

Alfred, a young preacher is given the mandate by the custodians of the higher realm to go into the future and foretell the coming of the end of age. Will he succeed in his mission?, will the people believe his notion?, Find out in this thrilling masterpiece.

damilare_johnson · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Twenty Eight days (The Visit From Above)

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon when I went into my office after the Sunday service. After the consultation period with some church members and some church workers was over, I decided to take a bottle of water from the fridge when I felt the presence of a great light which shone all over the office. At first, I was surprised because the reflection in the office couldn't be that magnanimous due to the fact that even if the whole office had a thousand bulbs, it still wouldn't be that bright. As I was still in the process of turning to see through the door where the light shone from, I saw extremely crystal white wings. The wings were so huge that it covered almost all the length of the walls at the left side of the door, as well as the walls at the right side of the door. Immediately, I became terrified and fell like a dead man right beside the fridge.

Before I fell on my face, I was able to see what the physique of the person with the two gigantic wings looked like. Although enormous light was emanating from his body, still, I was able to see all the way from his face down to his feet, and here is a description of what I saw: on his head, I saw a crown which looks like a huge ring, full of gold and diamond stones, and the upper part of the crown had a triangular design at its front, made with the mixture of a stone resembling that of a sapphire, plus a mixture of a kind of shining stone which I'm unable to recognize up till this moment of telling the event. The crown was not static on his head as it kept rolling as though someone was spinning the crown on his head. His face looked so well structured, and his eyeballs were a bit bigger than the average human eye. His eye lens was like pure gold which was embedded in it a piece of a very precious stone, more precious than any stone I have ever seen. The sight of his eyeballs were one of the major reasons why I became terrified and fell to the group in fear and trembling. His nose had a perfect triangular shape and it had smaller holes to that of a human to the extent that one could hardly see the holes. His mouth was burning with fire, and the fire had a blue color mixed with white, but the fire didn't consume his mouth. I could also notice in his ears many things resembling radio waves coming in and going out of his ears frequently. His whole body from his neck downwards is structured with a very pure silver flowing like a river all over his body. It is very hard to explain this, but this is the closest I can ever be in describing what I saw. He had all over his body apart from his face ancient scrolls of different sizes and colors. The sandals on his feet were made of pure gold, also emanating great light. Afterwards, I discovered that he has six wings in total; the two giant wings I saw previously, as well as four other less gigantic wings.

On seeing this great sight, I became very terrified, thinking within myself that the person standing in front of me must be an angel. After some seconds, the person spoke, and his voice sounded like that of a flowing river with a sonorous voice tone, his voice was extremely audible as well, and the first word he said to me was "fear not". Immediately he said this, I got an amazing amount of energy and courage to rise to my feet, but still, I was unable to look through his face. Then he continued speaking to me; "Alfred, do not be terrified, I'm the chief messenger of the ancient custodian of the Heavenly realm". When he said this, I was a bit bewildered at who he was referring to, and with a shaky voice I asked; "who is this custodian of the Heavenly realm that you are referring to?", Then he said "the one who authorized and invented the beginning, God Almighty. When I heard this, I had a mixed feeling as to whether I have done something wrong, and then the angel has been sent to kill me, then, as fear was about gripping me the second time, the angel said "fear not", then, total confidence was instilled in me. This time, I was able to glance through some of his physical attributes once more. Then he continued speaking; I am Gabriel, one of the archangels officiating under the command of God. I was sent to you to take you into the future where I will allow you to live in the future at exactly twenty eight days before God will send the Angels under my department to sound the rapture trumpet. On hearing this, I had mixed feelings. In fact, I didn't know what to say or do. He then proceeded; I will teleport you into twenty one years from now where you will get to live with people of that time and do all you can to tell the people that the time of the trumpet is nearer than they can imagine, but you are not permitted to tell the people of that city that the rapture will take place in twenty eight days time".

After he (the angel) said all these, he said; "because I'm only a messenger, I won't be able to take you to the future all by myself, but I will beckon on my partner named Uriel to take you to that future. Immediately angel Gabriel said this, he vanished and the angel Uriel who had four wings and hands which had one giant finger each landed in front of me, touched me on my forehead, and we both disappeared from the office.

After some seconds, I discovered that there was a magnetic force which glued me on the wings of the angel, and the angel was moving with me at a very fast pace, faster than the speed of light. It was as though life was about to come out of me due to the degree of the speed at which we were flying. While the flight on the angel's wing was on, I was able to communicate with him, and then, I asked: "where are we passing through"?, And the angel spoke with a voice like that of a crumbling rock saying; "we are passing through the eighty fifth channel of the spiritual portal of the fourth heavens which enables anyone who God wants to be teleported to the future realm pass through to be transported into the future". After hearing this, I became more terrified, not because of the content of what he told me, but because of the tone of his voice.

After some time, we finally arrived and landed on a large plain that had a reddish color. Immediately the angel landed on the ground, he stretched one of his hands down from him, and the hands turned to steps that enabled me to be able to walk down to the bare floor. It took me up to about thirty minutes approximately for me to be able to reach the ground. When I reached the ground, I discovered that the angel Uriel had become very gigantic, and I was like an ant in front of him. He didn't say a word to me afterwards, then he flew through the portal which we previously flew from. After this occured, the portal disappeared. On noticing this, I became terrified because it appeared as if I was left all alone in a strange place, with no one to notice me. The more I shouted "hello!", The more my voice echoed back at me. After some minutes, I felt dizzy, due to the previous tedious journey to the strange place I was, and then I collapsed.

By the time I was able to gather some strength, it was evening already, then I rose up from the ground, took off my waist coat, and loosened my belt a little. At this time, I was in a state of confusion due to the fact that there was nobody to talk to or to lead me out of the strange place I found myself. At that level of me getting very frustrated about how the whole journey was getting clueless, I got a tap on my shoulder which propelled me to turn back in great shock, and I discovered that it was a man who looked exactly like a normal human being. At this point, my mind was calmed, and I felt peace because for the previous few hours, all I kept seeing was strange looking and terrifying beings. Without hesitation, I called on to him for help, trying to narrate what I went through.

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