
TVD: Stefan's Skin (DROPPED)

Reborn as Stefan Salvatore, lucky enough to score LOHP with all the books available inside the Library. Yes MC likes men and women. Yes the author is bad at spelling. No this is not good at all for all those nitpicking TVD fans. No author has no idea what they are doing, They just love the show and tried finding fan fictions read them all couldn't find any more, took matters into their own hands.

Schooldean · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Chapter 5

Stefan POV

Could this be the so called emotions? I don't miss it one bit. I will myself to sleep and I go out like a light.

I awoke 2hours later and decide to join the family for breakfast. When I get there something is different I just can't put my finger on it. I greet everyone and start eating. The food will soon have spiritual energy I wonder if it is as advertised. The hip about food and wine that contains spiritual energy is clear in all the martial arts novels I've read.

I am lost in my thoughts when father speaks to me. "The Lockwoods are looking to sell their estate, you wouldn't happen to know why Stefan?" Everyone looks at me I just swallow my egg and look at him calmly.

"No" I lied, I don't know if I can trust Lilian yet so I'm keeping information to myself. I continued eating and nobody disturbed me till I was ready to be excused. Damon stands up bringing the table with him and breaking his chair but the odd thing is that father didn't comment he just kept his silent.

I walk out with Damon he is leading me to his room. I calmly walked in to find him pacing in the room I notice the bed is shorter but I don't pry.

"I broke things brother from the bed legs to the door handle I can't get used to my new body strength can you help me please?" I nod and lead him to the secluded area I had used to practice my sword technique.

"Do you like using weapons or just straight-up boxing" I ask him and he answers very quickly

"I prefer boxing and kicking you know."

I quickly go through the library and check all the books in manual and compile the relatively perfect manual and then I show him I starts kicking and punching practicing and before I know it I have a Fist Intent.

Damon is enthralled by the art that he ends up following my movements as if on auto pilot. I kept repeating the set until I was sure he is ready to move forward. We did the second set and moved on to the next, the 7th set seemed to be his limit so we did the whole set on repeat until Damon was exhausted.

I let him rest and then read his book inside the library, good news is that all the ailments have been cleaned up. More powerful news though I found out why he seemed to be physically strong to this extent he has awakened the gold body type. I am shocked.

"Damon, your pain has only just begun" I look at him seriously.

"What do you mean?" He tries to stand up but fails and I end up chuckling.

He looks at me dazed "I haven't seen you Express humor for a while now, it good to know you are not too far gone"

I just respond with a nod. "I mean Damon you have a special constitution that if cultivated to the pinnacle even if a nuclear weapon is dropped on you it will be a slight inconvenience."

Damon is in disbelief. "You didn't make a mistake?" I shake my head.

"This is very important I'll never make a mistake. It's is a defense oriented body type. At the pinnacle your bady becomes harder than (a Devine artifact) any material found on the planet. No one can hurt you then" I conclude.

"How do I go about it?" He asks and I tell him that I'll come by his place tonight to teach him how to cultivate and he won't have to worry about anything I'll take care of the rest. His steps ware lighter as he made his way towards his bedroom.

When I get to my room I enter the library and use the pen to copy it down the first three are 1GOLDEN BONES. 2GOLDEN BONE MARROW. 3GOLDEN TENDONS.

If Damon was using any other cultivation manual he would need to go through painful processes such as swimming in deep cold or lava. I shiver thinking about it. The library offers a perfect golden body manual and I don't have to wake him bathe inside boiling rock just because real gold is not afraid of fire.

I take the notes to Damon. I find him ready I told him to move to the floor and when he asked why I told him he will know.

I gave him the incantation and he read it outloud at first but then proceeded silently. I know he will be doing only half of the first stage maybe only 20% of the first stage if he is diligent. I sit across from him makin sure nothing goes wrong. For a first timer he only lost focus 6 times which is not that bad considering we pulled an all nighter.

When he woke up he was covered in thick black goo that was stinking up the house so I used speed to throw him

Into the river, it's an amusing sight to say the least. When Damon got out of the water he looks taller but it must be by a small margin I can notice because of my sharp eyes.

