
Twilight Terrors: The Blade Possessed

Against the backdrop of a world besieged by darkness and teetering on the brink of chaos, an ancient evil stirs, eager to breach the confines of shadow. Noah, a young and untested hunter, steps into the fray, embarking on the journey from novice to master of the hunt. His path takes a fateful twist during a vicious battle where he becomes bound to a demon, an incident that grants him unholy powers. Now, wielding these dark gifts, he confronts fiends, seeks counsel from sorcerers, forms bonds of kinship, gathers treasures, and roams the rural expanse... As he navigates encounters with the supernatural and unearths long-lost secrets, Noah is constantly fighting for survival in an ever-shifting world. With demonic power comes the lure of corruption. Former foes become reluctant allies, sharing a bond tighter than blood. What destiny lies ahead for this hunter who has become both the predator and the companion of demons? This tale of power, temptation, and alliance will grasp American readers, leading them through a labyrinth of intrigue to an ending as unpredictable as the world Noah battles to save.

yong_wang_2855 · Fantasi
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103 Chs

Locking on the Target

"Do you really believe you've found a demon? And how can you be sure of its location? Is it through some spell? Or perhaps another kind of treasure?" Ines inquired with keen interest.

"I have my ways," Noah mused, harboring an idea he needed to confirm. There was a method within the chapel he knew could work, one which could effortlessly pinpoint the demon's location.

He passed through the side court, from the garden into the chapel's main hall, where no light shone. Benches and the altar sat silently in the dark, the high walls unadorned. Moonlight filtered through the glass, casting dim, blurry shadows. Pillars, much wider than Noah, supported the damaged dome, and the stone floor was solid underfoot. For a moment, he lost himself in the marvel of architecture, captivated by the ability of mere mortals to erect structures that endured for centuries.

Noah put his hand to his mouth and called out, "Hope!"

The name echoed through the chapel. He knew the imp had heard; it crawled down from the wall and approached Noah's feet, clasping its hands together in a display of honest reverence.


"Come with me, up on my shoulder," Noah extended his hand. Obediently, the hellish imp scurried up his arm, its body chillingly cold.

Noah ascended to the chapel's side tower, rushing to its highest level, his breath heavy as he stood upon the viewing platform at the top.

"Can you see it? Can you see the soul of the beast, the enormous demon soul?" Noah leaned slightly over the balustrade, straining his eyes to detect any trace of the demon lurking in the city's nocturnal cloak.

The streets, lit by lamps, basked in a warm orange glow, while many places lay ensconced in unsettling darkness. Pinpricks of light peeked from household windows, intermingling like a scattering of glitter across a vast black canvas. The moons were indistinct, with the Silver Moon hidden behind the Grey Moon, except for one night each month when it would move in front, creating a dazzling white night. The rest of the evenings were dark, the Grey Moon offering only faint luminescence.

Grey moon nights, the nights when demons lurked. A hunter like me should rise to protect the slumber of the innocents.

"Assuming they pay you," Gladius murmured.

"Safety is maintained by the collective effort. I dispatch the demons they can't contend with, and they uphold the social order. I too can live better in a stable society..."

"They first have to accept you as one of their own before they'll help you. You're presenting a false premise; you don't stand on the same ground as them."

"I am just like them, vigilant against evil."

"Just like them? Look at you, with your great power, abilities beyond mortals, and now you consider yourself ordinary? You're a higher being; you have the right to enslave the weak, not protect them."

"I do what I choose."

"One day, those you're unwilling to harm will overwhelm you, you know?"

"I'm not unwilling to harm them; it's just not the right time... If they truly overstep..."

"I win," Gladius declared contentedly. "As long as you're willing to wield your blade against ordinary people, I win."

Have I lost then? Noah pondered for a moment.

"Whimpering, whimpering," Hope clasped Noah's collar, pointing earnestly towards the distance. Demons saw differently from humans, their vision clear to the soul.

"Where?" Noah peered in the direction Hope indicated, squinting hard.

"Jabber, jabber." Hope gestured animatedly, "There!"

Noah struggled to discern the target amid the indistinct darkness of the cityscape.

Frowning, he felt uneasy as Hope pointed towards the Earl's residence.

In the city's center, atop higher ground, the lord's dwelling, fortified with high walls, watchtowers, and a main tower, stood out conspicuously. Without Draco's protection, it was as vulnerable as any other place.

"Are you sure? It's heading there?"

"Crammed with human souls... crammed with human souls! The beast is approaching," Hope clamored on Noah's shoulder. "Let me eat too."

