
TVD: Stefan's Skin (DROPPED)

Reborn as Stefan Salvatore, lucky enough to score LOHP with all the books available inside the Library. Yes MC likes men and women. Yes the author is bad at spelling. No this is not good at all for all those nitpicking TVD fans. No author has no idea what they are doing, They just love the show and tried finding fan fictions read them all couldn't find any more, took matters into their own hands.

Schooldean · Fantasi
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29 Chs

Chapter 20

Nicklaus POV

It feels like a century has gone by and I was stuck in one horrible scene after another, I felt like I was in actually hell. I could feel the emotions of my siblings as they get stabbed in the heart by my hand, and by others whom they had place their trust in. The most was the memories of them hurting and playing with their food. It turns out my family enjoys their hunt especially Elijah.

Thinking of Elijah reminds me of what he had done to Lucien, Tristan and most importantly what he had compelled Aurora to do to me after he found out what I had done to mother not to mention Tatia's death by his hands.

It is also funny that he had packs this memory together with his other shameful habits he hides behind a red door in his subconscious mind. I sigh looking at Freya's sleeping form. We have been traveling and running from Dahlia for more than 3 years now and we are used to it.

I didn't talk about my experiences in any of my siblings subconscious minds. In return they didn't ask me anything. This way we went back to living with each other. We are not closer for it, that is probably because I don't know how to even start the confrontation. I'm by no means innocent in any of this so I just try to bury my memories of their betrayal deep while reminding myself of how they also felt betrayed by me on some occasions.

Finn is happier than ever now being with the dear sister he adored all those centuries ago. Rebekah is keeping her distance from me, which I understand and Elijah is more quiet than usual. I am tired of running and now I want to kill this damn witch, one Mikel is enough. About Mikel, Freya is in denial about the man her precious father has turned to, but she realizes she is going to have to choose a side. Mikel will never coexist with me.

I stop my train of thoughts as I get into a lush cherry blossom forest. I am told this is where Stefan Salvatore has a territory, it is said his territory refuses any and all supernatural creatures. This is not however the place I want to go in order to seek sanctuary, no I want to go into his dimension. Finn said he will probably let us go if I ask but I don't see that witch budge on his already made up decision.

Since he said he doesn't want to get involved in our fight against Dahlia I don't see why he would go back on his word. I haven't had a moment's worth of peace in 5 years. I want to feel safe for atleast one day. I'm tired and I'm coming here hoping for a sliver of hope for my dream of a peaceful day.

I starts attempting to get through the barrier but it is very strong. I wonder if he meant what he said about Gods not being unable to go through his barrier. I then take a seat in the stone and wood chairs surrounding a table. There are more of there tables around the forest. It is realy beautiful.

A young man comes out with piercing blues looking straight at me. He is overly handsome, he seems to be surrounded by the same mysterious aura I often feel on Stefan. Something is definitely up with this family, I wonder if he is as strong as Stefan?

His eyes are shining a mischievous glint. On his lips is a smirk as if he knows something I don't know. "Hi, I've been expecting you. Klaus Mikelson. How are you? Doing good?" he smiles at me. He really is too handsome and unlike his brother who has empty eyes, this young man had rich expressions on his face. I realise I hadn't said anything back since he spoke.

"Hi." I say


"So" I say back momentarily out of sort. I'm not used to asking for favors from people I can't compel.

"The Originals sure do come by alot these days. I must say seeing you here, you have made me loose my bet against my brother. He said and I quote 'They might be used to running from Mikel but they are up against a power hungry witch who is very motivated to find them. life is about to be exta interesting for my intended and right after he went diving into Elijah's black whole subconscious.' I ofcourse denied any of that happening but my brother still left a letter for you." He says handing me a letter. I open it in a daze.

Dear Nicklaus

I understand you are a fugitive now. Which one is it? Dahlia or Mikel? I always thought it funny how you let that monkey push you around. If you become mine, I'll make you so strong, all your so called enemies will tremble at the mere thought of you.

Anyways the city uses gold, silver and precious gemstones for currency so if you want to be well of bring that to the bank and they'll open an account for you. Dahlia will probably link your disappearance with my territory so you have to pay for this favor. My brother Damon will give you the list of things I want and he will also give you the means everyone can go to the new world while you get me my payment. You may discuss with your siblings maybe they have stashed valuables somewhere.


