

Dead. Dead. Dead. Why. Why. Why. I didn't mean. I didn't want. Here though it was. They were all gone and it was my fault. I hadn't been strong enough to stop the man from killing my Family. My Wonderful little Familia, and it was all my fault. Looking over at each one of my friend's dead bodies I memorized what they looked like before I to died from blood loss. Reborn. Kyoko. Hayato. Kyoya. Chrome. Mukuro. Takeshi. Ryohei. Lambo. More countless more who had joined me in this battle that determined the worlds future, and we had failed. Slowly everything went dark.

When this happened the world grew still. Life had seemingly stopped, and then like a clock would when you rewind it. Time reversed. Trees healed. Life once more existed. Dry bones were brought back into entirety and even age was reversed. But while all this happened one thing seemed to happen throughout all of this time. A glowing ball of energy slowly fell to a body that stayed on the ground in the same position it once found itself in years before. Then with a flash and bright light everything resumed. This time with one change. A changed that would manifest in the boy of destiny.

Waking up from the ground I instantly went into a battle position as years of mafia work and Reborn's lectures forced it's work into me. Laughing crazily I looked around me wondering just why in the world my friends weren't beside me. Thinking for a second I decided I was most likely in heaven. However to me, what was heaven without my familia. That's when I heard it, a faint call from the distance getting up I made my way towards the sound and finally came upon the sight of Yamamoto swinging his bat in practice. The scene brought tears to my eyes as I started thinking, maybe just maybe I was actually in heaven. Walking up to him he turned to me with confusion in his eyes and asked something that made me space out for a second. "Tsuna? Is that your name?"

Obviously it was nothing but a cruel prank I decided in a bit of insanity brought by my recent death. Laughing at it I nodded my head playing along. "That's my name." Still in the same seriousness he kept talking to me causing me to panic more and more. "Is there anything I could do for you?" Frowning I decided to test it following my intuition. "You don't remember what you promised me?" Shaking his head no I froze. Instantly I knew somehow, this wasn't my Yamamoto, yet it was. Thinking of one possible thing I looked towards the sky, then took a look at the largest building in the City. Sure enough it was still their. I had somehow either gotten myself stuck into some dream like after life, or somehow I had gone back into the past. Looking towards my intuition for answers I brought out two cards and let my intuition decide which it was. Pulling out a two on the card I knew I had somehow ended up in the past.

Thinking I could only think of one thing that could allow such a thing and I started to wonder how it would be effected. " Will Lambo's Bazooka still work anymore thanks to this, or will a new version of me replace my future self. It honestly could even be that the old version of my future will be the future I can change with. After all I didn't change with a younger version of myself 3 years ago when I used it. Stopping such thoughts that seemed to be affecting all my choices I tried to calm down. Looking at Yamamoto who was looking at me as if I was mentally insane I decided it wasn't time yet to bring my familia back together. First I knew deep down I needed to settle my own heart. "Oh well I guess you forgot. Well if I ever need your help in the future one day would you be willing to help?"

Feeling absolutely weirded out Yamamoto quickly agreed. "Sure, just come find me when you need my help. Be sure to take care... Tsuna." So with that I took my first step towards home, unable to stop the grin that almost split my face as I couldn't wait to see mom. Another thought also come to me as I walked that way. "Maybe I can save all those I were unable to previously, and this time I'll take care of those who betrayed me." Hearing a Ding... I decided to ignore it for now and head home. Maybe I was still crazy after all the things that had been happening to me. Frankly, something felt different though at that moment. As if some final line had been crossed.