
Tryst Under The War [BL, Omegaverse,Action]

Rius is an inexperienced dominant omega if not more dominant than a normal dominant omega who is strangled by the marriage that was arranged but to his knowledge he doesn't even know who is his arranged partner yet he meets an alpha who along the way fell in love with him. On his way to the stadium he is brought to the Phantasmal Realm in an accident by the light jellies and fought a goddess who is unknown to him, after surviving the battle he reunited with the alpha whom he newly met with the unforeseen future coming to them, can they change the fates design?

ChaosBride · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

Chapter 12 - The Lady In Black Part 2


<Naiad> took a step back gritting their teeth towards the prince with a sound of hissing, the prince grabbed Chris then threw him up to the direction of the soldiers, the result being Chris to groan from the pain his feeling from the pain of exhaustion and bruises he gained.


"We'll catch you Captain!"


They caught Chris and he feels like he's about to throw up, he looked up to the sky, the sulken emotions through his face.

"My prince why do you not have mercy for my body" He said in a saddened tone.

The soldiers were now together and three of them came forward with the courageousness in their hearts, these hearts were seemingly wanting to aide the prince.

"W-we'll help you!"

One stuttered, Chris couldn't help but laugh briefly to these three.

His voice was a bit coarse and he sighed.

"I don't need help" The prince sternly said making the trio who stood up shiver, as he were clashing his sword, blocking the attack of the Anticleseus. They only watched the prince use his sword in a swift manner with amazement on their faces. The scenery of this battle was to behold the extraordinary strength of the prince of the world while the swords spoke from the movements of the users. If the Prince's sword was speaking the emotions of justice,then the sword of Naiad spoke the words of malice from each strikes.

Now the squadron were just floating to the surface of the sea chattering.

"Captain who is he?" asks one soldier with sparkles for eyes.

Some nodded "Mhm".

Chris had a contorted expression on his face thinking it was ridiculous that they didn't know the prince.

"Have you guys been living under a rock?"

He sighed and glanced towards the back of the prince engaged in battle.

"That person right in front of us, is one of the greatest entities to exist in the world, a child given blessing to the world in a century or the required millennial years that gave life to the unshaped mana that now breathes as his sword spoke, one with great power that could have access to the power of a higher power, he has the great prowess in battle that could overcome the troubles of the evil,he has great mana capacity, he has the face of royalty that even an Enigma bows to him for his elegance, a powerhouse of the current world and one of the Prince's that holds dominion over a planet in the star cluster, An Enigma amongst Enigmas,he was so dominant he could turn Enigmas into great Omegas"

"W-what?! T-that's impossible!"Exclaimed one soldier.

[Do you guys even watch televisions about his majesty?] Chris said in his thoughts with an annoyance painted on his face.

"Ah well I've been just doing training day by day in the Corps since i was young, now we're cannon fodders for this event, it's lucky that we're still alive" said one soldier that was beside Chris.

"Oh wait! He's that prince??" Said the one was helping Chris rests on his arms.

"You know about him?"asked Chris.

"Yes, The user of the powers of Messiah,Banshee,Hercules,Rah and Sekhmet and a special race higher ranking than an Enigma..."He gulped and watched the Prince in a stare with a sweat running down his chin "Nemesis" The name of this individual with flared driven eyes has the name, Kiel.

Chris nodded "Seems that you know your stuff, right he is our prince, the ruler of the current world, Prince Alistair Vislewain Claudemist The Sword Bearer of Sekhmet"

They were more amazed to the introduction of this prince from the lips of their captain as if he spoke in righteousness and they looked at him fighting.

"The Sword Bearer of Sekhmet huh? What a great title"

Chris chuckled "Indeed".

'Even I couldn't hold a candle to him, now that he is in his prime, I don't think one of the people around the world could rival his power akin to a god'.

"You're wasting my time you fiend"

Alistair said with his voice in a stern tone. In a flash of unnoticed dash, he vanishes similar to a teleport in great speed coming behind <Naiad> grabbing it's neck then threw them in midair, again he vanished in thin air ,punching the gut of the humanoid Anticleseus upward.


<Naiad> secreted it's fluids from it's mouth from the merciless punch. She had flown high up in midair ,then got kicked to the side of her body,the body that splashes in sea like a rock thrown in water,the rough kisses of her thumping body made her face looked in front to the surface of the sea on midair after floating from the splash, a catching up of Alistair was above her.

"I'm not done yet" He said in eyes that were glaring to her.

"Damn he's merciless, poor Valkyrie" mumbled one soldier in full of sympathy towards her.

He grabs her head without her having to react in time,being thrown again in midair, he kicked <Naiad> back and forth horizontally in midair in great speeds, in that occasion the mouths of the members of the squadron gaped. The flustered faces were filled with the brim of horror as the creeping feeling of torture crawled on their skin like goosebumps.

"Did he just played soccer in midair?"

"A humanoid Anticleseus at that too"

Alistair in like a slow motion in a moment in time to his own field of vision was clenching his fist that mowed her down with the extreme punch of heavy damage being dealt to her.

"Gah-" <Naiad> coughed at that point while being pushed downward from the knockback of the punch on her gut.

She collided to the ocean with a big splash of water, as the once flustered people became flabbergasted expressions that were expressed greatly. This was a stunt of danger that none of them could do, kicking a magical inverted creature that could kill the lives of weak people easily was being thrown like a soccer ball and that strength alone was a place they could never reach beyond their strengths.

<Naiad> came out of the ocean below, her trembling crossed rapiers protected herself with her rapiers now cloaked in dark murky water coming from the ocean, the swirled power of the rapier swords were cowering in pain yet as it gets closer to the ocean, it gets darker, it enveloped both of her rapiers with that malevolent magic from her mana forming that art.

