
Twilight Terrors: The Blade Possessed

Against the backdrop of a world besieged by darkness and teetering on the brink of chaos, an ancient evil stirs, eager to breach the confines of shadow. Noah, a young and untested hunter, steps into the fray, embarking on the journey from novice to master of the hunt. His path takes a fateful twist during a vicious battle where he becomes bound to a demon, an incident that grants him unholy powers. Now, wielding these dark gifts, he confronts fiends, seeks counsel from sorcerers, forms bonds of kinship, gathers treasures, and roams the rural expanse... As he navigates encounters with the supernatural and unearths long-lost secrets, Noah is constantly fighting for survival in an ever-shifting world. With demonic power comes the lure of corruption. Former foes become reluctant allies, sharing a bond tighter than blood. What destiny lies ahead for this hunter who has become both the predator and the companion of demons? This tale of power, temptation, and alliance will grasp American readers, leading them through a labyrinth of intrigue to an ending as unpredictable as the world Noah battles to save.

yong_wang_2855 · Fantasi
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103 Chs


After descending from the viewing platform, Noah saw Rocher off.

"The curfew will be strictly doubled," she declared. "After six, iron chains will be drawn across the streets, every path will be lit, and the guards will respond promptly to any disturbances."

"With you in Greytree Hall, it's bound to be as secure as a fortress," Noah remarked.

"Mutual encouragement," Rocher bid farewell and rode off with her troops.

Watching Rocher's retreating figure, Ines crossed her arms over her chest.

"You seem quite familiar with her," Ines turned to Noah.

"We've cooperated in hunting winged demons before," Noah explained. "She's quite... unique."

"Strong," Ines muttered, "and cold-blooded."

"Do you admire such a woman?" Noah was curious about Ines's opinion.

"Such a woman must be very lonely," Ines shook her head. "She's taller than many men."

"She has to be strong to take over her family."

"It's good she came today, otherwise the sanctuary would have been in danger," she sighed.

"I guess the temple clergy are behind all this. I'm going to see Calvus, to eradicate this threat once and for all," Noah looked toward the other end of the city.

"Wow, what are you planning to do? Kill them all?" Ines was curious.

"...They're asking for it. This is war."

"War..." Ines pondered.

"Strengthen the side hall door, repair it. Wait for my return."

"We've run out of money," she reminded him.

"Ask Elysia for it; I've put her in charge of finances temporarily."

"Ah." Ines rolled her eyes. "Oh... that one..."

"Are you not getting along?"

"It's a work in progress," Ines shook her head. "Alright, Master Noah, I'll handle it."

"I'll be back soon."

Noah crossed the city to find Calvus in the Late Summer Garden. After several days, he should have prepared the information about the temple, and Noah had decided to uncover its secrets. All his enemies—the eight-eyed hound, the demon pack, the witch, High Priest Shaval—he was sure to encounter them there, and he was confident he could defeat them all.

I won't sit idly by, and I don't believe you're a group of good-hearted, devout people, Noah thought. Since you want to trample me, I have to fight back. And not just harass or cripple—I'll uproot you completely. Draco was right; some people need to be moved, preferably straight into their graves.

"I have a hunch there's a feast coming up," Gladius was pleased.

"You'll enjoy it."

"What? You're not arguing with me, not spouting nonsense like 'I can't kill for you' or 'you're not allowed to eat this soul' like before."

"There's work to be done, people to be killed, souls to be annihilated."

Gladius let out a sinister laugh.

They passed a beautiful street lined with tall houses, each with balconies adorned with green holly leaves. Someone was pouring dirty laundry water from above, the water rushing down the street and into the gutters on either side, naturally flowing toward the sea. Due to the demonic disturbances, the streets were deserted, the shops looked desolate, the butcher's block was devoid of fresh meat, a shoemaker sat idly on his stool, and a flower shop was closed.

Only by completely resolving the threat of demons will people come out again, Noah couldn't help thinking.

The Late Summer Garden stood out among the street houses with its own wall separating it from the rest of the city.

"Is Mr. Calvus in?" Noah asked the woman guarding the gate.

"What do you want?" Her expression was unwelcoming.

"I'm Noah. You may not know me, but Mr. Calvus and I are friends."

"Please, follow me," she led Noah inside.

In the courtyard, a man with dark hair lounged, naked, with two equally undressed courtesans, each clinging to him. They cradled their breasts, feeding him milk as he sucked greedily from both sides, the trio fondling each other.

He gave Noah a strange smile, making him feel uneasy. How could there be such a pervert? Noah hurried into the main building, a brothel setting he was all too familiar with. They ascended the stairs, turned several floors, and arrived at Calvus's private room at the very top.

Calvus wasn't behind his desk writing letters as usual. He was leaning against the wall, sipping from a wine glass.

"Noah." He noticed the newcomer.

"Good afternoon." Noah casually picked an apple from a small table. "There's a pervert in the courtyard."

