who know the full story are myself, the people from our class, our teachers, and the government.If word gets out, it could place a target on your back."

"I already have target on my back, but I understand.What are your other conditions?"

I already knew what his other condition is, but I asked anyway.Looked at me, widening his grin.Then, he spoke.

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"Please play with me.Although I haven't been in the White Room for a good while, I have received *ehem* special training during my last year in Junior High.It all ties in to what I'm gonna tell you, but please do accept my second condition."

"If this were me from a year ago, I might have refused.However, a lot of things have been getting my attention lately.Besides, it's you.As long as it's not too bothersome, I won't mind."

"Hmm?You're not even gonna protest to that?From what I've from Chairman Sakayanagi, you don't like standing out."

"People change.Like I said, if it were me a year ago, I might have refused.However, I do have a reason for doing things."

"Might I inquire what that reason may be?"

"Let's just say, the words of a senpai left quite a big impression on me."

Karma widened his eyes and gave a surprised, but warm smile.

"It seems you have indeed made some connections here.It puts me at ease at the very least." Karma said.

"You don't seems like yourself either."

"Like you said, people change.After spending 3 years in that school, and spending my last year in that class along with a certain teacher, you could say I've learned to be more human.Though, I still want to have some fun."

"Does this also tie in to what you're about to tell me?"

"Yes indeed.Since you've, more or less, accepted my conditions, I'll be happy to tell you everything.However, this is for your ears only."

"Alright.Please go on."

"Hahaha.Alright.Now then-"

He went on to tell me about his first two years at that school.Him dominating the competition, and being suspended multiple times due to bad behavior is honestly not surprising.

It's just like.However, he then proceeds to tell me about his last year at that school.It seems his school is not too different from this one.E class is the lowest class, and is where all the poor performing students, and troubled kids like Karma were placed.

What really surprised me were their teachers.One was a woman, who taught them english.However, in truth, she was also an assassin.One who specializes in bewitching her targets before finishing them off.

Next was a government agent.One well trained and even took on, and bested multiple assassins, and other strong opponents.He trained them in combat, both close quarters combat, as well as long ranged combat.Their training whipped them up in to shape that they were all able to take on multiple strong foes.Assasins, soldiers, you name it.

Apparently, after graduating, Karma requested that person to teach him combat, so that he may be able to spar with me again at some point.

Then there was the last teacher.Honestly, I probably wouldn't have believed him, if it weren't for the fact that I've heard of such experiments during my time in the White Room.

To create the ultimate being, it appears that they have both succeded, and failed.It seems that their teacher is the result of those experiments.A human transformed into a giant octopus, who possessed many incomprehensible abilities, one of which allowed him to travel at mach 20.Color me surprised.

He told me how they were given the task of killing their teacher by March, or else the Earth will explode.Seeing as how we're all very much still alive, they succeeded.

He told me everything that they have done.Assassination attempts, their competitions, the teachings taught to them by their assassination target, their trip to the space station in space in order to find a cure for him, taking on assassins, and even the military, and other strong opponents, and finally their final moments with them.

Karma was already strong, no doubt about it, but if there was one thing that his teacher taught him that the White Room couldn't, it would be how to be more human.It was because of that that he was able to make meaningful connections.

My respect for his teacher grew immensely.You could say I respected him just as much as Horikita Manabu.I wonder, if he had been my teacher, would I too have learned to be more human?

Horikita Manabu already made me change my goal, despite having only been with him for less than a year.I wonder, how much of me would change if I spent time with both him, and Karma's teacher?I pushed that thought aside for now as I continue to listen to Karma's story.

When graduation came around, in order to graduate from their class, they had to kill their teacher.That too was his final wish.All of them had him pinned down in such a weak state, yet he never lost his will to keep teaching them.He even imparted them with some last bits of teaching, while congratulating them for all they have accomplished.

As his friend thrusted the knife into their teacher's heart, he dissipated into thin air, and everyone cried.Everyone, including the teachers, and even Karma himself, which surprised me the most.

After that, their class continued to grow their resolve, and went on to graduate, and went on with their lives, however their teacher still left them with something important as a parting gift.

