
Tutorial Finished: India

The story is about a world where people have been given special skills based on their lives. Suddenly, monsters start coming to Earth, and everyone's main goal becomes just surviving. The monsters are real, but the real danger comes from humans turning against each other. We follow a guy who just wants to make sure his family stays safe in this chaotic world where people are fighting each other more than the monsters. It's a story about how far someone will go to protect their loved ones and how tough it is to stay human when the world feels like it's falling apart.

KH_R · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

System's Oversight.

As I'm leaving, I notice some more crates out of the corner of my eye, which I decide to open.

Inside, I find many mana crystals, along with some ore. "Are these crystal shards? Why are they here in a monster base? Can these crystal shards be sold like the ones we find after killing monsters?" I pondered. "Open selling window," I say.

[Ding] [A window appears] "What would you like to do?" the system window asks. "Buy or sell?" the window inquires.

"I want to sell," I reply.

"Command input successful," the window shows.

"Opening selling window... Selling window opened."

"What would you like to sell?" the window asks again.

"I would like to sell one mana crystal and one ore from this crate," I answer, placing my hand on the crate while contemplating the potential uses and prices of the ore and mana crystal.

The window suddenly displayed a message, "Item found."

Followed by, "taking item from the user." The screen then read, "Transaction in progress... Do not close the window."

My heart raced as I anxiously awaited the outcome. But then, disappointment set in as the transaction failed. "Failed again!?" I exclaimed, feeling frustrated.

"Can I at least have my mana crystal and ore back?" I pleaded as I hovered my finger over the close button.

Suddenly, a new window popped up, stating, "Unknown item detected" and ominously declaring, "Forcibly taking the item from the user."

Startled, I took a step back, alarmed by the word "forcibly." "You can have the item, just please don't harm me," I stammered nervously.

With a swift motion, the crate vanished into thin air.

Another message appeared, stating, "Item successfully taken from the user."

"Are you kidding me?why are you taking my stuff? Well, atleast The system only took one crate," I muttered in disbelief.

One by one, the rest of the crates disappeared with a whooshing sound.

"Just my luck," I grumbled with frustration.

"I shouldn't have opened the selling window in the first place," I reflected silently as I turned away.


Another window popped up on the screen.

The message on the window stated that due to a mistake in the system, the user had come across crates containing restricted items that had already been removed from their possession. To compensate for the error, the user would receive 5K for each crate found.

"So, let me get this straight. Because you made a mistake, I get coins?" I questioned the system.

*Affirmative. Compensation for system error. User satisfaction is top priority. Coins will be added to user's account.*

"Well, thanks for the coins. I appreciate it. I'll gladly accept them," I replied cheerfully.

*System: transaction complete. User is advised to avoid unauthorized access to crates in the future.*

"Hold on. What do you mean by 'avoid unauthorized access to crates in the future'? I didn't come across the crates on purpose. It's because of you that this whole situation happened in the first place," I responded angrily.

"Let's check out how many coins I've got," I say, feeling pumped about the money I just received. "40k? Woohoo!" I exclaim enthusiastically.


Somewhere... out of bounds...

a mysterious figure observes,

"Looks like the monsters have made it to the planet and are settling in nicely." Sitting in a chair, the figure watches through the windows, monitoring events on Earth.

Suddenly, a notification sound interrupts the silence.

The figure looks at the pop-up window and lets out a sinister laugh, "Hahahaha."

However, the laughter fades as he remarks, "Restricted items on Earth? Someone is daringly bold, sending illegal goods without my knowledge."

He then turns to his right and mutters, "&%*@x!"