"I can't take you there; stay put, hide, and don't leave," Noah instructed, knowing the imp's existence needed to remain a secret—most would struggle to accept it. "If someone comes near, hide, don't be seen. You can't hurt or scare anyone."

"Meep." Disappointed, the imp jumped down and scurried away, scratching its face.

"Demons are always the most useful," Gladius said slowly. "Loyal, obedient, and dumb. We need their numbers, not their intellect. All they need is their master's will."

Is this how hellish imps are dominated? Such a tragic existence, growing only to bully their kind, unable to change anything. Noah became thoughtful.

"You fool, they don't need to change; that's their fate."

"You can't decide their fate," Noah shook his head.

"Of course, I can. I decide who lives and dies. Imps are always the weakest, even if they grow bigger," Gladius retorted.

"Hope will grow stronger," Noah mused. "Day by day, it will have the chance to absorb surrounding souls. Peacefully."

"And when it becomes too strong, how will you control it?" Gladius challenged. "Imps become greater demons, which become demon warriors. Eventually, you'll have to kill it. I've said it before; you can't find peace. Peace corrupts the will to fight, peace is nauseating, only through mountains of corpses can progress be found."

"I think," Noah walked back towards the chapel's side hall, "I can teach it."

"You want to change a demon?" Gladius laughed uproariously.

"It will understand. Imps have thoughts, memories, so why not learn? If it comes to understand how to coexist with this world..."

"Take care of yourself first," Gladius sneered. "Look at you, naïve and vulnerable."

Noah was accustomed to Gladius's nonsensical ramblings, the demon's crude sense of humor.

Returning to the side hall of the chapel, he took a deep breath. The central aisle was flanked by tables and chairs, the fire basin empty and cold. But they were soon to leave the indoors for the chill of the city at night.

Facing everyone's gaze, Noah inhaled deeply.

"We need to prepare to leave," he announced. "Our target tonight is a ferocious beast wreaking havoc in the city, intent on harming lives. It's immensely powerful, with a shape like a demonic hound, and many similar minions. As new recruits, your first duty is to give it your all, with no hesitation. Bring everything you can, ready all your weapons."

"What if it's too strong?" Maden asked.

"I will take it down!" Noah patted his chest with determination. "Your task is to witness the demon's form, get used to fighting them, only then can you become a true demon hunter!"

"Sounds terrifying," Duven muttered. "I thought there'd be training or something before we're thrust into battle."

"That's what it means to be a demon hunter," Noah nodded, no desire to face the Blade Demon on his first action. "But trust me, as long as you don't flee and fight resolutely, we can defeat that creature."

Watching their eyes, Noah knew they were imagining the demon's form, fantasizing about the battle.

Indeed, if it came to actual combat, it would be tough for them—the demonic hound with its numerous crimson eyes and destructive power, its terrifying appearance sure to shock the mind. If their psyche shattered, they'd become like the demon, a new reinforcement for its ranks.

That couldn't be allowed to happen. He had to intercept the demon before it caused immense chaos.

"Let's go," Ines was ready, adjusting her crossbow and resting her hand on her sword.

The other two recruits, though hesitant, clenched their teeth and steeled themselves to face the crisis.

Maintaining a positive mindset in the face of unknown terror, confronting life, using all means, abilities, and beliefs to confront it, this is the path to growing stronger. Noah believed this deeply.

Defeating a demon was one less threat. Regardless of whether it could be reborn in hell, whether they were truly immortal, or possessed special powers, as long as they dared to walk the earth, they were his to deal with.

"Oh, oh, acting all commander-like, huh?" Gladius mocked. "I wonder who's been supporting you all this time, pulling you out of dire straits."

"If it weren't for me, you'd have been sent back long ago."

Noah glanced at their gear, noting each person's equipment: Maden appeared as a fisherman, a sword in hand, a few sharp-tipped spears for throwing on his back; Duven looked suspicious, sword in one hand, a torch in the other to light the way, wary of Noah; Ines, the adventurous woman, sword and crossbow, similar to Noah.

Four of them in total. Could such a team defeat the demonic beast?

Noah gripped his gray blade, confident he could cut through its demonic shell, harm its soul, but the others—they wouldn't survive the giant beast's onslaught.

Worst of all, if that woman controlled a second pack of dogs, wouldn't they be finished? Noah couldn't face that many dogs again, not without risking a fire in the city with the misuse of the smoldering ring.

And then there was her space-altering sorcery, seeming like witchcraft, or something taught by demons. If she used it...

These tumultuous thoughts ebbed and flowed in Noah's mind as he stepped through the door.

Immediately, he heard incessant barking.