
TVD: The Tribrid Legacy

Following my death, I was convinced that my story had reached its final chapter – game over, if you will. Yet, fate had something truly extraordinary in reserve for me. I was granted a second chance, a rebirth that felt like a cosmic reset button had been pressed. I found myself in a new existence, taking on the role of Bonnie Bennett's older brother. Kevin Williamson Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. All rights belong to them, except my original Characters.

ParadiseHeights · Televisi
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56 Chs

Chapter 1.13

The sunlight filtered through his window as Orion woke up, and he basked in its warmth. He stretched his arms and yawned before leaving his bed. He headed straight to the bathroom to shower, letting the warm water wash away his sleepiness. As the water trickled down his back, he felt his muscles relax and his mind clear.

After he was done, Orion went to the kitchen and prepared a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, and coffee. As he ate, he went over his plans for the day. The day's agenda was to focus on protecting his home. He was determined to ensure that no harm would come to him or his precious belongings.

Once finished, he headed to the basement, where he kept his collection of grimoires. Orion carefully picked up one of the ancient books and flipped through its pages, taking in the intricate symbols and arcane text. His fingers traced over the lines, and he felt connected to the ancient wisdom passed down from generations of witches.

Orion's eyes flicked back and forth across the pages of the ancient grimoire, taking in every word and symbol with intense focus. The leather-bound cover creaked as he turned each page, and he could feel the rough texture of the paper against his fingertips. The weight of the book in his hands was heavy, almost overpowering, and the scent of the old parchment and ink filled the air around him.

Despite the late hour, Orion refused to let exhaustion get the better of him. He knew he needed to take every precaution to protect himself and his belongings from potential harm. He knew that every moment he spent delving deeper into the grimoire pages brought him one step closer to breaking the curse on his pack. He read on, the flickering candle casting long shadows across the pages as he deciphered each incantation and ritual.

Searching for the most powerful protection spells to use on his house. The tomes he studied contained centuries-old knowledge passed down from powerful witches, and he was determined to unlock their full potential.

Orion was dedicated to ensuring the utmost security and protection for his home, and he knew that relying on elemental warding spells alone would not be enough. He delved deeper into his research, determined to find an advanced protection spell offering an additional layer of defense.

His efforts paid off when he encountered an ancient technique that immediately caught his attention. This powerful warding spell was designed to activate if unauthorized persons, especially witches, attempted to enter their homes without permission. Once triggered, the spell would render intruders completely powerless, stripping them of their magic, speed, and strength while in his house. Not only that, but it would also activate the wards around his home, attacking and repelling the intruder.

Taking a deep breath, he cleared his mind and focused on the spell. Excitement coursed through his veins as he read the spell's detailed instructions. He quickly found the necessary incantation and materials to cast the spell and began performing the ritual in his home.

He repeated the chant, "Dominum custodire," with increasing confidence and volume. Closing his eyes, he focused his mind and concentrated all his energy on the spell, visualizing the desired outcome in his mind's eye. He felt a wave of energy surge through him, and he knew he was on the right track.

With each repetition of the spell, he could feel an energy coursing through his body, intensifying with every passing moment. The power was building within him, like a storm gathering strength before it unleashed its full force.

As he continued to chant, his energy reached a crescendo, filling the room with a bright light and a pulsating hum. The power he was calling upon was palpable, and he felt like he could touch it.

And with a sudden burst of light, the spell was cast, and he knew that his magic now protected his home. The energy dissipated as quickly as it appeared, leaving him satisfied and invigorated.

Orion knew the spell had worked, and anyone who tried to enter his home without permission would be met with a powerful and immediate response. He felt like he had just added an impenetrable fortress to his strong defenses.

After completing the spell, Orion felt a sense of relief wash over him, knowing that he had taken the necessary steps to protect his home from any potential harm. However, he understood that the spell was only one method of protection. He needed more if he wanted to feel completely safe. The keyword is ONE.

Orion knew his work needed to be completed. He wanted to ensure his home was fortified. So he crafted a talisman to alert him of potential threats to his house. This would act as an early warning system, notifying him of any break-ins or intruders attempting to enter his home.

To create this talisman, Orion used a combination of rare crystals and minerals known for their energy-enhancing properties. He meticulously selected each material and imbued it with a specific intention, imbuing the talisman with powerful energy to help him detect potential threats.