It's decided, I will spend the next month helping Damon to rise through the ranks of Golden body refinement. I will put all other projects on hold I need to strengthen Damon so I can rest assured with him looking after the empire hehe.

One month 6 days later Damon is already in the middle of the third stage this stage is special because unlike the last two stages this turns the tendons into golden threads. They can be as steady as iron but also flexible like silk threads, able to cut down any item when hardened and can weave and stretch as far as needed.

I spent one whole night explaining this one to Damon. In the end we covered the entire three realms now I'm making hi redo the entire boxing technique. The results are obvious he became 2.2 inches taller. Its wiered the Damon from TVD who was pining after Katherine and Elana never stood so tall. Bravo!!

"Baby brother look how tall I am and now my movements are flexible but my punches still curry deadly force." He says jumping around happily and I feel a fleeting moment of happiness but i nod to him in approval.

"You have showed great progress if there was enough time we would go hunting monsters and see how far we have both progressed, alas we are running on borrowed time the supernatural creatures are rampant. The arrays I put up will only bring attention to the town so it's best to get powerful first then learn skills through experience." I say and Damon realize the seriousness of the situation.

After he mastered the 7 steps up to peak level I hand him the next three realms of Golden body cultivation technique. 4GOLDEN TISSUE MUSCLE 5GOLDEN ORGANS 6GOLDEN


Damon looks about to give up but I don't have motivation speech for him. "You have experience with cultivation now and you can come to me if you have any questions. Ill be focusing on my own cultivation for now but you can slip a piece of paper into my room I'll come to you as soon as I'm out." I leave him to his musings.

I take my leave and decide to walk around the territory to check the difference now that it's been over a month. I activate invisibility inscription. After checking halfway through I realize the town is peaceful and people are striving. I don't want to think of whether I had a hand in their better lifestyle, the most important thing is that no one suspects anything I send my senses and find large animals around the woods, this town has used the excuse of animal attacks to cover up the supernatural beings killing of the town folks it will be amusing when the attacks are being committed by actual animals. I get back to my room and finally continue with cultivation

In the following two weeks I finally reached layer 9 pinnacle all my required acupoints are open and my punch can shatter the sky and crack the earth. I will check my brut strength after using a body refinement technique that optimizes my body in a fight. For now I still only have minor accomplishment in step 7, I aim to change that.

Sword art.

I need to practice the sword technique. I am still using the branch of a tree from another area outside Mystic falls boundary I have traveled far away from there because my power has reached and unprecedented level and I would rather not destroy my home hence why I am in the middle of no where.

I pick up the branch and sit down cross legged and close my eyes and revise the technique and all the moves when I'm satisfied I start again memorizing the art until I realize what was missing. The drawing of a Martial artist performing these sword movements I felt like a sword should be the result not the means. As long as I have the sword in my heart I'll cut down my enemies.

Bzźzzz my body felt lighter and the are of about four kilometers around me is surrounded by a gentle flow of sword intent. It is no longer cutting and killing all that surrounds me like in the past. It is like a naughty child covering me and also exuding the noble aura of a mother of the nation and a warrior at heart.

The hand that destroys to protect and envelops keeping those dear safe. I close my eyes and think about my little sister and accept that at the time I was weak but when I got stronger her killers got destroyed.

With my eyes closed I fail to see that the area of effect has grown to that of a town. This meas that it is possible to shelter an entire city from harm or distroy it at the nic of time. Under the comprehension of sword dao the are of effect has grown even bigger now and I am busking in the warmth of sword dao enjoying myself.

The harmony between arrogance and compassion is mysterious and pulls at a person's heart strings making the heart inch. A monarch is silently born in the deep mountains of California.

The world origin energy that I hadn't felt merged with the sword dao and scans the lage part of America. Now my spiritual force that can see in the dark and see thousands of miles can be weaponized or used to shield and protect.

This intimacy with the energy that is out side of my body is a different feeling from when I mobilize the true essence inside my body and will it to work for me on the outside world. No wonder witches think they are all that.

