
TV/Movie world hopping

I don't own anything except my character and original ideas.

Shane_Town · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs


"Hem-hem, my Father the king is waiting." Rhaenyra gently clears her throat a slight dusting of pink bleeding throughout the small amount of cleavage her dress reveals up her neck to her cheeks.

"Right, best not keep the king waiting." I reply to her while ending my petting session, which makes Sunfyre make a derisive series of clicks and a little growl as she bumps her snout against my chest and tries to chase my hand.

"I'll pet you some more later…by the way she…yes Sunfyre identifies as a female…says she doesn't like the smell of the meat the meat sacks with sticks try to feed her that's why she's been raising goat farms." I lie to Rhaenyra who looks at me in shock and then looks to Sunfyre then back to me.

"Y-you can speak to dragons…" Rhaenyra whispers as Sunfyre licks her face and nods.

Making me raise an eyebrow at just how intelligent Sunfyre is.

'So…Targaryen dragons are intelligent and they know something is wrong with their food…but since they stay mostly caged up and unable to roam freely for food they eat what's offered to them…interesting.' I think to myself as I noticed Otto Hightower's facial expressions change rapidly, for a man in his position her sure has a shitty poker face.


Entering the Throne room my escorte is Rhaenyra who seems to have a permanent skip in her step as she spends most of her time admiring me. 

The king sat on the Iron Throne with his hands resting on the guard of an all black sword that I could feel magical energy radiating from.

'Wow…he's even more pathetic in real life than in the show…' I think to myself as I notice the King's Guard all rest their palms against the hilts of their varied swords.

"King Viserys, it is pleasant to be in your company…I am a noble from lands beyond Essos and wish to establish a trade relationship with the Targaryen dynasty of the seven kingdoms…as well as participate in the tourney for the soon to be birthed prince." I greet the king while giving him a partial bow.

"I see, Rheanyra…please come here for a moment." Viserys commands his daughter in a way that shows his weakness as a man and king.

'Wow…this guy is making me a fan of Otto…' I think to myself as the man himself escorts my "crew" and our finest clothing materials, booze and simple candies.

"Tell me…how did you charm both my daughter and her dragon Syrax?" Viserys asks, his tone guarded and curious.

"Simple…the blood of dragons and old magic flows thick in my veins." I reply with a smirk as I summon a ring of fire around myself while surrounding myself in lightning and using telekinesis to lift myself from the floor and levitate in the air.

I can hear gulps and expressions of awe and fear from everyone in the hall, and even those hidden in the secret chambers.

Rheanyra stares at me like I'm a god, fear and hunger shine in Otto Hightower's eyes while he starts to cook up a scheme to add my power to his house, while Viserys looks at me like he's seeing a ghost.

"I've read the personal records…left behind by Aegon and his wives…but I never thought I'd witness magic…of old Valaryia." Viserys voice is breathless as he speaks while glancing at Rhaenyra and then back to me.

"Daughter, escort our guest to the empty chambers near yours and give him a tour of the Red Keep." Viserys commands while giving a nod to the graying Kings guard to follow us.

"Yes Father." Rheanyra just about squeals in delight as she runningly skips over to me and loops her arm into mine as soon as I dispel the fire and lighting before my feet even touch the ground and pulls me out of the court hall.

"Please enjoy my gifts King Viserys, and I thank you for hosting me in your home." I give the man a respectful nod 'While I enjoy your daughter.' I think to myself while doing my best to keep a smile off my face, as Rheanyra starts to show me around the castle.

'Honestly this whole place reeks of shit, why would anyone want the Iron Throne?' I think to myself while trying to ignore the pungent smell that clings to everything.

'Note to self…modernization at least enough to have running water and toilets is a must…actual soap for washing the body too…Rheanyra doesn't smell too bad but under the smell of roses I can definitely smell bo.' I think to myself while wondering why I didn't smell so much by the ocean and could only attribute it to the strong sea breezes keeping away the smell.

"Would you like to see the Dragon Pits?" Rheanyra asks me in an eager excitable way.

"I'd love to…what was the name of that lovely golden scaled dragon…?I was a little too busy pampering her to ask her name." I ask Rheanyra, getting an amused giggle in return.

"Syrax is her name and she seems quite taken with you…it almost makes me jealous." Rheanyra replied through a fit of giggles, while turning to look at me and fluttering her eyebrows.

'Damn…is it just me or is this girl a bit of a slut?' I wonder to myself as she seems a bit too eager.