After several hours of intense focus and concentration, the talisman was finally ready. Orion held it in his hand, feeling its energy pulsating with power. He placed it in a central location in his home, ensuring it would have the most significant reach possible.

Orion also recognized the importance of maintaining his home's cleanliness and energy balance. He regularly used various cleansing techniques, including burning sage, to purify the air and remove any negative energy from his home.

Additionally, he created a talisman to promote positive energy and harmony in his home. It was designed to promote peaceful and harmonious energy within his house, creating a safe and nurturing space for himself and his loved ones. The talismans were made from rose quartz and amethyst, representing love, joy, and harmony.

Orion was proud of the work he had done to protect his home. He knew he had taken every possible precaution to safeguard himself and his belongings against threats. With his home now fully secured, he felt a sense of peace and serenity that he had not experienced in a long time.

Orion realized that the effort he had put into fortifying his home protected and empowered him. He knew he could create a safe and nurturing space for himself and his loved ones, and he felt a newfound sense of strength and confidence in himself and his abilities.


(Orions POV)

I approached Sabine Laurent with purpose, my eyes locked onto her as she led a group of visitors through the vibrant streets of the French Quarter. The energy of the area was palpable, with street performers filling the air with the sounds of jazz music and vendors selling traditional New Orleans snacks. But my attention was solely focused on Sabine.

She was explaining the history of the area, gesturing towards the ornate buildings around us, the influence of French and Spanish cultures evident in the architecture. Her voice was smooth, melodic, captivating the entire group's attention. I listened to her words, waiting for the perfect moment to make my move.

And then it happened - a clumsy tourist bumped into Sabine, spilling his drink all over her jacket. My heart raced with excitement as I watched her try to clean the mess, unaware of my plan. With a quick sleight of hand, I plucked a few hairs from her jacket, knowing that they would be essential for my spell.

I followed the group for a bit longer, thanking Sabine for the tour, before making my way home. As I walked, I clutched the hairs tightly, feeling their power coursing through me. I was close to breaking the curse on my family; these hairs were the key.

Upon entering my home, I went straight to my study, feeling the weight of my grimoires in my hands. The smell of old paper and ink-filled my nostrils as I flipped through the pages, searching for the perfect spell. My fingers traced over the words until I found it - "Maledicat hoc insanus mulier" - a spell that would bind Sabine to her body and allow me access to her mind.

I held the straw doll carefully, taking the strands of Sabine's hair that I had plucked from her jacket and attaching them to the doll. But I didn't stop there. I knew I needed to strengthen the spell and ensure that Sabine was entirely under my control.

So, I added some witch hazel and henbane to the mix; the henbane, in particular, is known for its ability to induce a trance-like state and reduce inhibitions, making it easier for the person, i.e., Sabine that's under a spell to be controlled and influenced.

Their potent properties blend in a dark, dangerous concoction. I could feel the power of the herbs coursing through me, the magic of the spell growing stronger with each passing moment.

I knew that the spell would make Sabine weak and vulnerable and cause her magic to deplete until the spell was broken. It was a dangerous move, but I was willing to take the risk.

Each one is placed with precision and care. As I held the doll, I felt a sense of power flowing through me, knowing that Sabine would be mine to control with the correct incantation.

I began to chant the words, my voice growing louder with each repetition, my will pouring into the spell. Suddenly, a gust of wind whipped through the room,

I felt excitement and anticipation as the hairs twisted and coiled around the doll. With each passing moment, the spell grew more substantial, and Sabine's mind became more accessible to me.

I could sense her thoughts, emotions, memories, and desires as if they were mine. Having such power over another person was exhilarating, and I relished my control.

So I made sure to keep my presence in her mind subtle and undetectable. Over time, I would begin influencing her thoughts and actions, nudging her toward decisions that would benefit me.

I knew this process would take time, so I hid the doll in the attic. I placed a series of powerful boundary spells on and around it, making it invisible to anyone who might stumble upon it. I also added illusion spells to make it appear empty in the space where the doll was hidden.

These precautions were necessary. I didn't want Sabine or anyone else to find the doll and break the spell.


Third Pov

Orion's footsteps echoed through the vibrant streets of the French Quarter, each one adding to the symphony of sounds that filled the air. The scent of freshly baked pastries and jazz music wafted around him, but he didn't let the bustling atmosphere distract him from his mission. The stakes were high, and he couldn't afford to waste any time.