Level 9 middle stage. 100,000 Jin force power, even my soul power increased I can use it to attack but the increase is probably not as much as I think. I'll go through the library and check soul cultivation techniques and psychic related techniques.

I am about to return when I hear fast moving projectiles flying my way. I had rained in my spiritual force so I don't know when was I surrounded. I send out my soul force just to study how it works I find out that I can use spiritual energy to scout more effectively because it covers a large area. But if I am to attack its better to fuse the spiritual energy with sword Intent.

On the other hand soul power is harder to spead but I can spread it around just not as far as the spiritual energy. I can directly attack someone's soul body and turn them into a retard or stun them enough to keep them still long enough to land a hit, that's it for now since I haven't used any technique.

In the end I decide to use spiritual energy and suprise a group of vampires aiming their guns at me. I'll play. I stop all the bullets in the air and for dramatic effect I turn them around and speed them towards the gun men they stay suspended in front of their foreheads before falling down in slow motion.

I look around me when did I get here? More importantly where am I?

I am not in the woods anymore and most importantly I am surrounded by...debris. It appears in my focus I have turned everything around me to smithereens with my sword force. "I might have offended the local snake" I muse.

Where on earth is this place? I close my eyes and see a sign on the road the name on the sign is West Springfield. So this place is infested with vampires population so much so that they consider it their territory.

I stop paying attention to the army of vampires and start repairing the damage I have caused to the forestry. I begin with the soil by fusing it with as much spiritual energy as possible and then continue guiding my spiritual energy to grow trees and like in a storybook one tree after another sprout from the ground I repeat the process using my spiritual force making sure to repair the grass as well.

Soon the forest is full of lush green plantation the air is cleaner, done with all that I start moving to the direction of a comfortable looking spot on the grass. All the excitement of a successful breakthrough disappeared at the sight of so many vampires this close to my home.

I decide to enjoy this rare break, after guiding Damon and then diving back into my own cultivation I deserve a break and I do want to see what the local snakes is going to say about a visitor like me.

I sense one of the gunmen walking my way so I probe with spiritual force to check their identity and what a shocking discovery. 'Colour me surprised' Lucien is making his way to me with a serious look on his eyes and a fake smile on his lips, what an accomplished actor. This should be amusing I should entertain him abit, his men did try to kill me without even greeting me.

I sent my energy to his men who are currently standing farther away, the next moment all their guns move from their hand and stand pointing towards Lucien.

He can hear a commotion from behind him so he turns to scold his men to keep it down, but he comes face to face with hundreds of guns levitating in the air giving people watching this scene the chills up their spines.

Why wouldn't a sight like this scare people? This is the stuff that nightmares are made of. A renowned butcher like Lucien whom the count of dead bodies on this back can make up several country regiments..... is frightened.

As if on command all the safeties come off and they go off firing bullets, Lucien is dumbfounded by the number of bullets coming his way as if a thick blanket is about to envelop him.

He makes his up mind to speed out of the way but he find himself unable to move an inch, it's as if he is frozen stiff. He has no time to be surprised because the bullets reach him and unlike his underlings who ware spared he is riddled with bullets holes. Luckily they were not made of Malibvo mud.

That however does not mean they tickle, he is soon knocked back by the force of bullets, the dust from all the other bullets hitting the ground rise to the sky and when it settles Lucien is not moving anymore.

I contemplate if I'm strong enough to challenge this 900 year old vampire with a force of vampires and witches he has on this payroll. Should I just leave? That would be a cool exit but I don't know if they took a photo of me, what if this guy wakes up and track me down killing innocents from my town?

I sigh at the bad luck. I decide to wait for him to wake up and make myself clear that I will not be targeted. For the time being I'll start a fire, I've never been to an outdoors camping without being on a mission so I should enjoy fire in the middle of a forest under stary sky.

When the fire is burning Lucien wakes up. His people had curried him back to the vehicles and ware waiting for him to wake up. I listen in on their conversations.

"What happened? Don't answer that I remember now, a storm of bullets coming way then I tried to escape but my body wouldnt budge." His expression turns to fear in the end. He looks around and then fixed his eyes in my direction.

