
Twilight: Weather Man(BL)

He wished to be transmigrated.. His wished was granted and he woke up and meet ROB. And with a spinning wheel, he was given good ability and a wonderful world. . . . . . . Then he woke up as Arthur Swan, yup he transmigrated as Bella Swan twin brother. . . . . . The picture is not mine, and if you are the creator and want me to take it down, pls tell me and i will. Twilight is not mine but this fanfic is.

MasterOfDeath7777 · Komik
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Transmigration

He was so tired.

Tired of doing school stuff, especially an orphan like him, he have to go to work to provide his needs/wants, and also he need to provide for other kids caused his the oldest, and he feel that its his responsibility as the oldest of the orphan.

"Haaah" he sighed while laying on his bed on the orphanage.

'I wish to live in a different universe, like those fics i read'

He closed his eyes, not knowing it will be granted.

. . . . .

He woke up, he feel strange, no his bed is strange, opening his eyes.


'Where am i?'

His insides in a white room* then he heard a voice

"Ohhhh you wake up" said by an old man voice from behind. Looking behind, he saw an old man smiling at him.

"Ummm, who the heck are you! and where am i? " he said while standing up

"Ohhh, your in my domain"

"Domain?" he repeated with a deadpan

'He's crazy'

"ahem, im not crazy"

"ehhhh, you read my thoughts " he exclaimed

"Of course, im the one you call ROB in those fanfics"

"Your real?"


"So your gonna isekai me!" he said excitedly but he remember.

"but what's going to happened to orphanage, the kids" he worriedly said.

"Ohhhhh, dont worry im gonna take care of them"

"Really?, thanks ROB"

ROB just smiled and he snap his hand and 2 spinning wheel appeared.

"This wheel will determine your fate, where your going to transmigrate, and your ability"


Looking at the 1st wheels, the first wheel have "Naruto", "Teen Wolf", "Vampire Diaries", "Supernatural", "Walking Dead", "Harry Potter". He recognized all of them, all of them are great world to be transmigrated.

The 2nd wheel have, "Teleport", "Morph", "Regenaration", "psionic", "illusion". That all good abilities.

"are you ready? "

"Yup" he spin the wheel 1st wheel, it kept turning until it stops in Twilight

'Hmmmm, Twilight ehhhh, its good, im going to meet Edward and Jacob, kyaaa'

"Ahhemm" Rob grunted waking him up from his inner pervert monologue.

"The second wheel"

"Yes yes" he spin the wheel again, it spins until it stop in psionic.

(A/N: An ability same with storm)

"Thats a great ability" Rob said, and he nod with agreement.

"Be safe and live a happy and content life" Rob said

"Thanks for everything" he sincerely said.

With a snap everything blurred and he lost consciousness.

. . . . .

"Arthur, arthur wake up, where here now" said by the girl.

He open his eyes and he was faced with a girl with familiar face.

Then a foreign memory emerge with his current one.

"Aggghhh" he groaans by the pain

"HEY! Are you ok? " the girl asked... No... My twin ask.

Well from the memory, now his Arthur Swan, the twin of the clumsy Isabella Swan.






[To be continued. . .]





I hope you like the chapter...

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