'Ehh, even if she is, it's directed at me not someone else so there isn't much to complain about.' I think to myself while looking over my shoulder noticing the uncomfortable look on the King guard's face at the mention of the dragon pit.

"Princess, I think it would be best to continue the tour of the actual castle." The King's Guard says, making Rhaenyra roll her eyes.

"Ser Harold, the castle will still be here when we get back." Rhaenyra snarks and the man releases a broken and defeated sigh.

I couldn't help but snicker and shoot the man, an understanding look.

"Rhaenyra…as much as I'd like to go see the dragons and maybe go for a ride with you…I believe Ser Knight may be correct, I wouldn't want to get you in trouble with your father the king." I say to Rhaenyra.

"Please, Uncle Otto and Father are scheming up either a marriage between us or between you and Alicent…he won't mind if we go to the Dragon Pit…and strengthen our bonds a bit." Rhaenyra replies to me while arching an eyebrow at me.

"Are you fine with that…marrying me or…me marrying this Alicent girl that I can tell you are rather close with?" I ask Rhaenyra, not because I really care but because it'd be good to make her think that I do.

"Mmm, Father said I could choose but eventually…his council will push him to marry me off to someone…and I'd rather be with someone who loves dragons as much as I do." Rhaenyra whispers softly enough that only I can hear her.

…It was a short carriage ride to the Dragon Pit, which is a cutout in the base of the cliffside overlooking the ocean.

Roars of dragons could be heard all over the city.

'If I thought the main part of the city smelled bad…this..this is ten times worse…poor creatures.' I think to myself as Rhaenyra and I are escorted through the dragon pits by the dragon herders who kept the dragons in down right abusive conditions.

"I don't like the condition of the pit either…but the smallfolk and even father fear the dragons so they are kept here for our and our subjects' safety." Rhaenyra informs me as she rests a hand against my arm in a show of comfort.

"It's understandable…but cruel…these actions are slowly poisoning them, stunting their growth…and even though it's understandable I find it detestable at best, cruel and sadistic at worst." I reply to Rhaenyra as we come to Syrax's pen and the poor girl is scrunched up barely fitting into her pen.

A soft clicking sounds in her throat as she bumps her snout against my chest.

"Mmm, it's nice to see you again as well Syrax…would you be willing to take me on a flight with you and Rhaenyra?" I ask the beautiful golden scaled dragon, who nods yes in return.

"Eee." Rhaenyra makes a sound of pure jubilation at seeing the human-like communication from her dragon.

"My saddle is only big enough for one." Rhaenyra whispers as a heavy blush bleeds into her cheeks as she puts on a warm black cumbersome and black leather gloves.

Leaning in close to whisper in her ear.

"Then I guess you'll just have to rest yourself against me…princess." Once I finish flirting I brush my lips along the edge of her ear making her shiver.

Admiring the professionally-toled leather of what appears to be a very stretched and padded horse saddle that was made more for laying down than sitting.

Syrax lowers herself onto the ground for Rhaenyra and I to climb on the princess a rosy shade of pink as she rests the curve of her ass against my lap and I practically mouth her by laying partially against her back.

Resting my hands against Rhaenyra's hips, nearly laughing at the way the princess starts to grind herself against my hardening cock.

As Syrax dives off the cliff face rocketing towards the ocean making me feel a sense of excitement that wasn't even comparable to flying a ship in the Star Wars universe.

Establishing a mental like with Syrax.

"Syrax I wish to claim a dragon partner of my own, can you take us to the strongest most fearsome dragon alive?" I ask the dragon who conveys to me feelings of fear and worry and I send back to her comfort and sureness, making her change course, as we start to fly out over the ocean.

"Syrax turn back at this rate, we'll reach Dragonstone in a few hours." Rhaenyra commands as she tanks on Syrax's reins.

"Easy Rhaenyra, Syrax says I need my own dragon so she's taking me to one who needs a rider." I lean in and speak into Rhaenyra's ear using telekinesis to protect us from insects and heavy winds as I slide my right hand down from Rhaenyra's waist and up her dress to her core, slowly I start to rub along her tight pussy lips.

"Wha-wha, nnngh…we shouldn't." Rhaenyra whispers in pleasure.

"We are dragons, we take what we want, fuck what we want…we are beholden to no one but ourselves." I growl in Rhaenyra's ear and slips my middle finger into her soft but crushing channel feeling all the ridges and bumps of her walls in the first inch or so locating a cluster of nerves.

'Sorrry Daemon but I'm taking your thunder from you now, I want to secure both Rhaenyra and Alicent as mine.' I think to myself as Rhaenyra really starts to get into being fingered while riding on Dragon back.