Stefan Salvatore.

I look at the guy who hasn't introduced himself. "What was your name?" I ask with a frown.

"I didn't give it since my brother wrote it down there for you." He says catching on to my attempt at belittling him.

"Ah yes, Damon. May you give me this list he is talking about?" I ask.

Damon stands up going inside the territory then comes back with a pouch looking small bag and a list and it's a very long list. Some of it even has pictures attached to them. I look at Damon with my draw dropping.

"Does he take me for an arran boy?" My face change from my anger.

"Quite the monster you have lurking in there. Would you like to see mine?" Damon smiles but it's a dangerous smile as he makes his way over to me I feel my body slam into the floor. I try to resist but I am completely without any power to even lift my eyelids let alone to get up and fight.

"The infamous Hybrid. So much anger and sorrow I can taste it. I hear you went diving into your siblings subconscious? not pretty is it? now you come to my home clearly in need of help in order to run from an enemy you no doubt made either by yourself or by the extension of the decisions you make.

I give you help but you show me that ugly face of yours. I know that face, it's the one you make right before you make someone suffer. You probably don't remember me but I remember the first time you made that face in my presence. You hurt someone I loved.....really really bad.

"The worse part? you didn't have to, you did it because you could...because you are the hybrid who cannot be killed? news flash you can be killed and I happen to know how. I wanted to tell this information to Tristan who really wanted you dead for what you people made his darling sister go through,

That's another thing, you remember his sister right? she had a fragile mind. And your brother went ahead and shattered her mind. Do you have any idea what became of her then? Her mind turned into a demon that haunts her, twisting her? No. You probably don't care about any of that.

For some reason brother changed his mind and is letting you in his world after all your atrocities.

I admit I don't understand my own brother but to let you into a place he built with his own hands. I realy don't understand that." He finally let's me go and I am actually tired as if I have been carrying a heavy load on my shoulders for hours without rest. As he sits on his chair looking at me I am huffing in exhaustion.

"Was that necessary for just looking your way?" I ask exasperated.

"My apologies, that look brought back rather unpleasant memories." he says actually looking out of sorts.

"About your brother's request.....if I can call it that, is it possible to have an I o u instead? I really want to rest." I try to smoothly move on from the fact that I was just trampled on by a young man on the forest floor. I'm also afraid of asking about his loved one I hurt.

"Here take it." Damon gives me another letter.

Dear Debtor

You will owe us money in precious stones and medicinal materials, you will have to submit a certain amount every month in the bank. a contract is ready with my brother all you have to do is bring all your family to sigh it.


This one was a little cold but it's reasonable so I'll take this deal. "Can you give me the contract to see?"

"No I'll read it out to all of you when you come. Infact I'm hoping for you to take me where your family is right now so we can get this whole thing over with." Damon says and I take him to a hotel three cities away. He keeps up with me as if he were actually faster than me, this family is really interesting. I thought they are witches?

When we get there Rebekah is going on about her stuff being taken from her by Freya. The brothers are finding this scene amusing while Freya keeps apologizing to Rebekah. "This is awkward. Hi gang, Remember me?" Damon says while taking steps going straight to Freya.

"Good evening maiden." He takes her hand and kiss it while looking at Freya who is now blushing a storm. Damon smiles at her. "You are easily the most beautiful woman I have seen in years. What is your name lady?" Freya is about to talk when Nicklaus clear his throat.

"We are on a schedule." He says and Damon sighs and mumbles something to himself. He takes out a scroll and starts reading.

"Mikelson siblings I hope my letter finds you well. I have two requirements for you to enter my world, First the money I've told Nicklaus about and you all have to pay it together.

Second, Damon will spectate a council session between you all." Damon shoots what I have grown to know as truth magic into our bodies except for Freya.

"Now please sit." I am livid but the last time I got angry with this Damon he was not very gentle with his response. I just knew nothing comes easy with that Stefan guy. I sigh and sit. The rest of my family follow my example and take their seats. Damon opens a file from no one knows where and starts reading.

"My friends I realize that, being the mature group of people that you are, by the time this happens the lot of you would have talked all your feelings and sorted out the fine details of what Nicklaus had found out about you.

