
35:- Masahiro

Ichiro continued his pull-ups, his muscles flexing with each repetition. Bladwin's entrance into the room didn't interrupt his rhythm. As Bladwin explained the plan, Ichiro listened intently, his mind focused on the strategy.

"So, Lafter and Mikazuki will lead the charge upfront, drawing the Brewers' attention," Bladwin summarized. "While they're distracted, we'll sneak up from behind and target their ship, catching them off guard."

Ichiro paused his exercises, hanging from the bar. He nodded in agreement with the plan, his analytical mind processing the details. "It sounds solid. We'll need to time it perfectly to ensure we catch them by surprise."

Bladwin mirrored his nod. "Exactly. Timing will be crucial. We can't afford any mistakes."

Ichiro resumed his pull-ups, his determination evident. "Don't worry, Bladwin. We'll execute this plan flawlessly. Those Brewers won't know what hit them."



Mikazuki sat in his mobile suit's cockpit, the familiar hum of the machinery around him. He looked down at the lunchbox that Kudelia and Atra had prepared for him, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He appreciated their care and thoughtfulness, even in the midst of battle preparations.

After a few moments, Akihiro's voice came over the communication channel. Mikazuki acknowledged it, and they began to talk about Akihiro's brother, Masahiro. The conversation was a serious one, with the weight of their impending encounter evident in their words.

"Mika," Akihiro began, "I know you might have to fight my brother. But please, try not to kill him. I want to talk to him, to make him understand."

Mikazuki's response was calm and measured, a reflection of his determination to support his friend. "I'll do my best, Akihiro. I'll hold him off until you and the others arrive. We'll make sure to give you the chance to talk to him."



  As Mikazuki and Lafter piloted their mobile suits,

they spotted the Brewers' mobile suits approaching. The moment of engagement was at hand.

Mikazuki's Gundam Barbatos moved with its trademark agility and precision, while Lafter expertly maneuvered her mobile suit. They closed the distance quickly, their weapons ready.

"Stay sharp, Lafter," Mikazuki's voice came over the communication channel, calm and focused.

Lafter responded with a determined nod, her mobile suit's weapons systems online and at the ready. The Brewers were in for a surprise.

The two forces clashed in a whirlwind of mobile suit combat, projectiles lighting up the space around them. Mikazuki and Lafter fought with skill and determination, pushing back the Brewers and preventing them from discovering the Isaribi and Hammerhead's hidden positions.



The battle unfolded in a chaotic dance of destruction as the Isaribi and Hammerhead rammed into the Brewers' ships, their metal hulls colliding with a resounding crash. The sudden and unexpected maneuver sent shockwaves through the enemy forces, causing confusion and panic among the pirates.

Shino and Dante led a team of soldiers from Tekkadan, boarding the Brewers' mother-ship with precision and determination. They were met with fierce resistance from the pirates, but the Tekkadan members fought with unwavering resolve.

As the two ships continued to press their assault, the Turbines and Tekkadan launched their remaining mobile suits into the fray.

Mikazuki's Gundam Barbatos continued its relentless assault on Kudal's Gundam Gusion, its katana slicing through the void of space with deadly precision. Kudal, realizing the dire situation, attempted to call for reinforcements from his space rats, but to his horror, no response came.

The space rats, who had been Kudal's potential lifeline in this battle, lay defeated and incapacitated, their mobile suits shattered and scattered among the debris by Ichiro.

Kudal's Gundam Gusion was now left isolated and vulnerable, facing the unwavering determination of Mikazuki Augus in the Barbatos. The odds had shifted dramatically, and Kudal found himself in a desperate struggle for survival as Mikazuki pressed his advantage, determined to emerge victorious in this high-stakes battle.



Ichiro stood amidst the debris of the fierce battle that had just taken place. His mobile suit, Ogre, stood tall and imposing, a formidable machine of destruction. The battlefield was littered with the wreckage of enemy mobile suits, their once-proud frames now reduced to twisted metal and sparks of residual energy.

The red visor on Ogre's head glowed ominously, casting an eerie light across Ichiro's face as he surveyed the aftermath. He looked like the very embodiment of death, a harbinger of destruction sent to wreak havoc upon his foes.

Around him, the remnants of the enemy forces lay scattered like discarded toys. The Brewers, who had dared to challenge Tekkadan and the Turbines, had paid a heavy price for their audacity. But Ichiro had little sympathy for them; he had seen enough of their cruelty and ruthlessness to know they were no better than scavengers.

The sound of static crackled in his cockpit as he received a transmission from the Isaribi. It was Orga's voice, tinged with a mix of relief and concern. "Ichiro, report your status."

Ichiro's response was measured, his voice calm despite the chaos that surrounded him. "Ogre is operational. Enemy forces have been neutralized."

Orga's voice crackled again, this time with a hint of approval. "Good work, Ichiro. Return to the Isaribi. We'll secure the area and collect any salvageable resources."

Ichiro acknowledged the order and began to maneuver Ogre through the debris.



