
Chapter 4 First hunt

"That's all I can ask. Now let's go back to hunting," Carlisle said. "A vampire uses their senses to find prey. Try it. Let's see what you can find."

Bruce took a deep breath, feeling the smells in the air. The scent of trees, grass, and various animals hit his receptors, but along with the breeze, an attractive scent came, making his mouth salivate. Instantly, the only thing in his mind was this scent and his thirst.

Bruce ran, following the scent. As he got closer, he could hear the sound of their hearts pumping blood in a melodic rhythm. Bruce's vision focused on his newfound prey. Two unfortunate coyotes had no idea they were targeted by an apex predator.

Bruce appeared beside one of the coyotes, lifting it by the neck. The other coyote, startled, jumped toward Bruce, baring its teeth. Bruce kicked it, throwing it into a nearby tree trunk. The injured coyote slowly got up, limping away, trying to escape this new danger.

The coyote in his hand wriggled, trying to get away from the death grip. Watching the Cullen duo appear, Bruce asked, "Do I just bite it?"

"Yes, bite it in the neck. Be fast and end its suffering quickly," Carlisle said, while Edward looked at the new vampire with interest. Both adoptive father and son were impressed by the control Bruce showed. They expected him to feed mindlessly until his thirst diminished at least a bit. It was quite normal for a newborn vampire to feed like crazy until they were satisfied.

Unknown to them, Bruce was literally entering that state. As he bit down on the coyote, its struggles slowly stopped, showing the paralyzing effect of vampire venom. The hot blood flowed into Bruce's mouth, throwing him into ecstasy. It felt like the blood was stimulating his very soul, granting him a greater high. As the blood flow declined, he felt it was not enough. He needed more. He needed to feel it again.

Without a word, Bruce ran after the trail of the escaped coyote. The coyote had not escaped far. This time, Bruce was far more feral as he jumped onto the coyote, sinking his teeth deep into its neck. Bruce drank its blood in a frenzy, but as it ended, a sliver of clarity struck. With his thirst subdued and mind cleared, Bruce got up, leaving the dead body of the coyote.

"What a mess," he muttered, wiping the blood from his face and looking at the stains on his clothes.

"Everyone is like that their first time," said Edward.

"Actually, I am quite impressed with your control. Normally, newborns have no control over their thirst," Carlisle said. "Did you perhaps feel anything strange while hunting?"

"I am not sure," Bruce answered.

"Well, some vampires develop special abilities other than basic vampire abilities. I was wondering if you had any, considering your unique transformation."

"What did you mean by unique transformation?" Bruce asked in worry, wondering if something had happened during his transformation.

"Your transformation was the fastest one I have ever seen. Perhaps the fastest in history too. A transformation usually takes at least two days, but yours only took around twelve hours," Carlisle explained.

"Oh..." Bruce could not think of anything special, at least not in vampiric terms. The only strange thing was he could feel the presences of Carlisle and Edward. Bruce could identify the uniqueness in each of their presences, but strangely, this sensation only applied to the Cullens. He could not feel animals in the same way. He was also sure it did not involve his five senses; perhaps he had some kind of tracking ability?

"I think he has resistance to mental powers," Edward said.

"What?" Bruce asked.

"Edward here has the ability to read thoughts. What makes you think that, Edward?" said Carlisle.

"I could hear some of his thoughts, but sometimes it becomes just noise, like static sound," Edward explained.

"Hey, stay out of my mind," Bruce said, frowning.

"Heh, like you have anything interesting in your mind," Edward said mockingly.

"Enough, both of you. Edward can't control his power very well yet. Bruce, are you going to hunt again?" Carlisle asked, breaking the tension.

"No, I think I have had enough for now."

"Then let's go back."


It's been a week since Bruce's transformation and his first hunt. He became quite familiar with the Cullens. After all, they didn't leave him alone most of the time; at least one of them was always around him. Bruce guessed they did not want to repeat the Rosalie's incident. In fact, they told him her story and what led her to hunt down his former employer. He didn't exactly remember her story from his past life, but he felt pity for her. In his opinion, she let those vermin off far too easily.

Bruce had no hard feelings for Rosalie, as the Cullens expected. After all, how could he? She opened the gate to a whole new world for him. But he hadn't met the woman yet. Esme, Carlisle's wife, visited him a few times. Bruce understood the Cullens were truly good-natured people even though they belonged to the blood-sucking race. Especially Carlisle and Esme; they both had quite nice and gentle natures. While Edward could be an eyesore sometimes, he was quite brooding in nature, with a rarely shown playful mood.

Bruce also figured out why Edward could not hear some of his thoughts. Whenever Bruce thought of his previous world or something that revealed his knowledge of the Twilight plot, Edward would only hear some noise, while he could read Bruce's normal thoughts clearly. It was a neat trick to hide his true identity, but it also terrified Bruce because it was evidence that his existence in this world wasn't some kind of cosmic accident but a well-planned procedure. Even then, Bruce did not dwell on that thought much. After all, if a being could take his soul and put it into a parallel world where fictions are real, said being could probably snuff him out of existence too. Because of that, Bruce decided to live in the present instead of worrying about some omnipotent being writing his fate.

With that out of his mind, Bruce spent his time familiarizing himself with his newfound abilities. He could easily break a grown tree trunk with a punch, and his skin was harder than iron. Truly, the vampires of the Twilight universe were marvelous. They had all the strengths of a traditional vampire and more, but none of their weaknesses. Bruce also discovered he could feel other vampires; it was like every vampire had a unique frequency, and Bruce could read it. But what bothered him was it did not have the range to be an effective tracking ability.



Here is the proofread version of the text you provided:

Blood frenzy is a state that vampires enter when they go mad with thirst. In that state, they will succumb to their instincts and become feral. They will not stop until they satisfy their thirst.


Thank you for all the support you guys shown. So, how you guys like this chapter I think last bit felt lame but it will get better. Anyway trivia part are like facts about vampire culture and behavior. Stay tuned for more. Peace!!!