For Karma, his teacher did something unexpected.He temporarily caused the White Room to shut down, which allowed me to spend some time in the outside worlds.It seems his teacher was aware of his circumstance, and found out about me as well.

Now that I think about it, his teacher was once human, and an assassin.He too had a subordinate.Could it be that they have been the ones who..... ?

Karma continued with his story, and told me that his teacher gave him instructions on how to find me.It took a year for him to track me down, even with the help of his former teacher, who was a government agent.

During his search, he requested to continue his training with said government agent teacher, so that he may be able to spar with me at some point.He may not be able to reach my level in under a short period of time, but it would at least allow him to keep up with me, as well as allowing him to employ some new techniques he had learned.

After finding my ware bouts here in Advanced Nurturing High School, he again requested the help of his instructor to aid him in enrolling as a transfer student for 2nd year.They got in touch with Chairman Sakayanagi.The chairman became aware of who Karma was, and decided to lend him a hand, believing I would need an ally in further battles.I was thankful for both of them for allowing Karma to be here.

Apparently Tsukishiro became aware of Karma's transfer, and tried what he could to prevent his transfer, seeing as how it would throw a wrench into his plan.He ultimately failed since the one who requested the transfer was backed up by the government, and any form of resistance would have warranted suspicion.

While Karma didn't say anything about the White Room to his instructor, he instead used it as leverage against Tsukishiro, and he ultimately accepted him.Due to Tsukishiro's intervention, Karma's transfer was delayed, but it was better than failing to enroll completely.With that, he ended his story, and proceeded to sip his strawberry milk.

"And that's about the end of it.I told you it was long." says Karma.

"Any sane person would probably not believe you, but given both our circumstances as students of the White Room, I believe you."

"Hahaha well now you know where I've been.Now, do something for me in return."

"I don't think that was part of your conditions."

"Relax.It's not a big deal.Just catch me up things so that I would know who to look out for.I only know your circumstances to a certain extent, but I'm not completely aware of the specifics."

"Have you at least figured out this school?"

"Of course.I actually arrived yesterday, and had the chance to do some digging.Class competitions, points, expulsions, pretty much the nitty-gritty."

"In that case that saves me the trouble.As long as you don't get in trouble, I have no problems with telling you."

"Ahahahaha.I can't make promises, but I'll do my best to be on my best behavior." Karma says with an innocent tone.

It really just makes me not want to believe you more.

"Fine.Whatever.I'll catch you up on things as well."

I tried my best to not leave out a single detail, but given the short time we have for lunch, we'll have to continue this after classes today.Since it was Karma, I have no problems telling him these things, including my relationship with Kei.

The only thing I could hope for is that he doesn't humiliate me, though that's probably just wishful thinking on my part.I can already imagining him walking in on my dates with Kei.

"AHAHAHA!To think you would have a girlfriend before me." says Karma while holding is stomach laughing.

"Is there a problem?"

"No not at all.Honestly I'm glad I don't have to play cupid again."

"Wait, again?"

"Ah nothing.Just introduce me to her next time."

"I really don't want to, seeing as how you would probably try to humiliate me.Just keep this a secret, since we haven't told anyone yet.I'm pretty sure she would have said asked about you, seeing as how you attacked me in front of everyone earlier."

"Hmmm.Well.I do have my reasons for doing what I did."

"And what would that be?"

"I'm pretty sure you already know."

"Know what?"

"Don't play dumb.There's a traitor in your class, riling people up to get you out.I wanted to see who would be worth keeping around and not."

It seems he's become aware of Kushida.They haven't even spoken to each other before.I probed him for an answer.

"How'd you know about Kushida?"

"Oh so that's her name.To tell you the truth, when I passed her and look at her, I can tell she was faking her smile; she was keeping it up just for show.The way she looks at you, I can feel her bloodlust.After being trained for assassination for a year, I've come to develop the skill to feel out one's bloodlust, as well as weaponizing my own."

"What do you mean weaponizing your own blood lust?"

"It's better to show you.I'm sure that time will come.Another reason how I knew about her is because she reminded me of a former classmate of mine.She was a talented actress, and fooled us all for nearly a year, only to launch a surprise attack on our teacher, which revealed her true colors.