"He didn't leave" he says taking off his Jacket and walking my way his people try to stop him but he just laughs. "Come now if my powerful friend over there wanted me dead he would have used wood instead of.." he pulls out a bullet launched deep in his cheekbone and throws and to the ground.

They agree so they let him stumble to his feet and walk my way. I withdraw my spiritual energy and continue to feed the fire. Not too long I hear foot steps behind me. Smell the eccentricity from this one.

"Good afternoon sir.." he leaves it for me to continue and I don't leave him hanging "Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore" I say standing up and greeting him with a handshake.

"Mr Salvatore do you mind if I call you Stefan?"

"It okay Mr Salvatore is my father" iv always wanted to say something like that.

"Stefan you seem young are you a witch?" He asks curious. He seems to think I don't want to kill him so he's pretending to be relaxed but realy he is probably looking for my weakness.

"I'm 15" I say looking him eye to eye at 1.8 cm height he smiles at my words. "What about you Lucien? Are you not going to introduce yourself?" I have to admit he didn't show too much surprise that I know his name.

"Well since you already know my name I'll skip that step, I heard there was someone causing destruction on my lands so I thought I'd come take a look." He say with composure.

"I was practicing and didn't want to hurt my own lands to I went and found an secluded place. Imagine my surprise when guns start going off and bullets fly my direction, very unpleasant... isn't it?" I say with a smile he has the decency to wince at the reminder.

"But you didn't hurt them instead you waited for the one in charge. Clever" he says looking me in the eyes.

"What's the point of killing them if there's more of them? Did you know that in Japan when a general leading the army looses a battle they have to cut themselves horizontally in the stomach with a sharp katana?" I draw a line on this stomach from left to right.

I don't wait for him to comment "Soldiers are innocent every action is on the general" I say lowering the temperature around us just for giggles.

He shivers and looks around searching for something. I think he is looking for the source of the cold. I change the subject "I damaged your land but then I fixed it. The soil quality is even better now crops will strive with vitality from now on. We are good now yes?"

"You are not going to do anything to any of us even though you can? You would just leave like that?" He asks and I don't know what sort of rules he lives by where people hurt people just because they can. But thinking about vampires that makes perfect sense.

"Well since you asked nicely could you do me a favor and take your band of friends and move to another region? I don't want so many vampires as neighbors and I'll be enlarging my territory soon they won't be able to survive in a place under my protection anyways, this way we both avoid running into each other again"

He actually smiles at this "I have a history with powerful bullies I knew it won't be so simple" I look at him with a frown.

"I'll give you something in return, this is a transaction I'm not a barbarian." He looks at me in amusement.

"I have an army of witches at my call, what could you possibly give me?" I think for a moment then i remember something that makes me smile at him, a genuine smile which takes him by surprise.

"I can increase your speed by a factor of 3 at your age that is almost as fast as Elijah Mikelson" at that name his eyes turn cold.

"I want to be faster than him" he says in a way that makes he feel these words came out on their own. I look at him contemplating.

"That's alot to ask for, in exchange for something I can just take" i say indifferently. He gives me a meaningful glance and turn to feed the fire.

"In the spirit of making friends you can help me acquire all the land in Virginia and I'll make you a hybrid." There I did it.

He looks at me in with wide eyes and I give him a wining smile. Why would I do this for him? Truth be told I'm giving it a try. I saw a branch on spiritual synchronicity that I just wanted to give it a try.

"Now Mr Lucien can your army of witches do that?" I ask and he shakes his head with a dazed look on his face.

"Let's make something clear you will not be cursed because first I despise curses two there's always a better way." My arrogance is dripping from my tone even Lucien is not buying it.

"Will I be as powerful as Nicklaus Mikelson?" I see a burning hate there. Ow boy..what have I done? Did I just accelerated this plans to kill Klaus? I want to care but I don't care all that much Klaus deserves this guy's hate, let alone that I wouldn't care if it means ridding myself of vampire scums from my state. I will turn this place into land free of vampires, werewolves and ancestory magic.

