
Twilight Terrors: The Blade Possessed

Against the backdrop of a world besieged by darkness and teetering on the brink of chaos, an ancient evil stirs, eager to breach the confines of shadow. Noah, a young and untested hunter, steps into the fray, embarking on the journey from novice to master of the hunt. His path takes a fateful twist during a vicious battle where he becomes bound to a demon, an incident that grants him unholy powers. Now, wielding these dark gifts, he confronts fiends, seeks counsel from sorcerers, forms bonds of kinship, gathers treasures, and roams the rural expanse... As he navigates encounters with the supernatural and unearths long-lost secrets, Noah is constantly fighting for survival in an ever-shifting world. With demonic power comes the lure of corruption. Former foes become reluctant allies, sharing a bond tighter than blood. What destiny lies ahead for this hunter who has become both the predator and the companion of demons? This tale of power, temptation, and alliance will grasp American readers, leading them through a labyrinth of intrigue to an ending as unpredictable as the world Noah battles to save.

yong_wang_2855 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
103 Chs


Noah clutched the magic rope tightly, knowing it was too late to let go. As the rope snared the demon's foot and it took flight, Noah was hauled skyward, rapidly ascending nearly a hundred meters. The winged demon beat its wings, climbing ever closer to the clouds.

Swirling—swaying—the howling wind disoriented him, the world spinning around him.

His body climbed higher and higher, the ground he knew shrinking to a distant memory. Humans were not meant for flight, and this terrifying feeling was utterly foreign to him.

The demon seemed intent on making Noah slip and fall to his death. Suddenly changing direction, it dove rapidly, causing Noah to clench his eyes shut as he spun uncontrollably, the sensation of weightlessness overwhelming him with nausea. He held onto the end of the rope for dear life, refusing to be thrown off despite the violent tossing.

"Don't die, don't die, don't die," Gladius pleaded in panic.

Was it really up to Noah? Tossed about by the demon's malicious play, the roar of the wind filled his ears, and he dared not open his eyes, knowing the ground was far below. The mere thought of his height made his limbs weak, fear gnawing at his gut.

This would certainly end in death. If he lost his grip on the rope, he was as good as dead.

If Noah died—everything would be meaningless.

Demons would ravage the land, and common folk had no means to resist. The last legacy of the Hunters' Guild would be extinguished, ambitions and ideals vanishing like mist.

"Aaah!" Noah yelled, yet the wind snatched his voice away as soon as his lips parted.

Feeling his arm strength wane to its limit, ready to relinquish its hold at any moment, he had already pushed his endurance to a miracle just lasting these few seconds.

Disoriented and nauseous, the chaotic wind currents battered him as he experienced a terror like never before, devoid of any sense of balance or security. Danger upon danger warned him of the inevitable slip, the fatal fall, and the certainty that if he hit the ground, he would shatter beyond saving. Panic consumed Noah. He wanted to vomit, to release the churning in his stomach.

"Don't die—don't die," Gladius begged, "Hold on! What will I do if you die!"

Below, the voices of people calling out grew distant.

"Don't fall!"

"Hold tight!"

"Keep holding on!" Their inability to help tangible, their encouragement a thin salve on their own anxiety. Amidst the blur, Noah found some solace in the cries of the soldiers and commoners—after all, they were united against the demon.

"—Afen Flames!" Noah roared, igniting his soul's fiery passion. Flames burst forth from his body, engulfing him and racing up the rope. Unlike the holy golden flames before, this was a demonic green fire, similar to the hellfires of a demon. It wrapped around the demon's talon and spread across its body.

Burn this monster!

Noah gasped for air, his daze lifting enough to see the glowing rope in his hands, its magic binding him securely, aiding him in his perilous hang. He dared a glance downward and instantly regretted it.

Nearly a kilometer high, the figures below were mere ants.

But the flames took effect; the demon felt the infernal fire on its right foot and plunged downwards with force.

The most dangerous moment had arrived. As the demon dove, Noah was dragged down with it. But as the beast beat its wings, shifting upward once more, the rope snapped taught with multiplied force, and Noah's grip failed.

The rope slipped from his hands, abrading his palms.

The ground rushed closer, his body tumbling through the air like a thrown doll from a high-rise.

Noah tried to utter a spell, but only managed the first syllable before pain clouded his consciousness. His awareness shattered, only feeling his body roll upon impact, breaking and crushing. His eyes widened as the winged demon above, now a ball of green flames, flailed awkwardly, its wings slow and dull.

A bolt as thick as a human arm shot from the forest, striking true this time.

Well done... Darkness took him.

I'm going to die.

"Stop being foolish!" Gladius was frantic, "Stay alive!"

A dark power surged into Noah, warmth and tingling spreading through him.

"Do you care that much if I die?" Noah mused hazily.

He was in so much pain, darkness enveloping his vision, blood loss too great.

