

It was night fall when Meadow whent to meet her brother. The clones mother and sister were under the cover of darkness. The wind blew off the waves of the sea. As warm as it was when her eyes met his it sent a chill down her spine. "I see you can listen. " JD said looking around. "I can when I want. Now where is Zephyr?" She said calmly only to have JD poin at a sand doon on a post a sack over his head. "Now come quietly and he will live." He said holding out his hand. "Su sama tivip sou talimak" She said before engaging in a lightsaber battle with him. The clashing of lightsabers could be heard. Flashes of red and purple could be seen sand was kicked up. "Dammit Meadow why can't you see what I am doing for you?! I am trying to save and protect you!" JD yells force pushing her back. "A person who truns to the darkside cand protect anyone." Meadow said runing at him. The fight went on for a few more minutes till JD realized Zephyr was not tied up. "Meadow I told you to come alone." He said lightsabers locked. "Noi semi  loczafen" she said before kicking him in his stomach. JD fell back shocked was replaced by anger. "This isn't over Meadow not by a long shot. You will join me it's only a matter of time." He said before getting up said so he could escape. Iris ,Seswak, and Meadow give chace only to return to the meeting spot. "Meds you ok?" Zephyr asked about to place his hand on her shoulder only to stop when she punched a tree. "He got away again...Dammit." She said softly. "Its ok Meds we will get him. I know we will." Zephyr said before gasping taking a step back. Meadow looked at him tears in her eyes. "I was tempted to join the dark side today more than others. I was willing to put down my own to save you. I was willing to die for you Zephyr. You are my twin if JD thinks using you and Satine is a good idea...He is wrong way wrong. All it will do is bring a side out of me he wished he didn't. " she said walking away leaving him to soak in what she said.

Iris pov

I sat with Rex watching the exchange between the twins. I sigh knowing how confused Meadow must be. "You think she will be ok?" Rex asked concerned for Meadow. "She'll be fine just needs time to cool off. Her thoughts and emotions are all over the place. All we can do is watch. We can give advice when asked but that's all. I have a feeling Meadow had to do a lot on her own and that is what's bothering her. she doesn't know how to ask for help." I said placing my hand on his. "Meadow was the rock that held us when you were not around." Rex and I gasp seeing Satine. "Meadow had JD for a while to relieve her stress and talk to. when he left she lost that out lit. so now she keeps her thoughts to herself. She need help and I think you need to step in without asking." She said before walking to Zephyr. Maybe so but what can I do for her?