We eventually got through to her, and she finally dropped her act.You could say it's because of her that I was able to tell that Kushida-san was pretty two-faced.I wanted to get her to act so that I could use it against her later."

"I made a deal with both her and Horikita to not have Kushida expelled.However, it was a mutual agreement."

"That deal doesn't apply to me though, right?"

"I already resolved myself that if Kushida every tries anything, and Horikita can no longer handle it, I'll step in.However, like you said, that deal doesn't apply to you.Though, I do ask you hold off on that."


"I want to see how Horikita handles it."

"Was she the girl seated next to you?"


"What are you?Her babysitter?"

"You know, I've been getting that a lot lately."

"Ahahahaha.Must be tough.Well alright I'll hold off on it, but the next time Kushida-san tried something to get you expelled, don't try and stop me."

"It'll work to my benefit anyway, but go ahead."

"Regarding the White Room students, have you identified them yet?"

"No, not yet, but I've been able to rule out a few students."

"Hoy annoying.How does it feel to be popular enough to have a bounty on your head?"

"It's troublesome.I'm just hoping Chairman Sakayanagi returns soon so that he could revoke it for me."

"I see.Well if you need help, I'm all up for it.Just don't forget about our agreement."

"You want some chaos right?"

"Hahahaha.Yes.Whether we compete or dominate the top spots, I'm all up for it as long as I get to have some fun.This school will be much more interesting compared to the last one, not counting the teachers here of course."

"Seeing as how you received training from government agents, as well as that octopus teacher of yours, I'm guessing your not gonna stop throwing attacks at me left and right are you?"

Karma widens hid grin and says, "Of course not.What fun would that be if I just stopped.Don't worry.I'll probably attack you where there's no cameras."

"I am never inviting you into my room."

"Too bad.I'm going there later to hang out.Oh by the way, mind accompanying me?"


"The mall.I still have to do some shopping."

"I have business with Horikita after class.Can it wait after my business with her?"

"I have no problems.There's also somethings I'd like to check out."


"I'll let you know later.Lunch is almost over."

"Okay fine.Let's head back."

We got up and packed up our stuff.As we made our way downstairs from the roof top, I instinctively ducked and jumped down to the bottom of the stairs as Karma spun another kick aimed at my head.

As much as I appreciate him helping me out, this habit of his is gonna get really annoying.Luckily there were no cameras around.He just laughed as he made our way down, and both returned to our classroom.As annoying as his antics can be, I can't help but feel excited.The partnership returns from today.

(Karma POV)

As we made our way back to our classroom, I can feel myself getting excited.Future exams, the chance to challenge Kiyotaka, the bounty hunters, this was all getting interesting.

First things first though, I'm gonna have to clear his classmates doubt towards him so that they don't get in the way.To do that, I'll have to deal with Kushida-san.She was the girl with short, blonde hair.

She really did remind me Kayano-san.The only difference is that she blonde hair instead of green.Oh, and that Kushida-san's reasons are beyond childish.

I'm gonna have to find a way to break her, and expose her true face.Shouldn't be a problem.Still though, I'm willing to go along with Kiyo's plan, but if she tries something, I may need to step in.Can't have an outsider ruin my fun.

Kiyo said that she has finger prints as proof, huh?Honestly, that means nothing.Fingerprints won't last long, especially on clothes.

From the way Kiyo described his encounter with her, he made her believe she was the one in control, but that's not really the case.If I know him, I know for a fact he was indifferent to her having another face.One thing was for sure.She has nothing on him, and he could get rid of her at any time.He's probably just waiting for the one he's babysitting to deal with her herself.Alright, I'll follow along for now.

There's also the White Room enforcers.Altough I received intense training from Karasuma sensei and some of his top subordinates, I still can't underestimate the training received by the White Room bounty hunters.No doubt their hatred for Kiyo is their driving force in having him be expelled.If I let my guard down for even just a bit, it may put us in a compromising position.

To ascertain the level of threat, I need to confirm something later when we go to the mall.Although I do indeed plan on going shopping for essentials, and enjoy our little reunion, I can't shake off the feeling that someone's keeping an eye on us from a distance, and it's not Tsukishiro.