My ambitions are huge for someone who is only 14 and a half but it's not everyday you get a world full of possibilities like this one. However I should probably answer him for now and stop my internal musing.

"Would you be as powerful as Nicklaus? That is entirely up to you, but be clear of something I don't use the same energy as witches so if you want to be the second coming of the cursed wolf vampire hybrid you are out of luck. However, if it power you want then I shall comply." He looks confused.

"I can give you a powerful wolf transformation but you can still be killed if that's what you are asking. You will just be very powerful more powerful than an Original but if they work together you are ascrewed."

"I'll take it" he closes his eyes and when he opens them there is conviction in them.

"Very well then draw a picture of the wolf you want to turn into, put as much details as possible and meet me here when you've acquired all the un inhabited land in Virginia.

Including all the land in the hands of witches, vampires and werewolves tell them to sell it to you because witches who rely on ancestry magic will not be able to practice magic in this land after I'm done putting up my walls of boundary.

Werewolves will find themselves unable to tame their wolves because they will grow stronger than them. Soon they will lose their hold over their own bodies. Tell them they can stay if they don't mind that little bit of news."

He looks like he doesn't believe a single word. "What about vampires? How does your wall affect them? Because it sounds like you are creating a paradise for vampires if werewolves and witches will be leaving."

"Vampires can stay too but they will become mortal and start aging normally within the walls" I say and he jump at the insinuation.

I smile at him "Please don't jump into conclusions when they leave the territory they will become vampires again but the time spent inside will not be reversed. If they spend 20 years inside when they come out it will be as though they ware turned 20 years later.

And no they can't have children while inside, the only thing that changes is the immortality status the infection is still inside but they won't have all the privileges such as strength, speed compulsion and the fangs" I say indifferently.

He start whistling "You talk a big game but all I see is a child spouting tales of great magic. How do I believe you? Why don't we start by giving me that wolf transformation you ware talking about maybe I'll consider believing you"

"You can come with me to see my home where I have achieved what I'm talking about." I shake his hand he thinks about it and then nods and reaches his hand to shake mine.

I smile "You may come in" and with that we disappear from where we ware standing and reaper next to the cave I usually use to cultivate and by luck Damon is not practicing here right now. I had left one of the teleportation inscriptions underneath this place.

Lucien looks around in alarm. I am still holding his hand, by a swipe of my thumb on the hand I'm holding I send an inscription to erase the location of this place from his mind, any information related to where we are will be deleted from his head.

I let him go and he looks at the inscription with wonder "Is this a hex?"

"Ofcourse not. Don't worry it won't hurt you" I look at the plants around us. "Go ahead and check yourself how do you feel?" He concentrates and is soon horrified. Then he smiles with a relaxed fake smile.

"So far so good. What happens if someone stabs me with a knife while I'm in here?" I look at him.

"You die, but can wake up if your dead body is brought out of here. However if they cut off your head or pull your heart out or just used a wooden stake, you are dead. So while you are here be nice to everybody" I walk towards my house and wave him off.

Its already 7 afternoon and every one is going to eat super so I join them. "Stefan is that you? It has been a while since we've have the pleasure of your company son" I am surprised because that is Lilian's voice I don't think I've

heard her voice so loud and clear before. She always speaks softly and almost always has a fake smile but now she is practically glowing.

I look to Damon for answers he just shrugs his shoulders. I turn to her and smile "I have been working on a project I apologize for making you worry mother how have you've been these past weeks?" I say while kissing her hand like a gentleman.

"Hahaha my son has grown up, where have learn that tone of speech? Is it from your older brother who has turned into a lady's man? Look at his height I swear he just grew bigger and taller in one night" My father on the other side of the table looks calmer then usual and he is also glowing with something akin to a good mood.

Now that I remember, I did drug him didn't I? I sigh at my impulsive actions that time. On the plus side they seem happy like a couple inlove even. Its good that I can fix my broken home before worrying about the outside world.

After super Damon and I take a walk outside. "The Lockwoods finally found a n estate outside Mystic falls but they went pretty far from this place they moved into a city all the way to Roanoke."