However I can't take the chance, My Empire have three kingdoms for now and they are run by powerful individuals. Your family drama may provide an opportunity for chaos. The kind where you use my people to poke at each other.

If and I'm just making an example here if you haven't unloaded whatever is troubling you please do so now in order ofcourse. Starting from Nicklaus." Damon looks my way.

"I want to apologize to all of you for my behavior. Ever since we were turned I was hunted by Mikel, I have this horrible feeling whenever I'm about to loose any of you. I have come to realize that it is my wolf wanting its family, it's pack by it side. But because of the curse my wolf has been suppressed and imprisoned so my temper has gotten worse and the way I handle the matters of love and affection is questionable at best.

"I was able to feel each and every one of your feelings and the intensity of your sadness whenever I hurt you. I am deeply sorry. Rebekah, Cole, even you Elijah I understand all your actions against me in the past. I can assure you Rebekah I will try my very best not to murder any of your suitors in the future." I say smiling and I recieve one from each of them.

"I'm sorry little brother, please forgive me. I will not excuse my actions against you but I can change. In the future we can just have a conversation about our differences, how about it?" I look at Kol and he nods with tears in his eyes.

"Now that we have that out of the way I have to tell you all something. I killed mother." I hear gasps from all over the room. I don't see surprise from Damon I suppose if his brother know he also known as well.

"I went to her, begging her to take away the curse. I looked at her and pleaded for her to release me from this torture. She looked at me and called me an abomination. I lost it. I got lost my anger and before I knew it my hand had her heart in it.

I regretted it ofcourse, she was my mother after all. With a father like Mikel I had transferred all my Hope's of a loving parent on to her, in hope that she will in his stead love me and be proud of me but what did she do? She cursed me." My tears start pouring out and I feel Freya hugging me, soon I feel more arms around me.

"That woman sold me to the devil. She was no mother of mine." Freya says with so much venom and hatred I am actually comforted by this. Yes it's comforting to find myself in the company of like minded.

When we come to, there is a note on the coffee table with a small jade looking slab. The note reads "Say these words then you will appear outside the city. I wand to join the Empire. First sign the contract by bleeding your thumb and stamping your blood covered thumb in the space allocated your name. The truth telling inscriptions are temporary I'll leave them on you for a day." Bye. say hi to Lucien for me.

"Is this the same Lucien who has a cursed bite?" Freya asks. Elijah takes the note. "Most definitely." He says.

"Its a whole earth right? Let's get far away from them." Rebekah says. The atmosphere seems relaxed now and the siblings feel a weight removed from their shoulders.

"I'm not running. We ran from here, are we going to cower at everyone we can't subdue? If someone else plans to disgrace me by having me turn tale again, It's not happening." I say taking the contract and then sign it, we all sign it then it levitate in the air then burn and disappear.

I take the slab and hold Rebekah's hand. We all hold hands and say the dumb line. We appear in a place damp with moisture, it seems there was rain not long ago. I think it was just raining here. I feel my wolf awake and it inhale the air. this place is full of the stuff around Stefan.

"Are we holding hands forever." Rebekah asks.

"Always and forever" Elijah says and we come down and let go of each other. The place we appeared is next to a road made with melted stone the color of the road is shining black, There are rails on the sides of the road and they seem very sturdy. We are jump from the damp place to the clean road. There are rough places on the road perhaps to prevent it from being slippery.

"That is a majestic castle. Look at the size of the city, You can fit 12 of Virginia states here. It must have taken alot of work." Rebekah being a city girl marvels at the beauty walls.

"Yeah but, city walls? isn't that a little....?" Kol scawl.

"Old fashioned? I don't know, I see charm in it." Elijah laughs.

"He called me a punk." Kol mummers and we all laugh at his expense.

"Atleast you are not a hypocrite." Rebekah grumbles.

"What now?" Elijah asks looking at Nicklaus.

"I say we enter the city and book a hotel. Then mabey have some of that food Elijah was talking about." I walk into the city with my family following behind me. We reach the gates made of strong looking wood decorated with majestic looking animals, There is a large gate one for wagons I suppose. Then there's the one I'm going for, we find a man dressed in what looks to be a uniform he is not carrying a weapon which begs the question of how do they maintain order?