Akihiro's mobile suit, piloted by his resolute determination, locked tightly onto his brother's. The two machine frames were caught in a tense standoff, their frames pressing against each other in the vastness of space. Akihiro's heart ached at the sight of his long-lost brother, Masahiro, who was trapped inside the enemy mobile suit.

Akihiro said his voice crackling ." I came for you. " Masohiro "came for me." "Bro I waited so long for you, Bro I realized. Having hope is useless. The more you hope, the more you suffer ." Akihiro " That's why I'm here...." "That's useless Even if you come fine me like this, and I follow you. What will that change? Sooner or later, we'll all die. Right? We're human debris we can't die on the surface." Akihiro "That's what I thought too. I'm Debris too. I thought it didn't matter what I did. That nothing would change forever. To be honest, I gave up on you too. But you what? There were those who treated me as a human. No... I've found those who call me family..."


Inside the cockpit of his own mobile suit, Akihiro's fingers trembled on the controls as he began to speak, his voice laced with the urgency of the moment. "Masahiro, listen to me! You've got it all wrong. I didn't abandon you. I was taken, just like you were."

Masahiro's voice crackled through the communication channel, filled with anger and resentment. "Don't give me that crap, Akihiro! You could have found me if you tried hard enough. You could have come back for me!"

Akihiro's gaze, hidden behind the visor of his mobile suit, burned with a mixture of sadness and frustration. He desperately wanted his brother to understand, to see the truth in his words. "I was just a kid, Masahiro, and I didn't even know where they took you. I searched, but there was nothing I could do. I thought about you every day, wondering if you were okay."

Masahiro's mobile suit trembled slightly, a sign of the turbulent emotions roiling within him. "That doesn't change the fact that you left me behind, Akihiro. You got to live a decent life with Tekkadan, while I was stuck here as a pawn of these pirates."

Akihiro knew he needed to reach his brother, to make him see that joining Tekkadan was the best choice for both of them. He continued, his voice pleading now, "Masahiro, you don't understand. Tekkadan, they're not just a bunch of mercenaries. They're my family now. They took me in, protected me, and gave me a purpose. I want the same for you."

Masahiro's response was filled with bitterness. "Family? You think they're your family now? You abandoned our real family, Akihiro. Mom, Dad, they're gone."

Akihiro's voice wavered as he remembered the pain of losing their parents. "I know, Masahiro. but I can protect you now. I can give you a chance at a better life, away from these pirates."

Masahiro hesitated, his anger momentarily giving way to doubt. "Why would they accept me, Akihiro? I'm an enemy. I've fought against them."

Akihiro's voice held a note of determination as he replied, "Because Tekkadan isn't just about where you came from; it's about who you are now. They believe in second chances, in redemption. I'll vouch for you, and together, we can make things right."

Their mobile suits remained locked together, the tension between them palpable. Akihiro's words hung in the space between them, a lifeline of hope extended to his brother.

The confrontation between Akihiro and his brother, Masahiro, had reached a pivotal moment. Akihiro's heartfelt plea hung in the tense silence of their mobile suit cockpits. He desperately wanted his brother to understand that joining Tekkadan was the best choice, a chance for redemption and a new life. But before Masahiro could respond, the battlefield erupted into chaos.

Kudal, the cunning leader of the Brewers, was in a frantic retreat from Mikazuki's relentless assault in the Gundam Barbatos. The powerful Gundam Frame relentlessly pursued Kudal, leaving no room for him to regroup or counterattack. Desperation etched across his face, Kudal sought refuge in the heat of battle, seizing any opportunity to strike back.

As Akihiro continued to plead with Masahiro, the deafening roar of Kudal's mobile suit approached them like a thunderous storm. Kudal's Gusion was a formidable adversary, and he saw a chance to turn the tide in his favor. With ruthless determination, he ordered Masohiro to keep grabbing Akihiro's frame like he was doing, aiming for a devastating blow.

Masahiro, torn between the Brewers and the hope of a better life with Tekkadan, faced a difficult choice. But in that critical moment, as the massive Gusion Hammer descended with deadly force, he made a life-changing decision. He couldn't stand by and let his brother be crushed.

With a swift and decisive motion, Masahiro used his mobile suit to toss Akihiro's frame aside, sparing him from the impending disaster. It was an act that spoke volumes, a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for reconciliation.

But Kudal, relentless and unforgiving, continued his assault. The Gusion Hammer descended, aimed squarely at Masahiro's mobile suit.

Then, in the midst of chaos and destruction, a new force entered the fray. Ichiro, piloting his formidable Ogre mobile suit, lunged into action. With the precision and strength that only he could muster, Ogre's massive hand reached out and grabbed the Gusion's hammer arm, stopping it dead in its tracks.

The clash of metal and sparks filled the void of space as Ichiro's Ogre crushed the Gusion's arm, displaying its raw power. Kudal's Gusion was left in disarray, unable to strike its devastating blow.

The battlefield hung in a precarious balance, with Akihiro and Masahiro's mobile suits floating nearby, spared from destruction by the timely intervention of Ichiro. It was a moment of respite, a chance for the two brothers to confront the choices before them.






(A:N: It's way longer...)