"Oh? What a bunch of cowards, they are used to being superior the just couldn't stand seeing their properties in the hands of ther people. So who bought them?" I narrow my eyes in curiosity.

Damon smiles at this question and straighten up his back. "You did actually. The paperwork is in my room but you bought their estate the Lockwood manner, the only hotel in this town and the local bar"

I'm shocked they would sell all of this to us "Why would they sell all of these to us? And no offense big brother but how did you pull this off?"

Damon laughs "Actually it was George's mother who came to see me personally after, she had sent people to buy the lotion from me but we ware deep in cultivation that time so she thought I was refusing to sell and came personally.

I explained to her that I was away that time and convinced her I wasn't putting on airs." Damon seems more relaxed than before he is more confident in himself. This is good he might be saved from pining after the first doppelganger he sees.

"So you became best friends?" I'm amused by the prospect.

"No but she did come up with the idea of letting their family sell the lotion for us in that city and promise to not let anyone else provide our lotion within that region. Seeing the location is far enough I agreed" he looks at me with obvious nervousness.

"You did well brother don't worry about my opinion in these things just do what you feel is right as long as we benefit and the family prospers I don't mind. Also know that you will make mistakes some you will learn from some will cost you but remember it's okay as long as you are well and pushing forward"

Damon looks at me with tears in his eyes and he hugs me, I hug him back and we stand there for a while. I pat him on the back we are seated in the garden surrounded by pretty flowers the smell is refreshing.

Damon stands up "I'm going to go to work then, wish me luck"

I sit there for a long time thinking about the Lockwood family did they run so far because I said this is my territory? They were easy to scare but vampires will not be so weak willed. I don't envy Lucien.

Speaking of Lucien "Are you going to stand there all night?" I turn to a certain direction.

A person comes out of the shadows walks my way and takes a sit next to me. He is currying a bottle of burban. I raised eyebrow looking him up and down.

"You are drunk" I say as a matter of factly.

"As a skunk" and gets into a fit of giggles.

"I see. How was your tour?"

"Amazing, I wish there was a place like this when I was a human, a safe place that provides normalcy without the things that go bump in the night. Here here" he says raising his glass bottle and gulping down it context.

I hurriedly take the bottle away from him putting it beside me "You might die from alcohol poisoning" he laughs.

"The first vampire to die from that" he laughs.

"You can go rest at the hotel." I stand up and leave him to his devices.

I send my spiritual force to monitor his condition but he has stopped looking drunk out of his mind and is looking my direction with something in his eyes. Something I can't recognize so I decide to monitor him. I can see anything I reach with my new found spiritual force.

I want to see what you are up to Lucien. He starts jogging towards a direction of the inn when he gets there he starts to flirt with the waiter who brings him food. I didn't know he liked guys too. This is simply interesting he is asking questions about this town and writing down the information but he sees with his own eyes words about the location disappear from the paper.

The waiter is now telling him about resent local gossip such as a domineering family suddenly moving away overnight and selling all their properties. This is a possible loophole, if he can somehow locate this family he can use them to find the location of this town. He asked if there is a telephone but there was only one family with a telephone and they just moved away and there are no telegrams.

He was really frustrated he just paid the waiter alot of money and left for his room. He fell on the bed like a dead rat. I kept my eye on him just incase but nothing happened till morning.

I got up and went to the library I want to see if I can use Harry Potter magic, mostly I want to see if I can draw runes and if I can is it possible to improve on the inscriptions because I have mastered the low level inscriptions to the point where I can improve them so I want to know if HP has something for me. My Haven't path true essence is able to draw inscriptions I wonder if I can also draw runes with it.

I compile a superior low level runs guide. This is the stuff that teachers can explain to such a degree that one gains enlightenment from reading it. I got immerse in my research that a day went by. I was still keeping track of Lucien who had no plans of seeking me out, he is a socialite always making friends fast and schmoozing some noble born mostly out of spite. It seems he still carry with him the scars of being a low born.

