
Tryst Under The War [BL, Omegaverse,Action]

Rius is an inexperienced dominant omega if not more dominant than a normal dominant omega who is strangled by the marriage that was arranged but to his knowledge he doesn't even know who is his arranged partner yet he meets an alpha who along the way fell in love with him. On his way to the stadium he is brought to the Phantasmal Realm in an accident by the light jellies and fought a goddess who is unknown to him, after surviving the battle he reunited with the alpha whom he newly met with the unforeseen future coming to them, can they change the fates design?

ChaosBride · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Chapter 17 - A Conundrum Of Troubles 2

I was afraid, i was giving up this life that i had built up from the past to the present yet a lingering hope is still within me even if i were a weak human from this predicament I'm in.

A God art is not a mere joke to be laughed at.

"So you're not going to give up?"

Covered in bruises and wounds i still lift up my head high for i cannot abandon my friend and i scornfully looked at her without chanting her spell. I knew it I'm no match for her she uses an advanced mind casting technique, a technique which is a process of casting spell in a more quick way.

A scythe of violet colour appears on her hand growing in size with unique markings on it as aura of magic power was surging from that scythe i couldn't imagine how much power that thing will deal in a single blow. I couldn't fathom it's daunting power pointing at me but again i encourage myself to keep calm in this dire situation, my friend is there that i must protect him at all cost for i am his friend and so is he that he will be with me at all times. These were rhe thoughts that roamed around in my head, thinking that he is special.

She swings her big scythe on Rius's direction but to my reaction i reached out my hands on the air to the direction of that woman.


On the shore of the city of Melsburg ,her scythe faced the ocean splitting it on half by five kilometres wide, her eyes widened and became shocked.

"Did that young omega teleport me from that mountain side school to the shore?"

She said with an amused voice, she laughs uncontrollably and gives off a sigh.

"You're not bad at all by teleporting me to the shore with my strike you're able to save yourself and the school from harm, i commend you for that"

I need to be fast as i can! Even if it were to fail i must try! Maybe another angel art will do! I don't know who that woman is but i must get on my feet and stand up for myself!

"Jaws of God that bare the power of the night, hear me and my plea, thy power is sublime and true, cause thy night of blindness to my enemy and come! Liliel!"

A dark ball appears above my head and gathers it's power in front of my finger, she goes back teleporting with her deformed scythe.

"Looks like you missed hitting your God art! Now shoot it all!"

She gasped under her veil and got shot by the dark ball of the night blinding her sight. She struggled with her eye sight and hovered around the air.

Now! I need to perform this God art at once and finish her off! Did it work though? Still i must do this even if it doesn't.

The sword i gripped on formed into a light that remakes itself into a bow, i know i had no chance of winning against in a toe to toe or even hand to hand combat, there's no chance of saying that I'll be alive to tell the tale if i didn't use my brajn from this very moment because as a human living in struggle is one the things that a human can live get strong to.

I positioned my bow towards and i let out a breath deeply.

"Bow of the merciless, the goddess of hunt that pierces the bones of enemies, bane of the world! The darkness that envelopes the light shall perish!"

"W-what happened?!my eye sight?! It's gone?! What's this sorcery?!" She gasped in surprise "Liliel?!"

The mana around me gathered at the center of my bow, the wind brushing to my face that makes my hair sway from it's gentle touch.

"Wind that guides the arrows, light that beacons under the touch of darkness, wind and light go forth and banish the darkness from your roaming smite, hear me the goddess of hunt and smite my enemy with your Arrow! Artemis!"

"A god art?!"she exclaimed.

I panted for breathes, my body getting more lump that it should be for over exhausting my mana, the depletion was more than enough for me to cough up blood and i seemed scared but my friend is there resting unknowingly, I don't know what happened but I'll protect you no matter what the cause for you are my dear friend! The arrow of light became dense and before i could launch my attack, my eyes have gone hazy, my legs couldn't keep up with me making me fall down from my knees. Liliel couldn't hold her back any much longer but something did make me happy, it was the completion of the spell but i wonder will it be okay? I closed my eyes falling in a deep slumber.

Liliel finally breaks down but the magic of Artemis was left floating.

Floating above Vinanciel it acts like a black hole swirling and sucking up the air.

"Brat! Why would he cast a spell that he couldn't even complete?! At this rate it'll destroy more than half of the city! Although before this fight began in the first place I've casted a huge sleeping spell around the city even without my sleeping spell with just my mana itself it's causing the sea to make a whirlpool on it's own"

The raging winds were angry with the oceans but this goddess had a stoic expression under the situation happening.

No accidents were happening during this time, because if she didn't consider things out someone might've died from a crash already from the sudden sleep, of course it was handled easily by making the cars stop gently and casts the spell in the whole city with sleep magic.

The magic leftover by Vinanciel was swirling violently, this goddess came forward to it and thrown it to the sky.

"There that should do!"

The light caused a big explosion on the sky almost ripping the firmament, it roared like a lion making the leaves of the trees below move violently from the shockwave. The goddess erected a barrier around the whole school protecting all of the people in it at once. She carried the young inside and hid him inside the stadium, she looked outside with the messy landscape from the battle.

"Landscape Repair"

At her command all the damages she caused were fixed with the damage from the stadium were repaired in an instant.

On the tower of the city a huge bang of light came down. The goddess turned her head to that directed.

"Well if isn't the prince" she uttered under her veil.

I feel so refreshed after taking a nap and i heard a voice coming not far away from me and i woke up feeling the sudden pain in my head. There i peaked behind the curtains that seemed to hide me from the scene as i saw him, that familiar handsome face. But a thought came to mind, i did pass out from over mana exhaustion and body exhaustion but who brought my body inside? i brushed off the topic and got immensely interested on what's happening right now.

"Something unusual has happened yet here i am having these romantic thoughts"

Eh? What's he saying? What is this all About? But what about that woman?! I must go find her!

I carefully watched him carefully as he put his ear on Rius's chest after some time he carried him and i followed them because i was curious for who was that man really.

And i smell the pheromones coming off of him and my gut feeling was telling me to not chase after them.

If i think deeply they might go to the infirmary and rest for a while.

Instead i checked out our classroom making me shook in shock, everyone was asleep.

"What just happened here? They're all put into sleep? Only an angel art could cause this much" i touched my chin in a deep thought and one came to mind "Why shouldn't i check the other classrooms?"

The other classroom had the the same result as the first classroom i checked, my body having cramps all over, i sighed...it's not like i have menstrual problems I'm not even a girl! To my last decision i decided to go to the infirmary instead but the dense pheromones made me back off and i pinched my nose for that.

"What the heck is happening here? their pheromones are so thick! i must get away!"

You know even if you're body is all lump and weak there's no way you'd let yourself get a sniff of that Alpha pheromones of a guy that's interested in your friend like? let's be for real I'm not into seducing alpha that are taken but here's the question can i even subdue the guy if he's dominant and is an Enigma there's no way I'd win in the battle of pheromones they're at the top of the food chain!

I sighed again "Looks like sighing is a signature thing in the story"

I go to somewhere else walking through the halls of the school going upwards on the stairs that lead to the rooftop, i see a superstar that was familiar and not the professor it seems that before this he must've left already for classes he might on the other side of the building sleeping in a deep slumber like the others, his hair had the colour of jade, his haircut was an undercut, his body was lean muscular that i thought his body was sculpted by the gods themselves, my mouth gaped as stood up from his seat.

"C-chris Thunderson?"

I just woke up from my sleep and i created this chapter quickly TvT I'm sorry for the late update Ó╭╮Ò

ChaosBridecreators' thoughts