"That's more like it"

"What's that?"

"A Demon Art"

"R-really? That's my first time seeing one in action"

"You peasants! Retreat at once!" Shouted Alistair.


Chris gasped "Shit!Move away!"

They couldn't dodge in time , at this very moment the curved lips of that fully sinful creature <Naiad> grinned it's mouth, then a wave of darkened sharp and dense water now was going towards the Squadron, their screams of agitation were unavoidable.

Alistair were fast enough to move in front the Squadron, the spear was close being 2 metres away from Alistair. To his fast reaction, his hands gripping on his sword from downward to upward attempting to cut off the magic itself, this act was the rejection of his choice of the conclusion of his teammates being killed was shattered.

The spear like wave of dense water magic was cut in half in time by the movement of Alistair's sword, the sword was crying in victory of it's attempt of cutting the dense magic, the user swayed the sword downward making the sword reject the water it got, and to it's luster was the luster of a pride that denied that very same magic.

"Go!"Alistair shouted, now drenched in wet water, they nodded and ran away from the battlefield.

"Shit we were a burden" said one soldier while running.

"Can he take care of it by himself?"

Chris being carried uttered "He can defeat it! now let's go!"

[ Shit...that was close to hit my party members, this creature is quite intelligent to strike the weakened ones, also why is it a C+?] Alistair thought as he bit his lips in annoyance [There hasn't been a rank plus being seen but here i am looking at one in front of me]

He flinched as there was a spear down below him ,yet he avoided it in time. He used flight to evade the water spears that were in advance to hit him when he moved in flight, in a distance the arm of <Naiad> was reaching out, casting the spell below the ocean creating water spears like a trap in it's domain. In every spear made from the surface was each of it was not hitting him, he smirked as to mock that existence.

"That's it you punk! You're boring me at first but I guess you can blow up some steam!" He shouted, her face comtorts into a provoked expression.

This time, the ocean below him in advance using water bomb spell exploded like a splash of water in the form of a water blob. She widened her eyes when she turned around ,he her kicked from behind then she rolled from the collision and force of his kicks while still floating on the water after.

"So you thought that will loose focus using my flight? Think again primate"

Her body still floats and stood up trembling on her wavering strength but her neck was choked by Alistair, he glared at this creature that was a humanoid in Valkyrie suit armour, her body turned frozen cold as the shivering cold of winter frost crossed the linings of his skin and froze his choking grasp letting his arm caught up to it being glued to her neck almost permanently. Behind him was her pointing her rapiers attempting to stabbing him.

In the command room everyone gasped from the happening,the reason being him was stabbed from behind.

"Oh no! The Prince!"

"My prince!" Shouted Chris.

"Current status of the Prince at once!"

A staff looked to his status and was one hundred percent okay in the monitor, the staff looked in confusion.

"I- it says he's one hundred percent fine Sire!"

"What do you mean?! He's been stabbed!"

"Commander watch!" Shouted one of the staff.

They all watched through the window light screens in front of them in serious eyes.

"Mirage of Death"he uttered, the body she peirced dispersed into fine ash dust along with the frozen fake body of her disintegrating in frost snow eaten up by the ocean below them.

"If you think that's enough to kill me you're stupid" Choking her once more this time.

They all gasped in relief.

"The prince is okay!"

"No way what did he do?"asks the soldier that was helping Chris stand up.

"A special trick"

[ Nobody would know what happened to that moment, he was chanting a spell while fighting for any suprise occurrence of attacks that might be fatal, a chant that was silent throughout the battle, the chant of death and destruction and by borrowing the power of death he let himself be stabbed to activate the Art in a mysterious way called silent chanting.] Chris thought.

"Now die"

He choked the neck of <Naiad> hard letting the creature cough up blue blood, her eyes was filled with disdain and hissed her voice.


"Touch of Destruction"


The creature screamed in pain as cracks of black like tattoos being engraved on her scattered around her body beginning to her feet, she squirmed in a struggle trying to get off his hands, her rapiers turned into hands that were merely trying to force her neck out of his grip that were handling her neck.

"As you wish"

[There is another special trick to it, a death exchanged with another death, in a way her attack had gone against her but with the help of the power of destruction, that is his power over destruction, a technique handed by Sekhmet]

He lets go of the creature and she screamed more loud from the excruciating pain she felt before her body could touch the ocean, her body dispersed like ashes in the air falling to the ocean like dust only to become the most trivial existence lowering from the depths of the sea.

"My future wife is waiting for me" He said mumbling to himself.

All the staff,soldiers and the commander was silence, then a big cheer came out of them.

The commander sighed in relief and said.

"The defeat of the C+ Class rank <Naiad> has been defeated!"

The staff cheered and whispers.

"That's cold as fuck"mumbled one soldier while watching.

"Would you like to go toe to toe with him bro?" One soldier resting his arm around the neck of his fellow soldier.

"I wouldn't but with you yeah"

"That could both ways ya know?"

He chuckled.

Chris had a cringed expression on his face watching two soldiers flirt in the command room, it was then the time that he arrived with his companions on the command room with relieved faces.

Then he thought something.

[Huh?? Wife??Did i hear that right??]

"Wife?!" He exclaims in exaggeration.

Sekhmet - Daughter of the sun god Ra, she was known for wielding wild, untamable powers of destruction, war and pestilence, and her most famous epithet was “The One Before Whom Evil Trembles.”

I really love myths! actually i read some stories about her in the story called Ennead and i loved how she is the goddess of destruction there, in fact that's the first time I've known of her.

ChaosBridecreators' thoughts