I decide to go ahead and brew that damn wine not that my ingredients are ready. I had moved the medicinal plants to the garden and nurtured them with spiritual energy. An endeavor that took abit of effort considering how busy I am. The whole process is tedious but I'm determined.

Hours later I am inspecting the soil near the beach, the quality is good it is rich in silica and there's plenty of lead particles in this part of the land but there also iron particles which is not very promising but you live to learn right? I make a 90 liter glass container with a small crudely shaped tap in the bottom.

While the bottom is still scalding hot I proceed with inscribing aging inscriptions, cleansing inscriptions anti-poison inscription and lastly spirit gathering inscription and anti-virus that one I drew in a form of runes I just studied. I'd hate to drink wine that is not clean.

The outside of the glass container is inscribed with hardness and durability inscriptions and repellent spell from the runes language which I can draw using the transcendent mortal world origin energy, the gathering energyis the world origin energy. If a mortal takes Thor's hammer to smash this container it will be repelled.

I teleport that container to my room and then walk home. Lucien blocks my way sober this time he also looks kind of out of place like he wants to run. I grunt "Something the matter?" He comes close.

"I feel sick, it's my stomach I think its starting to reject the sudden change in diet." He looks about ready to throw up. I laugh remembering why that is happening.

"I forgot about that part of the inscriptions, well it's a back up if vampires decide to spend more than a day in this place." He stops walking and looks at me incredulous.

"What?" I ask

"Why would you deny someone a chance at being normal again if they so desire?"

"They can be normal elsewhere this is my home. These are my people and they are my priority not someone who thinks they know what they want. They might feel like they want to be normal but the truth is contrary to that I can assure you.

"Do you really think taking away the ability to regenerate, speed and fangs is all that makes a vampire dangerous?" He looks confused.

"Someone who has been alive for such a long time has acquired stills that will put my people in a disadvantage. For instance they can use superior mind manipulation and seduction tactics to collapse the system in this place. These humans are babies that needs to be left to their own devices to be normal.

An old monster can cause chaos here resulting in deep emotional, mental and physical scars that no one can heal. If a vampire used to hunt humans for sports do you think they will stop just because they are here? The answer is no. Do you know why? Because being a vampire has not turned anyone into a monster but those people chose to become monsters themselves.

I'm sure some of the residents here are also monsters in human skin I'm just keeping the ones who are better at being monsters than them out of this place." I continue my rant in an even tone that sounds indifferent to the listening audience.

Lucien is struck still. Dazed at my answer, he seems speechless.

"Are you sure you are 15?"


"What you said just now held wisdom far beyond your years and you have given an old monster like me alot to think about." With those words he vanished.

"What a skill, he can still be so fast while in here." It seems I need to add more suppression Inscription. This time however is solely for wine brewing.

When I get home I go to find Damon. He is cultivating and to my delight he is already breaking through golden blood high level. This library is truly amazing, the results speaks for themselves. I forgot to tell him that if he finishes gold blood he will be immortal. Some other time then.

My room is full of smell of wine, and fruits but mostly wine. I use world origin energy to pour all the wine into the new glass container I then closed the led which is also made of glass. I teleport it to Damon's room with a note stating that it can make anybody drunk even old vampires so sell it in relatively smaller containers then the normal wine bottles.

This wine does not damage the organs of those who consume it. However if one drinks too much of it they will pass out with no hangover after waking up. I also explained in the note that it is medicinal and is especially good for mortals internal organs.

For immortals the effects are also there but in moderation they will need to consume it for a long period of time to see the results. After drinking it for the first time the results will be obvious therefore this wine is sold in very small portions at a ridiculous price. Most importantly it is ridiculously delicious but not addictive.

I have a small bottle of the same wine put in an elegant wooden container which I designed using my energy. I'll gift it to Lucien when he leaves.


(If you want to have a wolf transformation that is powerful and faster than Elijah Mikelson i can do that, also I can throw in there titanium poisonous claws and fangs. And just for being my first and last wolf I'll give you super regeneration. Even if they cut off your head a new head will grow if they pull out your heart a new heart will grow but the ones remove will turn to dust I don't want my creation used for science experiments)