
Twilight Terrors: The Blade Possessed

Against the backdrop of a world besieged by darkness and teetering on the brink of chaos, an ancient evil stirs, eager to breach the confines of shadow. Noah, a young and untested hunter, steps into the fray, embarking on the journey from novice to master of the hunt. His path takes a fateful twist during a vicious battle where he becomes bound to a demon, an incident that grants him unholy powers. Now, wielding these dark gifts, he confronts fiends, seeks counsel from sorcerers, forms bonds of kinship, gathers treasures, and roams the rural expanse... As he navigates encounters with the supernatural and unearths long-lost secrets, Noah is constantly fighting for survival in an ever-shifting world. With demonic power comes the lure of corruption. Former foes become reluctant allies, sharing a bond tighter than blood. What destiny lies ahead for this hunter who has become both the predator and the companion of demons? This tale of power, temptation, and alliance will grasp American readers, leading them through a labyrinth of intrigue to an ending as unpredictable as the world Noah battles to save.

yong_wang_2855 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
103 Chs


The rustic feast that was a hallmark of Duran Village was underway.

Noah recalled witnessing such scenes in his youth, as feasts were an integral part of Loman culture. With the arrival of spring, the villagers would be bustling, offering sacrifices to deities such as the sky god Aedwo, the agricultural god Angrey, and the rain god Yuvia, seeking their blessings for favorable weather throughout the year. Often their prayers were answered, but at times the gods would punish their carelessness with drought. That's when the priests would intervene, recounting the people's sins, promising even grander festivals the following year to appease the divine wrath.

Seated on a sturdy bench, Noah joined the village men at a table, while their wives bustled around the yard, washing vegetables, preparing animals, and cooking a grand meal. The air was rich with an enticing aroma that made his mouth water.

Wild dogs and cats lingered at the edge of the yard, gazing longingly but too terrified to venture closer. Normally, they'd circle the diners' feet, scavenging for tossed bones and scraps. Now, they were skittish, daring not to advance even a step.

Maggern, hoisting a bottle of red wine, popped the cork and poured a glass for Noah and each villager present.

"To the hero!" he toasted, downing his drink in one gulp.



The crowd was jubilant, and Noah, joining in, sipped his aperitif. The villagers soon engaged in loud conversation, discussing the weather, wars, and monsters, which made Noah a bit reticent. He wasn't shy, just a man of few words, unaccustomed to idle chatter.

The food was excellent. A robust woman brought Noah a large, village-roasted chicken, plucked clean and slathered from bottom to neck in a rich, sweet-and-sour fruit sauce. The chicken was scalding, but Noah, ravenous, didn't care and bit down hard.

Spices were a luxury beyond the poor's reach, so fruit sauce was used to season the meat, a practice that proved to be wonderfully effective. The chicken was tender, the skin crispy. With each bite, the skin would pull, mixing the natural sweetness of the meat with the raspberry sauce. It was simply impeccable.

These chickens must have been active and well-fed, given the chewiness and thickness of the meat. To consume such a large chicken was a pure delight. Noah ate heartily, the tender leg meat, the wings even better, the oil roasted into an enticing aroma. The villagers stared, astonished at his appetite, as they only had small pieces of chicken to themselves, now merely looking on with envy.

Midway through the chicken, women brought Noah a thick, steaming bowl of mushroom soup, rich with thick slices of mushrooms, sprinkled with coriander and onion. The fragrance reached him from afar. He continued to eat, after what felt like ages since his last proper meal.

Sipping his soup, Maggern asked, "Where to next? How about you stay the night here?"

"Rest for a few days," encouraged the villagers.

"No," Noah simply refused, "I must go to the Greywood Hall."

The villagers exchanged uneasy glances.

"What's happened at Greywood Hall?" Noah inquired after a brief pause.

"There's been trouble..." Maggern said anxiously, "My lord, you cannot go to Greywood Hall right now."

"Why?" Noah was puzzled.

"Demon!" Maggern's voice was a fearful whisper. As he uttered "demon," he quickly crossed himself, invoking the sky god for protection against malevolent spirits.

"Demon?" Noah was on high alert, his gaze sharpening. "What do you know? Tell me everything."

"In the Hunter's Hall of Greywood, something has been unleashed," Maggern said, terror-stricken, "It's immensely strong, impervious to weapons, slaughtering all in its path, devouring cattle and sheep. Anyone walking alone outside is prey to it—it's dreadful. My lord, better you stay away from Greywood for now."

"People have been killed," someone added.

"No one dares leave the village."

"It's not even safe in the village; that demon could wipe out an army with ease."

"The lord has doubled the guard at the castle," the crowd murmured, a cacophony of worried voices.