If my hunch is right, Tsukishiro shouldn't be the only White Room personnel to have infiltrated this school.I'm sure Kiyo's considered this too, but I have to confirm my suspicions later.I also surmise that they wouldn't just send out one White Room student.

They say there's strength in numbers, but it would also be foolish to send out too many.If I had to guess, there should be between 2 to 3 of them.I'm willing to bet there's 2.

As for the class competitions, I can check on them using the OAA app that I was told of.I took out my phone, and save Kiyo number first, then checked the app.I checked mine first.

Akabane Karma

Academic Ability: A (95)Physical Ability: A+ (98)Adaptability: B+ (78)Social Contribution: C- (42)Overall ability: A- (83)

Well that's understandable.I wasn't that much of a team player until I had that octopus as my teacher.I heard this school also evaluates their students based on their background.My violent tendencies, as well as numerous suspensions were what landed me in Class D after all.

Looking through the app, I took note of students I have to look out for, especially the ones Kiyo told me: Sakayanagi Arisu, and Ryuenn Kakeru.He also told me to watch out for President Nagumo Miyabi.Interesting.The Student Council Presdient huh.I checked his OAA evaluation, and he has A's everywhere.

Of course this app isn't at all that accurate.If it were, Kiyo's OAA should be A+s on everything, though I'm a bit skeptical on his social contribution if it would also be an A. Oh well.Let's put that aside for now.

How very interesting.I can put my assassination training, and White Room training to work once again.A battle between classes once again, only this time, expulsions are on the line.A battle between White Room students.Two of the 4th generation's best, and I would assume the same for the ones sent after him.The game is on Ayanokoji sensei.The partnership returns starting today.

(Ayanokoji POV)

Class just ended for the day, and everyone begins to wind down.Karma invited me to Keyaki Mall because he wanted to shop for essentials.I actually needed to buy some groceries as well, so it works out.

Kei and I plan to have another indoor date, and I want to cook her dinner.Before we head out though, I still have my appointment with Horikita.

She then got up and spoke to me."Ayanokoji-kun, if you don't mind?"

I turned to Karma and asked him to wait for me by the entrance.He says he'll stay and wait in the classroom instead, going back to reading his book.I was curious as to what he was reading, so I took a peek at the cover.

'Demons by Fyodor Dostoevsky'

Interesting.Perhaps he and Horikita weren't so different afterall.Well, tastes in books I mean.Gotta say, the title suited him well.

"You thought of something rude didn't you?" Karma spoke up, noticing me eyeing his book.

"Well it's rather ironic I must say." I replied.

He chuckled at my response.True enough though.Our generation was known as the demonic 4th generation.I can't help but feel like he's directing the title of the book at me.

"Anyway I have to go." I told him.

He nodded in response, while sipping on his strawberry milk.How many of those does he have?I left the room with Horikita.She asked me to accompany her.I obliged, because I want to know how she'll handle it, and made our way to the student council room.

"About our agreement, I can't guarantee that Nagumo senpai would accept me."

"Don't worry.Like I said, Nagumo's not the type to turn someone down.Besides, your his senpai's younger sister.He won't let this opportunity slip by."

"You did say that."

At the time when Manabu-senpai had graduated, Horikita was pretty emotional, but she still seemed to remember what was said.Although Nagumo had said that all newcomers were welcome, of course it wouldn't be only that.The sister of Horikita Manabu that would follow him wherever he went.He wouldn't ignore such a precious existence.

"The reason why you wanted me to join the student council... It was so I could spy on President Nagumo, but actually, that's not the only reason, right?"

Horikita was asking me what she should do after joining.

"I think you already slightly noticed.What your brother thinks is completely different from what Nagumo thinks.It's because he values tradition that he thinks Nagumo's reforms are wrong.He said it to me right before he left.The class is a community that should share the same fate.He didn't want the framework to be changed."

"What the student council is doing now, that's certainly the complete opposite."

"But I'm not going to judge who's right and who's wrong.Now, I just want to see Nagumo's reforms."

That's right; there was nothing wrong with Horikita-senpai's or Nagumo's way of thinking.

"So that's why you won't give me specific instructions?"