"Hellow mate, I'm visiting." I say with a smile he looks at me and my breath get caught in my throat at the sight of him. He is really good looking. I can hear my sister fidgeting behind me. He smiles and it just makes things worse.

"If I may? why would a fella like you be a mere guard? surely there's something else you can do?" I ask.

"This is my job. I was created to serve on the instructions of the Emperor." He says in a friendly tone I shrug.

"May we enter?" I ask

He turns and presses a plain place on the wall and five square screens come out of the wall. The guard motions for us to come closer to the screens. As soon as we stand infront of them each of our photos are taken and the lines appear under our faces. Name, surname, age, species. We are surprised by the screen when a voice comes out of the screen.

"Please breathe into the tube." Then each screen opens a small hole and a tube comes out.

"When you blow air into that tube, it will register your aura and DNA signature so you can get one of these." He slightly pulls up his uniform sleeve to show us an unassuming bracelet that has a small screen on top showing a picture of someone. He speaks to the small screen and it responds to him.

"Lola what is the time?"

"Good day Nathen the time is four minutes past one in the day." He smiles and looks at us.

"While you are in the city the Emperor has made it compulsory to wear this bracelet as a companion. It will monitor your health, movements and be your alaby if someone accuses you of doing something. Also you cam tap your bracelet against another bracelet so that you are able to call them even if you are on the other part of the world. It has all the information you will need inside."

"A monitoring device to ensure we behave." Finn chips in while he smiles at Kol who just roll his eyes.

"You are not forced to wear these bracelets but you are also not allowed to enter without wearing one." You can also use then to store your stuff inside as long as it is not a living person. Check" He turns his hand and I long sword is in his hand he quickly puts it away when he saw us tensed up at the sight.

"Are you saying we can put things inside this talking bracelet and take them out whenever we want?" Freya seems mesmerized with this new toy.

"Yes, what you will get is a temporary one you may buy it and then use it to send things to your friends. There is a function where you can connect it to your bank account, so you can send some wealth from your bracelet to your

account. You can send your friends from your contacts information some money.

The bracelet is indestructible and has a signal no matter if you are under water, in the hot lava or lost in a forest. You may use it to take pictures and send them to your friends, The things inside may be sent to any of your friends directly into theirs without you physically seeing them.You can do all these manually or ask the bracelet to do it for you." The guard says with pride in his tone. Then he sighs.

"What's wrong mate?" I ask paying attention to him. "The Emperor went into retreat to create all these things for us so that we are safe from each other. All those years studying and using Smithing to create equipments capable of following instructions." The guard says with reverence.

"Emperor?" I ask though I have an inkling.

"Emperor Stefan Salvatore the founding father of this world." He all look at each other in apprehension.

We take the bracelets and gain entry into the city and what a sight that greet us. There are people going in and out of tall looking buildings. The streets are clean and tidy.

What had our attention are the large screens on the tall buildings with various moving pictures from people to animals. There are actual vampires using their fangs terrorizing villagers. But it seems to be a story of sort. A movie advertisement. It said coming soon In cinema.

"Bracelet what are those monstrosities on the side of Buildings?" I want to see if this thing is any useful.

"Shall I take you to a 5star hotel first. Your group is gathering attention." I look at my wrist surprised by the way if speaks. if sounds more like me. Then a map comes up to my face. it's made out of some kind of light but I can clearly see all the places on it. I take my siblings and we get to a hotel.

A receptionist on the welcoming area greets us. I must say, these people working for Stefan are all so beautiful to the point they don't seem real. "Hi we are new in the City and we would like to be in the same place."I smile at her and she looks through her screen on the desk and then she replies.

"We have a five bedroom suite with a kitchen and three bathrooms. The price is 6 golden fangs and four silver lady." I look at her instinctively wanting to compel her but then I remember where I am. I just take out a gold bar and she takes it and gives me alot of golden coins with a vampire fang drawing on them, I show it to my siblings who are amused.

We are then taken to our suit and I ask the lady about the place. "In the city every room of every building has a sound isolating runes and inscriptions to ensure maximum privacy. You may use your bracelet to make a call to order room service. there is a gym the the third floor don't worry about breaking the equipment it was made for strong people. There is a jacuzzi in each floor you may call and book a time for yourself and your friends.