Calvus opened the window and looked down.

"He's a distinguished guest."

"In this cold weather."

"We can only wish him good health. He's Seriel from the West Coast, a Lormanian by blood. We were acquainted before," Calvus explained.

"You mean he's got King Goder's blood?"

"Of course, the Lormanian family is powerful, the estates and fertile lands around the West Coast were prepared for them. King Goder founded Lorman, created the dynasty, so his descendants rightfully hold such status. They needn't worry about titles or land, as the capital's territories supply them."

"Why would he come to Greytree Hall?" The West Coast was much richer and warmer.

"Mr. Seriel has always been indolent, and under strict family constraints. His father ordered him: 'Go see how the commoners live, so you can rule your lands better.' Being obedient, he delved into all strata of society. He arrived in Greytree Hall yesterday and has already explored the depths and shallows of many women."

"What a nobleman," Noah heard more laughter from the courtyard.

"No matter what, I'm sure Lord Noah didn't come to find me because of such a libertine."

"The Greytree Hall temple," Noah said.

Calvus knew what Noah wanted and returned to his desk.

"Come here." He pulled out a large map from a drawer and showed it to Noah, intricately detailing the structure of the Greytree Hall temple.

"So detailed," Noah couldn't help but admire.

"Most of it was copied from the original design plans, the rest filled in by my informants to ensure no omissions," Calvus said without boasting, but his power was evident to Noah.

"The main entrance... leads to the quarter hall, and from there to the main temple hall with the deity statues," Noah studied the blueprint, noting many marks. The quarter hall referred to a smaller antechamber.

"To the left and right of the main hall are the ear corridors, with stairways leading up. The left side is the temple's forbidden corridor, for the high priests to meditate or reflect in seclusion, but it's been closed recently, unused. At the end of the left corridor, there's also a spiral staircase going down to the temple's dungeons, where they might keep witches captured by the temple."

"The corridor... when did it start to close?" Noah caught a key detail; it might be where the demon beasts were hiding. According to the map, the forbidden corridor was quite spacious, enough to harbor a large demon.

"Twenty days ago." Right when Master Frederick and his party left the sanctuary.

"I understand." Noah nodded. The corridor would be the focus of infiltration, and finding the demon beast's location was crucial.

"And the rooms on the right side of the first floor are the library, filled with the temple's books." Calvus flipped the map, revealing the second and third floors. "The second floor's center is the common rest area for priests, rather large, with the dining room and classrooms here as well. To the left are the sleeping quarters for the lower priests, cantors, and apprentices, and to the right are the private living quarters and office of the High Priest. There's a balcony facing the street."

"The third floor only has one room." Noah recalled the temple's structure, with lower sides and the highest part standing alone as a high tower.

"The third level is the VIP room, also used for confidential meetings. If the chief priest from the West Coast or other high priests from different regions come here, they rest in this room. Usually, it's not used. But recently, also about a month ago, this room was suddenly occupied, though no one knows by whom," Calvus explained.

"They're harboring demons in the temple, breeding sin. Didn't your informant notice such obvious activity?" Noah was puzzled.

"It's difficult. He says there's nothing unusual, only sometimes hearing the pack of dogs barking. Either the demon is well-hidden, or it doesn't exist in the temple at all," Calvus shook his head.

"Perhaps it's on another plane... magic..." Noah thought of the techniques used by witches, capable of folding space.

"Sometimes I envy such power, 'supernatural'—witchcraft, magic, the spiritual practices of the peninsula elves, and the rumored Wildwind that turns all things into forests..." Calvus sighed.

"If you understand more, you find it ordinary."

"But most of the time, people don't understand, and more importantly, they can't counter it. It's no wonder His Majesty would issue a decree like the 'Edict of 476,' to expel them once and for all from people's lives."

"A decree banning witchcraft? Do you support it?"

"I remain neutral on most things," Calvus smiled.

Noah pondered over the map.

"I need your informant to support me."

"That's natural, but we need time to prepare. He's about to take a new apprentice into the temple, and if you don't mind disguising as an apprentice, that would be the best opportunity."

"Disguising as an apprentice..."

"Yes, the temple is always recruiting new people—guards, cantors, assistant priests, and servants. Isn't your sanctuary constantly taking in new blood?"

"Hmm, when exactly?"

"Three days from now, on the 4th of Silent Moon."

Noah's hand brushed over the temple blueprint, looking up at Calvus.

"Can I take this blueprint with me?" Noah asked.

"Help yourself," Calvus didn't hesitate for a second.

That's perfect, Noah thought. With this map, he could devise his own plan to enter the temple in another way.

His gaze landed on a corner of the floor plan, where along the temple wall, a drainage channel was marked, connecting to the temple's vegetable garden.

With this blueprint, the long-established, powerful temple clergy were laid bare before Noah, and he felt his chances of success greatly increase.

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