
Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

“You ask who I am?” “Good question, friend!” He stood in front of her, spat out the yellow sand in his mouth, raised his hands high over his shoulders, and said proudly: “I am the boss of the gutter in Zaun, the ninth member of the Piltover Council. I am the honorary hero of Bilgewater.” “What have I done?” “I once set a fire in the stone forest of Demacia, and also compared heights with the dwarfs in Bandle City.” Standing in front of her, he spoke eloquently. “And now, I have met you in the sand-filled Shurima.” “Alright, lady, I have finished speaking, so can you put away your weapon first?” //translator note Hello, I’m currently translating a fanfiction from mtl and I’m planning to use ChatGPT to correct it. I’m posting it here because it makes it easier for me to read. This fanfiction is about someone who got transported to the world of Arcane (you know, from League of Legends?). Someone has already translated it and you can find it by searching for the title “Arcane: Champion Witness System”. You might want to read it there because they were the first to do it. However, I couldn’t wait any longer, so I decided to translate it myself. // The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm //for the mtl: www.mtlnovel.com/twin-cities-hero-witness-system/ P.S i'm gonna copied chapter 1-85 from TypicalFicEnjoyer6 cause im lazy sorry about that brother.

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Chapter 46: I'm back

Lin Wen's sudden decision to have Jayce and Viktor go to Old Zoran's place had a reason behind it. 

Originally, Lin Wen intended to bring only Viktor down, but somehow Jayce insisted on coming along, which disrupted Lin Wen's original plan. 

Having Jayce with them would have complicated the idea of introducing Viktor to Singed.

And bringing Jayce to the Last Drop?


The last thing they needed was for Jayce to recognize Vi and Powder as the thieves who had stolen his belongings, as that would bring up past grievances. Lin Wen was not willing to take that risk.

As for the safety of Viktor and Jayce, Lin Wen had no worries. Zaun might be under Vander's control on the surface, but Zaun was still a vast place, and there were areas beyond Vander's reach. 

The entire Black Alley, however, was unquestionably safe.

Black Alley was a secure place, and that's why Lin Wen had no concerns about leaving Viktor and Jayce with Old Zoran.

And he was carrying a bag with gifts for Vi and Powder. Even Mylo, Claggor, and Ekko will get some, but the majority is for Vi and Powder.


"This isn't tasty," Powder complained as she held a dark, egg-topped bread in her hands. Unfortunately, it lacked meat, and for her, it would have been a perfect dinner with some meat.

"Do you often act picky?" Silco inquired, his expression complex as he watched Powder.

"Picky?" Powder, despite her complaint about the food, obediently ate the bread that Silco had toasted for her. It was as hard as a rock, even after toasting, but the egg's flavor was delightful. She insisted, "I'm not picky; I just like to eat delicious things."

"That's what being picky means," Silco said, raising his wine glass and leaning on the bar, peering at Powder. 

"No, Lin Wen said, being picky means not eating things you don't like. But I eat the foods I don't like, so that's why I'm not picky."

She quickly finished half of the large piece of bread and chewed while looking at Silco. She continued, "Pursuing tasty food is human nature, Lin Wen said."

"Does he always tell you unrealistic and useless things?" Silco found Lin Wen less terrifying in that moment.

Lin Wen's teachings and the way he looked after Powder had softened the otherwise ruthless Enforcer from the Undercity. However, it also made him seem remarkably tender.

Children in Zaun didn't have much of a childhood. 

From birth, they were thrust into the harsh environment. Most children of Zaun would lose their parents at a young age, and even those who had parents would struggle to survive on the streets once they reached an understanding age.

This was Zaun's way of life.

However, Powder was different. She had clearly been well protected by Lin Wen and Vander. She was sensible, but she had a playful and headstrong side as well, just like she was trying to make excuses to drink juice.

"Does he also cook for you?" Silco inquired, a teasing tone in his voice. 

He couldn't help but be amused by the thought.

After all, he couldn't imagine the man who typically wore a white robe, carried a short sword, and cut down the worst of the Undercity would return to the Black Alley and become a warm-hearted chef.

Is that even possible?

But when he saw the expression on Powder's face after asking, Silco understood.

The answer was clear.

It was true.

"Of course!" Powder's eyes sparkled as she praised Lin Wen loudly and proudly. She enumerated all the wonderful things Lin Wen did:

"Lin Wen is an amazing cook, even better than Vander, or any of those food vendors. He often roasts jerky for me and Vi. Oh, Mylo and Claggor get some too. He can even grill fish and make a pot of delicious soup, then throw in pieces of meat and vegetables while it's still boiling. And we eat it right from the pot!"

"Do you really like him?" Silco interrupted Powder's words and asked her suddenly.

"I like Lin Wen the most!" Powder responded enthusiastically.

"Even more than Vander?" Silco continued his questioning.

Powder hesitated for a moment, clearly not expecting such a question. She looked quite conflicted. "It's... It's a different kind of liking."

Silco was intrigued by her response.

"It's different? Hm, well, I like Vander the most too, but Lin Wen is different."

Observing the young girl sitting there, fidgeting with her fingers and looking utterly conflicted, Silco found it rather amusing.

Silco reasoned that Lin Wen probably didn't know about this kind of powder. Based on Powder's description of Lin Wen, he seemed to treat her like a little sister.

But just as Silco was about to speak, standing up and clearing his throat, the tavern's door swung open.

Silco glanced at the figure who entered the tavern, promptly shutting his mouth and taking a step back. 

Well, it seemed like the opportunity to uncover the Undercity Enforcer's little secret was gone. 

Not to worry, there would be plenty of other chances. After all, a ten-year-old girl wouldn't be able to keep any secrets.

As for Powder, she immediately turned her head toward the entrance, her beautiful blue eyes filled with boundless colors. 

It was as if her entire world had just been filled in that single moment.

"Lin Wen!"

Jumping down from her chair, Powder spread her arms wide and made a beeline for the door. Standing just a couple of meters away was a young man with black hair.

Despite the considerable distance, Powder leaped high into the air and lunged forward, determined to reach him. The distance might have been a challenge for a ten-year-old who stood at just about one meter and three centimeters tall, but she had no fear of falling. She knew he would catch her.

As expected, two hands reached out from beneath her armpits and gently lifted her high into the air.

Lin Wen held Powder high above his head, gazing down at her with a warm smile. In response, Powder broke into a toothy grin, showcasing her teeth. She had a lovely set of teeth, but she had only recently lost one, which was visible in this particular angle.

She was incredibly happy, so much so that she even forgot to hide the gap from her missing tooth. In front of Vi, she was quite particular about not showing her missing tooth. She might be young, but she was already quite self-conscious.

Lin Wen found it amusing; a young Jinx with a missing tooth.

"I'm back!" Lin Wen exclaimed.

"Why did you take so long? I've been waiting for two days, and Vi was waiting for you every day too," Powder replied.

"Well, I had business to attend to up there," Lin Wen said, not bothering to look at Silco, who stood behind them.

Silco simply watched, feeling the familiar sensation. Back when Singed was around, was he also ignored like this?

Lin Wen inquired, "So, were you missing me a lot?"

Powder nodded enthusiastically. "Yes!"

Lin Wen didn't hesitate to scoop her up into his arms, and Powder, well accustomed to this, wrapped her little arms around Lin Wen's neck.

And then she heard Lin Wen's voice.

"Powder, I missed you too."