"There is a list in the website of our hotel in the bracelet or you can read the list inside your suite. You may place an order through a call for any of the services and they will teleport the service providers to your location. Masseuses, Personal trainers, Cooking instructors and we even have the call girl service just pick a girl and if she is not occupied that time she will teleport to your location." She looks at my sister's and continue.

"We also have a call guy service all you have to do is book on your bracelet and the said guy will teleport to you." She smiles at my blushing sisters.

"May I ask the last question?"

"Please go ahead" She says

"Do you know if the Emperor is out of his retreat?" I ask. After seeing all this place had to offer I realize that young man is formidable. She smiles and asks her bracelet.

"James darling, Did the Emperor come out?"

"Six days ago a palace maid reportedly saw the Emperor for 9 seconds when he was replenishing his medicinal materials and the Smithing ore. He went right back to work after that but she said he is keeping a beard now. Apparently he looks very handsome"

"You heard him." She says to me. I look at her with a bored look.

"How authentic is any of that?" I ask and he gasps.

"James is always on top when it comes to gossip, if he claims to be second no one will be first." She says and I nod.

We say good by to our reception lady and follow the instructions from the bracelets to our room. Everything is luxurious and clean. I look at my siblings who are playing with their bracelets like children. I clear my throat. They look my way and some have the decency to show shame.

"What do you guys think of this place?" I ask.

"It seems very organized and clean." Finn says opening the curtains looking outside. "Hey look we have a balcony." He goes out and we all follow him. The balcony has furniture, a table surrounded by chairs and a small plant area with beautiful flowers on the side.

"They don't have smell." Rebekah reaches for the flowers but her hand passes through them. We all go to look.

"An allusion." Freya says in wonder. Finn tries touching everything to see if he will find something else that is not real. I stop him and we move to the table. Kol takes the paper listing all the available services.

"This place is amazing. Look this flat screen is also in our place. the sitting area where couches are. It shows colors. I usually see the black and white TV." Rebekah gushes.

"The question is are we going to stay here or go make a place of our own?" Freya asks.

"We can vote." I say

"I don't think that's wise. We just got here, we don't have enough information to conclude whether we are staying or going. And we don't need to go out and investigate. This bracelet has a section where it introduces all the territories and leaders under the Emperor." Kol interjects.

"You speak. Introduce the city to us" I say to the bracelet.

"All of you?"


"Tap me on the dining room TV and I'll show you from the big screen." I do as instructed.

The Voice in the tv introduces the city. All the places inside the city and important departments such as home affairs department and schools near the city for all children. The humans old and young are all transported to the martial art schools where they learn to defend themselves. After they are able to take down well trained vampire they are allowed to come and join their families. This is so they don't become burdens to their families and needing protection all day long.

"This program resulted in many students deciding to stay in the schools to develop their skills further and become pillars of our community. They sign the contract of working for the Emperor and his family forever in exchange for the skills and resources required to become an expert.

Family prestige has became influenced by the number of martial artist it had. Everyone knows the Emperor regards powerful and talented individuals highly. Those who are top martial artist have a stipend income, the more powerful the more money and prestige you get. The three martial schools located for and to unknown locations are known to admit humans and witches."

"These martial artist, are they more powerful than a vampire?"

"It depends on the stage of cultivation they are in. If they are not talented or not hard working, they stay weak but some are very powerful. The Emperor's brother is said to be just below his brother interms of power."


"Yes. You know of him? good. I'm not talking to savages from the mountains." The bracelet says and I nock it with my index.

"That doesn't hurt I'm indestructible sire." It says in a lazy tone." Kol laughs and everyone joins him. I smile at the warm family moment.

The bracelet went on introduce the three territories and their leaders. Apparently the witches have decided to join the martial art schools because they are always disadvantaged when it come to combat. Vampire kingdom has a king and a queen who are always involved in scandals. de Martel siblings run the kingdom side by side as King and queen.

We all stand up at the as the picture of Aurora and Tristan wearing what seems to be royal gown, and fancy looking crowns on their heads. Then an interview plays of Tristan answering questions of a reporter.

"Yohines is it true that our Emperor chose you for your position in place of many?"