His eyes scanned the shops and stalls lining the street, searching for any sign of the elusive herb. The full moon was drawing near, and his body needed to be prepared for the transformation that would inevitably follow. Aconite, also known as wolfsbane, was his only hope.

As he continued his search, the crowds grew denser, and the day's heat became unbearable. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and his throat was parched from the humid air. But he didn't falter; he couldn't afford to.

Finally, he saw a small apothecary tucked away in a quiet alleyway. He hurried towards it, his heart racing with anticipation. As he stepped inside, the air was thick with the scent of herbs and spices, and bubbling potions filled the room.

Orion approached the counter, where an older woman with a kind smile greeted him.

"Bonjour, monsieur. How may I assist you today?" she asked in a thick French accent.

Orion returned her smile, relieved to finally find the herb he had been searching for. "I'm looking for aconite. Do you have any?" he asked.

The woman's expression turned serious, and she regarded him with a concerned look. "Aconite is a dangerous herb, monsieur. Are you sure you know what you're doing with it?"

Orion nodded, understanding the risks of working with such a potent herb. "Yes, I know the dangers, but I need it for a particular purpose."

The woman nodded and disappeared into the back of the shop, returning a few moments later with a small bundle of the herb. "This is all I have, monsieur. Use it wisely."

Orion walked out of the shop with a small vial of aconite, relieved to have found what he was looking for. He carefully put the vial into his backpack, double-checking to ensure it was secure.

Orion made his way home, the stars above him shining bright in the night sky. Despite the cool breeze, he felt a warm sense of satisfaction in his chest. He had completed his task and was heading home, eager to relax and rest after a long day.

However, as he walked down the deserted street, he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was being followed. It was a nagging sensation, but he tried to brush it off as paranoia. After all, there was no reason for anyone to be following him.

But as he quickened his pace, the feeling only intensified. Suddenly, he heard a rustling noise behind him, and before he could react, a hand shot out and pushed him backward, and he stumbled, his heart pounding wildly in his chest.

Orion turned to face a gaunt, pale figure with sunken eyes and sharp fangs. It was a vampire, hungry and relentless, and he had chosen Orion as his prey. The vampire hissed, revealing his pointed teeth, and again lunged at Orion.

But before the vampire could react, Orion waved his hand; with a sickening crunch, his neck snapped. The vampire's body slumped to the ground, lifeless.


Orion needed vampire blood and a constant supply of it, and what better source than the vampire on the ground? Orion's eyes glinted with a mischievous light as he gazed at the temporary corpse. Orion pushed aside the darker thoughts and focused on the task at hand. He quickly cast an illusion spell over the vampire's body, concealing its scent and blending it with its surroundings. He knew that he couldn't afford to attract any unwanted attention, especially from other vampires who might be looking for their comrades.

Satisfied with the illusion, Orion quickly grabbed the vampire with his magic and dragged his body back to his house. As he made his way to the basement, he threw the vampire into the cell he had built, the same one he had constructed for his transformation.

Orion quickly retrieved a syringe filled with liquid vervain from his medical kit. With a steady hand, he injected it into the vampire's veins, making sure to spell it so that the vervain would constantly stay in the vampire's bloodstream unless he said otherwise,

With the vampire securely locked away in his cell, Orion knew that he had to take every precaution to ensure the vampire could not escape. Orion knew that vampires were powerful and resilient creatures, and even with the vervain in his system, the vampire could still pose a threat if he were to wake up. So, he cast a powerful sleep spell on the vampire, putting him into a deep, unbreakable slumber.

The sleep spell was no ordinary spell. It would keep the vampire in a constant sleep without desiccating him. Orion wanted to keep him alive or as alive as you can get for a vampire for as long as possible in case he needed information or if he was ever required to use him as leverage against other vampires. Furthermore, the vampire could serve as a source of blood for Orion.

Satisfied that he had done all he could to ensure the vampire's captivity, Orion left the basement and returned upstairs. He knew he couldn't let his guard down and needed to be vigilant in case other vampires came looking for their lost comrade. With the Vampire incapacitated, Orion looked through the grimoire Josephine had given him.


(Don't worry, Orion is not dumb; the house keeps the vampire's strength and speed away, making him as powerless as a regular human, and even if he escaped, the house's wards would attack him. Also, we may see Hayley next chapter)