"Then why do you need me to join, if the only thing you want is to see Nagumo's reforms?There's no need for me to monitor the student council at all, then!"

"If Nagumo is going in the wrong direction, there's a need to stop him."

And then, it shouldn't be me who would do that, but rather, Horikita Manabu's sister, Horikita Suzune.

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Of course, in order to get her to do it unilaterally since it was an unreasonable task I pushed on her, I proposed an exam to see who won.

"There's still some things I'm not satisfied with, but I'll put it as convenient."

This should be related to the part about the bounty that Horikita had mentioned.By entering the student council, the possibility of gaining information about that should go up.

"I get you wanted to discuss this with me, but why do you need me to go with you?" I asked Horikita.

"Well, I'd like to show you using the meeting with Nagumo as evidence."

To prevent the situation if the student council rejected her to show that she didn't lie.

"If President Nagumo has something to do with that bounty, we might also see some kind of reaction."

Indeed, we might get a lead on the 20 million point bounty.

"You have a point.In that case, I have no objections."

"By the way, I want to ask you something.Feel free not to answer.It's about your friend."

I knew she was gonna ask this sooner or later.She's probably checked his OAA evaluation.

"What do you want to ask me?"

"I've checked his OAA evaluation.He's very skilled in both his physical ability and academics.By anything, only Nagumo-senpai probably has him beat in the over all evaluation.It also seems he's also well-versed in martial arts like Nii-san, and yourself.I wanted to know why he was placed in class D."

That's understandable.Given Karma's high ratings in both academics and physical abilities, it's normal to question his placement.His adaptability is also decent.They most likely based his evaluation during his time in junior high.

"I don't want to say too much since I don't want to bad mouth him."

"It's fine, but if you could at least give me a hint."

I chose my words carefully.

"Let's just say, he was a bit of a troubled child."

"Troubled child?"

"Remember how Sudo kept picking fights?That's basically Karma, but instead of picking fights out of provocation, and hot-headedness like Sudo, Karma does it out of pure pleasure.He also doesn't make an effort to cover his tracks, which solidified his reputation as a violent delinquent."

I said I wouldn't bad mouth him.Well there goes that

"I see.So behavioral issues." Horikita says, understanding the reason for his placement.

"If you're gonna get him to cooperate, make sure he faces some competition.He loves competing, especially against strong opponents.Whether that be academics or physical activites, as long as he gets to face strong opponents, he'll participate."

In all my years knowing Karma, that was always what he looked forward to; the thrill of a challenge.However, this isn't the White Room, and we don't have assassins as part of our class, nor an octopus teacher who can move at Mach 20.

Still, if he decides to cooperate, he'll be a great asset, though it's not wise to rely on him too much.

"I see.In that case I'll think of something.Seeing as how capable he is in academics and athletics may give us the edge in exams."

"Just don't expect me to talk to him about that though.I'll leave that to you so you can get to know him."

"I understand.By the way, there's something else I have to tell you about.When you had your little scuffle earlier, Kushida-san tried to pit the class against you again."

Of course she would.She would stop at nothing to get rid of me.

"And then what happened?"

"Hirata-kun, Karuizawa-san, Sudo-kun, Yukimura-kun, myself, a few others, and even Koenji-kun managed to turn the situation."

"Wait, Koenji?"

That was odd.I never took him as someone who would aid the class, let alone someone like me.Although, I'm pretty sure he's aware of my capabilities, considering he deduced me as "X", and that I made Ryuenn step down temporarily.Still though....

"I know, it's odd, but it's true.He even revealed that you were the one who brought back Hirata-kun for the commanding towers exam."

Seems I was right.Koenji's figured out more of what I've done.

"Did Yosuke say anything about it?"

"Hirata-kun?Yes.He said that thanks to you, he has new-found determination.He even told everyone how asks advice from you often.I too came forward and said how much you've helped me grow, even as far back as the first exam.Of course we never revealed your true role in the class, so don't worry about it."

While I appreciate them standing up for me, I have to admit, it's probably gonna become more troublesome down the line, given my close relationship with Class D's leaders.Right now, the only ones in my class who knew about my involvement, even if it's only to some extent, are Horikita, Yosuke, Kei, and Koenji.