"No." Tristan answered and the reporter got agitated.

"Can you explain to the audience in studio and those watching at home. what took place at the time?"

"He chose my sister to rule the vampires and me as her general. I accepted and later my sister wanted to focus on her new gifts, and thus named me King and herself my queen. Perhaps there would have been conflict of interest if we were the same gender but it worked out perfectly this way." Tristan say with a smile.

"Are you realy friends with the werewolf king?"

"Friends? I wonder if he would agree to being my friend? we have a complicated history. But we do know each other from childhood."

"I sense a story there."

"He lusted after my sister and me being her brother I locked him in my dungeon and tortured him Bloody." Tristan answered and the reporter became quiet.

"So that realy did happen?" She swallows and continues.

"We have the Werewolf King in studio let's welcome him." She stands up clapping with the audience on stage.

"Good afternoon Yohiness. I am Sylvia please join us for a small discussion."

Lucien looks to have grown to 3 miters tall and the stature has grown big too. his arms are as big as a normal man's thigh. We are all looking at the screen in wonder as Lucien the giant goes and shakes hands with the host and then salute Tristan who salutes him back.

"His royal hiness Tristan has just told us of your dark past. Care to share?" Lucien's face light up in amusement and he laughs. his laughter booms all around the studio.

"Yes Tristan the boogeyman. He made a mistake that day her sister was not with me but I had just found them and the men slipped out while Tristan came in from the entrance and thought i was the one. Then he had his guards drag me to his dungeon and well you know the rest. The truth is i had thought it was the man's fault and have always wanted to be better than him because I thought she had chosen him over me.

Even though Tristan got the wrong man that day. It was not him my hatred went to. I had blamed the man who was there. But I was misguided because he is the one who saved me by giving me his vampire blood and therefore healing my mortal wounds. I should have been thankful but my heart burned with even more hate for what he could do. Which I couldn't."

"And now?" She asks.

"When I had asked Emperor Stefan to give me a wolf I had wanted to be better than that man. But that is not all he gave me, in his own words he said 'a lone wolf is a sad sight. I'll send you to your friends until my next gift shows itself. You are a wolf therefore you need a pack.' I was drunk on the power he had just given me I wasn't listening when I looked around he had teleported me to the de Martel siblings."

"The Emperor took you to the siblings so you may get companionship? Is that how he met the de Martel?" The reporter asked and I'm very interested also.

"Yes he took me there because he thought I was a lonely man without people I trust. No he had already met Aurora de Martel a week before?" he looks to Tristan who nods in agreement.

"Fascinating. What was the second gift?" She asks and I am also sitting at the edge of my seat in anticipation.

"When I went to my home after a casual spat with the siblings I marked my wife as my mate and Luna. We both didn't know what was happening but we went with it, soon after the siblings found me and that's when we found out she was pregnant with twins.

He had given me a family, a pack. With this mate bond I am able to accept normal cursed wolves into my pack, allowing them to shift whenever they want therefore giving them the ability to protect themselves anytime." Lucien finishes and we are all surprised.

"How do you feel now compared to how you used to be?"

"I'm a family man, I have a beautiful Alpha queen by my side, a litter of pubs and an army of werewolves. My kingdom develops fast, our children are growing strong and joining the martial art schools adding to our strengths. I can say I'm a man who has it all." Lucien smiles at the reporter.

"Yohiness Tristan, did the Emperor gift you with anything epic?" She asks with shining eyes.

"You are aware that we vampires are susceptible to compulsion from the Original family?" The Reporter nods.

"Well, I'm proud to say my sister and I including our armies will never have to be compelled ever again. Emperor Stefan hadn't chosen me as his king he chose my sister and his gift was therefore given to her." Tristan say with a fond look on his face.

"Can you elaborate on the type of gift?"

"My apologies it is not my place to say."

Someone from the audience shout I love you Tristan and everyone laughs in good humor.

"That brings an end to the introduction of our kings." She continues to thank them for coming and the audience.

The room is silent.

"We just walked in the city were our enemies are super charged." Elijah says.

"I honestly think their problem with us is over." Freya says. I smile at her.

"Is it over? I didn't say so." I say and my face change consorting into heinous and absolute rage.
