
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs

A plan?

Knock! Knock!

The knock resounded a couple of time but then no body turned up to open the door. Aunty Lou was worried so she turned the door knob and opened the door.

Looking into the room, she saw the girl laying on her bed with a book opened on her chest. She looked peaceful while at sleep. Her chest heaved up and down slowly.

She had come to inform this miss that dinner would be served in one hour but the miss was still sleeping. Aunty Lou moved to close the door but then noticed the full trash can.

"I better take that out" She pushed the door wider and walked in.

As she bent to pick up the trash can, her eyes caught the still opened sketch book on the table. Surprise and admiration appeared on her face. She couldn't stop herself from picking up the book, albeit with careful hands. The design was not a dress yet still it looked pretty expensive. If anything should happen to the design in her hands she wasn't sure she would be able to pay for it. It was just to beautiful. Even she who was an elderly woman couldn't help cover such a dress.

The design, the colour, the style, everything fit so perfectly. It was almost like it was drawn by the hands of a god.

Aunty Lou looked at the girl on the bed. A satisfied smile appear on her face. The girl wasn't only beautiful but she had a good personality. She wasn't pretentious, she was kindhearted and very easy to please. She didn't ask for much and would take whatever she is given. Such a wonderful personality with also a shocking talent like this. Sigh it was such a blessing to have such a lady as your wife. If only her master could see that.

She placed the book back on the table. Also helped in arranging the drawing equipment in an orderly manner before leaving the room.

As she walked out if the room, she had a regretful look on her face, also a hint of anger and displeasure.

"Old Lou what is the matter?" Butler Ken asked when he saw the woman's face.

Her brow creased "our miss... She's so perfect. How come master doesn't see this?"

Butler Ken sighed "I have the same question too."

She explained to him the design she saw in Gisele's room. The man too was overwhelmed with admiration.

"I have taken care of master for so long, it's hard for me to see him make a mistake" Aunty Lou commented.

Everytime she remembers that her master was punishing Gisele just so he could be with that Lady she couldn't help but feel revolted. Butler Ken understood this feeling too. Their Master had brought home this girlfriend once before and they had gotten to meet her. At first they were willing to accept her as their madam but after getting to truly know who the girl was. They could only distanced themselves from her.

Now that they had found a perfect Miss, how could they turn a blind eye to their master's wrong choice?

"I feel the same way" Butler Ben said then paused, a sly smile graced his thin lips. "that's why I have come up with a plan"

"a plan?"

He went ahead and whispered this so called plan to Aunty Lou. Her face lit up in elation still she was uncertain. "Will this work?"

"If he is the master I know then it surely would work no doubt"

Their faces was ridden with smiles, it was like they could see their plans coming to pass already.


Over at the other side of Axilla city.

In a semi condo apartment. Sounds of glass breaking emitted from the house, followed by slurry murmurs and occasional yells and exclamation. In the brightly lit apartment, a middle aged woman fumed, thrashing to the ground everything her hand touch. Her movements were slurry and unstable as we're her words.

It was obvious, she might have spent a lot of hours as well as money in a town bar.

"I have never been so humiliated like this in my life." She slurred then curse "That bitch! I just wish I could strangle her with my bare hands"

This woman was the same woman Gisele and Claudia had encountered in the gallery.

"Aunty Lina please calm down. It's bad for your health if you get too angry" The young assistant in the room tried persuading the last but her words only succeeded in riling Lina even more than she was already was.

"Angry?" Anger was an understatement to what she was feeling at the moment. She could never—not in a lifetime forget what the two ladies did to her today.

For the first time in her life, she was tossed out of a venue like a common beggar. Even a mere security had the audacity to look at her with contemptuous eyes.

It was all their fault!

If it wasn't those two ladies disgracing her in public and making her look petty would she have been treated like that? They deserve to be humiliated too! She surely shouldn't be the only one who get embarrassed.

"Get me my phone!" She yelled at the assistant.

The girl scurried around the scattered room and dug out a phone from her bag.

"Here" She snatched the phone out of the girl's hand. She could not see clearly, so she battles with the blurry names on the screen before finally succeeding in dialing a number.

The line rang the first time and nobody picked it up. She frowned and dialed it again. It rang the second time and instead it was directly cut off by the person.

"This bitch! How dare she cut my call?! She better pick up if she knows what good for her!" She harrumphed and tried again. It rang a couple of times with no answer. After what felt like the tenth time. The line suddenly connected.

"What have you been doing?! Why haven't you picked my call? You even dared cut it off?!" She lashed at the person on the other side immediately the call connected.

"I told you not to call unnecessary didn't I?" The other person's irritated voice rang out from the other side of the phone, then it went silent. The person then asked "why have you called me? What do you want?"

Lina's frowned and looked displeased. Her drunk face morphed into an aggrieved look. She shashayed to one of the couch and took her sit.

"Are you also planning on humiliating me? Must I endure humiliation from outsiders and also from my niece?" She sounded like she was going to cry but she looked far from it. A bottle of unfinished wine swirling in her hands and a leisure look on her face.

The line went silent for a second then the voice rang out again "who humiliated aunty?"

"It was those two slimy Ladies. Those bitches that think they could ride on me and my niece because we are not up to their level" She dragged the so-called niece into the accusations. The two who were being accused would not be surprised with how Lina had contorted the truth.

"What happened?"

"I told you I was going to the gallery to get some painting as a gift as we have planned. They were trying to sell off a bad painting for an enormous price. I spoke up against that only to be tagged as an ignorant and stupid woman_" Lina continued explaining the story. Half of what She ended up narrating was nothing like what had really happened, it must have only happened such way in her head.

"You should have called Mara. I gave her that golden card. The signature on that card can get you out anywhere. Why didn't you use it?"

"Such an important thing should be used on import cases. How could I use it in such trivial cases" She defended "Beside I never even got the chance to defended myself. She and her despicable daughter slapped me twice and then I was tossed out of the gallery like a common thief!"

"Barbara You have to avenge your aunty! Those two people dared treat me like that despite knowing I was your aunt, they bragged about outshining you especially that Pretty faced slut. It would be a shame on your name if you didn't punish them" She cried into the phone. Her face shrouded with deep hatred.

There was a slight pause on the phone, it was as if the person on the other side was considering what she had said. Then a sigh rang out. "Fine find out who they were and I'll return the favor. But Aunty there would be no next time. If you ever meet such circumstances just use the card and don't call me for such trivial things. You could blow my cover"

Whatever her nice had said was none of Lina's business. She nodded her head happily "Yes Yes I agree. I'll get their name and send to you. Make sure you give them a big punishment okay?"

A groan sounded and the call was cut.

Lina was beaming with smiles. She tossed the phone on the couch and gulped the wine in her hand.

Hmph! Did that witch think she was the only one who had a strong backer? Well her niece had all the strong backers one could think of. Jusy one of her backer was enough to wipe out their whole lineage. They should just wait and see!