"If you die, I'll slip out," Gladius ranted, "Had I known you were so inexperienced, I would have guided you through all battles."

"I will destroy you later."

"What? You wish me dead? Then let's both go down."

The dark power receded as swiftly as the tide, the fleeting warmth giving way to searing pain.

"I've stressed this before, and now again. Using you, harming you, tempting you to corruption... none of that matters. What matters is, you must work with me, you must live!"

Noah desperately searched for a way to survive without conceding to the demon.

"You won't find one," Gladius whispered, "I too wish for a way to cling to life without being stuck in a human body."

"You're a demon."

"And so? Does it matter when survival is at stake? Can you cast aside your useless hunter principles?"

People rushed to Noah's side, his body torn apart, thoughts fragmented. He groaned in agony.

"Help me—" Noah thought, resolving to cast aside his burdens from this moment on.

Gladius was pleased.

The inherently dark power returned, stabilizing Noah's erratic breath. His sensory perception sharpened, people hoisted him up, carrying him hurriedly in a direction that jostled him painfully.

It hurts...

"Be careful!"

"What are you doing, killing him?"

"Place him here!"

To Noah's relief, someone understood. The clumsy soldiers gently laid him down.

He heard the rush of hooves, the rustle of armor, someone dismounting and approaching swiftly.

"Are you alright?" Rocher asked, "Are you still alive?"


Unable to respond, Noah was suspended on the edge of darkness, even as Gladius's power kept him from death's door.

"He fell from so high, he's doomed!" someone shouted.

"How terrible."

"He's a hero!"

"He can cast spells!"


Noah moved his lips weakly, hoping to be seen, then succumbed to unconsciousness.


When he came to, Noah found himself not buried but in a dark space, resting on something akin to wool. He fumbled around, touching only wooden walls.

I'm confined. Noah felt a strange sense of disquiet. What's happening? Why am I locked up?

He flexed his muscles, feeling only mild pain, nothing severe, no broken bones. Bound in bandages, he slowly unwrapped them from himself.

"I'm sorry," Noah thought, "You were right."

Gladius offered no response, leaving a void in Noah's soul. He sensed the demon's presence but was ignored.

He sighed deeply.

Stirred by Noah's voice, a form stirred in the corner, bringing with it a familiar, intense floral scent.

"Is it you?" Noah was startled.

"You're finally awake," came Elysia's crisp voice.

"Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be? It's my legs that got me here. You think just because I'm a little whore, it's beneath your dignity to be seen with me? Fine, I'll leave." She pushed open the carriage door, moonlight streaming in, and only then did Noah realize he was in a wagon.

"Don't go." Noah quickly stopped her, liking her presence, "How long was I unconscious?"

"A long, long time," Elysia replied, "I've been bringing food to check on you."

"What food?" Noah was genuinely hungry.

"You won't mind, right?" She handed him something in the dark.

Noah received a piece of apple pie, its crust soft and the aroma faded, indicating it had been sitting for a while. He took a bite; it was cold and tasteless.

"It's delicious," Noah said.

"I waited and waited for you to wake up..." Elysia complained.

"I was injured." Noah felt a wave of dread; he had reacted too slowly. If he had released the rope immediately, he might not be in this situation. But then again, the demon had baited him, flown him high, and dropped him. But it too was burnt by Noah's Afen Flames. Had it not been for that, the demon could have continued its aerial assaults unimpeded. The worst-case scenario would have been it escaping unscathed, leading to a whole new ordeal of tracking it down.

"They said you were definitely dead. They said you looked like a blood man."

"I'm strong."

"Really?" Elysia moved closer, feeling over Noah's bandages.

Noah could sense her breath; her proximity in the dark made her all the more entrancing. Did every man reach a point where he became hopelessly enchanted with a girl?

"I'm glad you came," Noah murmured, "I didn't expect it."

"They say you've beaten the demon. Are you a demon hunter?"

Yes, I certainly am a demon hunter, a skilled and trained one, Noah wanted to boast, to impress her.

"Yes. But where is the demon now?" His mind was still set on opposing the demon, needing to ensure the winged beast was truly dead.

"I don't know, I'm afraid of it."

That meant it wasn't dead yet. It dared to toy with him, and now it was finished. He had to shred it.

Noah slowly rose.

"Where are my things? My bag."

"Should be here." Elysia dragged Noah's belongings from one side of the wagon: his backpack, cloak, knife, crossbow, and various sundries.

"Wait here for me." Noah quickly gathered his gear and headed out of the wagon.

"Hey, I won't wait for you, who knows when you'll be back," Elysia protested, "But... please don't die, okay?"

Noah jumped down from the wagon, glancing back at her silhouette in the moonlight and feeling she was quite amusing—and he indeed liked her.

"Don't worry, I'm not that easy to kill," he reassured her.