A demon was terrorizing the countryside.

"How could this be..." Noah frowned deeply.

He knew the Hunter's Hall held demons they had captured, but he had no idea what had escaped, nor its power.

If the escaped demon was on par with a Blade demon, then Greywood Hall was in grave danger... Noah's thoughts raced, his heart tightening.

"Impossible," Gladius sneered, "I am a devil! Do you really think your pathetic little hall could contain a lord equal to me? That's an insult to hell itself. Correct your thoughts this instant."

Ignoring Gladius's rant, Noah explained to Maggern, "No matter the danger outside, I have to go to Greywood Hall; I must apologize."

"Of course, of course..." Maggern nodded vehemently, "You are strong and clear-minded, capable of confronting a demon."

"But don't fight the demon! If you encounter it, you'll either die or go mad," an old man warned Noah anxiously.

"Yeah, yeah, sir, get a horse in town, make haste to the city, and don't linger outside the walls," they advised as they learned of Noah's intent to head for Greywood Hall, their concern palpable.

Noah swirled his glass thoughtfully, considering how to handle the demon, when he noticed a young lad staring at him from the courtyard.

"Who is he?" Noah asked.

Maggern glanced at the boy.

"Lodan, from Duran. Come here, lad," Maggern beckoned.

"I'm not a child; I'm a grown man," Lodan said, approaching the table. With red hair, blue eyes, a short nose, thick eyebrows, and a broad forehead—said to be a sign of intelligence—he looked just a year younger than Noah.

"Why are you staring at me?" Noah said, pouring himself a little more wine, savoring the rich taste of the grape that was both initially unpleasant and ultimately addictive.

"You took my job," Lodan said boldly. "I wanted to kill that giant monster eventually."

"The river giant is dead; you can rest easy sooner," Noah replied indifferently, seeing courage in the boy's eyes.

"He's an orphan," Maggern explained, "Poor Lodan, he herds sheep for the village."

"He has all sorts of wild ideas, brave sir," added the other villagers.

"A reliable shepherd."

"He plays with sticks, pretending they're swords."

Noah pondered this, realizing how much he needed followers and hands to help. Lodan might be young, but he seemed to have the makings of an adventurer. Without others, rebuilding the Hunter's Guild would be mere talk.

"How about joining me?" Noah offered. "You could assist me with some tasks and have a chance to take down a monster similar to that giant demon."

Lodan nodded eagerly.

"Yes! I want to be like you!"

Am I already a role model? Noah thought, amused. Nonetheless, being an example to others was a good thing.

"Why?" Noah asked. "It's dangerous. You know how powerful giants can be."

"I'm not afraid of danger," Lodan said, thumping his chest. "I'll follow you to the ends of the earth, as your squire."

After the meal, the villagers handed Noah a bundle of food—smoked meat, hard cheese, bread—all wrapped tightly in linen, insisting he take it. Noah packed them into his bag, feeling its weight increase considerably.

"This is all we can do," Maggern said earnestly.

"Let's go; I know the way!" Lodan was eager.

The young Lodan led Noah away from Duran Village, heading north.

At a crossroads, the signposts pointed in various directions. Noah saw one marked "Pea Mill," a place where eight demon hunters had once gathered, resolved to hunt the Blade demon.

It felt like a lifetime ago.

"Who taught you to fight like that? To take down that giant, that's incredible! Some mercenaries came to the village once, all swagger and skill, and then they were all crushed by the giant," Lodan inquired.

Noah saw no need to keep secrets from the boy.

"Demon hunters. They taught me everything I know."

"Demon... hunters? You're a demon hunter?" Lodan gasped.

"Yes," Noah touched the sign for Pea Mill, his mind filled with the scene of eight demon hunters swearing to battle the demon to death. "We give our all to fight the demons. We will go to Greywood Hall and take over the Hunter's Guild."

Lodan's eyes widened, fear creeping in.

"We're... we're going to fight demons?"

"Yes. But don't be afraid, demons are not..."

Lodan, terrified, recoiled as if shocked, running back towards the village without a backward glance, nearly tumbling in his haste, as if fleeing from the plague. The people at the village entrance spoke to him in confusion, and Lodan pointed towards Noah, shouting something. Quickly, the villagers dragged Lodan into the safety of their homes, no longer daring to linger outside.

Duran Village fell silent in an instant, deserted as though abandoned.

Noah stood still for a moment.

Gladius taunted, "Look at that, no one wants to join you. You're just a collection of disgraced scum. We demons are too powerful! Who dares hunt us? And yet, you still aspire to be a demon hunter?"

"... That's exactly why," Noah said quietly, resolute in his heart, "I am determined to be a demon hunter."