
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs

Exclusive VIP

Camille was still hassling the receptionist when she heard this statement. She had not noticed Brenda at first neither did Brenda notice she was the one standing at the booking section.

Camille turned to see who was speaking of having a Chanced Session with Mr Collins and she was shocked to see who was talking.

"Brenda!" She called out almost shouting.

Brenda halted and turned, her eyes dilated when she saw Camille. Just who she didn't hope to see. She knows it was Camille who manipulatedbherr into getting rejected. The anger she had forgotten resurfaced.

"So it is you?" Camille concluded with a frown.

She didn't believe Brenda was rich enough to book Mr Collins, What other chanced session could Brenda had gotten with Mr Collins if not for having to have stolen her session!

"Me what? Me that you tried to humiliate? Yes me?" Brenda answered back.

The air was filled with invisible gun powder. It was obvious the two ladies hated each other a lot. They would probably jump at each other's throats if no one else was there.

"You thief! You stole my session!" Camille insulted.

"stole your session?" Brenda was surprised.

Camille sneered "tell me, how long did you have to sleep with Mr Collins to get a session with him?"

"I beg your pardon!"

"Miss Camille!" Brenda and the receptionist exclaimed at the same time with darkened expressions. Not only had Camille insulted Brenda but she had also insulted Mr Collins too.

"Miss Camille I urge you to withdraw your statement at once!" The Receptionist demanded angrily. Her professional ethics taught her to always please a customer and she had tried that with Camille since the lady was being unreasonable she would also not be polite to her anymore.

Camille snorted righteously. She surely wasn't the type to take being looked down on lightly. Even if she might end up being banned from the studio's forever she would make sure she take down the studio's reputation along with her.

"Did I tell a lie? If she didn't sleep with him how could this poor classless wannabe ever get a studio's session with Mr Collins? Don't tell me his standards are flexible now"

The receptionist frowned, she was mandated to not divulge customer information but at this point there was nothing she could do but explain the truth. People were starting to gather following Camille's words, if she left her accusations unattended to, they would just believe her words and the reputation of the studio would be tainted.

"Don't spout what you don't know Miss Camille. Miss Brenda was gifted a studio session with Mr Collins by our exclusive VIP"

Exclusive VIP?

Camille frowned and gritted her teeth so hard they could break off. Why was Brenda that lucky to have been noticed by an Exclusive VIP? What talent did she have to meet such criteria?.

"Oops my bad" she pretended to be apologetic but her next words showed she had no regrets "I must have misspoken but it still doesn't change the fact that she slept with someone to get her session."

Brenda threw a slap across her face instantly. Her manager had not been able to stop her in time.

"Do you think everyone is like you to seek comfort in the laps of a wealthy man?" She barked at her.

"You!" Camille held her cheek surprised. Never in her widest dream did she think Brenda would take the initiative to slap her.

"What? am I wrong? Everyone knows you got the most lecherous CEO as your backer. I'm not like you and would never be. For your information the Exclusive VIP is actually a lady who has more principles than your mother could ever have taught you" Brenda didn't also think twice to insult Camille. The anger of having almost lost her chance of taking her picture and the anger of being called a slut in front of so many people.

Her manager had a complicated look on his face, he was trying to stop Brenda from talking yet she wouldn't listen. She was just to angry to not say anything.

"You_" she cut Camille off

"I know I would probably be punished for saying all these, I might fall into an accident or get named from the industry or be involved in a scandal I'm innocent of but since you dared defame me I don't mind speaking the truth. I have no power to stop your back neither do I have the power to stop you when you try to suppress me but I want you to know one thing. One day the truth about you shall be revealed to the whole world and everyone shall remember I said so today" She said then walked towards Camille.

"Try attacking me after this and everyone that just witnessed this shall be the one to tear you down in front of the world" She whispered, making Camille to get annoyed.

The reason she was able to attack Camille so openly was because there was a bunch of witnesses around. Her last words had also indirectly suggested to the people watching that if anything was to happen to her after now, Camille and her back were to blame for it. People believe more in speculations, everyone that was here now would have their eyes out to any bad news of Brenda. Her meeting any bad new would only confirm that Camille had a wealthy backer.

With her head held high Brenda walked out of the place with her manager.

Pride and a sense of gratitude reflected in her eyes. She could only ever had stood up for herself due to the words that person.

That beautiful face appeared in her head.

Regret and guilt also appeared in her heart. She had only spared that lady a few glances and thought she was one of Camille's type. She judged her wrongly. If she could she would turn back the hands of time and say a small greeting to her.

Gisele. She'd keep that name in mind.

Fate had brought them together for a reason. If it willed, they would meet again.

Devon and Chloe happened to see the scene as they also left the studio. He was less concerned about what was happening but the girl beside him seemed to be affected by it.

"Who do you think the Face of Glamor is?" Chloe whispered to Devon.

They had gone to meet Mr Collins and he had requested that they waited for a few minutes to attend to the person requested by the Face of Glamor, so they knew the Exclusive VIP Brenda had talked about was the Face of Glamor.

"It could be anyone" he shrugged, still a certain girl's exiting figure came to mind when he said this. He immediately brushed it off.

'It could not have been her' he thought

How degrading, but that was still what he thought.

Chloe sighed "When will I ever get to be such a respected person?"

"soon enough" He playfully pinched her cheeks and said.

The girl's eyes glowed in expectation and elation. It was like she could see that day before her eyes. She nodded "mmhmm I'll keep working hard"